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Prepared By CARO of Regional Science Highschool III

November 2,2020

Table of Contents
Contents Page
Title page…………………………………………………………………………………………..……………1

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………..2

List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………………………..………3

Market Research Paper Proper………………………………………………………..4


Market Research Setting………………………………………………………………..4



Market Research Methodology………………………………………………………...5

TARGET DEMOGRAPHICS………………………………………….……………...…………….………...5

DATA COLLECTION……………………………………………………..……………...……...…..…….....6

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………….….…..………..…….....6

Findings, Conclusions, And Recommendations……………………..…....…..…….8



Ethical Considerations…………………………………………………………………….15


List of Figures
Figure 1………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9

Figure 2………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9

Figure 3………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10

Figure 4………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10

Figure 5………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11

Figure 6………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12

Figure 7………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12

Marker Research Paper Proper
The market research project, entitled Code Cast discovered more information

regarding market trends in the statistical software market. The following summary

gives an overview of the causes, processes, and possible effects of the market

research detailed below.

Market Research Setting


The proposed market research project contains the following objectives:

i. Determine the views of Grade 10 and Grade 12 students in using computer

software to process the data for their qualitative research

ii. Find the level of confidence that grade 10 and Grade 12 students have in using

computer software in extrapolating data.

iii. Determine the interest for a market for making computer software that

extrapolates data in qualitative research of grade 10 students and Grade 12.

In line with the objectives, the proposed market research project aimed to answer the

following questions:

i. What are the views of Grade 10 and Grade 12 students in using computer

software to process the data for their qualitative research?

ii. How much confidence that grade 10 students and Grade 12 have in using

computer software in extrapolating data?

iii. Is there a significant interest in a market for making computer software that

extrapolates data in qualitative research of grade 10 and Grade 12 students?


Statistical software scene is not a new invention. There are already numerous

recognized brands of software that researchers use in analysing and extrapolating

data. Michael Jones (2007) said the use of software for the purpose of qualitative

analysis can provide tangible benefits. Appropriate software can shorten analysis

timeframes, can provide more thorough and rigorous coding and interpretation, and

provide researchers with enhanced data management. In a study by Dembe, A. et al

(2011), they discussed the prevalence of a couple of these software, in particular

Stata and SAS were overwhelmingly the most commonly used software applications

employed (in 46.0% and 42.6% of articles respectively). A researcher can use a

range of software packages to analyse data - from Access or Excel to dedicated

packages, such as SPSS, Stata and R for statistical analysis of quantitative data,

Nvivo for qualitative (textual and audio-visual) data analysis (QDA), or ArcGIS for

analysing geospatial data.

Market Research Methodology


The market study will reach out to the students of the Regional Science

Highschool Region III. More specifically the grade 10 and grade 12 students who will

be doing their quantitative research. This demographic will have the most benefits in

the development of software that specializes in statistical treatments. In a study by

Dembe, A et al, Data were extracted from a sample of 1,139 articles (including 877

original research articles) published between 2007 and 2009 in three U.S. HSR

journals, Only 61.0% of original research articles in prominent U.S. HSR journals

identified the particular type of statistical software application used for data analysis. 


The study is a market research that utilized descriptive research design. The

method of data collection will be best suited to the project at hand. Research methods

is in the form of survey via the Internet. The research method of this study offers a

clean and concise way of gathering the data needed. The results will be easily

extrapolated from the raw data. The increased number of participants that this method

allows also gives the researcher a more accurate view of the population. However it

does suffer from a drawback which is that the survey limits the range of answers that

the participants can impart. This sacrifices the deeper facets and significant life

experience that the participant may have.


This survey was given out online as well as answered online. It was made in

Google forms and will contain yes-or-no questions, multiple choice and rating questions

in order to gather the needed information for the study. The questions will cover the

views of the participants with regards to using computer software in processing the

data for their research. It shall ask about what specific software the participants have

already used if they already have exposure to such software. In addition to this, the

survey will also inquire about the participant’s willingness to trust computer software in

processing the data for their research projects on a numbered scale.

This market research aimed to have a sample size of 30 participants to provide

the much needed data. The participants are chosen at random from the grade 10

students of RSHS III and the survey is handed out by public announcement. The

participants will were given a certain amount of time to finish the survey, once the

deadline passed, the researcher proceeded to collect the data from the survey.

After gathering the data from the answered survey, the researcher will now

analyze and summarize the results of their research. From this, the researcher may

ascertain the existence of a market and start considering a business plan.

Findings, Conclusions, And Recommendations
From the survey questionnaires given out to the respondents, the researcher is

able to extract some much needed information about the preferences of the target

demographics. The Responses gave a clear answer to the view of grade 10 and grade

12 about using computer software in processing data. It also determined the amount of

confidence that the target demographic has in using computer software. These results

also gives insight to the interest of the target demographic for making computer

software that extrapolates data in qualitative research.

1. The findings state that grade 10 and grade 12 students view computer

software as helpful in extrapolating data. It is also determined that the

majority consider computer software will be able to provide an accurate

analysis of data and 84% of the respondents say that computer software can

give a clear and easy to understand analysis of data.

2. Majority of the respondents are familiar or comfortable with using computer

software in analysing data. This may be due to the fact that approximately

39.4% of the participants use computer software in extrapolating data.

3. More than half of the respondents are willing to spend a price of P500.00 to

P999.00. A vast majority of the respondents display interest in a service that

makes computer software in extrapolating data.

Figure 1. How helpful do you view computer software in extrapolating data?

The first graph shows the responses for the first question of the survey. The

scale goes from 1 to 10 with 1 denoting least helpful and 10 denoting most helpful.

From the graph it can be seen that 10(30.3%) respondents answered 8 and another

10(30.3%) of the respondents answered 10 on the scale. 8 respondents (24.2%)

answered 9 on the scale whilst 3(9.1%) of the participants answered 7 and 2(6.1%)

answered 6. This shows that the respondents view computer software as helpful in

extrapolating data.

Figure 2. Do you think that computer software can give an accurate analysis of data?

For the second question, all of the respondents agree that computer software

can give an accurate analysis of data.

Figure 3. Do you think that computer software can give a clear and easy to
understand analysis of data?

In the third question, it is determined that 84.8% of the respondents think that

computer software can give a clear and easy analysis of data. 15.2% of the

respondents think that computer software cannot give a clear and easy to understand


Figure 4. In a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the highest) how comfortable are you in using
computer software in extrapolating data?

This graph show the result for the third question and asks about how

comfortable the respondents are in using computer software in extrapolating data. The

respondents gave their responses in the range from 3 to 5 with 14(42.4%) respondents
answering 3, 11(33.3%) respondents answering 4 and 8(24.2%) participants answering

5. This data shows that the participants are at least familiar to highly proficient in using

computer software to extrapolate data. An explanation may be present if the next

question is considered.

Figure 5. What option do you prefer in extrapolating data for your research?

In graph 5, it shows the preference of the respondents in extrapolating data for

their research. The results states that 39.4% of the respondents prefer to use computer

software in extrapolating data for their research. 33.3% of the respondents prefer

extrapolating data manually by themselves or with their team. The remaining 27.3% of

respondents state that they prefer having a professional extrapolate their data.

This explains how a major portion of the respondents state that they are either

familiar, comfortable or proficient in using computer software in extrapolating data as

this graph shows that a major portion of the respondents actually use computer

software in extrapolating data. The remaining respondents may have at least

experienced using computer software when they are consulting with a professional or

may have used one themselves or with their team but prefer extrapolating data


Figure 6. How much are you willing to spend for a software that uses statistics
to extrapolate data? (Php)

In this graph, the respondents are asked about the amount that they are willing

to spend for computer software that uses statistics to extrapolate data. 54.5% of the

respondents are willing to spend Php 500 to Php 999. 33.3% answered that they are

willing to spend Php 1000 to Php 1999. As for the remaining fraction of the participants,

9.1% of the respondents are willing to spend Php 1500 to Php 1499 and the remaining

3% are willing to spend Php 400 to Php 500.

Figure 7. How interested are you in a service that produces computer software to
extrapolate data for your research?

The final question asks about the interest that the respondents have in a service

that produces computer software that extrapolates data. Graph 7 summarizes the

responses and it can be seen in the data that the respondents are interested in the

concept. 14 respondents (42.4%) answered 5 which denotes a very high interest and

12 respondents (36.4%) answered 4 which denotes high interest. From this, it can be

seen that a vast majority of the respondents are highly interested in a service that

produces computer software that extrapolates data. 6 respondents (18.2%) answered 3

which denotes regular interest and 1 respondent (3%) answered 2 which denotes little



From the answers gathered in this study, the researcher concludes that:

1. Majority of the target demographic has a positive view of using computer

software to extrapolate data. It is determined that computer software is

viewed as helpful in being able to provide results in an accurate and easy to

understand manner.

2. Proficiency in the target demographic is in a range from decent to highly

proficient. This is due to the preferred method the respondents use in

extrapolating data.

3. The respondents displayed a major interest in a service that makes computer

software that extrapolates data. It can then be said that there is a significant

interest in said service among the target demographic.

The researcher’s recommendations are:

1. Maintain the positive impression of the population to computer software that

extrapolates data by ensuring high quality software that provides accurate,

helpful and easy to understand results.

2. Encourage students to consider using computer software to extrapolate data

in order to improve their proficiency and also establish learning competencies

that improves proficiency among students.

3. Explore the possibility of a business that focuses on producing computer

software that extrapolates data for the quantitative studies or investigatory

projects of grade 10 and grade 12 students.

4. To future researchers, explore the feasibility of a software that extrapolates

data for qualitative researches and examine the views and proficiency of

other grade levels.


the student-researchers of Regional Science High School recognize their

responsibilities under the Republic Act No. 10173 (Act), also known as the Data Privacy

Act of 2012, with respect to the data they collect, record, organize, update, use,

consolidate or destruct from the respondents of the study. The personal data obtained

from this form is entered and stored within the researchers' authorized information and

communications database and will only be accessed by the researchers.

The respondents’ identity is not to be released and the respondents will remain

anonymous. Identities of the respondents will not be used for research and will only

serve as a formality. Furthermore, the permission of the respondents are also inquired

in the beginning of the survey.

John, W.S. and Johnson, P. (2000), The Pros and Cons of Data Analysis Software for
Qualitative Research. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 32: 393-397.

Jones, M.. (2007). Using Software to Analyse Qualitative Data. Faculty of Commerce -
Papers. 1.

Dembe, A.E., Partridge, J.S. & Geist, L.C. Statistical software applications used in health
services research: analysis of published studies in the U.S. BMC Health Serv
Res 11, 252 (2011).



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