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What are the different 

types of memory? 
● Types 

● Sensory memory 

● Short-term memory 

● Working memory 

● Long-term memory 

● Capacity 

● Improving memory 

● Summary 
Memories come in many different forms. There is 
much that researchers do not understand about 
human memory and how it works. 

This article explores the types of memory and what a person can do to 
improve their recall. 

Scientists debate memory 


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There are m
​ any theories​ about the types of memory within the human brain. 
Most scientists believe there are at least four general types of memory: 

● working memory 
● sensory memory 
● short-term memory 
● long-term memory 

Some researchers suggest these are not distinct types of memory, but rather 
stages of memory​. 

In this view, memory begins in sensory memory, transitions to short-term 

memory, and then may move to long-term memory. 

A memory a person uses only for a brief time, such as a word they use at the 
beginning of a sentence, is a part of working memory and may never move to 
another part of memory. 

Some brain scientists divide these types of memory into more specific 

Sensory memory 
Sensory memory holds sensory information for very brief periods of time, 
usually 1 second or less​. The​ processing of memories​ and other information 
begins in this type of memory. 

If a person pays attention to sensory input, then the information may move 
into short-term and then long-term memory. 

Some examples of sensory memory include: 

● registering the sounds a person encounters on a walk 

● briefly acknowledging something in a person’s field of vision 

Sensory memory helps a person piece together a sense of the world based on 
recent sights, sounds, and other sensory experiences. 

When a specific sensory experience becomes relevant, such as the smell of 
something in the kitchen, it may move to other types of memory. 

Otherwise, sensory memories are very short-term, and a person quickly 

forgets them. 
For example, a person will not recall all the specific sounds they heard in the 
last 30 seconds, 30 minutes, or 30 days unless there is some reason to 
remember them. 

Short-term memory 
Short-term memory allows a person to recall a limited string of information for 
a short period. 

These memories disappear quickly, after ​about 30 seconds​. 

Short-term memory is not just memory that does not last long. Instead, it is a 
type of short-lived storage that can only hold a few pieces of information. 

Some examples of short-term memory include: 

● remembering a string of 5–7 words and repeating it back 

● remembering a phone number while getting a pen to jot it down 

Working memory 
Working memory is similar to short-term memory. However, unlike the latter, 
working memory is where a person manipulates information. 

This helps them remember details of their current task. ​Some behaviors​ that 
use working memory include: 

● solving a complex math problem where a person must remember 

several numbers 
● baking something, which requires a person to recall the ingredients they 
already added 
● participating in a debate, during which a person must remember the 
main arguments and the evidence each side uses 

While researchers typically separate working and short-term memory into two 
different categories, r​ esearch often finds​ a significant overlap between the 

Long-term memory  
Long-term memory stores a wide range of memories and experiences. 

Most memories that people recall, especially those older than about 30 
seconds, are part of long-term memory. 
Many researchers​ divide long-term memory into two subcategories: implicit 
and explicit. 

Explicit long-term memory 

Explicit memories are conscious memories of events, autobiographical facts, 

or things a person learns. 

Some types of explicit long-term memory include the following. 

Episodic memory 

These are memories of events or autobiographical facts. Examples of 

episodic memory include remembering an election, events from childhood, 
and personal facts, such as if someone is married. 

Semantic memory 

Semantic memories are general knowledge about the world. A person may 
remember a fact or event that they did not experience because they learned or 
studied it. 
For instance, knowing what the human heart looks like is an example of 
semantic memory. However, it would be an episodic memory if the person can 
remember dissecting a pig heart in school. 

Implicit long-term memory 

Implicit memories are memories that influence a person’s behavior. However, 

people do not consciously think about them. 

Some types of this memory include the following. 

Procedural memory 

Procedural memory helps a person perform familiar tasks, such as walking or 

At first, they might have to learn to do these things and remember specific 
skills, but eventually, these tasks become an automatic part of procedural 


Priming occurs when e

​ xperiences influence​ a person’s behavior. 
For example, a smoker might crave a cigarette after a meal, or an 
experimenter might train a person to press a button in response to a photo. 

Classical and operant conditioning both prime people or animals to perform 

specific behaviors in response to certain experiences. 

Does memory have a limitless 

Working, sensory, and short-term memory have smaller capacities. This is 
because these types of memories only last for a short period. 

With short-term memory, there is usually a specific limit on how much 

information a person can retain — u
​ sually about​ seven items. 

Some people could increase their short-term memory capacity with practice. 

The brain is not a computer, and memories do not take up physical space. In 
theory, there is no specific limit on the ​capacity of long-term memory​. 

However, the quality of memories and their details may vary and change with 
Memories may be unreliable 

The brain d
​ oes not record memories​ perfectly, so memories may change or 
disappear with time. 

Numerous studies ​suggest​ that memories are not reliable, even when a 
person remembers something very clearly. 

In one 2
​ 015 study​, researchers were able in just a few hours to convince 
innocent people they had committed serious crimes, such as assault with a 
weapon, in their teenage years. 

Can someone have a photographic memory? 

Some people have unusually good memories. ​People with hyperthymesia​, an 
extraordinarily rare condition, may remember all or most autobiographical 

Others may practice memory skills to become better at memorizing 

information or recalling strings of words or numbers. 

There is no scientific evidence anyone has a so-called photographic memory. 

The brain is not a camera and cannot perfectly record information. 
Improving memory 
Some strategies for improving memory i​ nclude​: 

● Developing mnemonic devices for remembering new information. For 

example, remembering all the names in a room could involve making up 
a rhyme or an association for each name. 
● Doing brain teasers and challenging puzzles. 
● Developing strong memory associations to help remember things. 
Talking about recent memories or journaling can help cultivate these 
● Doing ​cardiovascular exercise​ to promote brain health. 

The memory is a complex system, not a single organ or process. 

A person may improve their memory by adopting a healthful lifestyle and 

practicing strategies specifically designed to promote recall. 

People concerned about their memory should see a doctor, as any 

unexplained changes could signal a range of medical conditions. 

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