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Polymer Testing 27 (2008) 705–710

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Analysis Method

Classification of polymers by determining of C1:C2:CN:H:N:O ratios by

laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIPS)
Jesús Anzano a, *, Roberto-Jesús Lasheras a, Beatriz Bonilla a, Justiniano Casas b
Laser Laboratory, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Zaragoza, Pedro Cerbuna #12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, University of Zaragoza, Pedro Cerbuna #12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the recycling of post-consumer plastic waste there is a pressing need for rapid, on-line
Received 25 March 2008 or at-line measurement technologies for simple identification of materials. The goal of this
Accepted 6 May 2008 work was instant identification of post-consumer plastics by laser-induced plasma spec-
trometry (LIPS). These polymers are often polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyolefins
(polyethylene and polypropylene), poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and polystyrene (PS). A
new approach for the determination of major elemental ratios in organic compounds
Laser-induced plasma spectroscopy
such as polymers by using laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIPS) was investigated. In
Classification previous works, we have shown that simple statistical correlation methods, such as linear
Ratios and rank correlations, can be successfully applied for identification of these materials. The
C2 Swan system (516 nm), the CN band (388 nm), the carbon (247.9 nm), hydrogen
(656.3 nm), oxygen (777.2 nm) and nitrogen (746.8 nm) emission intensity ratios were
used to identify the plastics. The most important ratios were C2/C1 and H/C1.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction different plastics. Raman spectroscopy has also been evalu-

ated for discrimination between plastics. Raman spectra
Laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIPS) has been provide structural fingerprint information that can be in-
used for industrial [1–5], biomedical [6–9], archeological vestigated for uniquely identifying plastics. Thus, the
[10–18], geological [19–21] and environmental [22–26] potential of Raman spectroscopy for computerized
applications since the first publication in 1962 [27]. LIPS classification of common post-consumer plastics has been
has been used to identify polymers by different strategies: demonstrated [37].
(i) correlating the LIPS spectrum of the unknown with Infrared spectroscopy is one of the most important tech-
library spectra [28,29] and (ii) using artificial neural net- niques to identify plastics and has been subject to great de-
works [30]. The parametric and nonparametric correlation velopment [38–40]. In some cases, LIPS can be used to
method involves studying a lot of emission lines and complement NIR spectroscopy, which can also be applied
molecular bands. However, the methods by determining for the identification of polymer, as mentioned previously.
ratios consist almost exclusively of a few lines and bands. However, it is not suitable for dark-coloured samples.
Such a method has been used before, giving excellent This investigation group has carried out studies on
results [31–36]. recycled plastic materials identification using a compact
Other analytical techniques, such as Raman, infrared and Nd:YAG laser [28,29]. This method has been developed
near infrared spectroscopy, are used for the identification of for instant reliable classification (90–99%) of different
groups of plastic materials by means of statistical
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ34 976762684; fax: þ34 976761292.
correlation analysis.
E-mail addresses:, Although a limitation exists for identification because of
(J. Anzano). the loss of molecular information in the plasma, the

0142-9418/$ – see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
706 J. Anzano et al. / Polymer Testing 27 (2008) 705–710

technique has excellent potential for on-line, real-time Nowadays, the identification of plastic materials in the
analysis of recycled materials, which is really of interest recycling industry is an important need because of the in-
in order to obtain plastics separation faster and more effec- crease of plastic waste. Hence, the compounds chosen for
tively. A Nd:YAG laser has been used for other applications study were commercial plastics.
due to its simplicity, easy operation, high efficiency and low In this study, the emission lines chosen for C, H, O and N
cost. Despite all works and publications on LIPS that have are 247.9 nm, 656.3 nm, 777.2 nm (triplet) and 746.8 nm,
appeared in recent years, the laser plasma can offer new respectively, and the molecular bands for C2 and CN are
advantages for plastics identification and separation in ac- 516 and 388 nm, respectively.
cordance with new exigencies of polymer industry and
science. 2. Experimental
In previous papers about plastic [28] and geological ma-
terials [29], we have shown that simple statistical correla- 2.1. Instrumental setup
tion methods, such as linear and rank correlations, can be
successfully applied for identification of materials. A com- The instrumentation used consisted of a Nd:YAG laser,
pact LIP spectrometer was used for instant identification a xyz stage carrying the sample (Standa 011957), a spectro-
of materials. Spectra were collected with a compact dual graph and an intensified charge coupled device (ICCD) de-
channel fibre optic spectrometer and monitored either in tector. A diagram of this instrumentation is shown in Fig. 1.
a 230–310 nm spectral window for geological material or A Nd:YAG laser (Brilliant Quantel, Q-Switched) with
a 200–800 nm spectral window for plastic material. Both a 115 mJ laser pulse energy at the second harmonic of
studies were carried out applying parametric (linear) and 532 nm, a 4.4 ns pulse duration and 0.7 Hz repetition fre-
nonparametric (rank) correlation methods for identifica- quency was used with a 90 mm focal length lens. The crater
tion of compounds; and a nearly 100% reliable identifica- diameter was 0.4 mm. The plasma light was collected and
tion was achieved. transported to the spectrograph by lens and optical fibre
In this study, the objective is to identify plastic materials (fused silica, 50 mm core diameter). An external collector/
by determining the intensity ratios from elemental lines collimator was used as a collector lens, its position being
and molecular bands. Measurements are made of the ratios adjusted at 200 mm by a diode laser (Andor, HE-OPI-
of several elements and molecular species, such as C1, H, N, 0009). An Echelle spectrograph (Andor Mechelle ME5000,
O, C2 system (Swan bands) and CN. focal length 195 mm, F/7, l/Dl 5000, spectral range from
Molecular materials like plastics are almost entirely at- 200 to 975 nm) was coupled to an ICCD detector (Andor
omized when exposed to intense laser radiation. This im- iStar DH734, 1024  1024 pixels, 13.6  13.6 mm2/pixel,
plies that limitations exist in application of LIPS for 18 mm diameter intensifier and the exposure time was
identification of polymers because of the loss of molecular 0.011 s). This system was calibrated by a Hg:Ar lamp (Ocean
information in the plasma [29]. In the present work, peak Optics, HG-1, Hg–Ar lines 253–922 nm). The MCP gain was
ratio analysis in combination with analysis of molecular fixed at 180. A measurement gate delay time of 1 ms and an
bands was used for the identification of energetic materials. integration time of 1.5 ms were used.
The intensity ratio is related to the difference between the
upper energy levels of the lines and is also proportional to 2.2. Samples and sample preparation
the ratio of Boltzmann factors, becoming independent of
the ablated mass [41]. Therefore, it is expected to yield Little sample preparation was necessary. This results in
better results than the single peak intensity alone. increased throughput, greater convenience and fewer

Fig. 1. Experimental setup.

J. Anzano et al. / Polymer Testing 27 (2008) 705–710 707

opportunities for contamination to occur. The polymers deviation and RSD %, with all ratios checked by a simple
studied were: polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethyl- Grubbs test.
ene (PE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density
polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS) 3. Results and discussion
and poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC).
Their formula, chemical structure and theoretical ratios 3.1. Choice of analytical bounds and lines
are shown in Table 1. A small piece of plastic (approxi-
mately 3  3 cm) was placed on double-sided tape stuck The C2 Swan system and the CN band, as well as the car-
to a glass slide. The piece of plastic must be completely bon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, emission intensity ra-
stuck to the slide in order to avoid air between them. Three tios were the necessary parameters to identify organic
determinations were carried out for each sample. Each de- compounds. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen emission lines
termination is the average of ten shots and the discrep- and a number of molecular bands are used for this task. The
ancies were evaluated by a simple Grubbs test (p ¼ 0.05). analysis of molecular bands [42,43] is focused on the detec-

This test is shown in Eq. (1), where Xi is the value studied, tion of CN molecular violet bands at 386.17 nm, 387.14 nm
X is the average and s is the standard deviation. and 388.34 nm, and C2 carbon Swan bands at 516.52 nm.
The intensity of the Swan system is proportional to the con-

X LX centration of the carbon dimer in the excited state, while
G[ (1) the CN bands’ emission could also be due to CN generation
in the ambient air. Hence, only the measurement of the C2
A simple program (Fig. 2) was designed for treatment of bands is reliable for analysis in the open atmosphere [35].
data. This application acquires the element signal and the The emission lines selected were: carbon at 247.9 nm,
maximum signal for molecular bands. Also it calculates au- hydrogen at 656.3 nm, nitrogen at 746.8 nm and oxygen
tomatically ratios, their averages of ten shots, the standard at 777.2 nm. The molecular bands selected were: CN at

Table 1
Polymers used and their theory ratios

Compound Molecular formula Chemical structure Ratioa H/C Ratiob C2/C1


Polyethylene terephthalate, PET (C10H10O4)n * O CH2 CH2 O * 0.8 1


* CH2 CH2 *
Polyethylene, PE (C2H4)n 2 1.5

Cl H

* C C *
Poly(vinyl chloride), PVC (C2H3Cl)n n 1.5 1.5



Polypropylene, PP (C3H6)n * CH CH2 * 2 1.33


* CH CH2 *

Polystyrene, PS (C8H8)n 1 1.25

Atomc ratio takes from molecular formula of her monomer.
Ratio C2/C1 ¼ (C–C and C]C) bounds/C atoms.
708 J. Anzano et al. / Polymer Testing 27 (2008) 705–710


Shot 1 Shot 2 Shot 3 Shot 4 Shot 5 Shot 6 Shot 7 Shot 8 Shot 9 Shot 10
Signal C I 247
Signal H656
Signal 0777
Signal N 744
Signal C II 516
Signal CN 388
Signal Cl

CN / C I
H / C II

Test Grubbs
CN / C I
H / C II
Valor de G tab (n=¿?, p=0,05)

Average H/C Average C II/C I Average H/C II

s H/C s C II/C I s CH/C II
% rsd % rsd % rsd

Average O/N Average CN/C I

s O/N s CN/C I
% rsd % rsd

Fig. 2. Automatic data treatment.

388 nm and C2 at 516 nm. These are the most intense lines Under our experimental conditions, atmospheric nitro-
covered by our spectrometer and; in addition, these lines gen and oxygen influence the spectra. Therefore, nitrogen
are free from spectral interference. The Echelle spectro- and oxygen signals appear in compounds without these el-
graph allowed us to obtain the signal ratios free of sample ements and, similarly, it occurs with the CN band. A better
matrix, laser and detector fluctuations, because it is able to approach would be to use an inert atmosphere, for exam-
use a wide spectral window (from 200 to 975 nm) with ple, helium or argon. However, our objective is to analyse
very high resolution (0.1 Å), detecting simultaneously all polymer in recycling industrial conditions where a helium
elements and bands without overlapping. or argon atmosphere is not possible.


Intensity (Counts)




Swan bands Na I NI

200 400 600 800 1000
wavelength (nm)

Fig. 3. Polyethylene terephthalate spectrum.

J. Anzano et al. / Polymer Testing 27 (2008) 705–710 709

3.2. Ratios C1:C2:CN:H:N:O

The ratios were calculated by application of software

(Fig. 2). The spectral data were taken, outlier values elimi-
nated and the average ratios and RSD % of C1:C2:CN:H:N:O
In organic compounds like polymers, the number of
possible ratios that could be used to identify them, are rel-
atively few. Characterisation of organic compounds using
LIPS requires careful data processing due to their similar
compositions. These ratios were: (i) H/C1 ratio, this is the
most important ratio for identifying [31] and differentiat-
ing [35] organic compounds; (ii) O/N ratio, under atmo-
spheric conditions if the compounds studied have no
nitrogen and oxygen then it will be constant. In this study
only the polyethylene terephthalate has oxygen; (iii) C2/
C1 ratio, which relates the carbon–carbon bonds and num-
ber of carbon atoms. Other ratios studied, less important, Fig. 4. Calibration curve of signal intensity ratios of H/C.
are: CN/C1 and H/C2.
All organic compound LIPS spectra are similar. However,
relative differences in intensity are observed, due to stoi- applied and significant differences were not observed for
chiometric differences. A single shot LIP spectrum of poly- different polypropylene (PP1, PP2 and PP3) and polyethyl-
ethylene terephthalate is shown in Fig. 3. In this spectrum, ene samples (PE, HDPE and LDPE). Therefore, the H/C1 ratio
the following emission lines can be observed: calcium at did not differentiate between polyethylene and polypropyl-
393.4 and 396.9 nm, carbon at 247.9 nm, hydrogen at ene, it only classified them as polyolefin.
656.5 nm, nitrogen at 742.6, 744.4, 747.1, 819.0, 821.8 and The C2/C1 signal ratio was used for the next calibration
824.5 nm, sodium at 589.1 and 589.6 nm, and oxygen at curve. This signal ratio and the number of carbon–carbon
777.4 (triplet) and 844.8 nm. The calcium emission might bonds/number of carbon atoms in the monomer were re-
be present as a result of polymer processing, therefore it lated; one C]C bond was counted as one C–C bond. The
is considered a contamination. A chlorine signal appears calibration curve for C2/C1 is given in Fig. 5. Polypropylene
for the PVC at 837.8 nm. This weak signal is the most impor- and polyethylene signal ratios were the same, although
tant because it differentiates PVC from other materials. their theoretical ratios are different. Therefore, the polyeth-
The determinate ratios for the polymers studied are ylene was not used in the calibration. However, the C2/C1
shown in Table 2. The best RSD % results were obtained in ratio allowed identification of compounds such as polyeth-
the H/C1, O/N and C2/C1 ratios. The worst RSD % were the ylene terephthalate, polyolefins, poly(vinyl chloride) and
CN:O:N which did not contribute to the identification of polystyrene.
organic compounds. The ratios (H/C1 and C2/C1) allowed classification of the
different plastic materials, although they did not differenti-
ate between polyethylene and polypropylene. These were
3.3. Classification of polymers identified only as polyolefin by this method.
The O/N signal ratio was the same for all compounds,
Some relations between theoretical atomic ratios of which may be due to the experimental conditions. The
monomers and the signal ratios were studied by calibration other ratios (CN/C1 and H/C2) did not give useful results.
curves. The first calibration curve was for H/C1, which is the
most important because most compounds studied only
have hydrogen and carbon atoms. In Fig. 4, calibration 4. Conclusions
curve for H/C1 is given. The polyethylene ratio value is the
average of all of them (PE, LDPE and HDPE); the RSD of A LIPS system has been developed and optimised for in-
these values was 2.4%. The PP ratio value was different to stant reliable classification of different groups of plastic
the PE value, although they have the same atomic ratio materials by using ratio analysis. A software application
from molecular formula. However, a t-test (p ¼ 0.05) was was developed for data processing. In this work, signal

Table 2
Summary of the results obtained in the characterisation of plastics using ratios


H/C1 5.14 (2.2) 7.8 (4.2) 11.9 (14.5) 8.5 (13.3) 11.46 (5.7) 10.92 (13.7) 11.2 (4.2) 4.47 (10.7) 7.4 (4.9)
O/N 3.75 (10.7) 3.2 (6.2) 3.2 (1.8) 3.4 (9.1) 3.02 (8.0) 3.05 (6.6) 3.49 (2.9) 3.69 (2.0) 3.31 (7.8)
C2/C1 1.27 (2.3) 1.1 (19.1) 1.5 (12.7) 1.6 (14.1) 1.32 (0) 1.67 (13.1) 1.35 (6.3) 1.01 (9.9) 1.87 (16.4)
CN/C1 1.38 (4.6) 1.5 (13.2) 1.5 (26.6) 1.3 (17.8) 1.23 (5.7) 1.43 (8.5) 1.05 (5.8) 1.23 (12.7) 2.22 (43.4)
H/C2 4.81 (2.5) 7.5 (20.1) 8.1 (2.1) 5.6 (6.3) 8.99 (3.8) 6.78 (4.2) 8.53 (3.3) 4.53 (10.2) 4.37 (11.3)

(RSD %).
710 J. Anzano et al. / Polymer Testing 27 (2008) 705–710

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