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Module 6: Final Reflections

Prompt #1:
Yes, this module did set a foundation that elaborated on the element of
mindfulness that develops throughout the rest of the course. The meaning behind
the movie Invictus worked really well because it provided me with new
perspectives on how to handle conflict. It allowed me to reflect in my own
behaviors by putting myself in his shoes, I felt resentment towards the group of
people who incarcerated him for 27 years. I learned from the film that Mr.
Mandela had a different perspective on how he views the situation, he saw the
bigger picture of the influence he could make in the long run for the good of his
country. The video “Mindfulness” also played a key element in this course
because it made me reflect on being present and experience the “now” while we
are alive.

Prompt #2:
In Module 2 the four steps of the Aikido Way were explained, my biggest take
away was staying center. By staying calm, relaxed, and present gave me a fresh
perspective and allowed me to find a new way to respond back or look for new
solutions. I took away that we become trapped in our thinking and by staying
focus, calm, and using creative processes we can come up with numerous ways
to resolve problems.

Prompt #3:

I found great value in Module 3 by learning the "Spitting Out the Hook" skill. It will
help me deal with conflict effectively because this skill allowed me to try to
suspend assumptions and start listening for insights. By unhooking myself I was
able to remain centered, by pausing, using the 6-second rule, and asking
questions for clarity, to hold a “neutral space” where I can listen with depth and
try to identify the event and reaction. The quizzes were fair, as well as I gained
new knowledge from the book “Resolving Conflicts at Work.”

Prompt #4:

Yes, I was able to learn this new skill by learning this mental model to improve
my listening tendencies. The goal of this model was to identify what happened,
the event, and what the other person is feeling, the reaction. It will also help me
deal with conflict in a more effective way because it takes professional
development to hear the other person in-depth.
Prompt #5:

This new skill that I learned allowed me to focus on how to communicate

effectively what I want. By communicating with assertiveness I was able to
communicate and express clearly my experience and my reaction to the event. It
can help me deal with conflict because I will be able to express my “wants”
therefore the other person has clear options and know the consequences for bad
behaviors. It will help me express my “wants” without throwing out the hooks by
making sure I take step 3 and express the value that I have for the person I’m
dealing with.

Prompt #6:

I was able to learn the steps of the “SAY YES” skill and it will help me to try to
mediate the conflict by exploring the interests beneath the positions. I do feel
confident about using the SAY YES model by remembering “the critical question.”
I learn that this type of question will help me look for new pathways to find a win-
win solution.

Prompt #7:

This semester was challenging due to this worldwide pandemic, but overall I
thought the workload was fair and manageable. I found great value to be able to
practice what I learned with a partner in each module. This allowed me to
practice the models and by trying to teach, I was able to learn new insights.

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