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Activity 1. Technology, a Bridge or Breach in Human Flourishing

Objective: Evaluate whether technology is a bridge or breach in human flourishing
Directions: Using the concept map below, list down all the possible advantages and disadvantages of
technology in human flourishing- write as many as you can. After, answer the follow-up questions.
(10 PTS.)



Guide Questions:
a. Is technology more on advantageous or disadvantageous? Justify your answer shortly. (3 PTS.)
b. Is technology a bridge or a breach in human flourishing? (3 PTS.)
c. Since technology is already around you, what can you do to ensure that it will benefit you to
flourish rather than drag you down? (3 PTS.)

1. What does it mean for a human being to flourish? (3 PTS.)
2. As you look at your daily life and the past years, what aspects of your life have been the most
rewarding and enriching? When was the happiest? (3PTS.)
3. What are the things that made you flourish? (3 PTS.)

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