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4.5 Incorporate Appendix 3.

1 is an iPad use agreement I co-constructed with my 2020 prep

strategies to class when we received iPads to enhance our learning program. We use the
promote the iPads to support our guided reading and open inquiry time, as evidenced the
safe, provocation planner, appendix 3.2. We talked about how to look after devices
responsible and externally and internally and how to be safe online. Then we thought of and
ethical use of shared statements of what we need to do to be safe and responsible while
ICT in learning using them. Agreeing that ‘we stay on the app’, ‘we leave ads alone’ and ‘we
and teaching. tell the teacher if something pops up’ will keep students away from
inappropriate materials or virus causing content, ensuring they are responsible
and safe online. By students agreeing that ‘we are gentle’, ‘we carry the iPads
with two hands’ and ‘we use clean hands’ ensures the students are responsible
for their ICT use and respecting the equipment. By stating that ‘we use the
iPads for learning’ means that students are being responsible students and
using the iPads ethically. If the students were older and more competent
online we would also discuss illegally downloading, copying and hacking online
in regards to ethical use of ICT. I use ICT as part of my everyday teaching
program, for example my iPad to take student photos, my laptop to record
their thinking or the smart board to watch an online video. When I am using
ICT I am always modelling safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT. For example,
an ad popped up when we were accessing YouTube and I explained to the
students that if we are not sure what it is we need to close out of it. When I log
into the smart board they try and guess my password and I explain to the
students about keeping yourself safe and when you have a password you need
to keep it a secret, modelling responsible ICT use in my teaching. Again if the
students were older and had a deeper understanding of ICT and the online
space we would discuss ethical use at school and home, not downloading
content without correct permission, not using gateway websites to access
blocked material at school and use of social media. Incorporating these
strategies to promote safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT supports
students to be protected using ICT at school and at home. Creating this culture
of high expectations when using ICT, through technology agreements like
appendix 3.1, and modelling exemplary use ensures students are maximising
their learning when using ICT and not wasting time playing games or being
distracted by inappropriate content. Students are learning transferable and
relevant tools for life, as ICT will be a likely component of their current and
future home, school and work lives. As a teacher it is only of the many roles I
have and one of the many behaviours I model to the students. I believe it is my
responsibility to ensure students are being safe, responsible or ethical using
material or devices that I have prescribed for learning. I consider it part of my
duty of care during teaching and learning time to ensure that they are only
having positive and appropriate experiences using ICT. I will continue to
incorporate the strategies when students use ICT and when I am modelling the
use of my own ICT. I will also continue to evolve my strategies as the
technology and programs continue to develop and change.
2.6 Use Appendix 3.2 is a provocation planner for my 2020 foundation class where I
effective have implemented effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into our
teaching everyday learning to support and help build connections for our whole class
strategies to inquiries. ICT is integrated in our provocations around the classroom, where
integrate ICT students can engage in play-based learning opportunities throughout the day
into learning and before school begins. The provocations are used effectively as a teaching
and teaching strategy to give students the opportunity to explore concepts, make
programs to connections and consolidate their learning at their own pace and in play. The
make selected provocations my students and I co design are a crucial part of our routine and
content learning journey. They provide the provocations for three weeks, sometimes
relevant and removing them earlier if they are not achieving their learning purpose or
meaningful. continuing if students have evolved the provocation or are still deep in
exploration. ICT is included in this three-week cycle for term three in three
purposeful and meaningful ways. The provocation plan details the learning
experiences, identifies if some experiences are child or parent initiated,
specifies if the provocations are extending learning and links the learning to
the Australian Curriculum Foundation Achievement Standards. I have included
ICT to support our English learning by providing an opportunity for students to
experience word process. I have an area set up with tablets, sound and
alphabet charts and photos to prompt writing ideas. I am using the strategy to
provide students with a meaningful opportunity to experience word
processing. ICT is also incorporated in a Mathematics provocation to address
the achievement standard ‘Count to and from 20 and order small collections.’ I
have provided crocheted ducks, duck themed counting picture books and the
‘5 Little Ducks’ song available on an iPad. The iPad is providing students with
the opportunity to model the song with the ducks and make the connection
between the ducks and counting. ICT further supports our play-based learning
experiences for the Science Achievement Standard ‘Suggest how the
environment affects them and other living things.’ Here I have set the iPad up
for students to view a live streamed zoo enclosure, a different enclosure every
day. ICT is supporting the students to observe how living things behave and
interact with the environment. Many students choose to view this in small
groups and have had conversations about the contents of the enclosure, how
the animals interact with each other and how the handlers look after them. In
this example ICT has been the stimulus for a relevant, meaningful and
curriculum linked student conversation. Incorporating ICT into the classroom
means that I can represent their learning and concepts in meaningful and
relevant way. The incorporation of ICT here allows my students to access
something we could not ordinarily. At this stage of our learning we are unable
to go on excursions, due to health restrictions, so the iPad is providing an
experience we would otherwise miss out on. My students are also highly
engaged and interested by ICT, iPads in particular, and by placing an iPad as
part of a provocation I can guarantee most students will engage with the
learning once or more. Building ICT into our provocation plan and daily learning
experiences is also showing students that their technology at home can be
used in different ways, not just for streaming media or playing games. As a
teacher incorporating ICT is part of our everyday practice, the students see me
use my laptop every day to support our learning, so I believe it is fair they are
given daily opportunities to support their own learning with ICT. I also
understand that these students will be required to use ICT increasingly more as
they move to higher grades, so I believe it is important that they are able to
learn the basic navigational skills and have formative experiences in prep.

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