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Language for translation: BBI_UNIT 6_VOC3 1

Rut Morante

1. Work with the vocabulary. Translate the words: / Trabaja el vocabulario. Traduce las palabras:

1.Stunt person:

2. Actor

3. Wardrobe assistant

4. Make-up artist

5. Director

6. Cameraman.


2.Complete the images adding the vocabulary/ Completa las imágenes añadiendo el vocabulario.

Language for translation: BBI_UNIT 6_VOC3 2

Rut Morante

3. Complete the sentences with the vocabulary from above / Completa las oraciones con el
vocabulario anterior.

He films the actors: _________the cameraman_____________

He acts in a film: _____________________________________

She prepares the clothes for the film: _______________________________

She gives clues to the actors: __________________________________

He applies the make-up: __________________________________

He roles the action scenes: _____________________________________

4. Listen and tick the people Sophie and Mason need for their film. Audio 99 / Escucha y pon un
tick sobre la gente que Sophie y Mason necesitan para su película.

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