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Searches (at least 3) on different learing management system and compare similarities and

The different learning management system that I personally know and get to experience
are Google Classroom, Schoology and Moodle. They all are learning virtual platforms
especially for schools. Google Classroom excels at bringing the power of the G suite, and
its familiarity, to the classroom. The platform is easy to adopt and learn as a teacher,
especially if schools have already implemented some aspects of Google’s suite of
products. By leveraging the G suite, Classroom offers exceptional collaboration and
document management via Google Drive and Gmail. In terms of academia-specific
features, reviewers discuss easy-to-use grading features. The platform is also free for
schools to use. Schoology stands out as a standalone academic LMS, built from the
ground up for K-12 schools. This design focus makes the platform accessible even for
elementary school students, and includes extended capabilities like parent portals to
view their students’ grades and academic progress. It also integrates with a wide range
of 3rd party applications, including the Google Suite. Schoology also offers an
application for mobile student and parent access. While Moodle is based on a modular
design that lets teachers and administrators build their own curriculum using plug-ins
for various workflows, content and activities. Users have a choice of either installing
their Moodle account on their servers or in the cloud. The cloud-based platform, called
MoodleCloud, provides several benefits, such as accessibility, scalability and a very short
implementation process.

2. Aside from Google Classroom, choice one Learning Management System and create an
account? (Screenshot the account you create)
I created a Schoology account.

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