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II Bacterial


16 Salmonella Infections
17 Campylobacter Infection
18 Colibacillosis
19 Pasteurella and Other Related Bacterial Infections
20 Infectious Coryza
21 Bordetellosis (Turkey Coryza)
22 Mycoplasmosis
23 Clostridial Diseases
24 Other Bacterial Diseases
25 Avian Chlamydiosis (psittacosis, ornithosis)
16 Salmonella

Richard K. Gast

Infections with bacteria of the genus Salmonella are respon- tions with the two nonmotile serotypes, S. pullorum and S.
sible for a variety of acute and chronic diseases in poultry. gallinarum, which are generally host-specific for avian
Infected poultry flocks are also among the most frequently species. Pullorum disease, caused by S. pullorum, is an acute
implicated reservoirs of salmonellae that can be transmitted systemic disease of chicks and poults. Fowl typhoid, caused
through the food chain to humans. Poultry producers are by S. gallinarum, is an acute or chronic septicemic disease
faced with intensifying pressures from public health author- that most often affects mature birds. Both of these diseases
ities, elected officials, and consumers regarding food safety have been responsible for serious economic losses to poultry
issues. The isolation of Salmonella is reported more often producers in the past and have been addressed by the imple-
from poultry and poultry products than from any other ani- mentation of extensive testing and eradication programs.
mal source. This result is partly due to the high prevalence The second section of this chapter discusses infections
of Salmonella infections in poultry but also reflects both the with the numerous motile Salmonella serotypes referred to
immense numbers of commercially raised chickens and collectively as paratyphoid salmonellae. Found nearly
turkeys and the application of active testing programs for ubiquitously in wild and domestic animals, this diverse
identifying infected poultry flocks and products in many group of serotypes is principally of concern as a cause of
countries. The increasingly international scope of the mod- food-borne disease in humans. Although paratyphoid
ern poultry industry has created new and more complex infections of poultry are very common, they seldom cause
opportunities for the spread of Salmonella.1 acute systemic disease except in highly susceptible young
The genus Salmonella (of the family Enterobacteri- birds subjected to stressful conditions. More often, paraty-
aceae), named for USDA veterinary bacteriologist Daniel E. phoid Salmonella infections of chickens and turkeys are
Salmon (1850—1914), consists of more than 2400 serologi- characterized by asymptomatic colonization of the
cally distinguishable variants. These serotypes usually are intestinal tract, sometimes persisting until slaughter and
named for the place of initial isolation. Although recent leading ultimately to contamination of the finished car-
taxonomic refinements have indicated that all salmonellae cass. Some serotypes, especially S. enteritidis, can be
can be grouped into five biochemically defined subgenera deposited in the contents of clean and intact eggs.
(2) or into as few as two genetically defined species (1), the Improper food handling before consumption can permit
distinctions between the various serotypes of Salmonella the multiplication of Salmonella to levels that can cause
are often epidemiologically significant. Accordingly, Sal- severe gastrointestinal disease in consumers. Heightened
monella isolates are still most often described primarily in concerns about the microbial safety of foods have led to
terms of their traditional serotype nomenclature. the initiation of numerous testing efforts, which detect
Infections of poultry with salmonellae can be grouped paratyphoid salmonellae in poultry flocks and poultry
into two categories, each of which is the subject of a sepa- products. With so many potential sources to introduce
rate section of this chapter. The first section discusses infec- paratyphoid salmonellae into poultry flocks, the strategy
for controlling these organisms may have to be corre-
The author thanks Drs. K. V. Nagaraja, B.S. Pomeroy, and
spondingly broader than has been applied to the avian-
G.H. Snoeyenbos for material from previous editions incorpo- adapted serotypes. Achieving tangible progress in
rated into this chapter. reducing the overall incidence of salmonellae in poultry


and poultry products may require the combined and sus- rent edition includes information about S. arizonae within
tained implementation of a comprehensive set of control the section on paratyphoid salmonellae.
measures, including the elimination of biological vectors
(pests), effective cleaning and disinfection of poultry REFERENCES
houses, rigorous biosecurity practices, and prophylactic
treatment of poultry to reduce their susceptibility to 1. Grimont, P. A. D., F. Grimont, and P. Bouvet. 2000. Taxon-
omy of the genus Salmonella. In C. Wray and A. Wray
infection. (eds.). Salmonella in Domestic Animals, CABI Publishing:
Previous editions of this book discussed infections Oxon, U.K., 1—17.
with the various motile serotypes of the subgenus S. ari- 2. Krieg, N. R. and J. G. Holt. 1984. Bergey’s Manual of Sys-
zonae in separate chapters or sections (3). This biochemi- tematic Bacteriology, Vol 1. Williams and Wilkins: Balti-
cally distinct group of organisms has been an more, MD.
3. Shivaprasad, H. L., K. V. Nagaraja, B. S. Pomeroy, and J. E.
economically significant cause of disease in turkeys but is Williams. Arizonosis. In B. W. Calnek, H. J. Barnes, C. W.
not otherwise clinically distinguishable from other Beard, L. R. McDougald, and Y. M. Saif (eds.). Diseases of Poul-
paratyphoid Salmonella infections. Accordingly, the cur- try, 10th ed. Iowa State University Press: Ames, IA, 122—129.

Pullorum Disease and Fowl Typhoid

H. L. Shivaprasad

INTRODUCTION ing flocks of chickens and turkeys to ensure that they are
free of the infection.
Pullorum disease and fowl typhoid in terms of history,
clinical signs, epizootiology, lesions, and control and
eradication procedures have many similarities. However,
Public Health Significance
Rare cases of PD in humans have resulted from massive
differences have been reported for these two diseases, and
exposure following the ingestion of contaminated foods
they are caused by different species of bacteria (i.e, Salmo-
or experimental challenge (93, 97). The clinical signs are
nella pullorum and S. gallinarum, respectively). Recently,
characterized by a rapid onset of acute enteritis, followed
these two bacteria have been placed in a single species. S.
by prompt recovery without treatment. S. gallinarum is
enterica subsp. enterica serovar Gallinarum-Pullorum, but
rarely isolated from humans and is of little public health
debate continues as to whether they are single or different
significance (8, 105). According to a Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention report (7), 18 S. pullorum isolates
Pullorum disease (PD) and fowl typhoid (FT) are sep-
and 8 S. gallinarum isolates were reported out of a total of
ticemic diseases affecting primarily chickens and turkeys,
458,081 Salmonella isolates from humans between 1982
but other birds such as quail, pheasants, ducks, peacocks,
and 1992. Experimental reproduction of salmonellosis
and guinea fowl are also susceptible. Both diseases can be
with four strains of S. pullorum in humans with large
transmitted through the egg by transovarian infection. S.
numbers (billions) of bacteria produced only transient
enterica subsp. enterica Pullorum-Gallinarum is highly host
clinical signs followed by prompt recovery (97).
adapted and seldom causes significant clinical signs, mor-
bidity, or mortality in hosts other than chickens and
turkeys. HISTORY
Only the salient features of these two diseases are pro-
Definition and Synonyms vided here. Further information on the history of these
Bacillary white diarrhea was a term used to designate PD two diseases can be found in previous editions of this
before 1929, but the term pullorum disease has since book, as well as in a historical review by Bullis (34).
gained universal acceptance. The etiologic agent of PD was described by Rettger in
1899, and the disease was called fatal septicemia of young
Economic Significance chicks (106). Later, the disease was designated as bacillary
The elimination of PD and FT from commercial flocks in white diarrhea to distinguish it from other diseases of
the United States in the mid-1900s was largely a result of chicks (107). At that time PD was widespread in the
the pullorum-typhoid control program, the National United States and in many other countries throughout
Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP), instituted by a volun- the world. Mortality associated with this disease in chicks
tary organization (9). Even though PD is rare in commer- ranged up to 100% (108), seriously threatening the
cial chickens, the disease still occurs in backyard flocks (8, chicken industry. Between 1900 and 1910, PD was shown
49, 118, 142). The major economic cost from PD over the to be an egg-borne infection. In 1913, the practical appli-
last 20 years has been the cost involved in testing breed- cation of the macroscopic tube agglutination antibody
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Pullorum Disease and Fowl Typhoid 569

test for detection of carriers of the organism was described ancestor, the pullorum lineage has evolved more rapidly
(76). Standard methods of diagnosis of PD in barnyard than the gallinarum lineage as shown by multilocus
fowl were formulated by the Conference of Research enzyme electrophoresis and estimation of the chromoso-
Workers in Animal Diseases of North America and later mal genotypic diversity (87). Using multilocus enzyme
adopted by the USA Livestock Association, now the electrophoresis, it was shown that S. enteritidis, a poly-
United States Animal Health Association (USAHA), in phyletic serotype, is closely related to S. pullorum and S.
1932 (4, 5). A modified whole blood test method in which gallinarum (130).
stained antigen is used was developed in 1931 (115). It
has been widely used because of its simplicity. Morphology and Staining
The NPIP, established in 1935, is administered by state The organisms are Gram-negative, nonsporogenic, and
agencies cooperating with the USDA, and was designed in facultatively anaerobic. They are slender rods measuring
part to control PD in chickens. Pullorum disease was first 0.3  1.5  1.0  2.5 mm. The bacilli mostly occur singly,
recognized in turkeys in 1928 (66), and by 1940, the dis- but occasionally two or more can be found to be united.
ease was widespread in turkeys and responsible for severe Both S. pullorum and S. gallinarum are considered as non-
economic losses. A National Turkey Improvement Plan, motile. However, motility and flagellation have been
similar to NPIP, was organized in 1943. A series of modifi- shown in S. pullorum grown on special types of solid
cations of these plans during a number of years has media (38, 60, 69). However, other workers were unable to
helped in the eradication of PD in commercial poultry. induce motility in S. pullorum when grown on Hektoen
Fowl typhoid, a disease very similar to PD, was first agar (37).
recognized in 1888, even before PD (80). Initially, the
causative agent was named Bacillus gallinarum, later Growth Requirements
changed to B. sanguinarium and later to S. gallinarum (80). S. pullorum and S. gallinarum grow readily on beef agar,
The name fowl typhoid was applied in 1902, and it was broth, or other nutrient media. They are aerobic or facul-
soon used in other parts of the world such as Germany tatively anaerobic and grow best at 37°C. The organisms
and Holland. Control of FT was included in the NPIP in will grow in selective enrichment media such as selenite-F
1954. This resulted in the inclusion of FT in the same cat- and tetrathionate broths, and differential plating media
egory as PD and is one of the main reasons for the eradi- such as MacConkey, bismuth sulfite, and brilliant green
cation of FT in commercial poultry and its low incidence agars. It has been shown that S. pullorum occasionally fails
in all poultry. to grow on certain selective media such as brilliant green
or salmonella-shigella agar but grows satisfactorily on bis-
muth sulfite and MacConkey agars (36). S. pullorum
appears to grow slower than S. gallinarum, and this has
Classification been attributed to its inability to oxidatively assimilate a
Pullorum disease and FT are caused by S. pullorum and S. variety of amino acids (131).
gallinarum, respectively. However, these two bacteria have
been placed in a single species, S. enterica subsp. enterica Colony Morphology
serovar Pullorum-Gallinarum of the family Enterobacteri- Colonies of S. pullorum and S. gallinarum on meat extract
aceae, which is highly host adapted. It is one of the few or infusion agar (pH 7.0—7.2) appear as small, discrete,
members of the genus that is nonmotile and belongs to smooth, blue-gray or grayish white, glistening, homoge-
the serogroup D according to the Kauffman White nous, and entire. The growth of S. pullorum and S. galli-
scheme. Classification of the etiology of PD and FT has narum is luxuriant and markedly translucent on liver
been confusing and has changed in the last few years from infusion agar. Covered colonies remain small (1 mm or
separate species of S. pullorum and S. gallinarum to a single less), but isolated colonies may have a diameter of 3—4
species. Bergey’s Manual once used the designation Salmo- mm or more. Surface markings may appear as the colonies
nella gallinarum for the etiology of PD and FT, but more increase in size and age, but as a rule, young colonies in a
recently the designation of S. gallinarum-pullorum has heavily seeded plate change little with age. Occasionally,
been used. In some classification schemes, the etiology of morphologically abnormal strains are encountered. Inocu-
PD and FT are given different serovar status (S. enterica lation of gelatin slants yields grayish-white surface growth
subsp. enterica serovar pullorum and S. enterica subsp. enter- with filiform growth in the stab and no liquefaction.
ica serovar gallinarum, respectively, as well as S. enterica Growth in broth is turbid with heavy flocculent sediment.
serovar gallinarum biovars gallinarum and pullorum)
because of biochemical differences and epizootiology. For Biochemical Properties
simplicity in this chapter, the etiology of PD will be More similarities than differences are identified between
termed S. pullorum, and the etiology of FT will be termed S. pullorum and S. gallinarum in their biochemical proper-
S. gallinarum. ties (28, 43, 138). Both organisms can ferment arabinose,
Nonmotile salmonellae such as S. pullorum and S. galli- dextrose, galactose, mannitol, mannose, rhamnose, and
narum are monophyletic, and the most recent common xylose to produce acid, with or without gas production.
ancestor is nonmotile (87). Since diverging from this Substances not fermented include lactose, sucrose, and

salicin. One important biochemical difference between tic of S. pullorum, was studied extensively (47, 48, 149,
these two organisms is that S. gallinarum ferments dulci- 153). The antigenic composition of S. pullorum was shown
tol, whereas S. pullorum does not. Also, S. pullorum only to contain O antigens 9, 121, 122, and 123, but the quan-
occasionally ferments maltose. The major difference tity of antigens 122 and 123 varies with strains. Standard
between the two organisms is, however, that S. pullorum strains contain a large amount of 123 and a very small
cultures produce rapid decarboxylation of ornithine, amount of 122, but in variant strains, the content of the
whereas cultures of S. gallinarum do not. In addition, S. two antigens is reversed. Extensive examination of indi-
gallinarum uses citrate, D() sorbitol, L() fucose, D() vidual colonies, sometimes through successive transfers,
tartrate, and cysteine hydrochloride gelatin (138). Some has been necessary to determine accurately the antigenic
of these differences are helpful in differentiating the two form of a culture. Most isolates tend to stabilize during
organisms; however, variation in the characteristics of passage on artificial media. Standard-form cultures usually
some strains can be observed occasionally, especially in contain a small percentage of 122-predominant colonies
regard to gas production. even after long artificial cultivation. Variant forms of cul-
Ribotyping by the use of the enzyme EcoRI has been tures are often pure or nearly pure for 122 and 123 factors.
suggested as an important tool to differentiate between S. Colonies of intermediate strains are usually mixtures of
pullorum and S. gallinarum (42). Also, profiles of whole-cell 122- and 123-predominant colonies or rarely are uniform
fatty acid methyl ester have been helpful for separation and contain appreciable amounts of both factors in indi-
and identification of S. pullorum and S. gallinarum (111). vidual colonies. Strains may also vary in content of the O-
More recently it has been demonstrated that S. pullorum 1 antigen.
can be differentiated from S. gallinarum by the analysis of Early reports indicated that as many as one-third of the
the phase 1 flagellin C gene (flic) by single-strand confor- S. pullorum isolates from some areas of the United States
mational polymorphism (86). were of the variant type; by 1950, only 13% of total iso-
lates were of that type (148), a reduction believed to be the
Susceptibility to Chemical and Physical Agents result of the extensive use of polyvalent testing antigens.
In general, the susceptibility of S. pullorum and S. galli- Tests to differentiate standard, intermediate, and vari-
narum is about the same as that of members of the paraty- ant types of S. pullorum have been described (145, 146).
phoid groups (104, 128). They may survive for several Phage typing of S. pullorum can be used for type identifica-
years in a favorable environment, but they are less resis- tion, epidemiologic investigations, and genetic studies
tant than paratyphoid salmonellae to heat, chemicals, (43, 139, 140).
and adverse environmental factors. For example, S. galli-
narum was killed within 10 minutes at 60°C; within a few Virulence Factors
minutes by direct exposure to sunlight; in 3 minutes by S. pullorum and S. gallinarum, being Gram-negative bacte-
1:1000 phenol, 1:20,000 dichloride of mercury, or 1% ria, have endotoxin. Unfortunately, this has not been
potassium permanganate; and in 1 minute by 2% forma- studied extensively. S. pullorum contains a thermostable
lin (128). S. gallinarum grown on agar cultures may rapidly toxin to which rodents, but not chicks, are susceptible.
lose their virulence. Orr and Moore (99) found that S. gal- Similarly, S. gallinarum contains a toxin that was lethal to
linarum retained viability up to 43 days when subjected to rabbits (127). Endotoxins from S. gallinarum can cause
daily freezing and thawing. Organisms in liver survived clinical signs within a few hours after intravenous injec-
more than 148 days at 20°C, even though they were tion in chicks (126). Most of the clinical signs subsided
accidentally thawed twice. S. gallinarum can survive in within 24—48 hours. Storing S. gallinarum at 75 or 20°C
feces from infected chickens up to 10.9 days when kept in did not have any effect on the subsequent pathogenicity
a range house and 2 days less in the open (124). test results (126).
Like most pathogenic microorganisms, S. gallinarum,
Antigenic Structure and Toxins and probably S. pullorum, may lose virulence rapidly dur-
Both S. pullorum and S. gallinarum possess the O antigens ing propagation and passage on artificial media; hence,
1, 9, and 12. Variation involving antigen 12 occurs in S. cultures should be passaged serially in their natural host,
pullorum strains based on serologic testing, but there is no the chicken, before testing the pathogenicity of the
evidence for such strain variation in S. gallinarum. How- organisms. Pathogenicity of such cultures is best main-
ever, DNA fingerprint analysis has raised doubts regarding tained in the lyophilized or frozen state. Passage on artifi-
such variation in the major somatic antigen 12 of S. pullo- cal media by different investigators have found wide
rum (151). variation in virulence among cultures of S. gallinarum.
The first serologic evidence of antigenic variation in S. Certain genes are responsible for efficient adherence
pullorum strains was discovered when progeny infected and entry of various salmonellae into cultured epithelial
with a new strain were negative for antibodies using a cells (1). When a mutated version of one of these genes,
standard agglutination test. Sera from infected chicks invH, was introduced into different Salmonella strains,
agglutinated homologous-strain antigen but not stan- some of these salmonellae (including S. gallinarum) were
dard-strain antigens. This antigenic variation, characteris- rendered deficient for adherence and invasion of cultured
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Pullorum Disease and Fowl Typhoid 571

cells. Genes homologous to K88 genes faeH and faeI have Significant differences in susceptibility to PD among
been demonstrated on the virulence plasmid of S. galli- breeds of chickens have been described (116). The lighter
narum, which may influence intestinal invasion (110). In breeds, particularly leghorns, appear to be more resistant
one study, significant variability was observed among S. than the heavy breeds. PD-resistant and PD-susceptible
pullorum isolates in their ability to invade avian epithelial lines of Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires, and crosses
cells despite the presence of salmonella invasion genes between the two were developed based on the selection
spvB and invA (45). for high and low body temperature during the first 6
An 85-kb plasmid plays a role in the virulence of S. pul- days of life (72). Differences in resistance to S. pullorum
lorum and S. gallinarum in chickens (17, 20, 43, 94). Plas- and S. gallinarum have also been shown in inbred lines of
mids of sizes other than 85-kb, either alone or in white leghorn chickens (35). It appears that a greater per-
combination, or isolates absent in plasmids have also centage of females than males stay as reactors, probably
been reported in S. gallinarum (3, 94). Genetic differences due to local infection being sequestered in the ovarian
were also found between isolates of S. pullorum isolated follicles.
prior to the 1980s and isolates of S. pullorum isolated dur- Pullorum disease has been described as a naturally
ing the 1990s based on random amplified polymorphic occurring or experimental infection in mammals includ-
DNA assay (45). ing chimpanzees, rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, pigs,
kittens, foxes, dogs, swine, mink, cows, and wild rats. S.
gallinarum was able to be cultured for up to 121 days from
the feces of experimentally infected rats (12). Human sal-
Incidence and Distribution monellosis caused by S. pullorum occasionally has been
Pullorum disease and FT are worldwide in distribution reported (7, 93, 97).
(14, 27, 31, 40, 70, 71, 74, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 98, 114, 121,
122, 154). Pullorum disease is rare in commercial poultry Age of Hosts Commonly Infected. Mortality from PD
in the United States and perhaps in other parts of the usually is confined to the first 2—3 weeks of age. Acute
world such as Canada, Australia, Japan, and Western infections in older chickens, particularly among brown
Europe. Pullorum disease is also less commonly reported egg-producing strains, have been reported occasionally.
from backyard chickens in the United States (8). Except Similarly, mortality due to PD in semimature and mature
for one epizootic of PD in commercial chickens in the turkeys has been observed. A certain percentage of chick-
United States during 1990—1991, there have been no ens and turkeys that survive the initial infection become
recent outbreaks (75, 112). This epizootic involved a sin- carriers with or without the presence of lesions.
gle integrated broiler operation in five states (Delaware, Although FT is frequently referred to as a disease of
Maryland, North Carolina, Alabama, and Florida). The adult birds, there have been reports of high mortality in
outbreak involved 18 breeder flocks and more than 261 young chicks (21, 22, 85, 91, 152). Fowl typhoid can cause
broiler rearing facilities. mortality as high as 26% in chicks during the first month
No outbreaks of FT in commercial poultry in the of life. Mortalities of 65% and 100% within 11 days after
United States have been reported since 1980 (6, 102). inoculation of one-day old broiler chicks with 104 CFU
Canada and several European countries have a low inci- and 108 CFU per ml of S. gallinarum, respectively, have
dence or absence of FT. Mexico, Central and South Amer- been reported (152). As in PD, FT losses begin at hatching
ica, Africa, and the Indian subcontinent continue to time; however, in FT they also continue to laying age. Cer-
report PD and FT in poultry flocks (15, 27, 31, 74, 88, 90, tain strains of S. gallinarum produce lesions in chicks
92, 94, 114, 121, 122). Recently, a few outbreaks of FT indistinguishable from those associated with PD (129).
have been reported in commercial poultry in Denmark Therefore, it is probable that chicks and poults are highly
and Germany (44). susceptible to S. pullorum and S. gallinarum, whereas adults
are more susceptible to S. gallinarum.
Natural and Experimental Hosts
Chickens are the natural hosts for both S. pullorum and Transmission
S. gallinarum; however, naturally occurring outbreaks of Like many other bacterial diseases, PD and FT can be
PD and FT have been described in turkeys, guinea fowl, transmitted in several ways. The infected bird (reactor
quail, pheasants, sparrows, and parrots (101, 104, 119, and carrier) is by far the most important means of perpet-
128). In addition, naturally occurring outbreaks of PD uation and spread of the organism. Birds may infect not
have been described in canaries and bullfinches, and FT only their own generation by horizontal transmission,
has been described in ring doves, ostriches, and peafowl. but also succeeding ones through egg transmission. Egg
The susceptibility of ducks, geese, and pigeons to S. galli- transmission may result from contamination of the ovum
narum has been variable, but they appear to be resistant following ovulation (21, 22), but localization of S. pullo-
to this pathogen. Ducks were found to be resistant to rum or S. gallinarum in the ovules before ovulation is
experimental infection with S. pullorum and S. gallinarum likely and probably constitutes the chief mode of vertical
(18, 33). transmission.

Transmission through shell penetration and feed con- outbreak usually have a high percentage of carriers at
tamination by S. pullorum has been reported but appears maturity.
to be of minor importance (147). The number of eggs Blindness, as well as swelling of the tibiotarsal and
infected with S. pullorum or S. gallinarum can be as high as the humeroradial and ulnar articulations due to S. pullo-
33% of the total laid by an infected hen. Contact trans- rum infection in chicks has been described (23, 50, 51,
mission of infected chicks or pullets can be an important 75, 92, 112). In certain instances, a relatively high inci-
route of dissemination of S. pullorum and S. gallinarum. dence of infection in the joints, which can produce
This can happen in the hatcher and can be partially pre- lameness and obvious joint enlargement can occur in
vented only by formaldehyde fumigation (67). Mortality chicks. In the 1990—1991 outbreaks of PD in the eastern
as high as 60.9% of the exposed flock due to S. gallinarum part of the United States, swelling of the hock joint, due
has been reported (58). Transmission may also occur to synovitis, was commonly seen (112). Similar lesions
within a flock as a result of cannibalism of infected birds, in turkey poults have also been reported. This may sug-
eating of infected eggs, and through wounds on the skin. gest that some strains of S. pullorum may have a tropism
Feces from infected birds are also a source of bacteria. for these sites.
Contaminated feed, water, and litter can also be sources of
both S. pullorum and S. gallinarum. Attendants, feed deal- Growing and Mature Fowl. Infected birds may not
ers, chicken buyers, and visitors who move from house to exhibit any signs and cannot be detected by their physical
house and from farm to farm may also spread these dis- appearance, especially in the case of PD. Acute outbreaks
eases unless precautions are taken to disinfect footwear, of FT in chickens may begin by a sudden drop in feed con-
hands, and clothing. Similarly, trucks, crates, and feed sumption, with birds being droopy, showing ruffled feath-
sacks may also be contaminated. Wild birds, mammals, ers and pale and shrunken combs. Other signs, such as a
and flies may be important mechanical spreaders of the drop in egg production, decreased fertility, and dimin-
organisms. ished hatchability, can sometimes be observed in both PD
Egg transmission has been influenced by levels of anti- and FT, depending upon the severity of infection. Death
bodies in the yolk (144). Maternal antibodies against S. may occur within 4 days of exposure, but usually occurs
pullorum may be critical in the prevention of embryonic after 5—10 days. There may be an increase in body temper-
mortality in infected eggs, thus allowing successful egg ature of 1—3 degrees within 2—3 days after exposure. In
transmission. some cases of PD in semi-mature and mature flocks, the
predominant clinical signs include anorexia, diarrhea,
Clinical Signs depression, and dehydration (49).
PD and FT are primarily diseases of chicks and poults. How- Clinical signs due to PD and FT in turkeys may consist
ever, FT is a more significant disease in growing and adult of thirst, inappetence, listlessness, a tendency to separate
chickens and turkeys than PD. The signs noted in young from healthy birds, and green to greenish-yellow diarrhea.
chicks and poults associated with both diseases are very However, deaths may occur with no prior clinical signs,
similar as a result of the transovarian transmission of these but body temperature may increase several degrees ini-
diseases. Occasional cases of PD can be subclinical, even tially. The first outbreak on a farm usually causes the high-
though the disease may originate by egg transmission. est mortality followed by intermittent recurrence and less
severe losses (68).
Chicks and Poults. If birds are hatched from S. pullorum
or S. gallinarum infected eggs, moribund and dead birds Morbidity and Mortality. Both morbidity and mortality
may be observed in the incubator or within a short time are highly variable in chickens and are influenced by age,
after hatching. The birds can manifest somnolescence, strain of bird, nutrition, flock management, concurrent
weakness, depressed appetite, poor growth, and adher- diseases and route and dose of exposure. Mortality from
ence of chalky white material to the vent. Death may PD may vary from 0 to 100%. The greatest losses usually
soon follow. In some cases, evidence of PD is not observed occur during the second week after hatching, with a rapid
until 5—10 days after hatching, but the disease gains decline between the third and fourth week of age in PD.
momentum during the following 7—10 days. Mortality Mortality ranging from 10 to 93% due to FT have been
usually peaks during the second or third week of life. In reported in chicks (64). One hundred percent mortality in
these situations, the birds exhibit lassitude and an inclina- 11 days was reported in broiler chicks after they were
tion to huddle together under heaters, having droopy inoculated at one-day of age with 108 CFU per ml of S. gal-
wings, and distorted body appearance. linarum (152).
Labored breathing or gasping may be observed as a Morbidity is often much higher than mortality with
result of extensive involvement of the lungs due to PD. some of the affected birds recovering spontaneously. Birds
Survivors may be greatly retarded in their growth and hatched from an infected flock and raised on the same
appear underdeveloped and poorly feathered. These birds premises exhibit less mortality than those subjected to the
may not mature into vigorous or well-developed laying or stress of shipping. Losses may be as severe in turkeys as in
breeding birds. Flocks that have passed through a serious chickens.
16.1. Gross lesions associated with Salmonella pullorum (A–F) infec-
tion in chickens. A. Enlarged liver showing congestion and small
necrotic foci (Glass). B. Heart from young chick with white nodules rep-
resenting myocarditis. Such nodules can be confused for tumors, such
as Marek’s disease (Chin). C. Nodular lesions in the heart; note the
thickened yellowish pericardium (reflected). D. Swollen hock joint con-
taining yellow viscous fluid (Peckham). E. Ovarian lesions and salp-
ingitis. F. Lungs with pyrogranulomatous pneumonia due to pullorum
disease in a chick (Peckham). G. Turkey poult with exudate in the
anterior chamber of the eye due to arizonosis.
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Pullorum Disease and Fowl Typhoid 573

PATHOLOGY enclosed in a thickened capsule. These degenerative ovar-

ian follicles may be closely attached to the ovary, but fre-
Gross Lesions quently they are pedunculated and may become detached
Descriptions of gross and microscopic lesions associated
from the ovarian mass. In such cases, they may become
with PD and FT are sporadic. Some of the earliest descrip-
embedded in the inner lining of the peritoneal cavity.
tions were those by Rettger (107, 108). Since then, there
Often, the oviduct contains caseous exudate in the lumen.
have been many reports in various species of birds, pri-
Ovary and oviduct dysfunction may lead to peritoneal
marily involving chickens and turkeys, but also in pheas-
ovulation or oviduct impaction, which in turn may bring
ants, quail, and guinea fowl (21, 24, 39, 46, 49, 50, 57, 64,
about extensive peritonitis and adhesions of the abdomi-
65, 66, 67, 83, 84, 91, 92, 101, 117, 118, 119, 135, 152,
nal viscera. Fibrinous peritonitis and perihepatitis, with or
without involvement of the reproductive tract, may some-
times be seen. Ascites also may develop, especially in
Chicks. In peracute cases of PD and FT, birds that die turkeys. However, it may be difficult to culture Salmonella
suddenly in the early stages of brooding may show no from advanced chronic lesions.
gross lesions. In acute cases, enlarged and congested liver, Frequently, pericarditis is observed. Changes in the
spleen, and kidneys may be seen. Livers may have white pericardium, epicardium, and pericardial fluid depend on
foci of 2—4 mm in diameter (Fig. 16.1A). The yolk sac and the duration of the disease. In some cases, the peri-
its contents may or may not reveal any abnormalities, but cardium exhibits only a slight translucency, and the peri-
in protracted cases, interference with yolk absorption may cardial fluid may be increased in volume and turbid. In
occur. In such cases, the yolk sac contents may be of the more advanced stages, the pericardial sac is thickened
creamy or caseous consistency. Occasionally, those birds and opaque, and the pericardial fluid is greatly increased
with respiratory signs may have white nodules in the lung in amount, containing considerable exudate. More
(Fig. 16.1F), and white nodules, resembling Marek’s dis- advanced cases have chronic thickening of the peri-
ease tumors, may be present in the cardiac muscle (Fig. cardium and epicardium and partial obliteration of the
16.1B) or pancreas. Occasionally, nodules in the heart pericardial cavity by adhesions. Occasionally, small cysts
may become so large they distort the shape of the heart containing amber, caseous material may be found
(Fig.16.1C). This, in turn, may lead to chronic passive embedded in the abdominal fat or attached to the ven-
congestion of the liver and ascites. The pericardium may triculus and intestine. Frequently, the pancreas may have
be thickened, and the pericardial sac may contain yellow white foci or nodules.
serous or fibrinous exudate. Similar nodules may be pre- In the male, testes may have white foci or nodules
sent in the muscle of the ventriculus (gizzard) and occa- (57). Occasionally, caseous granulomas can be found in
sionally in the wall of the ceca and rectum. The ceca may the lungs and air sacs (49).
contain caseous cores. Some birds may exhibit swollen
joints containing yellow viscous fluid (24) (Fig. 16.1D);
Turkeys. Lesions due to PD and FT in turkeys are similar
this was one of the most commonly reported gross lesions
to those observed in chickens (66). Enlarged mahogany or
in the 1990—1991 outbreak of PD in commercial broilers
brown-streaked livers, splenomegaly, areas of necrosis in
in the United States (112). Among the joints, the hock
the heart, and grayish lungs are characteristic lesions of
joint is most commonly involved, but other joints such as
FT in turkey poults. Ulceration throughout the small
the wing joint and the foot pad may be affected. Other
intestine and ceca is a common type of lesion in turkeys
changes that can be seen include exudate in the peri-
but uncommon in chickens. In adult carriers, there is a
toneal cavity, thickening of the wall of the intestine, and
predilection of infection for the reproductive organs simi-
exudate in the anterior chamber of the eye.
lar to that seen in chickens.
Splenimegaly, gray necrotic foci with petechial hemor-
rhages in lungs, and pale or discolored livers were
observed in bobwhite quail inoculated with S. pullorum Ducks and Guinea Fowl. Lesions due to FT in ducklings
(33). In young pheasants, yolk sac infection, pneumonia, and adult ducks are similar to those in chickens. In guinea
hepatitis, and typhlocolitis were the most common fowl, FT lesions involve the respiratory tract and are char-
lesions associated with PD (101). acterized by congested lungs and increased mucus in the
nasal cleft and trachea.
Adult Chickens. Lesions due to PD may be minimal in
some birds, even though they may be active serologic reac- Histopathology
tors. Sometimes, only a minimal lesion, such as a small A very limited amount of information on microscopic
nodular or regressing ovarian follicle, can be found. How- lesions is available for PD or FT. Most of the PD lesions
ever, the lesions found most frequently in chronic carrier described are from field cases, which might have been
hens with PD and FT are a few misshapen, discolored cys- complicated by other bacterial and/or viral agents (46,
tic ova among a few normal-appearing ovules (Fig. 16.1E). 135). There is one report on experimental pathology of FT
The involved ova may contain oily and caseous material in chicks (152).

16.2. Liver revealing focal degeneration and necrosis, 16.3. Myocardium from a Salmonella pullorum-
51. infected chick showing infiltration with histiocytic-type
cells, 62.

In peracute cases of PD and FT, only severe vascular con-

gestion in various organs, especially liver, spleen, and kid- process can be seen in the ventriculus and pancreas. The
ney, can be identified. In acute to subacute cases, there is lesions in the pancreas can be so severe that the normal
multifocal necrosis of hepatocytes (Fig. 16.2) with accumu- architecture is obliterated.
lation of fibrin and infiltration of heterophils in the hepatic Other changes, such as serositis of various organs
parenchyma. Periportal infiltration of heterophils mixed including the pericardium, pleuroperitoneum, synovium,
with a few lymphocytes and plasma cells can also be seen in and serosa of the intestinal tract and mesentery can be
the liver. In chronic cases, especially in cases in which there seen in a high percentage of cases (135). In acute stages,
are large nodules in the heart, the liver will have chronic these lesions can be associated with heterophils and fib-
passive congestion with interstitial fibrosis. The spleen may rin, but in later stages, only lymphocytes, plasma cells,
have severe congestion or fibrin exudation of vascular and histiocytes will be found.
sinuses in acute stages, and severe hyperplasia of the Microscopic lesions in the ovary range from acute fib-
mononuclear phagocytic system cells in later stages. The rinosuppurative inflammation to severe pyogranuloma-
ceca in young chicks may have extensive necrosis of the tous inflammation of the ovules (Fig. 16.4). The
mucosa and submucosa, with an accumulation of necrotic pyogranulomatous inflammation is characterized by infil-
debris mixed with fibrin and heterophils in the lumen. tration of heterophils mixed with fibrin and bacterial
However, the most characteristic microscopic lesions colonies in the coagulated yolk material. In turn, the core
are in the heart and ventriculus. In the heart, they begin is surrounded by successive layers of multinucleated giant
as necrosis of myofibers with infiltration of heterophils cells and a mixed population of inflammatory cells that
mixed with lymphocytes and plasma cells. In later stages, can include macrophages, plasma cells, heterophils, and
these cells are replaced by massive numbers of uniform lymphocytes. In males, degeneration, necrosis, and
histiocytes (Fig. 16.3). These cells are fairly large, with inflammation of the epithelial cells lining the seminifer-
irregular vesicular nuclei and faintly staining, foamy ous tubules can be seen (84). Other, but less common,
eosinophilic cytoplasm. They may be arranged in solid changes are catarrhal bronchitis, catarrhal enteritis, and
sheets, forming nodules that often protrude from the epi- interstitial inflammation of the lungs and kidneys. Mini-
cardial surface. These nodules, both grossly and histologi- mal and nonspecific changes in endocrine glands, such as
cally, can be confused with lymphoid tumors caused by the hypoplasia of thyroid and hypertrophy of adrenal and
Marek’s disease virus and possibly retroviruses. A similar pituitary glands due to FT, have been described (53).
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Pullorum Disease and Fowl Typhoid 575

S. gallinarum may cause anemia (41) and an increase in

sialic acid content in serum (82).

Very little information regarding immunity to PD and FT
is available, due in part to the great success in the eradica-
tion of these diseases in commercial poultry. Chicks orally
infected at 4 days of age did not produce detectable agglu-
tinating antibodies until 20—40 days of age, but mature
birds produced agglutinating antibodies within 3—10 days
following infection. In chicks, maximum antibody pro-
duction was not reached until 100 days after infection.
The possible role of agglutinating antibodies in affecting
the course of infection in the host is poorly understood.

A definitive diagnosis of PD or FT requires the isolation
and identification of S. pullorum or S. gallinarum, respec-
tively. A tentative diagnosis, however, can be made based
on flock history, clinical signs, mortality, and lesions. Pos-
itive serologic findings can also be of major value in
detecting infection; however, negative results should not
be considered adequate for a definite diagnosis because of
the delay of 3—10 days in the appearance of agglutinating
16.4. Ovule from an adult hen with pullorum disease antibodies following infection. Similarly positive results
showing fibrinosuppurative inflammation and bacterial should be interpreted with caution because of cross reac-
colonies, 20. tions with other serogroup D salmonellae such as S. enteri-
tidis (55, 56, 120, 143).

Pathogenesis of Infectious Process Isolation and Identification of Causative Agent

Differences in the ability of various salmonellae, includ- Acute PD and FT are characteristically systemic infections;
ing S. pullorum and S. gallinarum, to survive and multiply causative organisms can be isolated from most internal
in visceral organs (especially in spleen and liver) have been organs. The liver, spleen, and ceca usually are involved
attributed to an unknown mechanism involving the and are the preferred organs to culture. Lesions may occur
mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) of the host (16). in lungs, heart, ventriculus, pancreas, or yolk sac, and
Ducks may be resistant to S. gallinarum due to the inher- these are also dependable samples for culturing. In mature
ent inability of the bacteria to multiply in the MPS of birds, if lesions are present in the reproductive organs,
ducks (18). Because of the ability of these bacteria to ovarian follicles and testes can be cultured. Other sites for
infect and multiply within the cells of the MPS of chick- culturing are the peritoneum, synovial fluid, and the inte-
ens and turkeys, it is probable that cell-mediated immu- rior of the eye. Beef extract or infusion, or tryptose agar,
nity to S. pullorum and S. gallinarum may play a role in in tubes or petri dishes, are all satisfactory for primary iso-
recovery and resistance to infection in chickens and lation. Enrichment broths or selective media may also be
turkeys. used if tissues are decomposed.
In one study, it was found that an S. gallinarum infec- Birds with chronic PD or FT that are detected by sero-
tion of primary chicken cells caused a reduction in IL- logic tests may or may not have gross lesions. If such birds
1beta and no change in IL-6 (78). The reduction in are submitted to the laboratory as carriers, thorough cul-
IL-1beta was interpreted as a lack of an inflammatory turing of internal organs is necessary. A detailed outline
response resulting in systemic infection of S. gallinarum for testing such specimens is provided in the procedures
(78). In another study it was demonstrated that S. pullo- manual of the NPIP (9). This procedure may be summa-
rum preferentially targeted the bursa of Fabricius prior to rized as follows.
eliciting inflammation in the intestine (65). In a study Grossly normal or diseased internal organs should be
with S. gallinarum in chickens, leucocytosis was observed cultured directly on veal infusion (VI) and brilliant green
on the third day PI but was followed by leukopenia that (BG) agar plates and incubated for 48 hours at 37°C. In
lasted for 10 days (81). This was followed by a leucocytosis addition, portions of the internal organs should be
as late as 21 days PI, and it was associated with het- pooled, ground, or blended in 10 times their volume of VI
erophilia but a relative lymphopenia (81). Infection with broth; 10 ml aliquots of the suspension are transferable to

100 mL of both VI and tetrathionate BG (TBG) broth and which can be determined within 24 hours, provide identi-
incubated for 24 hours at 37°C. The broths then are plated fication of a number of other common pathogens and
on VI and BG agar and incubated and examined after 24 allow differentiation between the two organisms.
and 48 hours. If contamination with proteus or Additional differentiation tests described under etiol-
pseudomonas is a problem, platings can be done on BG ogy may be necessary to identify isolates that produce
sulfapyridine (BGS) agar. nontypical reactions (chiefly fermentation of maltose or
The digestive tract should be cultured using individual no gas production). Decarboxylation of ornithine by S. pul-
cotton swabs for the upper, middle, and lower intestinal lorum is the single most dependable test for differentiating
tract, including both the ceca and the rectum-cloaca area. maltose-fermenting S. pullorum strains from S. gallinarum.
The swabs should be deposited in 10 mL TBG broth, incu- Polymerase chain reaction has also been used to identify
bated, and plated as previously described for the internal isolates of S pullorum and S. gallinarum (73, 77, 141).
organs. In addition, portions of the gut should be pooled,
ground, or blended in 10 times their volume of TBG Serology
broth. Ten mL of the suspension from the digestive tract Serologic tests to detect PD and FT include the macro-
are transferred to 100 mL TBG broth and incubated at 42 scopic tube agglutination (TA) test, rapid serum (RS) test,
or 37°C for 24 hours. The higher incubation temperatures stained antigen whole blood (WB) test, and the microag-
for TBG broth reduce populations of competitive flora glutination (MA) test using tetrazolium-stained antigens
common in gut tissue. (54, 76, 104, 109, 115, 128, 137, 150). The standard proce-
Suspect colonies are transferred to triple sugar-iron dure in the United States for detecting breeding flocks
(TSI) agar and lysine-iron (LI) agar and incubated at 37°C chronically infected with S. pullorum and S. gallinarum is
for 24 hours. Cultures revealing typical reactions of sal- to use the standard strains of S. pullorum (1, 9, 123) for
monellae or arizonae on TSI or LI agar slants should be tube and serum plate antigens and both standard (1, 9,
identified by appropriate biochemical and other tests. All 123) and variant (1, 9, 122) strains of S. pullorum for the
Salmonella cultures should be serologically typed. polyvalent rapid whole blood plate antigens. These anti-
Use of nonselective media demands careful aseptic tech- gens will detect flocks infected with either S. pullorum or S.
niques but has the advantage of more dependably ensuring gallinarum. Hens infected with antigenically intermediate
the isolation of S. pullorum and S. gallinarum. Also, other or variant strains of S. pullorum were detected as seroposi-
bacteria capable of producing cross-reactions with pullo- tive less often than were hens infected with antigenically
rum-typhoid antigen may be more dependably isolated. standard strains with two commercially available plate
test antigens (54).
Identification of Cultures The techniques and procedures for official testing of
The colonies of S. pullorum may appear small, smooth, chicken and turkey breeding flocks and the interpretation
and translucent on nutrient media after 24 hours of incu- of tests are described in detail in the latest version of the
bation. With S. gallinarum, colonies are smooth, blue-gray, NPIP (9).
moist, circular, and entire. Careful initial culture of tissues Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for
on nonselective media should usually result in pure cul- detecting S. pullorum and S. gallinarum antibodies have
tures. If pure cultures are not secured, or if an enriched been developed by using lipopolysaccharides or whole cell
medium has been used, it is often advantageous to trans- antigen from these salmonellae (15, 26, 95, 96). This tech-
fer individual colonies to TSI agar slants for preliminary nique can be used for screening large numbers of blood
differentiation. S. pullorum and S. gallinarum produce a red samples but has limited use because of positive reactions
slant with a yellow butt that shows delayed blackening to other salmonellae, especially those belonging to group
from H2S production. Reactions listed in Table 16.1, D (15, 95, 96). S. pullorum can also be detected serologi-
cally using S. enteritidis flagella as an antigen (56). Another
test, a dot immunobinding assay (DIA) was found to be
Table 16.1. Biochemical reactions useful in differentiating Sal-
more sensitive compared to the tube agglutination test for
monella gallinarum and S. pullorum.
detecting high titers of antibodies in birds challenged with
Reactant or S. gallinarum (89). This test also detected antibodies to S.
characterstic S. gallinarum S. pullorum gallinarum in vaccinated birds that failed to react by TA.
Dextrose Fermented with no gas Fermented with gas
Lactose Not fermented Not fermented Differential Diagnosis
Sucrose Not fermented Not fermented The clinical signs and lesions produced by PD or FT are
Mannitol Fermented with no gas Fermented with gas not pathognomonic. Other Salmonella infections may
Maltose Fermented with no gas Usually not fermented
produce similar lesions in the liver, spleen, and intestine,
Dulcitol Fermented with no gas Not fermented
Ornithine Not fermented Fermented which cannot be distinguished grossly or microscopically
Indole Not produced Not produced from those produced by PD or FT. Aspergillus or other
Urea Not hydrolyzed Not hydrolyzed fungi may produce similar lesions in the lungs.
Motility Nonmotile Nonmotile S. pullorum and S. gallinarum can localize in major
Agglutination Positive with group D Positive with group D
joints and tendon sheaths of chicks. Such signs and
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Pullorum Disease and Fowl Typhoid 577

lesions resemble those produced by organisms such as a. Free-flying birds are commonly found to be carri-
Mycoplasma synoviae, Staphylococcus aureus, Pasteurella ers of other salmonellae, although rarely with S. pullorum
multocida, or Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. Sometimes the or S. gallinarum. Poultry houses should be bird proof.
white nodules in the heart of young chicks may resemble b. Rats, mice, rabbits, cats, dogs, and pests may be
Marek’s disease tumors. Local infections with S. pullorum carriers of other salmonellae, but they are infected
and S. gallinarum in adult carriers, particularly of the rarely with S. pullorum or S. gallinarum. Nevertheless,
ovary, may appear identical to those produced by other poultry houses should be vermin proof.
bacterial infections such as coliforms, staphylococci, P. c. Insect control is important, particularly against
multocida, streptococci, and other salmonellae. Birds of flies, poultry mites, and the lesser mealworm. These
any age may be infected with S. pullorum or S. gallinarum pests may provide a means of survival for salmonellae
but fail to show grossly discernable lesions. A definitive and other avian pathogens in the environment.
diagnosis of PD and FT can be made only following the d. Potable drinking water must be used, or chlori-
isolation and identification of S. pullorum and S. galli- nated water should be provided. In some areas, a dan-
narum, respectively. ger is posed by surface water collected in open ponds
for use as drinking water for livestock and poultry.
e. Mechanical carriers of the organism include
INTERVENTION STRATEGIES footwear and clothing of humans, as well as poultry
equipment, processing trucks, and poultry crates. Every
It has long been established that chicken and turkey
precaution should be made to prevent the introduction
flocks can be developed and maintained free of PD and FT
of S. pullorum or S. gallinarum by fomites.
by adhering to well-defined procedures. Both PD and FT
f. Proper disposal of dead birds is essential.
are good examples of diseases that have decreased in inci-
dence over the years by the application of basic manage-
ment procedures. In the simplest sense, the only Elimination of Carriers. The foundation of the PD con-
requirement is to establish breeding flocks free of S. pullo- trol program was established in 1913 by use of TA for
rum and S. gallinarum and to hatch and rear their progeny detecting infected chickens (76). The test was promptly
under conditions that preclude direct or indirect contact applied in state programs to eliminate the disease from
with infected chickens or turkeys. flocks by the detection and removal of reactors.
Early field testing results indicated that removal of
Management Procedures reactors following a single test usually was not sufficient
Methods of management broadly designed to prevent the for the complete elimination of infected birds from a
introduction of infectious agents are applicable to pre- flock. Such results may be expected because of three possi-
venting the introduction of S. pullorum and S. gallinarum. ble intercurrent characteristics: 1) serum agglutinin titers
Because of egg transmission, only eggs from flocks known of infected birds tend to fluctuate and may for brief peri-
to be free of PD and FT should be used in hatcheries. ods fail to produce significant agglutination at the usual
Under the NPIP, chicken and turkey breeding flocks and dilution of 1:25 or 1:50; 2) a delay of at least several days
their progeny may be recognized as free of PD and FT. exists between infection and the development of agglu-
Management practices should be broadly applied to tinins; and 3) following the removal of reactors, environ-
prevent the introduction of PD or FT. If PD or FT are mental contamination may serve as a source of infection
encountered, elimination of carriers must be carried out for other birds at a later date.
regularly until the breeder flocks are free of PD and FT.
Serologic Tests. As noted previously, in addition to the
1. Chicks and poults should be obtained from sources TA test, other serologic tests such as the RS, WB, and MA
free of PD and FT. tests have been developed (109, 115, 150). All of these are
2. Pullorum-free and typhoid-free stock should not be effective in detecting carriers. The MA test is as depend-
mixed with other poultry or confined birds. able as the TA test and offers an important advantage in
3. Chicks and poults should be placed in an environ- lower cost. The NPIP (9), which details testing methods,
ment that can be cleaned and sanitized to eliminate any accepts four tests for testing chickens: standard TA test,
residential salmonellae from previous flocks (see “Resis- WB test, RS test, and MA test. Of the four, only the WB
tance to Chemical and Physical Agents”). test is not satisfactory for turkeys. Testing for accredita-
4. Chicks and poults should receive pelletized, crum- tion is allowed after chickens and turkeys reach approxi-
bled feed to minimize the introduction of S. pullorum and mate immunologic maturity at 16 weeks of age.
S. gallinarum and other salmonellae through contami- In contrast to requirements in the United States for pro-
nated feed ingredients. Use of feed ingredients free of sal- ducing antigen from cells grown on the surface of appropri-
monellae is essential. ate agar, a different WB test antigen was developed in
5. Introduction of salmonellae from outside sources Japan, where it is officially used (136). This antigen is pre-
must be minimized by the use of a sound biosecurity pro- pared from cultures grown in a continuous-flow, broth-cul-
gram. ture system, in which it is necessary to blend sublots to

secure desired agglutinability. An ELISA test is also available 1. PD and FT must be mandatory reportable diseases.
for screening of flocks for PD and FT (15, 95, 96). 2. Outbreaks must be placed under quarantine, and
Serologic evidence of infection should be confirmed infected flocks marketed under supervision.
by bacteriologic examination of one or more reactors. If 3. All reports of PD and FT must be investigated by an
only suspicious reactions are observed in a flock, the birds authorized state or federal official.
reacting most strongly should be submitted to a labora- 4. Importation regulations must require shipments of
tory for retesting and a thorough bacteriologic examina- poultry and hatching eggs to be from sources considered
tion. In routine testing, flocks should not be interpreted free of PD and FT.
as infected solely on the basis of doubtful or atypical reac- 5. Regulations must require poultry going to public
tions, because such reactions may result from infections exhibition to be from flocks free from PD and FT.
other than S. pullorum or S. gallinarum (55, 56, 120, 143). 6. Total participation of poultry breeding flocks and
hatcheries must be required in a pullorum-typhoid con-
Non-pullorum/Non-gallinarum Reactors. Non-pullorum, trol program, such as NPIP programs or the equivalent.
and possibly non-gallinarum, reactions occasionally cause
problems in interpretation (52, 143). A variety of bacteria Forty-three states in the United States had qualified
possessing antigens in common with, or closely related to, under the preceding program as pullorum-typhoid-clean
those of S. pullorum may infect birds and produce an states by 2000; however, a reservoir of PD still exists in
agglutinin response. It was reported that non-pullorum small backyard and hobby flocks. This reservoir of infec-
reactions occur more frequently with variant than with tion may be larger than indicated, because not all states
standard-form antigen. Infections with coliforms, micro- have a program to test noncommercial and exhibition
cocci, and streptococci, particularly those belonging to poultry. Experience indicates that the usual separation of
the Lancefield Group D, were found to be responsible for commercial and noncommercial poultry is quite effective
a large percentage of non-pullorum reactions in chickens. in preventing the transmission of S. pullorum and S. galli-
Infections with other bacteria such as Staphylococcus epi- narum between these populations. Nevertheless, infected
dermidis, Micrococcus spp., Aerobacter aerogenus, Proteus backyard flocks pose some danger to commercial flocks. It
spp., Escherichia coli, and species of arizonae, providentia, is necessary to continue to test commercial breeding
and citrobacter, were responsible for many non-pullorum flocks to enable earlier identification of accidental infec-
reactions. Other salmonellae, particularly those in Group tions from noncommercial poultry.
D, such as S. enteritidis, may also produce cross-reactions.
Non-pullorum reactors range from a few birds in a flock to Vaccination
as high as 30—40%. The character of the agglutination Because PD has been mostly eradicated from commercial
may be variable. Thorough bacteriologic examination of flocks over the years and the eradication program is in
representative reactors is often the only dependable place, very little incentive exists for the production of vac-
method of determining the infection status of a flock, and cines to control PD. Fowl typhoid, however, continues to
it is usually the only method of distinguishing between be a problem in some parts of the world. No federally
infections by S. pullorum and S. gallinarum. licensed S. gallinarum killed bacterin is produced in the
United States, and live modified vaccines used in other
National Control Program. The NPIP (9) details specific countries are not permitted in the United States. Various
criteria for establishing and maintaining official U.S pul- investigators have evaluated killed and modified live vac-
lorum-typhoid-clean flocks and hatcheries. These criteria cines as well as virulence-plasmid cured derivatives (10,
are based on farm and hatchery management practices 19, 25, 61, 62, 63, 100, 123, 155, 156). With the upsurge
that prevent direct or indirect contact with infected stock of FT in many countries, studies on the use of the 9R
and annual testing of all, or a representative portion, of strain as live oral or injectable vaccine, with or without oil
the birds in the flocks. adjuvants, have been reported with variable results (10,
If an attempt is made to free a flock of infection, retest- 61, 62, 63, 100, 123). Similarly, outer membrane proteins
ing of the infected flock should be done at 2—4-week inter- from S. gallinarum have been reported to offer better pro-
vals until two consecutive negative tests of the entire flock tection than the 9R live vaccine in terms of clearance of
are secured at not less than a 21-day interval. In the the pathogenic strain from internal organs (30, 32). More
majority of cases, infection can be eliminated from the recently, immunization against FT by the use of mutant
flock through short-interval testing. Two or three retests strains of S. gallinarum and a virulence-plasmid cured
are often sufficient to detect all infected birds; occasion- derivative of S. gallinarum and other types appear to be
ally, however, infection continues to spread within a promising in protecting birds challenged with S. galli-
flock. In some situations, the disease may not be elimi- narum (13, 14, 19, 59, 156).
nated through repeated testing.
Area Eradication. Here are the essentials of an eradica- Reasonably effective prophylactic and therapeutic drugs
tion program for an area: have been developed against PD and FT. In Canada and
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Pullorum Disease and Fowl Typhoid 579

the United States, every effort has been made to eradicate 12. Badi, M. A., N. Iliadis, and K. Sarris. 1992. Natural and
these diseases so treatment is not feasible nor desired. experimental infection of rodents (Rattus norvegicus) with
Salmonella gallinarum. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr
Various sulfonamides, nitrofurans, chloramphenicol,
tetracyclines, and aminoglycosides have been found to be 13. Barrow, P. A. 1990. Immunity to experimental fowl typhoid
effective in reducing mortality from PD and FT; however, in chickens induced by a virulence plasmid-cured derivative
no drug or combination of drugs has been found capable of Salmonella gallinarum. Infect Immunol 58:2283—2288.
of eliminating infection from a treated flock. Sulfon- 14. Barrow, P. A. 1992. In-vitro and in-vivo characteristics of
TnphoA mutant strains of Salmonella serotype gallinarum
amides, in particular, frequently suppress growth and may
not invasive for tissue culture cells. J Med Microbiol 36:389—
interfere with feed and water intake and egg production. 397.
Sulfonamides that have been used in the treatment of PD 15. Barrow, P. A., J. A. Berchieri, and O. Al-Haddad. 1992. Sero-
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CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Paratyphoid Infections 583

Paratyphoid Infections
Richard K. Gast

INTRODUCTION trol measures such as biosecurity practices, cleaning and

disinfecting of facilities, rodent control programs, vacci-
Motile Salmonella serotypes are often referred to as paraty-
nation, and testing can significantly increase production
phoid (PT) salmonellae. Found throughout the world,
expenses. The cost of these risk reduction practices for
these organisms can infect a very wide variety of hosts
controlling S. enteritidis infections in laying flocks in the
(including wild animals, domestic animals, and humans),
United States has been estimated to be nearly 1 cent per
in some instances resulting in relatively asymptomatic
dozen eggs produced (336).
intestinal carriage and in other instances producing clini-
cal disease. First reported in avian species in 1895 in an
outbreak of infectious enteritis in pigeons, PT infections
Public Health Significance
Despite mounting concerns about other pathogens in
have long been known to cause significant disease losses
recent years, salmonellae are consistently among the lead-
in young poultry. More recently, PT salmonellae have
ing sources of food-borne disease throughout the world.
been the subject of intensified interest as agents of food-
For example, nearly 84% of food-borne human illnesses
borne disease in humans. Advances in poultry production
in Scotland between 1980 and 1989 (353) and about 81%
practices, changes in consumer lifestyles and preferences,
of food-borne disease outbreaks in Italy between 1991 and
and heightened nutritional awareness have combined to
1994 (402) were attributed to Salmonella. The incidence of
make poultry products a leading source of animal protein
human Salmonella infections (especially involving S. enter-
for much of the world. Contaminated poultry meat and
itidis and S. typhimurium DT104) increased in many
eggs consistently have been among the most frequently
nations between 1985 and 1995 (181). Culture-confirmed
implicated sources of human Salmonella outbreaks. Con-
human cases of salmonellosis reported to the Centers for
trolling PT infections in poultry flocks has become an
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United
important objective from both the economic and public
States have increased steadily, rising from 26,326 in 1972
health perspectives.
to 39,033 in 1996 (7). According to CDC, salmonellae are
Economic Significance responsible for an estimated 1.34 million illnesses, 16,430
Human illnesses resulting from the consumption of poul- hospitalizations, and 582 deaths each year (330).
try products contaminated by Salmonella can be expen- In Salmonella outbreaks, widespread distribution of
sive for the poultry industry, governments, and affected contaminated foods can sometimes involve huge num-
individuals. The total annual costs of medical care and bers of consumers. For example, a 1994 S. enteritidis out-
lost productivity resulting from food-borne Salmonella break attributed to ice cream in the United States affected
infections of humans in the United States have been esti- 224,000 people (211). Salmonella outbreaks can have par-
mated at up to $3.5 billion (448). A single serotype, S. ticularly severe consequences for highly vulnerable popu-
enteritidis, may account for as much as $870 million of lations in locations such as daycare centers and nursing
this total (449). Negative publicity generated by media homes.
reports regarding Salmonella contamination of particular Poultry products are consistently identified as impor-
foods can significantly affect consumer demand for those tant sources of salmonellae that cause human illness.
items. International markets for poultry products are More than one-third of food-borne salmonellosis out-
increasingly subject to restrictions based on food safety breaks in humans in the United States between 1983 and
considerations. 1987 were associated with poultry meat or eggs (428).
Poultry producers also face an assortment of direct Between 1985 and 1996, 79% of S. enteritidis outbreaks in
expenses associated with Salmonella infections in their the United States that could be attributed to a specific
flocks. During the first few days after hatching, Salmonella food vehicle were associated with eggs (7).
infections acquired vertically from parents or horizontally
in the hatchery can cause significant growth depression or
even mortality in young chicks or poults. Although birds
quickly become far less susceptible to salmonellae during Classification and Nomenclature
the first week of life, other diseases or stressful conditions The genus Salmonella is a member of the bacterial family
can predispose poultry to severe Salmonella infections. Enterobacteriaceae and can be divided into five biochemi-
Likewise, infection with Salmonella can increase the sus- cally distinct subgenera (282). However, the degree of
ceptibility of birds to other pathogens. Infections of genetic relatedness among the salmonellae is so great that
mature poultry with salmonellae can also be costly to pro- some scholars have suggested that the genus actually con-
ducers in terms of the efforts required to prevent the sists of only two species (185). One of these, S. enterica,
transmission of infection to progeny or to humans. Con- includes more than 2400 motile and nonhost-adapted

serotypes often referred to as PT salmonellae, including S. ized by their ability to ferment malonate and their inabil-
enterica serotype Enteritidis and S. enterica serotype ity to ferment dulcitol.
Typhimurium. The more traditional names of individual
serotypes (such as S. enteritidis or S. typhimurium) are still Susceptibility to Chemical and Physical
commonly used as a concise and convenient form of Agents
nomenclature to facilitate diagnostic classification and Physical Agents: Heat and Irradiation. With the excep-
epidemiologic analysis. tion of a few distinctively thermoresistant strains (such as
S. senftenberg 775W), salmonellae generally are quite sus-
Morphology and Staining ceptible to destruction by heat. For example, cooking to
Salmonellae are straight, non-spore-forming rods, measur- an internal temperature of 79°C in conventional or con-
ing about 0.7—1.5  2.0—5.0 Fm. Salmonellae are gram- vection ovens always eliminated inoculated S.
negative, but cells can be stained readily with common typhimurium from roasting chickens (401). The heat resis-
dyes, such as methylene blue or carbolfuchsin. PT salmo- tance of S. enteritidis can be increased by prior exposure to
nellae are usually peritrichously flagellated and motile, alkaline conditions (251), and decreased by prior refriger-
although naturally occurring nonmotile mutants occa- ation (397). Isolates of S. enteritidis with enhanced heat
sionally are encountered. tolerance have been reported to also be more tolerant of
acid and hydrogen peroxide and survived longer on sur-
Growth Requirements faces (252). Salmonella strains of several serotypes have
Salmonellae are facultatively anaerobic and can grow well been able to survive cooking methods for eggs that allow
under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The opti- some of the yolk to remain liquid (250). Liquid whole egg
mum temperature to support the growth of salmonellae is is pasteurized in the United States according to USDA
37°C, but some growth is observed generally over a range specifications that require a minimum treatment time of
of about 5 to 45°C. Salmonellae can grow within a pH 3.5 minutes at 60°C (17). A combined treatment of heat-
range of approximately 4.0 to 9.0, with an optimum pH ing for 25 minutes in a 57°C water bath and then in hot
around 7.0, although some cellular characteristics such as air for 60 minutes at 55°C achieved a 7 log reduction in S.
flagella and fimbria may not be expressed under extreme enteritidis numbers inside intact shell eggs (243). Steam
pH conditions. The nutritional requirements of salmonel- pelleting treatment of poultry feed under precisely
lae are relatively simple, and most culture media that sup- defined conditions has been reported to eliminate salmo-
ply sources of carbon and nitrogen can support their nellae in a manner dependent on temperature, time, and
growth. The viability of Salmonella cultures can be main- moisture (217). The addition of propionic acid was found
tained for many years in simple media, such as peptone to improve S. enteritidis destruction in poultry feed by
agar or nutrient agar, which have been stab-inoculated, heating (319).
sealed, and held at room temperature. Irradiation has received considerable attention as a
potential method for eliminating salmonellae from foods
Colony Morphology and feedstuffs. Most Salmonella strains appear to be highly
Typical Salmonella colonies on agar media are about 2—4 susceptible to the lethal effects of irradiation (431).
mm in diameter, round with smooth edges, slightly Gamma radiation has been applied successfully to reduc-
raised, and glistening. ing the levels of Salmonella contamination in poultry
meat (347), egg products (318), shell eggs (405), and poul-
Biochemical Properties try feeds (295). Combined heat and radiation treatments
Typical PT salmonellae (227) ferment glucose (to produce have been shown to be more effective in eliminating sal-
both acid and gas), dulcitol, mannitol, maltose, and monellae than either treatment alone (432). Ultraviolet
mucate but do not ferment lactose, sucrose, malonate, or radiation has been found effective for reducing Salmonella
salicin. They can produce hydrogen sulfide on many types contamination of poultry carcasses (461), hatching eggs
of media, decarboxylate ornithine and lysine, use citrate (12), shell eggs (148), and egg belts (148).
as a sole source of carbon, and reduce nitrates to nitrites.
PT salmonellae do not hydrolyze urea or gelatin and do Chemical Disinfectants. Diverse chemical treatments
not produce indole. have been shown to reduce, but not eliminate, contami-
Most PT salmonellae can be distinguished readily from nating salmonellae on carcasses and hatching eggs (93,
the avian host-adapted serotypes, S. pullorum and S. galli- 347). The application of hydrogen peroxide (341), acetic
narum, on the basis of the inability of S. pullorum strains acid (129), lactic acid (257), potassium sorbate (338), chlo-
to ferment mucate or dulcitol and the inability of S. galli- rine (338), or trisodium phosphate (266) have all been
narum strains to decarboxylate ornithine or produce gas reported to lower the incidence or level of Salmonella con-
from glucose fermentation. In addition, PT salmonellae tamination on broiler carcasses. Fumigating with
are usually motile, but S. pullorum and S. gallinarum are formaldehyde (470), hydrogen peroxide (12), or ozone
typically nonmotile. Strains of S. arizonae, clinically (12), spraying with polyhexamethylene biguanide
important as a pathogen of young turkeys, are character- hydrochloride (94), or dipping in a peroxidase catalyzed
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Paratyphoid Infections 585

compound (284) have been found to be useful for control- pattern of water activity levels (208). Both S. enteritidis
ling salmonellae on hatching eggs. Prior application of a and S. typhimurium survived in large numbers in aerosols
vacuum increased Salmonella elimination from egg shells for several hours (322). Nevertheless, S. enteritidis has been
by disinfectants (100). However, recontamination of sur- shown able to survive (and produce filaments) at low
faces after disinfection often can diminish any potential water activity (320).
gains from using chemical treatments (35, 55).
Studies of the efficacy of chemical treatment of poul- Antigenic Structure
try feeds to inhibit salmonellae have produced variable The traditional Kauffmann-White schema for antigenic
results. Inclusion of an organic acid mixture in feed was classification of salmonellae is based on both somatic and
reported to reduce significantly the eventual level of sal- flagellar antigens (140). The somatic “O” antigens are
monellae in feed contaminated with mouse droppings determined by polysaccharides associated with the body
containing S. typhimurium (291). Treatment with ethyl of the cell and are identified by arabic numerals.
alcohol likewise reduced Salmonella populations in feed Serogroups (designated with uppercase letters) of salmo-
(198). Smyser and Snoeyenbos (412), however, studied 12 nellae are defined by particular somatic antigens that are
compounds as potential antagonists of salmonellae in unique to members of the group. Most Salmonella isolates
poultry feed (including organic acids) and found that found in poultry belong to Serogroups B, C, or D. The “H”
only formalin was consistently effective. antigens are determined by flagellar proteins and usually
The application of chemical disinfectants in poultry are identified by lowercase letters. Flagellar antigens some-
housing facilities, although prominent in many Salmo- times occur in two different phases. The serotype of a par-
nella control programs, is also of somewhat uncertain effi- ticular Salmonella isolate is determined by the
cacy. Phenolic and quaternary ammonium compounds combination of O and H antigens that it expresses.
are often used for this purpose, but cleaning and disinfec- Serotyping of isolates generally is accomplished using
tion has not always been successful in eliminating salmo- agglutination tests with batteries of specific antisera. Slide
nellae from contaminated houses (316). The presence of agglutination tests are first used to establish the somatic
chick fluff, feces, feed, or wood shavings can interfere antigen content, and the flagellar antigen content then is
with the activity of many chemical disinfectants (33). determined using tube agglutination tests.
Moreover, some chemical disinfectants appear to have
reduced potency when used with field (well, stream, or Strain Classification
pond) sources of water (120). Chemical disinfection of Phage Typing. The differentiation of epidemiologically
poultry facilities can also be compromised by the relevant strains within serotypes often is accomplished by
improper performance of cleaning and disinfection proto- determining their patterns of lysis with a defined set of
cols and by the recontamination of the environment by bacteriophages. Phage typing has sometimes provided
infected mice (114, 115). Formaldehyde fumigation has better discrimination between strains than antimicrobial
been found to be highly effective for decontaminating susceptibility testing, plasmid analysis, ribotyping, or
poultry houses and hatcheries (467), but safety considera- pulsed field gel electrophoresis (453). The various phage
tions have limited its availability and use. Ozone fumiga- types of S. enteritidis have provided the most widely used
tion has also been applied successfully as a hatchery point of reference for establishing relationships between
disinfectant (300). In a large field trial in Pennsylvania, isolates from different sources (212, 224). However, the
cleaning and disinfection was only 50% effective in elimi- dependability of phage typing is limited by the potential
nating S. enteritidis from laying houses (399). for the conversion of isolates to different phage types by
the introduction of plasmids (44) or temperate phages
Environmental Factors. The environmental persistence (385) or by mutation (375). Occasional disagreement
of PT salmonellae creates continuous opportunities for about the merits of different Salmonella phage typing
horizontal transmission of infection within and between schemes introduces additional uncertainties about using
flocks. Williams and Benson (471) observed the survival this approach to strain classification (180).
of S. typhimurium for 16 months in feed and 18 months in
litter stored at 25°C. However, used litter has also some- Molecular Methods and Antibiograms. Numerous and
times been reported to exert an inhibitory effect on Salmo- diverse genetic analyses have been evaluated for their use-
nella growth or survival (444), perhaps because dissolved fulness in improving the discrimination of epidemiologi-
ammonia leads to a gradual increase in pH over time cally relevant Salmonella isolates within serotypes and
(445). Water activity has been identified as an important phage types. Many such approaches have been observed
supporting factor in allowing the persistence of salmonel- to be effective in some instances but ineffective in others.
lae (360). Overall water activity levels in poultry houses For example, pulsed field gel electrophoresis of chromoso-
correlate with the probability of isolating Salmonella from mal DNA fragments after cutting by restriction enzymes
environmental drag swabs of floor litter (54), although has been found to have better discriminatory power than
the unequal distribution of salmonellae throughout an assortment of other methods in application to either S.
houses does not seem to depend on any corresponding typhimurium or S. enteritidis (191, 298). Other research has

similarly documented the strengths of ribotyping (190), potential mediators of attachment. Mutants of S. enteri-
random amplification of polymorphic DNA (301, 416), tidis lacking flagella were reported by Allen-Vercoe and
and plasmid profiling (307) for typing Salmonella strains. Woodward to exhibit reduced adherence to cultured avian
All of these methods have been reported to be capable of intestinal cells (4) and did not compete effectively with
distinguishing between epidemiologically important or wild-type strains to colonize the ceca of chicks (5). Simi-
outbreak strains of salmonellae and unrelated strains (68, larly, Thiagarajan et al. (433) found that S. enteritidis
182). Analysis and characterization of plasmids often has strains lacking fimbria were less often isolated from the
been useful for establishing relationships between S. enter- ceca of inoculated chicks than were fimbriated strains.
itidis isolates from diverse poultry sources (130, 409). The However, other investigators concluded that neither fla-
pattern of resistance to antimicrobial agents (the antibi- gella nor fimbria were essential for S. enteritidis to colonize
ogram) has also been applied as a Salmonella typing tool the avian intestinal tract (128, 383).
(182). The combined use of two or more of the genetic The overall virulence of salmonellae also depends heav-
methods may provide the most detailed differentiation of ily on the initial degree of mucosal invasiveness (6). Adher-
Salmonella strains (191, 443). These technologies have ence and invasion appear to be separately regulated
often been used by molecular epidemiologists to demon- activities. Mutations that affected the intestinal coloniza-
strate genetic similarities between Salmonella isolates from tion of chicks after oral infection with S. enteritidis and S.
different sources (41, 107) or even from very widely sepa- typhimurium did not affect virulence after intraperitoneal
rated geographic locations (10, 287), suggesting clonal administration (374). Although adherence may not involve
spread from a single initial source. However, these same ongoing bacterial metabolic activity, the subsequent inva-
methods have all sometimes either failed to be sufficiently sion of host cells requires protein synthesis by live salmo-
discriminatory within serotypes or phage types (182, 298, nellae (285, 308). The expression of some invasion-related
443) or to distinguish outbreak and unrelated strains (216, bacterial proteins evidently is induced by contact with
435). epithelial cell surfaces (484). Dibb-Fuller and Woodward
(128) determined that flagella and some types of fimbria
Virulence Factors played a role in invasion and dissemination to internal
Toxins. Three general categories of toxins have been organs of chicks by S. enteritidis. Allen-Vercoe et al. found
reported to play roles in the pathogenicity of PT salmo- that flagella-deficient (but not fimbria-deficient) mutants of
nellae. Endotoxin is associated with the lipid A portion of S. enteritidis were less able to invade to the livers and
Salmonella cell wall lipopolysaccharide (LPS). If released spleens of chicks (3). However, other researchers were
into the bloodstream of an infected animal when bacterial unable to identify any significant effect on the invasion of
cells are lysed, endotoxin can produce fever. Intra- enterocytes, ingestion by macrophages, or virulence for
venously administered S. enteritidis endotoxin caused liver chickens when fimbrial genes were inactive (383, 437).
and spleen lesions in 2-week-old chickens (446). Adherence and invasiveness of salmonellae can be
Lipopolysaccharide also contributes to the resistance of influenced by culture growth conditions. Logarithmically
the bacterial cell wall to attack and digestion by host growing Salmonella cells are more invasive in tissue cul-
phagocytes. Loss of the ability to synthesize complete LPS ture than are cells in the stationary phase of growth, and
has been associated with an impaired ability of S. salmonellae grown anaerobically have been shown to be
typhimurium to colonize the ceca and to invade the spleen both more adherent and more invasive than salmonellae
in broiler chicks (102). grown aerobically (139, 292). The infectivity of Salmonella
Two proteinaceous toxins have also been identified in cultures for chicks was lost fairly quickly during combined
Salmonella. Enterotoxin activity by salmonellae induces a starvation and desiccation (296). The changing environ-
secretory response by epithelial cells that results in fluid mental conditions to which an enteric pathogen is
accumulation in the intestinal lumen (279). A heat-labile exposed during the course of infection in an avian host
enterotoxin was detected in 44% of 123 S. typhimurium may induce corresponding changes in the expression of
strains from animal sources (323). Enterotoxin-deficient virulence-related genes (135). For example, the high oxy-
mutants caused less mucosal damage in cell culture and gen level and nutrient availability experienced in the gut
less mortality in mice (65). The heat-stable cytotoxin of might promote an invasive bacterial phenotype, but
salmonellae causes structural damage to intestinal epithe- lower oxygen levels and nutrient availability after inva-
lial cells, perhaps by inhibiting protein synthesis (277). sion might induce a different set of virulence proteins
(194). Several characterized virulence genes are indeed
Adherence, Invasiveness, and Intracellular apparently induced following invasion into cells (365).
Survival Different patterns of protein synthesis by S. typhimurium
The adherence of PT salmonellae to intestinal epithelial have been observed within intestinal ephithelial cells,
cells is the pivotal first step in the sequence of events that macrophages, and liver cells (49).
produces disease. Strains of Salmonella with reduced abil- The replication of salmonellae within host cells has also
ity to colonize the intestinal tract of chicks also had been found to be necessary for the full expression of patho-
severely attenuated virulence (447). Both flagella and fim- genicity (297). Mutants of S. typhimurium that were unable
bria of salmonellae have been investigated extensively as to survive within host macrophages (146) or to resist the
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Paratyphoid Infections 587

antimicrobial effects of host peptides (186) were reported to of S. enteritidis, crossing phage-type boundaries, have been
exhibit reduced virulence in mice. Both growth and killing reported in both virulence for chicks (157, 159) and in egg
of Salmonella seemingly occur simultaneously within contamination by hens (157, 408). Even within clonal
macrophages (45). Salmonellae that survive after phago- genomic lineages, S. enteritidis strains sometimes varied in
some/lysosome fusion in the macrophage (355) eventually their virulence for mice (359).
may destroy the macrophage itself (303). The production of Various bacterial characteristics have been identified as
iron-chelating siderophores may also contribute to the in contributing to the observed pathogenicity differences
vivo survival of salmonellae (482). A cluster (or “patho- between Salmonella strains. Although some virulence
genicity island”) of genes, which affect Salmonella survival genes are often found quite widely in Salmonella isolates
inside macrophages, has been identified(354). from diverse sources (424), an analysis of genes induced in
vivo indicated that regions associated with several viru-
Plasmids. Plasmids are extrachromosomal DNA ele- lence attributes have accumulated differentially in indi-
ments that have often been associated with bacterial vidual strains (73). Properties including heat and acid
pathogenicity. Serotype-specific plasmids of characteristic tolerance (255), motility (294), mannose-sensitive hemag-
molecular weights have been directly linked with viru- glutination (351), and the ability to invade and survive
lence for a number of salmonellae. Considerable homol- inside cultured cells (351) have been linked to the viru-
ogy has been demonstrated between virulence-associated lence of some Salmonella isolates. Invasive properties of S.
plasmids of different serotypes (69). Strains of S. enteritidis variants have been found to depend on quanti-
typhimurium and S. enteritidis cured of their virulence-asso- tative and qualitative differences in LPS expression (364,
ciated plasmids have been found to be significantly less 381). Guard-Petter et al. (187, 188, 189) associated the vir-
lethal for mice (63, 209). Plasmid-mediated virulence ulence of S. enteritidis isolates for chicks with the produc-
among S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis isolates has been tion of large amounts of high-molecular-weight LPS and
associated variously with invasion of mesenteric lymph with the ability to grow to unusually high cell densities in
nodes, the liver, and the spleen (195), in vivo growth broth cultures.
within cells of infected mice (196), survival and multipli-
cation in serum (64), lysis of macrophages (193), and
The pathogenicity of salmonellae, however, does not Incidence of Salmonellae in Poultry
always require the presence of the serotype-specific plas- and Poultry Products
mids. Some strains of S. typhimurium, for example, have Although salmonellae have been found in both meat-type
been shown to retain their invasiveness in cell culture and egg-type flocks, estimates of the incidence of Salmo-
assays (242) and their lethality for infected mice (362) in nella in poultry and poultry house environments have
the absence of virulence-associated plasmids. Moreover, varied considerably.
although a serotype-specific plasmid was found to be Surveys of meat-type flocks have reported the isolation
essential for the full expression of virulence by S. enteri- of salmonellae from 94% of fecal samples in the Nether-
tidis in mice, curing this plasmid did not affect S. enteri- lands (456), 87% of turkey environmental samples in
tidis colonization and invasion of the tissues of orally Canada (256), 40% of breeder flock and broiler house
inoculated chickens (199). sources in the United States (50), and 14% of cecal sam-
ples in Japan (299). Moreover, the actual prevalence of
Pathogenicity Differences of Strains, infection within Salmonella-positive flocks has often been
Serotypes, and Phage Types relatively low (259). Cox et al. (95) reported a decline in
Strains of PT salmonellae can differ widely in their abili- the incidence and level of Salmonella in commercial
ties to cause disease or death in young poultry. Several broiler hatcheries in the United States from 1990 to 1995.
investigators have reported significant differences in mor- Surveys of egg-type poultry have reported the recovery
tality between groups of chicks orally inoculated with iso- of salmonellae from 72% of laying house environmental
lates representing various Salmonella serotypes (79, 411). samples in the United States in one study (260) and from
However, lethality for chicks can also vary tremendously 68% of egg farms in another (389), 53% of fecal or egg
within single Salmonella serotypes, sometimes even belt samples in Canada (371), and 47% of fecal samples in
among strains of the same phage type (25). Pathogenicity the Netherlands (456). In studies involving pooled cecal
differences between the various phage types of S. enteri- samples from spent egg-laying flocks in several regions of
tidis have been extensively investigated, with phage type the United States, salmonellae were detected in 86% of
4 often associated with a particularly high level of inva- tested flocks in 1991 and in 98% of flocks in 1995 (223).
siveness (20) and lethality (127, 159) for newly hatched In a study of California laying flocks, the number of Sal-
chicks. However, in experimental infection studies with monella found in individual environmental samples was
chickens, phage type 4 strains caused similar frequencies relatively low, although somewhat higher levels were evi-
of intestinal colonization, invasion to spleens, horizontal dent at the beginning of egg-laying and molting (389).
transmission, and egg contamination as isolates of other In surveys of poultry carcasses and meat products in
phage types (160, 165, 166). Differences between strains the early 1990s, salmonellae were isolated from 57% of

chicken carcasses in Portugal (309), 43% of ready-to-cook Surveys of the frequency of isolation of Salmonella
broiler carcasses obtained from retail stores in Ohio (39), serotypes from poultry sources in other nations have
29% of frozen broiler carcasses from retail stores in yielded very diverse results, although several serotypes
Arkansas (258), and 23% of chicken products in the appear to be of particular international significance.
United Kingdom (368). More recently, the U.S. Depart- Canadian surveys have found S. hadar and S. heidelberg to
ment of Agriculture has reported that a national be most common in broiler chickens (59) and S. heidelberg
pathogen-reduction program reduced the incidence of and S. typhimurium in hatching eggs (370). The principal
Salmonella contamination on broiler carcasses from 20% serotypes detected elsewhere have included S. enteritidis, S.
to less than 10% between 1995 and 2000 (450). The num- hadar, and S. virchow in chicken products and S. newport in
ber of Salmonella cells found on contaminated poultry turkey products in Belgium (452); S. enteritidis, S.
meat products generally has been relatively low. Bailey et muenchen, S. kentucky, and S. blockley from assorted
al. (15) observed Salmonella counts in carcass rinses of Malaysian poultry sources (395); S. livingstone and S.
only about 32 cells (even after storage for 7 days). Wal- typhimurium in Swedish poultry (314); and S. blockley and
droup (460) found only 1—30 Salmonella organisms per S. hadar in Japanese broiler flocks (299).
broiler carcass. Increasing incidences of Salmonella con- Because of the unique epidemiologic association of S.
tamination at progressively later processing stages suggest enteritidis with disease transmission via contaminated
cross-contamination of carcasses (56, 177). eggs, the specific prevalence of this one serotype has been
Contamination of eggs with salmonellae has also a topic of considerable interest in recent years. The fre-
become an important issue in recent years. In two studies quency of nations reporting S. enteritidis as their most
of unpasteurized liquid egg samples collected at 20 egg- common serotype responsible for human infections
breaking plants throughout the United States (223), sal- increased from 10% to 43% between 1979 and 1987 (392).
monellae were found in 52% of samples obtained in 1991 S. enteritidis has been the most commonly reported
and in 48% of samples obtained in 1995. Field studies of serotype in both humans and chicken products in the
commercial poultry in Pennsylvania and California United Kingdom (18, 368). In Italy, S. enteritidis replaced
observed S. enteritidis egg contamination frequencies of S. typhimurium as the most prevalent serotype from
less than 0.03% from environmentally positive flocks humans after 1988 and from nonhuman sources after
(269, 399). The U.S. Department of Agriculture has esti- 1991 (143). In two nationwide surveys in the United
mated the overall national incidence of egg contamina- States in 1995, S. enteritidis was found in pooled cecal sam-
tion with S. enteritidis at approximately 0.005% (136). ples from 45% of tested commercial laying houses and
from 19% of pooled samples of unpasteurized liquid egg
Distribution of Salmonella Serotypes (223). A 1999 national survey indicated that the environ-
Although more than 2400 serotypes of Salmonella have ments of about 7% of U.S. commercial laying flocks were
been identified, only about 10% of these have been iso- positive for S. enteritidis (451).
lated from poultry. Moreover, an even smaller subset of
serotypes accounts for the vast majority of poultry Salmo- Natural and Experimental Hosts
nella isolates. The distribution of Salmonella serotypes Paratyphoid Infections in Young Poultry. PT infections
from poultry sources varies geographically and changes often have far different consequences for newly hatched
over time, although several serotypes are consistently poultry than for more mature birds. In very susceptible
found at a high incidence. Several studies have found very young chicks and poults, PT infection can sometimes lead
little consistency in the pattern of serotypes detected by to illness and death at high frequencies. For example, S.
repeated sampling at the same broiler hatcheries or farms arizonae infections in turkey poults during the first month
(50, 52). Based on data from clinical and environmental of life have been associated with mortality ranging as
isolates submitted to the U.S. Department of Agriculture high as 50% (280). Older birds are considerably less sus-
National Veterinary Service Laboratory between July 1998 ceptible to the lethal effects of PT salmonellae and may
and June 1999, the most commonly identified PT experience intestinal colonization and even systemic dis-
serotypes were S. heidelberg, S. kentucky, S. senftenberg, S. semination without significant morbidity or mortality.
enteritidis, and S. thompson in chickens and S. senftenberg, The development of resistance to salmonellae in young
S. heidelberg, S. hadar, S. muenster, and S. typhimurium in birds has often been attributed to the acquisition of pro-
turkeys (145). The important epidemiological connection tective microflora that either compete with salmonellae
between the poultry and human reservoirs of salmonellae for intestinal receptor sites or produce antagonistic factors
is sometimes evident in similarities in the distribution of that inhibit Salmonella growth (421). Accordingly, signifi-
serotypes reported from these sources. Of the 10 serotypes cantly more orally administered S. typhimurium cells
most often reported to the Centers for Disease Control adhered in the ceca of 2-day-old chicks than in those of 3—
and Prevention from human sources in the United States 7-day-old chicks (152). Such resistance may begin to
in 1998 (S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis were most com- develop as early as 36 hours after hatching (28).
mon), 7 appeared on similar lists for either chickens or PT infection has been established by oral, intracloacal,
turkeys during approximately the same period (145). intratracheal, navel, eye, and aerosol administration to
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Paratyphoid Infections 589

chicks (92). The usual outcomes of PT infections in chicks often been reported to cause no evident signs of clinical
and poults involve three stages. Orally introduced PT sal- illness (245). Timoney et al. (441) noted that, although
monellae first establish intestinal colonization, often oral inoculation of laying hens with S. enteritidis fre-
resulting in persistent shedding in the feces. Naturally quently resulted in bacteremia and extensive systemic dis-
occurring, horizontal transmission of salmonellae may semination to internal organ sites, the birds remained
involve a slower course of infection than typically is seen clinically normal except for some brief mild diarrhea.
in oral inoculation experiments (340). Second, invasion However, Humphrey et al. (249) observed that six of ten
beyond the gastrointestinal tract can lead to Salmonella 1-year-old hens died after oral inoculation with a phage
multiplication in the macrophage-phagocyte system type 4 S. enteritidis isolate.
(MPS) of the liver and spleen (25) and eventual dissemina- The two most consistently observed features of PT
tion to colonize a variety of internal tissue sites. Third, infections in mature poultry are intestinal colonization
extensive bacteremia sometimes occurs, occasionally and systemic dissemination to internal organs. During
causing high mortality. The incidence of both mortality approximately the first 2 weeks following experimental
(142) and intestinal colonization (396) in chicks correlates oral infection of chickens or turkeys, PT salmonellae gen-
strongly with the dose of orally administered salmonellae. erally can be isolated from the intestinal tracts and voided
Mortality associated with naturally occurring PT infec- feces of a high percentage of inoculated birds (155).
tions in poultry is often observed to reach peak levels at Although the incidence of intestinal colonization and
about 3—7 days of age (337). Studies of experimental PT fecal shedding steadily declines thereafter, some S. enteri-
infections in young poultry have consistently shown that tidis strains have been shown to persist in the intestinal
newly hatched birds are highly susceptible to salmonellae, tract of laying chickens for several months after oral inoc-
but this susceptibility decreases over time. For example, ulation (153, 155, 408).
oral doses of 109 S. typhimurium cells were lethal for 50% Gut colonization by PT salmonellae usually is followed
of 1-day-old broiler chicks, 20% of 3-day-old chicks, and by invasion through the intestinal epithelium and dis-
no 7-day-old chicks (142). In another study, mortality semination to diverse internal organ sites. Although vari-
associated with S. typhimurium inoculation of chicks ous other serotypes (including S. typhimurium, S. heidelberg
dropped precipitously from 79% at 1 day of age to only and S. infantis) are also known to be invasive for poultry,
3% at 2 days (411). Age-associated declines in mortality the patterns and consequences of systemic dissemination
have also been noted for infections with S. enteritidis and have been documented most extensively for S. enteritidis.
S. hadar in chicks (123, 131) and S. typhimurium in turkey After experimental oral inoculation of laying hens, S.
poults (38). enteritidis has been isolated from numerous internal tis-
The frequency of both intestinal colonization (396) sues, including the liver, spleen, ovary, oviduct, heart
and invasion to internal organs (123) are higher in newly blood, and peritoneum (155, 441). Dissemination of S.
hatched chicks than in older birds. The persistence of sal- enteritidis to diverse internal organs, including the ovary
monellae in various colonization sites is also influenced and oviduct, has also been recorded following intra-
by the age of the birds when infected (131). Barrow et al. venous (270), intratracheal (344), conjunctival (246),
(28) observed persistent gut colonization after infection of intravaginal (335), or intracloacal (335) inoculation,
chicks with various Salmonella serotypes within 2 days of exposure to contaminated aerosols (30), or insemination
hatching, but not when infected at 3 weeks. Horizontal with contaminated semen (386). The isolation of S. enteri-
contact exposure of chicks within 24 hours of hatching tidis from a wide range of internal organs has similarly
has been reported to result in fecal shedding of S. enteri- been reported in naturally infected poultry (239).
tidis for at least 28 weeks (343). Cecal colonization with S. Another aspect of infections of mature chickens with
typhimurium persisted for 7 weeks after oral inoculation some PT salmonellae that is of particular concern from a
significantly more often when chicks were infected at 1 public health perspective is the production of Salmonella-
day of age than at 7 days (152). Gast and Holt (163) found contaminated eggs. In the late 1980s, considerable epi-
that, after oral inoculation of chicks at 1 day of age, S. demiologic evidence began to accumulate indicating that
enteritidis persisted in the intestinal tract and was shed in the contaminated contents of clean and intact eggs were
feces of almost half of these birds at 24 weeks. Phillips and responsible for the transmission of S. enteritidis infection
Opitz similarly determined that some chicks infected with to humans (418). Investigations of laying flocks impli-
S. enteritidis at 2 days of age remained infected for up to 64 cated as the sources of eggs that caused human outbreaks
weeks (366). Age-related decreases have likewise been have detected S. enteritidis isolates of the same phage types
observed in the persistence of S. enteritidis in the internal found in affected humans, often with identical plasmid
organs of orally inoculated chicks (122). profiles or fingerprints, in environmental samples, tissue
samples, and eggs (212, 213). Internal contamination of
Paratyphoid Infections in Mature Poultry. Morbidity or eggs with S. enteritidis usually is postulated to be a conse-
mortality are not consistently associated with PT infec- quence of highly invasive behavior that leads to coloniza-
tions in mature poultry. Experimental infections of adult tion of the ovary and oviduct (262, 263). Other PT
chickens with large oral doses of PT salmonellae have serotypes, including multiple antibiotic-resistant S.

typhimurium DT104 (469), can also be deposited inside Environmental and management factors can also
eggs laid by infected hens. influence the susceptibility of poultry to PT salmonellae.
S. enteritidis has been found in the contents of eggs laid Exposure to stressful conditions has often been shown to
by commercial layers (241) and broiler breeders (305), but facilitate or exacerbate Salmonella infections. For example,
the incidence of S. enteritidis contamination of eggs gener- lowering the brooding temperature of chicks by 5 to 8°C
ally has been found to be extremely low. In studies of 17 was found to significantly increase mortality among
naturally infected laying flocks in the United Kingdom, newly hatched chicks inoculated with S. worthington
Humphrey et al. (247) found S. enteritidis in the contents (430). Water deprivation before inoculation of 7-week-old
of less than 1% of the eggs sampled. In two Canadian chickens increased the duration of fecal shedding of orally
layer flocks that yielded S. enteritidis isolates from both administered S. typhimurium (43). Feed withdrawal from
environmental and tissue samples, less than 0.06% of the broiler chickens before slaughter has been linked to
eggs sampled were contaminated (372). In the United increased Salmonella contamination of crops (81). In
States, Henzler et al. (213) found that 18 of 60 commercial experimental infection studies with S. enteritidis, molting
flocks with S. enteritidis in their environments produced of laying hens by feed withdrawal has been reported to
contaminated eggs, at a prevalence of 0.0264%. Naturally increase the incidence and level of fecal shedding (230),
contaminated eggs generally have been found to contain the incidence and severity of intestinal lesions (373), the
very small numbers of S. enteritidis (254), but the S. enteri- numbers and extent of distribution of S. enteritidis within
tidis population in eggs can expand to more dangerous the intestinal tract (232), invasion to livers and spleens
levels if eggs are held at growth-supporting temperatures (232), and horizontal (229, 235) or airborne (233) trans-
(158). Contamination of egg contents by Salmonella has mission of infection. Molting also reduced the infectious
also been demonstrated in experimentally infected laying dose of S. enteritidis necessary to establish intestinal colo-
hens (37, 408). After oral inoculation, contamination by nization in hens (228) and increased the likelihood of
S. enteritidis has been detected in both yolk and albumen recurrence of previous S. enteritidis infections (236). Feed
(153, 166), although typically at levels of only a few cells deprivation appears to lower crop levels of lactobacilli and
of the pathogen per ml of liquid egg contents. volatile fatty acids while increasing pH (134).

Predisposing Factors. A number of factors have been Sources, Vectors, and Transmission
demonstrated to increase the likelihood or severity of PT PT salmonellae can be introduced into poultry flocks from
infection in poultry. Several other infectious agents have many different sources. Contaminated feeds, particularly
been reported to influence the course of infection with those containing animal proteins, have often been identi-
salmonellae. Prior infection with coccidia such as Eimeria fied as likely sources of Salmonella (112, 394). Contamina-
tenella can increase the ability of diverse Salmonella tion by salmonellae has been reported in up to 42% of
serotypes to colonize the intestinal tracts of chickens feed mill samples in the United Kingdom (119) and in
(380). Exposure to E. tenella caused recrudescence of a pre- 58% of finished feed (mash) and 92% of meat and bone
vious S. enteritidis infection in chickens (378). Decreased meal samples in the United States (99). Meal or mash
levels of Salmonella-inhibiting volatile fatty acids and an feeds are more often implicated as sources of Salmonella
increased oxidation-reduction potential in the intestine than are pelleted feeds (394, 459, 99). The serotypes of sal-
may follow coccidial infection (9). Infection with E. monellae isolated from live poultry and carcasses have
tenella, however, was observed by Tellez et al. (429) to sometimes (but not always) been correlated with the
decrease the frequency by invasion of subsequently serotypes found in feedstuffs (310, 459, 483). Experimen-
administered S. enteritidis to the internal organs of chicks, tal inoculation studies have demonstrated that chicks can
possibly by increasing the thickness of the intestinal lam- be infected readily by very low levels of PT salmonellae in
ina propria. Prior coccidial infection did not affect organ their feed (220). Salmonellae have survived for two years
invasion or the production of internally contaminated in artificially inoculated feeds (116).
eggs by hens inoculated with S. enteritidis (379). Infections The extremely wide host range of PT salmonellae cre-
of poultry with immunosuppressive viruses or bacteria ates an equally large number of reservoirs of infectious
can also affect the outcome of Salmonella infections. organisms. Biologic vectors can both disseminate and
Exposure to reticuloendotheliosis virus at 1 day of age amplify salmonellae in poultry flocks. Insects, including
increased mortality among chicks inoculated intraperi- cockroaches (278), lesser mealworms (321), flies (358),
toneally with S. typhimurium at 1, 7, or 14 days of age and darkling beetles (184) can carry Salmonella organisms
(339). Exposure of 1-day-old chicks to infectious bursal internally and externally. Mice have been identified as
disease virus was associated with increased mortality fol- particularly important vectors for S. enteritidis in laying
lowing subsequent S. typhimurium infection (480) and flocks (399). Henzler and Opitz (214) detected S. enteritidis
increased gross lesions following inoculation with S. enter- in 24% of mice from environmentally contaminated lay-
itidis (366). Suppression of cell-mediated immunity by ing farms, but in none of the mice from farms with envi-
Corynebacterium parvum led to increased morbidity in ronments free of S. enteritidis. They noted that a single
chicks subsequently infected with S. typhimurium (90). mouse fecal pellet could contain 105 S. enteritidis cells.
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Paratyphoid Infections 591

Wild birds can carry Salmonella infections (111), and con- as leading sources of PT salmonellae (283). Lahellec and
tact with wild birds or their droppings has sometimes Colin (288) concluded that Salmonella serotypes present
been identified as a risk factor for commercial poultry in broiler houses or introduced into houses by vectors
(103, 116). Humans can also be a source of salmonellae during the rearing period were more likely to appear on
transmissible to poultry, as shown by a California sewage processed carcasses than were serotypes originating in the
treatment plant that apparently spread infection to both hatchery. Studies in Dutch and Japanese laying flocks
wild animals and a commercial laying flock (267, 268). have likewise suggested that infection was more likely
Vertical transmission of PT salmonellae to the progeny acquired from farm environments than from breeding
of infected breeder flocks can result from internal or exter- stocks (454, 481).
nal contamination of eggs. Egg shells are often contami- Horizontal transmission can be mediated by mecha-
nated with PT salmonellae by fecal contamination during nisms including direct bird-to-bird contact, ingestion of
oviposition. The penetration of salmonellae into or contaminated feces or litter, contaminated water, or per-
through the shell and shell membranes can result in sonnel and equipment. Hoover et al. (240) reported that
direct transmission of infection to the developing embryo Salmonella isolation from the environment of turkey
or can lead to exposure of the chick to infectious Salmo- poults reached peak levels by 2 weeks after the placement
nella organisms when the shell structure is disrupted dur- of infected birds in the house. Davies and Wray (116)
ing hatching. Some PT serotypes, particularly S. enteritidis, reported that S. enteritidis persisted for at least 1 year in
can be deposited in the contents of eggs before oviposi- dust in an empty poultry house (even after cleaning and
tion. The resulting transovarian transmission of infection disinfection). In a French study, 70% of flocks had Salmo-
to progeny is an important aspect of the epidemiology of nella-positive dust or litter samples (394). Perhaps medi-
S. enteritidis in chickens. Egg-borne transmission has long ated by contaminated dust, airborne transmission of
been known to play a major role in spreading S. arizonae experimental S. enteritidis infection has been observed on
infections in turkeys (218). The same Salmonella serotypes several occasions (167, 346). Negative air ionization has
responsible for mortality in naturally infected chicks and been proposed as a mechanism for reducing Salmonella
poults have often also been isolated from their parent transmission in poultry flocks by limiting the circulation
flocks (283, 337). In a survey of 10 farms in France, Lahel- of contaminated dust particles. In experimental settings,
lec et al. (289) concluded that the greatest contribution to ionizers have reduced airborne levels of S. enteritidis and
the eventual distribution of Salmonella serotypes in broiler airborne transmission of S. enteritidis infection in chicks
houses came from the chicks themselves and not from (168, 234).
their environment.
Any PT salmonellae carried in or on eggs can be spread Clinical Signs
extensively in the hatchery. As chicks or poults pip PT infection of poultry is usually associated with disease
through egg shells, salmonellae are released into the air only in very young birds. The contamination of eggs with
and circulated around hatching cabinets on contaminated salmonellae may lead to a high level of embryo mortality
fluff and other hatching debris. Bailey et al. (14) found and the rapid death of newly hatched birds before clinical
Salmonella on 17% of egg shell samples and 21% of chick signs are observed. Signs of disease are rarely observed
rinse samples obtained from commercial broiler hatch- after the first 2 weeks of life, although morbidity and mor-
eries in the United States. Cox et al. (97) likewise isolated tality can be high during that period, and significant
salmonellae (of 12 different serotypes) from more than growth retardation can occur. The course of illness is nor-
75% of samples of egg fragments, belting material, and mally relatively brief in individual birds. Signs of severe
paper pads from broiler hatcheries. Newly hatched birds, PT infection in young poultry are generally similar to
lacking protective intestinal microflora, are highly suscep- those observed in connection with other avian Salmonella
tible to intestinal colonization by salmonellae. Cason et infections (pullorum disease and fowl typhoid) and with
al. (57) observed that nearly 44% of chicks from unconta- other bacteria that can cause acute septicemia. Although
minated eggs became infected with S. typhimurium when clinical disease is not normally associated with PT infec-
hatched along with surface-contaminated eggs. Bhatia tions in mature poultry, some S. enteritidis strains have
and McNabb (36) found the same Salmonella serotypes in been found to cause anorexia, diarrhea, and reduced egg
hatchery fluff and meconium as were later detected in production in experimentally infected laying hens (153,
broiler house litter and finished broiler carcasses. 157, 408).
PT salmonellae can also spread horizontally within Typical signs of PT infection in chicks and poults
and between flocks. Snoeyenbos et al. (414) noted that 10 include progressive somnolence with closed eyes, droop-
Salmonella serotypes spread rapidly from infected day-old ing wings, and ruffled feathers. Anorexia and emaciation
chicks to penmates reared on litter. Gast and Beard (153, are common. Affected birds are often seen to shiver and
155) reported that S. enteritidis was found in the feces and huddle near heat sources. Profuse watery diarrhea is fre-
internal organs of uninoculated laying hens housed in quently observed, often resulting in dehydration and
cages adjacent to those of orally inoculated birds. Conta- pasting of the vent area. Blindness and lameness occa-
minated poultry house environments are often implicated sionally have been reported.

Pathology and more rapid clearance from tissues than was observed
In severe outbreaks of PT infection in newly hatched in previously uninfected birds. Administering immuno-
poultry, rapidly developing septicemia can cause a high suppressive agents to chicks has been reported to increase
incidence of mortality with few or no apparent lesions. mortality associated with PT infection (137), but the
When the course of disease is longer, severe enteritis is effects of such treatments on intestinal colonization and
often accompanied by focal necrotic lesions in the organ invasion by salmonellae have been variable (8, 83).
mucosa of the small intestine. Cheesy cecal cores are Hassan and Curtiss (202) provided evidence that S.
often observed. Spleens and livers are commonly swollen typhimurium infection of chickens can cause lymphocyte
and congested, with evident hemorrhagic streaks or depletion, atrophy of lymphoid organs, and immunosup-
necrotic foci. Kidneys may also sometimes be enlarged pression that may facilitate the establishment of a persis-
and congested. Fibrinopurulent perihepatitis and peri- tent carrier state. The development of protective
carditis have been reported on numerous occasions. Slight immunity against further Salmonella challenges does not
inflammatory processes with heterophil infiltration rang- necessarily lead to the clearance of ongoing, persistent
ing from focal to diffuse in distribution have been infection (423).
observed in the ovaries and oviducts of flocks naturally PT salmonellae can elicit strong antibody responses
infected with S. enteritidis (239). Unabsorbed, coagulated from infected poultry. For example, experimental infec-
yolk material may be present in the yolk sac. Other tion of chicks with S. typhimurium induced strong IgG,
lesions occasionally observed include hypopyon, panoph- IgA, and IgM responses in serum, intestinal contents, and
thalmitis, purulent arthritis, serous typhilitis, airsacculitis, bile, which could be detected by antigens composed of
and omphalitis. whole bacterial cells, LPS, flagella, and outer-membrane
proteins (206). When laying hens were orally infected
Pathogenesis of the Infectious Process with S. enteritidis, serum antibodies were produced by
Although salmonellae can invade epithelial cells through- most birds by 1 week PI (154). High serum IgG titers have
out the intestinal tract, the ceca and the ileocecal junction been detected in laying hens for at least 27 weeks after
are often sites of particular affinity (446). After oral inocu- experimental oral inoculation with S. enteritidis (26). In a
lation of day-old chicks, S. enteritidis was observed to naturally infected broiler breeder flock, 70% of the birds
adhere to epithelial cells at the tips of villi (124). The inva- were found to be positive for serum antibodies to S. enteri-
sion of intestinal epithelial cells by salmonellae leads to a tidis LPS at 35 weeks of age (80). Antibodies to S. enteritidis
series of pathologic changes that affects intestinal fluid have also been found in the yolks of eggs laid by infected
and electrolyte regulation. This process ultimately can hens. Specific antibodies were found as early as 9 days PI
cause cell death and thereby produce and exacerbate diar- and reached peak levels at 3—5 weeks PI in eggs from hens
rhea. Oral inoculation of laying hens with S. enteritidis can experimentally infected with S. enteritidis (156). Antibod-
produce inflammation of the epithelium and lamina pro- ies to S. enteritidis have also been detected in eggs from
pria of the colon and ceca related to heterophilic infiltra- naturally infected flocks (80).
tion (210, 373). In addition, epithelial invasion may also Although less completely characterized than the anti-
allow the removal of salmonellae through the basement body response, cell-mediated immunity to PT salmonellae
membrane into the lamina propria by macrophages (42). has also been observed in poultry. Hassan et al. (206)
Humphrey et al. (248) recovered S. enteritidis from several detected a strong delayed hypersensitivity reaction, using
internal organ sites of a few laying hens within as little as either whole bacterial cells or outer membrane proteins,
1 hour after oral inoculation. The ability of salmonellae to between 2—5 weeks after experimental infection of chicks
survive and multiply in internal organs, particularly the with S. typhimurium. Heterophils of chickens and turkeys
liver and spleen, has been correlated with the compara- are strongly phagocytic and bactericidal for salmonellae
tive virulence of salmonellae in different host species (24). (420) and apparently play a vital role in restricting organ
Intracellular replication in the spleens of mice has been invasion during the early phases of S. enteritidis infection
shown to offer a protected site where bacterial multiplica- (276). The phagocytic and bactericidal activities of avian
tion can continue without exposure to host defense heterophils increase substantially during the first few
mechanisms (133). weeks of life (466). Cytokines produced by sensitized T
lymphocytes may play a particularly important role in
Immunity and Resistance conferring immunity on poultry, perhaps by expanding
The immune response of poultry to PT salmonellae mini- the pool of circulating phagocytic heterophils (274) and
mizes the duration and severity of infection and protects recruiting them to the site of infection (275).
against reinfection. This response also permits the sero- The relative contributions of the antibody response
logic detection of infected flocks and serves as the basis and the cell-mediated response in providing poultry with
for efforts to protect birds against infection by vaccina- protective immunity against Salmonella infection are
tion. The development of immunity was illustrated in a somewhat uncertain. A decline in the isolation of S. enteri-
study conducted by Hassan et al. (206), in which oral rein- tidis from reproductive tissues of laying hens during the
fection of chickens with S. typhimurium (10 weeks after second week of infection was associated with the prolifer-
the initial inoculation) resulted in reduced fecal shedding ation of both T and B cells (476). A group of hens infected
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Paratyphoid Infections 593

with S. enteritidis at 20 weeks of age produced high levels sources, principally tissues, eggs, and the poultry house
of IgM antibodies and showed no adverse signs, whereas a environment. The number of samples that must be
group of hens infected at 1 year of age produced much processed to achieve a predetermined level of confidence
lower levels of antibodies and accordingly experienced of detection of PT infection in a flock is directly related to
significant mortality (249). Bursectomized chickens, defi- the size of the flock and inversely related to the actual
cient in the ability to mount an antibody response, were prevalence of infection (1). In very large flocks estimated
less able to clear S. enteritidis infection from the intestinal to have very low prevalences of Salmonella infection, sam-
tract and internal organs (126). Increased IgG and IgM ples from more than one bird are often pooled together
levels in oviducts of experimentally infected hens were before culturing to allow an adequate sample size to be
followed by partial clearance of S. enteritidis (475). Lee et attained within the limitations of existing laboratory
al. (293) indicated that the development of high antibody resources.
levels in chickens experimentally infected with S. As many PT Salmonella serotypes are highly invasive
typhimurium did not seem to result in any significant and can be disseminated systemically to numerous inter-
reductions in the Salmonella levels in various tissue sites, nal tissues, a diversity of different sites (including the
but effective clearance of salmonellae from tissues was liver, spleen, ovary, oviduct, testes, yolk sac, heart, heart
observed after the emergence of a strong cell-mediated blood, kidney, gall bladder, pancreas, synovia, and eye)
response. Intestinal clearance of experimental S. enteritidis can provide samples for diagnostic culturing. As lesions
infection in chickens did not correlate with the musocal cannot be relied upon to indicate infected tissues, several
IgA response (226). Both the opsonic activity of specific different organs should be cultured from each bird (sepa-
antibodies and the phagocytic and lytic activity of cellular rately or together). Some highly invasive PT serotypes,
effectors may be necessary for the full expression of particularly S. enteritidis, can be deposited in the contents
immunity (317, 329). of eggs before oviposition (153). Culturing eggs for S.
Although the responsible mechanism has not been enteritidis, therefore, has been applied as a test for assess-
clearly defined, genetically based differences in the ing the potential threat to public health posed by infected
innate resistance of lines of chickens to Salmonella infec- laying flocks. Gast (149) reported that culturing pools of
tion have been reported on several occasions. Chicks egg contents for S. enteritidis detected experimentally
from different lines have been found to vary in their sus- infected hens at a frequency similar to culturing fecal
ceptibility to the lethal effects of S. typhimurium and S. samples or testing for specific serum antibodies during the
enteritidis infection (46, 192). Differences in the inci- first 2 weeks after inoculation.
dences of fecal shedding, organ invasion, and egg con- Because infections of poultry with PT salmonellae
tamination have been reported between lines of mature almost invariably involve colonization of the intestinal
chickens infected with S. enteritidis (132, 178, 302). Bum- tract, samples of intestinal tissues and contents are fre-
stead and Barrow (47) found that the patterns of suscepti- quently the focus of Salmonella-culturing efforts. In a sur-
bility of six inbred lines of chickens to various vey of birds submitted to a diagnostic laboratory (141),
host-adapted and PT Salmonella serotypes were all very salmonellae were found exclusively in intestinal samples
similar, suggesting a common mechanism of resistance. in 78% of the chickens and 70% of the turkeys. In experi-
Beaumont et al. (31) noted that the resistance of chickens mentally inoculated laying hens, S. enteritidis was recov-
to S. enteritidis infections was heritable, although ered more often from the intestinal tract than from any
humoral immune responsiveness was not. other tissue sampled (155). The caudal ileum, ceca, cecal
tonsils, and cecal contents are the intestinal sites most
often recommended for recovering salmonellae. Cloacal
swabs (153) or samples of voided feces (149) have been
Although clinical observations may suggest the likelihood used to provide evidence of persistent intestinal coloniza-
of a PT infection, final diagnosis depends on the isolation tion by salmonellae in individual birds. The often inter-
and identification of causative organisms. Using conven- mittent pattern of shedding of salmonellae in the feces of
tional culture methods, this requires 48—96 hours (and infected birds tends to diminish the overall reliability of
even longer for some culturing protocols). A concise sum- cloacal swabs for diagnosing infection (473).
mary of traditional methods for isolating salmonellae Fecal shedding of salmonellae into the poultry house
from poultry was provided by Waltman et al. (462). A wide environment by infected birds makes culturing environ-
array of faster alternative strategies for detecting and iden- mental samples a useful diagnostic tool. Moreover, envi-
tifying salmonellae have also been proposed in recent ronmental samples also provide an opportunity to
years. Serologic detection of specific antibodies often is monitor the introduction of salmonellae into poultry
used effectively as a rapid preliminary screening device to houses by vectors, personnel, equipment, and other
identify flocks that have been exposed to salmonellae. sources. Although sampling fresh feces themselves likely
provides the most sensitive test for the shedding of salmo-
Isolation and Identification of Causative Agent nellae (215), sampling litter can sometimes provide a
Sample Selection. To identify PT infection in poultry comparable level of detection (398). Olesiuk et al. (356)
flocks, samples are obtained and cultured from a variety of reported that experimental S. typhimurium infection in

laying flocks was detected more consistently over a period Because fecal contamination may result in the pres-
of 1 year by culturing floor litter than by any other testing ence of diverse flora, eggshells usually are sampled with-
approach. Nest litter samples have been identified as par- out preenrichment. The surface of eggshells can be
ticularly productive samples for recovering salmonellae sampled by immersion in selective broth media, or the
(117). Drag-swab samples, obtained by dragging moist- entire shell (including interior structures and shell mem-
ened gauze pads across the floor of poultry houses, have branes) can be sampled by aseptic breaking to release the
been reported to detect salmonellae with greater sensitiv- contents followed by manual crushing and the addition
ity than litter sampling (271). The use of multiple-swab of selective enrichment broth (153). Before culturing egg
assemblies can further improve the sensitivity of this contents for contamination by salmonellae, the shell
method (53). Swabs dragged through wet areas of manure exterior must be disinfected to prevent fecal contami-
appear to be more productive than swabs from dry areas nants of the shell from being transferred to the contents
(393). Foot covers worn in poultry houses can also pro- during breaking.
vide an effective sample for detecting environmental sal- Because of the very low prevalence of salmonellae (pri-
monellae (51). marily S. enteritidis) in egg contents, and because Salmo-
Numerous other environmental sampling approaches, nella contaminants tend to be present in eggs in very
including the culturing of cage surfaces, water sources, small numbers, the entire liquid contents of 10—20 eggs
eggbelts, trapped rodents, and dust have also been sug- are often pooled together for sampling to minimize
gested. Dust can remain contaminated with salmonellae demands on laboratory resources. Egg contents pools usu-
even after cleaning and disinfection of poultry houses ally are incubated before further culturing to allow the
(215). Air sampling has detected Salmonella in both hatch- Salmonella population to expand to a consistently
ing cabinets and rooms containing infected chickens (34, detectable level (151, 161). Supplementation of whole egg
286). Hatchery fluff is frequently contaminated with sal- pools with iron (105, 161, 162) or concentrated broth
monellae, offering an opportunity for early detection of enrichment media (164) can increase the multiplication
infection in flocks (333). Culturing poultry feed for salmo- of some S. enteritidis strains during incubation. Preenrich-
nellae is often important in establishing the source of ment of egg contents has been shown to lead to a greater
infection of a flock with a particular serotype (413). sensitivity of S. enteritidis detection than direct selective
enrichment (150, 422), probably by allowing very small
Standard Culture Methods for Salmonella Detection. initial levels of salmonellae to expand to levels that will
Although a very diverse assortment of culture conditions survive the harsher conditions of selective enrichment.
have been proposed for the isolation and identification of Direct plating of incubated egg pools onto selective agar
PT salmonellae, most standard methods follow a general media can markedly reduce the time, media, and labor
scheme that involves four principal stages. First, nonselec- demands of culturing but does so at a significant loss in
tive preenrichment is used to encourage the growth of detection sensitivity (150, 161).
very small numbers of salmonellae or to allow the recov- Environmental samples typically are collected in sterile
ery of injured Salmonella cells. Pre-enrichment is not plastic bags and subsequently cultured by transfer into selec-
advisable when testing samples (such as intestinal con- tive enrichment broth. Moistened gauze pads can be used to
tents or feces) with large numbers of competing organ- sample environmental surfaces or can be dragged across
isms that might overgrow salmonellae in the nonselective floor litter or dropping pits. Transporting environmental
broth. Second, selective enrichment is used to allow addi- drag-swab samples in double-strength skim milk is often
tional expansion of the Salmonella population while sup- used to support Salmonella detection, although good recov-
pressing the growth of other organisms. Third, plating on ery has also been obtained using dry swabs. Feed should be
selective agar media is used to obtain isolated colonies, tested by collecting several representative samples from each
each derived from a single cell. Nonselective agar plating lot and transferring into selective enrichment broth. Preen-
media are also sometimes used with swabs from internal richment of poultry feed samples has been reported to be
organs. Fourth, colonies with appearances characteristic unnecessary or even counterproductive (98).
of salmonellae are subjected to biochemical and serologic Culture media generally are incubated for 24 hours at
tests to confirm their genus and serotype identity. Virtu- 37°C. Longer (48-hr) incubation in nonselective media
ally all proposed methods require the last two of these has been reported to be useful for recovering small num-
steps, but enrichment requirements vary according to the bers of S. enteritidis from egg contents (153, 253). Shorter
nature of the sample. (6-hour) selective enrichment has been used successfully
Tissue samples (except for samples of intestinal tissues to recover salmonellae from animal feeds (108), but such
or contents) from infected birds ordinarily contain rela- abbreviated selective enrichment is likely inadequate to
tively few competing organisms. Swab or loop samples suppress competing microflora in more heavily contami-
taken from internal organs are often transferred directly nated samples. Incubation of selective enrichment cul-
to plates of both selective and nonselective agar media, tures at elevated temperatures (42—43°C) has been
without broth enrichment. Excised tissue samples and recommended to suppress the growth of competing
any samples derived from the intestinal tract generally are microflora, especially in intestinal samples or samples
transferred initially into selective enrichment broth. containing fecal material (109). Delayed secondary
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Paratyphoid Infections 595

enrichment, in which selective enrichment broth cultures battery of 6 carbohydrates can provide further differentia-
are held for an additional 5 days at room temperature to tion of PT Salmonella isolates from other organisms (101).
allow salmonellae an extended opportunity to grow to The serogroup of each isolate can be determined by slide
detectable levels, has been found to improve the recovery agglutination tests with polyvalent antisera to groups of
of PT salmonellae from poultry diagnostic and environ- somatic O antigens, and the serotype then can be deter-
mental samples (463). mined by slide agglutination tests with monovalent antis-
era to specific O antigens and tube agglutination tests
Culture Media. A diverse array of media has been devel- with antisera to flagellar H antigens.
oped and recommended for isolating and identifying sal-
monellae. Although some evidence has suggested that Rapid Detection Technologies. Obtaining negative
proper selection of culture media is somewhat contingent results using conventional culturing methods for salmo-
upon the type of sample being tested, several commer- nellae requires several days for most types of samples, and
cially available formulations have been consistently effec- confirming positive results adds even more time. Numer-
tive in a variety of applications. ous rapid techniques have been developed in recent years,
Suggested broth media for the preenrichment of sam- but these have not yet achieved widespread acceptance
ples for salmonellae include buffered peptone water and for detecting Salmonella in poultry. Most of the rapid
trypticase soy broth. Stephenson et al. (422) reported that, methods reduce the time requirements of testing by 1 or
of five preenrichment media tested, trypticase soy broth more days, and many are adaptable to some degree of
provided the greatest sensitivity of detection of S. enteri- automation. Concerns about rapid methods include high
tidis in artificially contaminated egg yolks. cost and poor sensitivity (commonly resulting in a need
The selective broth media most often used for isolating for at least one enrichment step to achieve a detectable
PT salmonellae in recent years are tetrathionate (TT) broth cell density). Although properties as diverse as the ability
and Rappaport-Vassiliadis (RV) broth. Tetrathionate broth to exhibit motility (118) or to cause specific changes in
preparations have been found to yield a higher frequency the electrical impedance of media (367) have been suc-
of Salmonella detection than RV broth or selenite cystine- cessfully used to enrich for or identify salmonellae, most
broth from a variety of types of samples, including cloacal efforts to develop rapid Salmonella-detection methods
swabs, intestinal tissues, pooled egg contents, and poultry have centered around the use of specific antibodies or
feeds (98, 150). Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth has been DNA probes.
effectively used to isolate salmonellae from raw chicken Specific antibodies to Salmonella antigens have been
and egg contents pools (253, 458). Concern about sele- used to develop a variety of enzyme-linked immunosor-
nium toxicity for human laboratory workers has led to the bent assay (ELISA) methods. These tests, using polyclonal
diminished use of selenite-cystine broth. antibodies to Salmonella LPS or flagella, have been reported
Numerous agar media are available for the isolation of to detect salmonellae in eggs, tissues, cloacal swabs, envi-
PT salmonellae. Among the most commonly used plating ronmental drag swabs, litter, and feed (207, 313, 390).
media are brilliant green (BG) agar, XLD agar, XLT4 agar, Monoclonal antibodies to outer membrane proteins or fla-
bismuth sulfite agar, and Hektoen enteric agar. Brilliant gella have been used as the basis for ELISA tests to specifi-
green agar is perhaps the most widely used medium for cally detect S. enteritidis in eggs, tissues, and environmental
Salmonella isolation from poultry sources and has been samples (261, 264). Although not apparently quite as sen-
shown to be effective in application to diverse tissue, sitive as conventional culture methods (425, 427), ELISA
environmental, egg, and feed samples (98, 150, 463). tests usually are reported to detect salmonellae at a fre-
XLT4 agar has been applied successfully to detect salmo- quency comparable to standard methods and to do so at
nellae efficiently from poultry house environmental drag least 1 day sooner (479). One or more initial enrichment
swabs (332). The addition of novobiocin to agar plating culturing steps, however, are generally necessary to allow
media has been demonstrated to improve Salmonella the expansion of the Salmonella population into the range
recovery by suppressing the growth of some competing detectable by ELISA, which is often estimated at between
organisms (notably Proteus) that might otherwise over- 105 and 107 salmonellae per ml (207, 261). Like conven-
grow the salmonellae (427). Samples should always be tional culturing methods, ELISA tests are also somewhat
streaked onto two different media, preferably with dissim- prone to false-positive results from competing flora able to
ilar indicator systems for differentiating salmonellae from grow in enrichment media (32).
other organisms. Another application of antibodies for detecting salmo-
nellae involves coating small magnetic beads with specific
Confirmation of Genus and Serotype. Colonies on antibodies. When mixed with the sample to be tested, the
selective agar plates that have the characteristic appear- antibody-coated beads will bind to any Salmonella target
ance of PT salmonellae must be tested further to confirm antigens present, and a magnetic field then can be applied
their genus identity and to determine their serotype. The to recover the bead-antibody-antigen complex. In
combined use of triple sugar iron agar and lysine iron agar essence, immunomagnetic separation (IMS) thus serves as
provides an effective presumptive test for identifying PT an alternative to broth enrichment for concentrating sal-
salmonellae. The observed pattern of fermentation with a monellae, but with the advantages of requiring less time

and having no adverse effect on sublethally injured cells invasion and dissemination to elicit a detectable anti-
(406). Using IMS to concentrate salmonellae before plat- body response (356), the general immunologic unrespon-
ing on selective agar has detected a higher frequency of siveness of very young birds to Salmonella infection
Salmonella contamination in samples of poultry meat, tis- (464), and cross-reactions between antibodies to similar
sues, eggshells, feed, and cloacal or fecal swabs than did PT serotypes (350).
either traditional selective enrichment or motility-based Agglutination tests have detected both natural and
enrichment (104, 106). IMS has also been used to detect experimental infections of chickens with PT salmonellae
small levels of S. enteritidis contamination in pools of egg (154, 239). The principal agglutination assay formats
contents by both culturing and ELISA (105, 231). IMS- include rapid whole-blood plate, serum plate, tube, and
based culturing removed up to 93% of S. enteritidis from microwell plate tests. All of these tests rely on the ability
liquid eggs contaminated with 102—103 cfu/ml (333) and of specific antibodies to cause visible agglutination when
detected 610 cells/ml in whole egg extracts (312). mixed with antigen preparations of killed whole Salmo-
Another approach to rapid testing for salmonellae in nella cells. Except for the tube test, all agglutination assays
poultry, which has received considerable attention in use stained antigens to improve the ease of visualization
recent years, involves using probes for particular DNA of the agglutination reaction. An additional incubation
sequences unique to salmonellae or even to individual period with a secondary antibody (antiglobulin) directed
serotypes. Hybridization of the probe with DNA extracted against chicken immunoglobulins by increasing the over-
from the sample indicates a positive result. DNA probes, all agglutination of the target antigen (472) has been
in both radiolabeled and colorimetric assays, have been reported to provide greater sensitivity for detecting PT
applied to the detection of salmonellae in poultry fecal infections than other agglutination test methods (74).
and environmental samples with a high degree of speci- PT Salmonella infections in poultry have also been
ficity (91, 200). The sensitivity of detection of salmonellae detected using numerous ELISA approaches. For example,
by DNA hybridization is similar to that of ELISA and, ELISA tests with antigens including LPS, flagella, or outer
thus, generally requires one or more enrichment culturing membrane proteins have identified chickens infected nat-
steps (417). Moreover, DNA hybridization assays are often urally or experimentally with S. typhimurium or S. enteri-
procedurally complex and are rather expensive in com- tidis (21, 265, 348, 350, 442). An international
parison to other available methods. The development of collaborative effort reported a generally high degree of
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology has allowed correspondence in the performance of a wide assortment
the specific amplification of particular target segments of of ELISA formats and antigens for detecting S. enteritidis
DNA, thereby enabling hybridization reactions with infections (22). By using very precisely defined antigens,
probes to detect salmonellae in feces, environmental drag- ELISA tests often achieve a high degree of specificity and
swab samples, and eggs with a very high level of sensitiv- are frequently associated with fewer false-positive results
ity (48, 70, 72). Carefully chosen DNA probes can be used due to cross-reactions between serotypes than are aggluti-
along with PCR to detect salmonellae with specific charac- nation reactions (201, 265). Assays using fimbrial antigens
teristics, such as those carrying genes for particular viru- have shown a particularly high degree of specificity for
lence properties (290, 311), biochemical properties (300), identifying S. enteritidis infections in chickens (384, 436).
or surface structures such as fimbria (71, 477). After con- The discriminatory potential of ELISA tests often depends
centration of cells by IMS or centrifugation, PCR methods on judicious selection of positive/negative cut-off values
have reportedly been capable of detecting very small (125, 324). Screening for serum antibodies using a flagella-
numbers of Salmonella cells (325, 391). based ELISA test has been applied successfully for control-
ling S. enteritidis in Dutch breeder flocks (457).
Serologic Diagnosis of Infection Antibodies deposited in egg yolks can also be used to
Specific antibodies to PT salmonellae have been found in detect poultry infected with PT salmonellae. Both
the sera of infected poultry with a high degree of sensitiv- microantiglobulin (98) and ELISA (21, 349) tests have
ity using diverse agglutination and enzyme immunoassay been applied to find antibodies to S. enteritidis and S.
methods. Detectable serum antibody titers are often still typhimurium in eggs from naturally and experimentally
present long after the clearance of all salmonellae from infected chickens. Egg yolk antibodies have been consis-
tissues and the cessation of fecal shedding (201). Anti- tently detected by flagella-based ELISA in egg yolks from
bodies to Salmonella have been detected in both naturally hens inoculated orally with as few as 103 cfu of S. enteri-
(239, 457) and experimentally (21, 154) infected poultry. tidis (170). Gast and Beard (156) reported that the pres-
Because antibody tests document only prior exposure to ence of specific antibodies in eggs from commercial laying
salmonellae and do not provide unequivocal evidence of flocks in the United States was directly correlated with the
a currently ongoing infection in a flock, positive sero- presence of S. enteritidis in tissue samples from those
logic results generally must be followed by bacteriologic flocks. Van de Giessen et al. (455) found a direct relation-
culturing for confirmation. Other problems with sero- ship between specific egg-yolk antibody titers and the
logic testing include the possibility that subclinical infec- incidence of shedding of S. enteritidis in the feces of laying
tions will lead to fecal shedding without sufficient flocks in the Netherlands. Egg yolk antibody detection
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Paratyphoid Infections 597

was found to be slightly more effective than bacteriologi- for infection with drag-swab environmental samples and
cal culturing of voided feces for predicting S. enteritidis then confirm the threat posed to public health by cultur-
contamination of eggs laid by experimentally infected ing eggs (376).
hens (170).
Competitive Exclusion
Newly hatched chicks and poults are highly susceptible to
infection by PT salmonellae but quickly become more
Management Procedures resistant. This age-associated decrease in susceptibility to
The diversity of sources from which salmonellae can be Salmonella is largely attributable to the acquisition of pro-
introduced into flocks or houses complicates efforts to tective intestinal microflora from the environment. The
establish specific critical control points for preventing PT ability of the normal bacterial flora of the intestinal tract
infections in poultry (147, 269). The infection or contam- to inhibit colonization by salmonellae and other
ination status of the parent flock, the hatchery, and the pathogens has served as the basis for the development of
poultry house before placement of chicks or poults have a diverse group of treatments often referred to collectively
been identified as principal risk factors for salmonellosis as competitive exclusion (CE). CE treatments involve
in broiler flocks (67, 394, 410). Effective prevention and administering defined or undefined bacterial cultures
control programs must involve coordinated and simulta- (probiotics) to poultry in order to diminish intestinal col-
neous attacks on the problem from several directions. onization by enteric pathogens.
Eggs and chicks or poults should be secured only from The efficacy of CE treatment has been illustrated
demonstrably Salmonella-free breeding flocks. Hatching repeatedly in both chickens and turkeys, using intestinal
eggs should be disinfected properly and hatched accord- or fecal material from mature birds or undefined anaero-
ing to stringent sanitation standards. Poultry houses bic cultures derived from such material. Administration of
should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by recom- CE cultures has been shown to diminish both intestinal
mended procedures between flocks. Rodent and insect colonization and subsequent invasion to internal tissues
control measures should be incorporated into house by various PT salmonellae (352). Used litter can also be
design and management and verified by periodic testing. used as a source of CE cultures (84). The conditions under
Rigidly enforced biosecurity practices should be imple- which CE preparations are obtained and handled can
mented to restrict the movement of personnel and equip- affect their efficacy. Administration of fresh turkey cecal
ment onto poultry housing premises and between houses. material protected poults against Salmonella colonization
Only pelleted feed or feed containing no animal protein better than day-old cecal material (222). Nevertheless, the
should be used to minimize the likelihood of using conta- protective efficacy of CE cultures can be maintained by
minated rations. Water provided to poultry should come continuous flow culturing (225). In field trials in commer-
only from sources treated to ensure purity. Treatments cial broiler chicken flocks in several nations, treatment
such as medication, competitive exclusion cultures, or with CE cultures led to significant reductions in the inci-
vaccination can be applied to reduce the susceptibility of dence of salmonellae in live birds and on carcasses (16,
birds to Salmonella infection. Finally, the Salmonella status 363). Treatment with CE cultures has sometimes been
of poultry and their environment should be tested fre- observed to enhance the clearance of concurrent or preex-
quently. Such multifaceted prevention and control pro- isting Salmonella infections (82). CE cultures have been
grams have reportedly been successful in addressing shown to be effective against salmonellae following
Salmonella problems in both chickens (468) and turkeys administration to poultry in a variety of forms, including
(369). crop gavage, application to the vent lip, whole-body
Increased international interest in controlling S. enteri- spraying or droplet application, addition to drinking
tidis in poultry has led to the development and imple- water, and encapsulation in lyophilized alginate beads
mentation of numerous testing and monitoring programs added to the feed (85, 87). Protection has also been
in recent years (138, 238). In the United States, the obtained by fogging CE cultures onto or injecting them
National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) defines strin- into the air cell of hatching eggs (96, 377). Combined use
gent sanitation and testing standards for breeder flocks to of more than one route of administration has sometimes
prevent the transmission of S. enteritidis infection to egg- produced maximum protection (65).
laying stock (388). Participation in this plan requires com- Considerable research has sought to identify the
pliance with standards for feed selection and handling, microflora constituents responsible for protection against
disinfection of hatching eggs, and hatchery sanitation. salmonellae. Specific individual microbial cultures,
NPIP testing for S. enteritidis involves bacteriologic moni- including Escherichia coli (478), lactobacilli (197), and the
toring of the environment and serologic monitoring of yeast Saccharomyces boulardii (304) have been reported to
birds, with culturing of tissues from selected birds used for exhibit probiotic activity against salmonellae in chickens.
confirmation. A proposed national S. enteritidis testing Some investigators have argued that a defined mixture of
protocol for U.S. laying flocks, similar to a successful risk microorganisms can protect poultry with greater consis-
reduction program in Pennsylvania (468), would screen tency than undefined cultures and can provide a greater

assurance of safety than is available with mixtures of water deprivation and environmental stresses such as heat
unknown organisms. The protective efficacy of mixtures may compromise the effectiveness of vaccines (345). Like
of small numbers of intestinal bacteria is typically very competitive exclusion, vaccination is used most effec-
limited (420), but more diverse defined mixtures can pro- tively as a component in a comprehensive program of
vide significant protection (89). Administration of a mix- risk-reduction practices.
ture of 29 defined bacterial cultures to broiler chicks Interest in the use of killed vaccines (bacterins) in
significantly reduced colonization of the crops and ceca poultry has been renewed in recent years by escalating
by S. typhimurium (88). concerns about S. enteritidis. Subcutaneous administration
The protective benefits of CE treatments have been of adjuvanted oil-emulsion bacterins to laying hens has
attributed both to direct steric interference with the been reported to reduce significantly the incidence of
attachment of salmonellae to the intestinal epithelium fecal shedding and the numbers of S. enteritidis shed in
and with the inhibition of Salmonella growth in the the feces, the frequency of isolation of S. enteritidis from
intestinal tract as a consequence of lowered pH and various internal tissues, and the incidence of production
increased levels of undissociated volatile fatty acids (400). of eggs with contaminated contents following subsequent
Diverse feed additives have been investigated for their oral challenge (172, 173). Chickens vaccinated with bac-
ability to either directly inhibit pathogen colonization or terins have been reported to exhibit reductions in mortal-
to support the growth of protective microflora. Adding ity, lesions, clinical signs, and organ invasion for up to 12
various complex carbohydrates (including lactose, man- weeks postvaccination when challenged with S. enteritidis
nose, glucose, and fructooligosaccharide) to the feed or by intravenous or intramuscular routes (439, 440). Field
water of chickens has sometimes reduced crop or cecal studies have associated bacterin administration with a
colonization by salmonellae (2, 60, 86, 219). Dietary sup- reduced incidence of S. enteritidis infection in Dutch
plementation with formic or propionic acids has also broiler breeder flocks (144) but could not document any
sometimes led to reduced Salmonella colonization (434). significant effect of vaccination on the isolation of S.
Several factors, which affect the overall usefulness of enteritidis from the environments of Pennsylvania laying
CE cultures for controlling PT salmonellae infections in flocks (121). Subunit vaccines, composed of Salmonella
poultry, have been identified. Although CE treatment outer-membrane proteins administered with adjuvants or
generally reduces the incidence of intestinal colonization incorporated into lipid-conjugated immunostimulating
by salmonellae, it does not prevent it altogether. More- complexes, have been efficacious against S. enteritidis in
over, the protective efficacy of CE cultures can sometimes chickens (331) and against S. enteritidis or S. heidelberg in
be overcome by severe Salmonella challenges (415). turkeys (61, 62). Another potential benefit from vaccina-
Because protection by CE is most effective when probiotic tion was evident in a study that reported reduced multi-
cultures are given to chicks before they are exposed to plication of S. enteritidis in eggs from bacterin-treated hens
pathogens, infection with salmonellae during hatching compared to eggs from control hens (237).
can compromise the protective value of CE treatment Live attenuated vaccines need to persist in tissues long
(13). Administration of CE cultures can contribute signifi- enough to induce a protective immune response but
cantly to an overall Salmonella control effort, but proper should be avirulent and eventually cleared from vacci-
cleaning and disinfection, biosecurity, rodent reduction, nated birds. PT Salmonella vaccine strains attenuated by
and other similar measures are still necessary to minimize several different approaches have been tested for their
the chances of exposure to salmonellae (361). Disruption protective efficacy in poultry. Oral or intramuscular
of the normal intestinal microflora by antibiotic adminis- administration of various aroA mutants of S. enteritidis
tration or feed and water deprivation can also interfere (auxotrophs that do not grow well in vivo because of their
with the activities of CE cultures (11, 465). inability to synthesize particular aromatic compounds)
reduced organ invasion after intravenous or aerosol chal-
Vaccination lenge and reduced fecal shedding, horizontal transmis-
Vaccination with either killed or live preparations has sion, and egg contamination after oral challenge (27, 75,
been found to reduce the susceptibility of poultry to PT 76, 77). This protection has been found to persist for up to
infection. Live Salmonella vaccines have often been associ- 23 weeks after administration of the vaccine strain (78).
ated with a stronger or longer-lasting protective response An orally administered cya crp S. typhimurium strain (a
in poultry, perhaps either because of adverse effects on double mutant with deletions of both adenylate cyclase
relevant protective antigens during the preparation of and the cyclic AMP receptor protein) provided very strong
killed vaccines or because live vaccines present relevant protection against intestinal colonization and organ inva-
antigens to the host immune system more persistently sion by S. typhimurium (203). A temperature-sensitive
(23). Killed vaccines may also fail to fully elicit the cell- mutant (58) and a strain attenuated by repeated passage
mediated portion of the protective response (342). Never- in chicken heterophils (281) have also been shown to pro-
theless, both killed and live vaccines have been associated tect chickens against S. enteritidis infection. Hassan and
with significant protection against salmonellae, although Curtiss (204) reported that vaccination of hens with an
neither type of vaccine has consistently provided an avirulent S. typhimurium strain reduced intestinal colo-
impenetrable barrier against infection. Moreover, feed or nization of their progeny when challenged with virulent
CHAPTER 16 SALMONELLA INFECTIONS Paratyphoid Infections 599

wild-type strains. Evidence for cross-protection by live as birds removed from antimicrobial treatment were
vaccine strains against other epidemiologically important found to be active carriers of salmonellae, these investiga-
Salmonella serotypes has been inconsistent. An avirulent tors concluded that drug excretion was often interfering
S. typhimurium vaccine reduced colonization, organ inva- with recovery of the infecting organism from fecal mater-
sion, and egg contamination by S. enteritidis (205), but ial and, thereby, resulting in a misleading impression that
aroA- S. enteritidis strains did not cross-protect very effec- treatment was efficacious. Olesiuk et al. (357) similarly
tively against S. typhimurium challenge (77). Several safety found that five antimicrobial agents had only very limited
concerns about live Salmonella vaccines have been raised value for preventing or eliminating experimental S.
recently, based on evidence that some vaccine strains may typhimurium infection. Humbert et al. (244) determined
be genetically unstable (19) and can be detected for longer that combined administration of enrofloxacin and a com-
than anticipated in vaccinated hens if sufficiently sensi- petitive exclusion product reduced the incidence of S.
tive culturing methods are used (426). enteritidis carriage but failed to eliminate infection from
Prophylactic administration of lymphokines from internal organs. The administration of some antibiotics
immunized chickens has been shown to protect chicks has been reported to increase the susceptibility of poultry
against organ invasion after subsequent S. enteritidis chal- to Salmonella infection, perhaps by suppressing the
lenge (326). This effect appears to be due to increased growth of other microflora capable of exerting inhibitory
phagocytosis and the killing of S. enteritidis by avian het- activity against salmonellae (315).
erophils (174). Protection of chicks and poults has been Antibiotics have also sometimes been added to poultry
obtained by administering immune lymphokines by sub- feeds at subtherapeutic levels to promote growth. How-
cutaneous, oral, nasal, and in ovo routes (176, 273, 327) ever, both therapeutic and subtherapeutic antibiotic
but may be of relatively transient duration (175). Cross- administration has been shown to select for drug-resistant
protection against other Salmonella serotypes has also strains of salmonellae, thereby potentially compromising
been observed (306, 485). the effectiveness of those drugs in both animals and
humans (171, 272). Barrow et al. (29) observed that
Treatment enrofloxacin treatment of chicks eliminated infection but
The efficacy and wisdom of medication with antibiotics induced resistance. Davies et al. (113) attributed an
to prevent or treat PT infections in poultry are topics of increased resistance to nalidixic acid among Salmonella
considerable debate. The administration of injectable isolates from British turkeys to enrofloxacin use. Multiple
antibiotics such as gentamicin and spectinomycin in the resistant salmonellae, insensitive to the effects of several
hatchery played a pivotal role in controlling the spread of antimicrobial agents, have become increasingly prevalent
S. arizonae in turkey poults (407). Antibiotics have been among poultry isolates in both the United Kingdom and
used successfully to control S. enteritidis infections in sev- North America (110, 382, 438).
eral experimental and commercial contexts. In one such
study, combined treatment of chicks with polymyxin B
sulfate and trimethoprim both prevented and cleared REFERENCES
experimental infections (183). Administration of 1. Aho, M. 1992. Problems of Salmonella sampling. Int J Food
flavophospholipol or salinomycin sodium as feed addi- Microbiol 15:225—235.
tives reduced fecal shedding (40). Provision of a competi- 2. Allen, V. M., F. Fernandez, and M. H. Hinton. 1997. Evalua-
tive exclusion culture to restore a protective normal tion of the influence of supplementing the diet with man-
microflora after treatment with enrofloxacin reduced the nose or palm kernel meal on salmonella colonisation in
poultry. Br Poult Sci 38:485—488.
isolation of S. enteritidis from broiler breeders and their 3. Allen-Vercoe, E., A. R. Sayers, and M. J. Woodward. 1999.
environments (387), the incidence and level of infection Virulence of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis afla-
in experimentally infected chicks (403), and molt-associ- gellate and afimbriate mutants in a day-old chick model.
ated fecal shedding by laying hens (404). Antibiotics were Epidemiol Infect 122:395—402.
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