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Mr Wilkinson  Mid-Term Homework

Was Japan stronger in 1918 or 1914? (10 Marker)(Timed – 20 mins)

The main reason why Japan was stronger in 1918 then 1914 was due to its involvement in the Paris peace
talks. even though in 1914 Japan controlled most of the trade between countries at war, and despite the fact
Britain had directly asked Japan for help.

In 1918, the First World War ended, leaving Japan on the victorious side. the allies managed to defeat
Germany and peace talks began in Paris to decide the fate of Germany. Japan was invited to Aid talks and was
presented as a world major power. this alone shows us that Japan was stronger in 1918 the 1914 because it
had a say in what would happen in Europe. Having such control over Europe, though minimal, shows how
strong Japan was. Japan’s involvement in the peace talks also shows that there were improved relations
between her and the European powers. Japan also presented their “Twenty- one demands” to China, where
all were accepted but one; portraying that they almost had complete control over a country. through these
demands, Japan took possession over German concessions in Shandong and many Pacific islands. Japan
managed to take territory from a powerful nation, (that is before the war ended). Japan was stronger in 1918
because it was seen as a major power and managed to replace one. They were strong in both social and
economic aspects.

Japan, however, began its economic strength in 1914, when its trade with China, and other European powers
peaked. by 1914, 20% of Japan’s exports were going to China. Japan filled in orders for war materials from
European powers and took up markets that were given in European states, such as cotton. the country's
exports quadrupled since 1913 and Japan went from a debtor nation to accreditor nation. However, this does
not mean that Japan was stronger in 1914 than 1918; since it was still not seen as a world power.

some may say that Japan was stronger in 1914 since the British ask them for help. Britain called on Japanese
help in the Mediterranean as cargo and troop ships needed escort; Japan sent 20 warships. the fact that a
world power was asking Japan for help indicates that it was a stronger nation in 1914. on the other hand, in
1918 all three world powers were asking Japan for help with deciding on Germany’s future. in addition, even
though Britain was a world power, it wasn't the most popular one after it's inhumane use of concentration
camps and scorched by earth policy during the Boer War.

in conclusion, Japan was stronger in 1918 because it was considered a great power. she gained a permanent
seat on the council of the League of Nations, showing she had a large amount of control on what decisions
would be made. she also intervenes in the Russian civil war, indicating that she has the power to improve
Foreign Relations. even though she was economically strong in 1914, she did not have that position that
placed her as a world power.
Why did Japan win the Russo-Japanese war? (10 Marker) (Timed – 20 mins)

the main reason that Japan won the Russo Japanese war was due to Russia’s incompetent mistakes, rather
than Japan strategies. The political unrest throughout Russia was a contributing factor; as well as japan's
brilliant leadership.

Russia made numerous mistakes during those two vital years which led the nation to certain defeat. when
Russia decided to completely refuse japans negotiations and take over Japan, they were unaware of the
modernization that the country had recently undergone; therefore, completely underestimating them. Russia
believed she was unbeatable since she was a European power and that such powers are superior. by
underestimating Japan, Russia was nowhere near ready for battle, and this can be visualized by the lack of
effectiveness the trans-Siberian railroad presented. after being completed in 1904 it still lacked the
transportation facilities needed to reinforce the limited arms and soldiers during the battle of Mukden,
therefore allowing Japan to defeat them. Russia also made a fatal mistake when her warships in the Baltic Sea
fired upon British fishing boats, which they thought belonged to the enemy. this greatly angered Britain and so
they denied Russian access through the Suez Canal; meaning they would have to go all the way around Africa
just to get to the straits of Tushima. this greatly affected the men on board as sickness spread and resources
were quickly used. by the time they reached the straits; the Japanese were able to destroy the ships and
defeat their enemy rapidly and easily. Russia - after their defeat in the Crimean War in 1856 against Britain
France and the Ottomans major military reforms were put in place, but they proved somewhat ineffective.
Certain logistical improvements were made such as the implementation of the levy system which hastened
mobilization and furthermore, compulsory military service was reduced to help improve the economy, but the
effect was counterintuitive. By no longer requiring so many years of military service peasants had more time
to educate themselves and learn trades which in turn led them to realize how backward Russia really was. This
alone acted as a crucial element to the mutinies that took place during and after the war. As part of the
reforms enacted Russia's army budget was nearly halved from 30% to 18% by 1902 and so by 1904 when the
war began Russia was spending around half of what other major powers were spending on each soldier.
Predictably Russian soldiers performed poorly the Russian military was still teaching volley fire which
demanded that all soldiers wait to reload and fire simultaneously that only was this highly ineffective. All these
mistakes made by the Russians made it easier for an already powerful Japan to defeat them and win the war.

The political unrest throughout Russia ultimately pushed Russia to surrender and become open to peace talks.
Russia was already a country that experienced extreme poverty with 80% of its population living as peasants;
so, when the war began; any resources that the country had were taken and sent for the war effort. once the
Russian public so that their army was losing multiple battles; they began demanding an end to the war before
the situation within the country became worse. Tsar Nicholas II, the monarch and leader of the country,
realize that if he continued this war with Japan, the public would rise up and force him to abdicate from the
throne. he could not have this since the Romanov family has ruled the country for hundreds of years. this led
to him surrendering to Japan and becoming open to peace talks. this is not the main reason since it merely
pushed Russia to surrender in the end; whereas Russian mistakes allowed Japan to continuously defeat them.
even without the political unrest, Japan would have still found a way to force Russia to surrender.

the Japanese did, however, have excellent leadership within its army and Navy, allowing the presence of
effective battles and strategies. the Japanese quickly moved into the local seas surrounding Port Arthur,
allowing them to efficiently move versus and troops around without resistance. this meant that they were able
to easily respond to any threats from the Russians. in addition, the work of Admiral Togo Heinchiro when
commanding Japan’s modern warships against Russian slow-moving vessels, allowed Japan too rapidly defeat
the Russians in the battle that ultimately ended the war. Japanese leadership is however not the main reason;
since the mistakes of the Russians won the war for the Japanese already (they merely had to execute the final
blow). the mistakes made by the Russians weakened their own forces, making it so much easier for the
Japanese to defeat them.

in conclusion, the main reason for the Japanese victory in the Russo Japanese war was the mistakes of the
Russians. the inefficiency of the trans Serbian railroad and the mistaking of British fishing boats for Japanese
warships; with the addition of Orthodox drill and tactics and poor military reforms - led to the Russian defeat.
and the effective leadership from Japan merely delivered that defeat. the political unrest throughout Russia
was the fact that pushed Russia to surrender & the Treaty of Portsmouth, however it was a short-term reason
for why Japan won.

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