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Journal of Instructional Research  | Volume 1 (2012)


Impact of Hybrid Instruction on Student Achievement

in Post-Secondary Institutions:
A Synthetic Review of the Literature
Mark A. Lamport  |  Randy J. Hill

Hybrid online instruction is a cross between traditional face-to-face classroom format and online-only instruction.

The premise behind hybrid instruction is that it provides the benefits of personal interaction with the convenience

and flexibility of online assignments and discussions. While there has been significant research on how students

perceive this form of instruction, less exists on the impact of hybrid instruction on student achievement. The current

data is varied, with a majority of studies showing increased achievement in the hybrid classroom compared to traditional

classrooms, but similar achievement to online courses. Since hybrid formats are significantly varied in the percentage of

time spent online, subject matters, student populations, etc., it can be difficult to compare methods solely focused on

achievement. This article is a review of the literature that provides implications/recommendations for online teachers

with empirically-based strategies and suggestions for the effective implementation of a hybrid course.

Hybrid online instruction is a cross between vantages and disadvantages of hybrid instruction to
the traditional face-to-face classroom format and online and traditional formats from the lens of pro-
online-only instruction. The premise behind hybrid fessor, i.e., what to do and avoid in teaching a hybrid
instruction is that it provides the benefits of person- course, and ways of fostering student achievement.
al interaction with the convenience and flexibility
of online assignments and discussions. While there The emergence of the hybrid approach to on-
has been significant research on how students per- line learning
ceive this form of instruction, less exists on the im- One relatively new method of instruction at the
pact of hybrid instruction on student achievement. tertiary level that helps to minimize the disadvan-
The current data is varied, with a majority of stud- tages of a pure online environment is the hybrid,
ies showing increased achievement in the hybrid also known as blended, online learning. Hybrid in-
classroom compared to traditional classrooms, but struction is an educational approach that combines
similar achievement to online courses. Since hybrid traditional classroom instruction and online in-
formats are significantly varied in the percentage of struction. It was initially designed to ease students
time spent online, subject matters, student popula- into the online transition and overcome anxieties
tions, etc., it can be difficult to compare methods related to the online learning environment (Oh &
solely focused on achievement. Park, 2009). In a hybrid classroom, instructors uti-
The purpose of this paper is to compare the ad- lize technologies, specifically online instructional

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components, to replace and augment portions of courses depends on the perceptions of students and
classroom instruction. faculty towards this design. Since the emergence of
One of the biggest drawbacks is a lack of per- online education, studies have been conducted on
sonal interactions and face-to-face the impact of this form of education with regard to
communication that exists in a traditional class- student achievement. The studies illustrate that stu-
room. In one study, students enrolled in an online dents in an online setting performed equally as well
course noted that with the elimination of face-to- (Davies & Mendall, 1998) or better than (Schutte,
face time with their teacher and peers, it was pos- 1997) face-to-face students (see http://www.nosig-
ited learning usually gained from assimilating in- for a complete review of the
formation and interacting with other students and volumes of studies documenting these findings).
faculty was somehow seemed “lost” (Laine, 2003). Despite the vast number of studies comparing the
Other hindrances identified include learner isola- online versus traditional classroom environments,
tion (Brown, 1996), learner frustration, anxiety, and few studies have looked at the impacts of hybrid in-
confusion (Hara & Kling, 2000; Piccoli, Ahmad, struction on student achievement.
& Ives, 2001), high student attrition rates (Franko-
la, 2001; Laine, 2003; Ryan, 2001), and the need Amount of time designated to online versus
for greater student motivation, discipline, and time traditional activities
commitment (Golladay, Prybutok, & Huff, 2000; According to McFarlin (2008), the definition
Serwatka, 2003). of hybrid is a course that combines “face-to-face
The entire concept behind hybrid instruction is classroom instruction with educational technologies
to provide the benefits of online instruction (e.g., often using online devices. A significant amount of
flexibility, ease of discussions) with those of the tra- learning in a hybrid course occurs online” (p. 86).
ditional classroom setting (e.g., face time, personal In this definition, as is the case with most defini-
connections). As student outcomes should be top tions of hybrid learning, there is no mention as to
priority for any collegiate institution, the impact what percentage of the class should take place on-
of hybrid instruction on student learning has a far line versus in the classroom. Therefore, variations
reaching effect on whether or not colleges will be- in time allocations could have a significant impact
gin offering or expanding their hybrid programs. on student achievement in a hybrid course.
The literature that focuses on the impact of hybrid Some classes may require a minimal amount
instruction on student achievement generally falls of online interaction for the students, but still fall
into three subcategories: (1) studies that emphasize in the category of a hybrid class. For example, De-
the amount of time designated to online activities; noui & Dodge (2006) examined a class that was
(2) studies that highlight the level of the students in completely in the traditional format and utilized
the study population (undergraduate versus gradu- Blackboard only to post contact information and as-
ate); and (3) studies that compare hybrid instruction signments from the lecture, as well as for a means
to complete online instruction. The impact of hy- for communication. They tracked the students who
brid instruction on student achievement is therefore utilized Blackboard, and found that students who
assessed in relation to these three variables. utilized Blackboard generally did better in the class
Acknowledged advantages to hybrid instruc- than those students who did not go online. McFarlin
tion include student and instructor convenience, in- (2008), on the other hand, compared results between
creased participation, flexibility, decrease in drop- hybrid and traditional class formats, in which the
outs, and minimized costs (Garnham & Kaleta, hybrid format consisted of 1.5 hours/week in a tra-
2002; Young, 2002). Hybrid instruction is being ditional classroom and 1.5 hours/week online using
used as a tool to effectively teach content mate- a WebCT site. Martyn (2003) conducted all classes
rial to students with varying learning disabilities through an asynchronous online environment with
and preferences. Potential challenges for hybrid the exceptions of the first and last class. The Mc-
instruction include training instructors to teach Farlin and Martyn studies similarly demonstrated a
hybrid courses, allowing appropriate preparation positive correlation between hybrid instruction and
time to modify their course, and training students student achievement, regardless of the proportions
in the new format. In addition, the success of hybrid of time spent online versus in-class.

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Reynolds and Paulus (2009) compared two and student achievement with various proportions
hybrid classrooms that varied in the requirements of online vs. in-class instruction (McNaught, 2011).
of time spent online. In one class, they reduced
class time by 67% with the implementation of on- Undergraduate and graduate studies in hybrid
line video instruction, and in a second class, they instruction
reduced class time by 33% through an interactive The amount and scope of undergraduate and
online homework system. The results showed that graduate level coursework varies tremendously at
the average increase in performance on three final most collegiate institutions. While the premise be-
assessments was 17% higher relative to assessment hind undergraduate work is to lay the foundation
scores received by students taking traditional class- and cover topics more broadly, graduate work is
es, regardless of how much time the students were more focused and usually involves more critical
required to spend online. thinking and problem solving. While hybrid in-
The studies mentioned above show a positive struction can be favorable for students as it allows
relationship between hybrid instruction and student more flexibility, institutions must consider whether
achievement, regardless of the amount of time that hybrid education offers differential learning gains
students spent online. However, a number of oth- as a function of the level (undergraduate or gradu-
er studies have indicated either no difference or a ate) course.
negative impact using similar time allocations in Most of the published literature focuses on the
a hybrid class. In a similar method to Denoui and undergraduate level. For example, Taradi, Taradi,
Dodge (2006), O’Toole and Absalom (2003) held Radic and Pokrajac (2005) examined the differ-
a traditional class that met each week, but posted ence between a hybrid and traditional undergradu-
materials online through the university’s intranet to ate course was and concluded that students in the
supplement course meetings. Their findings show hybrid courses received significantly higher scores
that attendance at the lectures, especially the final on their final exam than traditional course students.
lecture, increased the overall final quiz grade. Stu- Similarly, Melton, Graf, and Chopak-Foss (2009)
dents that relied solely on web material without the examined student achievement and student satisfac-
benefit of lecture attendance did not achieve the de- tion in a blended learning undergraduate course and
sired learning outcomes. Larson and Sung (2009) compared these results to student achievement in a
expanded upon the previous research to compare traditional course format. Results from this study
performance in an undergraduate course offered in show that there was no significant difference on the
an online, traditional, and hybrid format. In the hy- exam scores between and within groups, and there
brid class, students met face-to-face for eleven ses- were two cases where the traditional group (blended
sions, and in the online format, they met for five ses- versus traditional) outperformed the blended group.
sions. Results showed that there was no significant Overall, however, blended students had a higher av-
difference between the three methods of instruction erage final grade.
in regards to student achievement. Webb, Gill and Poe (2005) conducted a similar
There may be a range of variables and short- experiment to Taradi et al. (2005) but focused on
comings that can potentially contribute to student the graduate level. The graduate students in the hy-
success. Therefore it cannot be determined that the brid instruction showed an increase in knowledge-
proportion of online versus traditional instruction level learning.
had any impact on the results. For example, Mc- Boyle et al. (2003) studied the impact of hy-
Farlin (2008) used the same instructors for hybrid brid learning on students by comparing a blended
and traditional formats (while others used different learning environment to a traditional learning en-
instructors), and the classes were not run simultane- vironment. The passing rate for students in the hy-
ously which resulted in data collected on different brid courses increased by 12% to 23%, relative to
students. Further, the type of media (Blackboard, the pass rate for students taking traditional classes
WebCT, etc.) was not consistent among studies, taught the previous year.
adding another variable that could impact student Although the Boyle study was the first study to
success. Since studies have shown both positive and compare formats of learning at different degree lev-
negative correlations between hybrid instruction els, it focused on student grades and did not take

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into consideration the factors required for a student instruction (Mirakian & Hale, 2007; Johnson, Bur-
to be successful in a self-regulatory environment, nett, &Rolling, 2002; Sue, 2005; see
and how these have an impact on achievement. for a complete discussion
Kumrow (2005) examined the “five self-regulatory of this comparative literature). However, very few
resource management strategies of time manage- studies compared hybrid instruction to complete
ment, study environment, effort regulation, help online instruction to determine the impacts on stu-
seeking, and peer learning” (pg. 140) in a graduate dent achievement.
nursing course taught in both the hybrid and tra- Vengroff and Bourbeau (2006) compared
ditional format. Students in the hybrid section had achievement and participation of students taking
overall higher grades, and only the help seeking an introductory comparative politics class in the
strategy was correlated with higher grades in both traditional format, completely online, and through
sections. a hybrid class. The online and hybrid courses uti-
While many studies have shown positive cor- lized the same materials as the traditional format
relations between hybrid instruction and student for consistency, with the online and hybrid courses
achievement at both the undergraduate and gradu- were implemented via an online platform. Student
ate level, other studies have either shown no impact performance was measured with examinations,
or a negative correlation. Roscoe (2008) compared short research papers, and discussions (online and
hybrid and traditional format 300-level undergradu- in class.) The results indicate exams between online
ate course on political parties and interest groups, and traditional formats were not significantly dif-
with the hybrid class meeting five times face-to- ferent, but that traditional students did considerably
face in a 15-week semester, with the rest of the better on the research papers than online students.
classes online. Both classes took the same tests However, students in the hybrid classes did signifi-
quizzes, and assignments, and the hybrid students cantly better on both examinations and research pa-
took their tests in one of the face-to-face sessions. pers. It should be noted that the hybrid classes con-
Results from the assessments showed either form sisted of honor students, which potentially skewed
of instruction made no difference on the academic the results. However, the authors indicated that sub-
performance of students. sequent testing of hybrid classes with regular stu-
Riveria and Rice (2002) compared the results dents yielded similar results. The traditional class-
of a traditional, online, and hybrid graduate MIS es in this investigation, unlike traditional courses
course. Similar to the Denoui and Dodge (2006), in other studies, had access to online materials to
the hybrid format consisted of traditional classroom complement the lectures.
time, with WebCT used only to deliver course ma- In a related study, Collopy and Arnold (2009)
terials and conduct discussions. The results of the examined student learning in a hybrid and com-
exams showed that there was very little difference pletely online format for teacher education students.
between all three modalities in student achieve- Surveys were administered to determine how well
ment. York (2008) expanded upon the study con- the students learned the content and to determine
ducted by Riveria and Rice to implement the three their overall satisfactions with the course. The re-
modes on instruction into a graduate social work sults illustrated that participants showed an increase
program, and also found that there was no differ- in learning in both hybrid classes as compared to
ence among the three types in terms of knowledge the completely online class. In addition, although
gained. the two hybrid classes varied in the amount of tra-
ditional class time, they reported similar levels of
Comparison of the impact of hybrid instruction content learned, which emphasizes the importance
versus online-only instruction of the classroom experience.
All of the studies highlighted above compare While the above studies indicate no difference
the hybrid format to traditional face-to-face format. in achievement between online and hybrid instruc-
However, as previously mentioned, the number of tion, Detwiler (2008) discovered that an undergrad-
online courses and programs are increasing at a uate cohort who took a GIS programming course in
rapid pace. There have been a number of studies the hybrid format underperformed compared to the
that have compared traditional instruction to online students who took the class completely online. This

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was one of the first studies that also examined stu- variables, such as content, student age distributions,
dent study habits between sections by having stu- etc. must be examined to help determine this cause
dents keep a diary of the amount of time dedicated in variation.
to the class. The author concluded, based on this
qualitative data, that motivation and management Implications for the effective use of hybrid
skills may play a larger role in student success than instruction
the delivery mechanism of course content. While this article has focused on academic
These two previous studies highlight the advan- achievement, there are other benefits to hybrid in-
tage of hybrid instruction over completely online struction that colleges and universities must con-
courses in regards to student achievement. Unlike sider before implementing a hybrid program. These
the comparison with traditional formats, however, a include student perceptions, faculty buy-in, and ad-
majority of the studies comparing hybrid to online ministrative costs, to name a few. Many of the stud-
courses resulted in either online instruction being ies on academic achievement highlighted in this pa-
more successful at increasing achievement, or there per also analyzed student perceptions in regards to
being no difference between the two (Blake, Wil- hybrid courses (Boyle,, 2003; Collopy & Ar-
son & Pardo-Ballester, 2008; Larson & Sung, 2009; nold, 2009; Larson & Sung, 2009; Melton, Graff, &
Parker & Nelson, 2009). Foss, 2009; Riveria & Rice, 2002; Roscoe, 2008).
The studies highlighted in this section are ex- In addition, several studies have been conducted
tremely valuable as we increase the number of pro- that solely look at student perception and attitudes
grams offered online, and the impacts that they will toward hybrid instruction (Buzzetto-More, 2008;
have on student achievement. However, it should Koohang & Durante, 2003; Lin, 2008-2009; Marck-
be mentioned that a few of the studies used inad- etti & Yurchisin, 2005; Senn, 2008; Yousif & Lich-
equate testing methods and did not keep variables ty, 2005). The common themes among these studies
consistent for accurate data. For example, Detwiler were that students have positive perceptions of hy-
(2008) used different populations of students, with brid courses in regards to flexibility and instructor
adult, working professionals participating in the on- availability, while the negative perceptions primar-
line format and undergraduate students in residence ily centered on problems with technology and not
taking the hybrid class. While the authors exam- always having immediate help available. However,
ined student diaries to obtain information on moti- negative perceptions can result if the course mate-
vation, the classes should have been compared with rial is not suited for the hybrid format. The study
the same population of students for more accurate by Senn (2008) demonstrated that a course that
data. In the study conducted by Parker & Nelson requires a great deal of hands-on instruction and
(2009), student self-selected which format of the technological skills, such as educational technology
course they desired. This can potentially result in in this case, was perceived as more difficult by the
inaccurate data, as students who are already tech- students in the hybrid format.
nologically literate will register for the online and Furthermore, faculty inexperience and ineffec-
hybrid class, which can give them an advantage to tiveness can create negative attitudes toward hybrid
manipulating the media to learn the material. format (Young, 2002). This is an important finding,
In sum, the studies illustrated in this paper demonstrating careful consideration must be taken
show the wide range in diversity between hybrid in order to decide which classes should be transi-
classes offered at different schools and in differ- tioned to hybrid-based content and how faculty are
ent programs. This includes the percentage of time trained to teach these courses.
spent online versus in class and whether the class While the studies in this article have com-
is at the undergraduate or graduate level. In addi- pared academic achievement in hybrid versus tra-
tion, accurate measurement of hybrid class achieve- ditional and online formats, there were many vari-
ment must be compared with both traditional and ables that were inconsistent amongst studies, which
online instruction. The results of these studies in- make it difficult for comparisons. Some of these
dicate that both positive and negative achievement variables include whether or not the class was taught
can be related to hybrid instruction regardless of by the same instructor, amount of time spent online
the variables mentioned above, and therefore other versus face-to-face, course content, age of students

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involved, size of classes, or whether Blackboard or

WebCT was used. To be effective, research needs Author Biographies
to be consistent and minimize the impacts of these
variables to truly focus on academic achievement. Mark A. Lamport has master’s degrees from
While authors can state whether or not the hybrid Wheaton and Princeton, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum
format has an improved academic achievement rate and Instruction from Michigan State. After a ca-
over traditional and/or online learning, it is difficult reer in the classroom of 25 years at Gordon (MA),
to conclude that this is a trend merely by comparing Huntington (IN), and Grand Rapids Theological
to other studies with so multiple variables. Research Seminary (MI), he now enjoys an online career
should examine hybrid versus traditional instruc- with Grand Canyon (AZ), Liberty (VA), Colorado
tion across multiple colleges and universities and Christian, and Indiana Wesleyan. He is author of
that exhibit the same demographics, course con- 125 academic articles, chapters, essays, and reviews
tent, medium, etc. so that the results for academic in over thirty-five journals, books, and periodicals,
achievement might be reliable. and has published for 28 consecutive years. Lamp-
Lastly, with the exception of Detwiler ort is in the final stretch of a four-year adventure
(2008), all of the studies sampled traditional college teaching at theological schools in Amsterdam, Bel-
students, many of which have had significant expo- fast, Brussels, London, and Lisbon. He is the father
sure to technology. However, many online programs of four married young adults and grandfather to
target working professionals who are considered five. He enjoys Anthony Hopkins movies; buying
non-traditional students. Research has shown that clocks and oriental carpets; long-distance running;
to effectively incorporate technology into an adult the Chicago Cubs; his wife’s cooking; international
education setting, instructors must be cognizant of travel; and the summer Olympics.
their learning styles, and various forms of instruc-
tion to cater to this unique population (Hernandez- Randy Hill received a Bachelor of Science
Gantes, 2009; Wang, 2009). Adult professionals (Natural Resources) and a Master of Arts (Teach-
who want to return to school may have a difficult ing) from the University of Maine, a Master of Sci-
time navigating an online course, and hybrid cours- ence (Marine Science) from the University of South
es may work best for their schedules and learning Florida, an Educational Specialist (Educational
methods. Therefore, although the studies mentioned Leadership) from Liberty University, and is cur-
show data-proven relationships between achieve- rently pursuing a Doctorate in Education (Educa-
ment and delivery, more needs to be researched tional Leadership) from Liberty University. Hill is
on how hybrid instruction affects achievement on the Dean of Education & Human Service at Baker
non-traditional college students at community and College in Cadillac, Michigan. Previous positions
career colleges. have included being a middle school science teach-
The studies highlighted in this article represent var- er and an educational director for several environ-
ious results of hybrid training and student achievement: mental education nonprofit institutions.

• The majority show improved achievement

for students in hybrid classes relative to
those taking traditional classes.
• Generally, there is no significant difference
between hybrid and online classes suggesting
that classroom interaction may not be nec-
essary to achieve desired outcomes.
•Achievement is connected towards more
than just the method of content delivery;
student motivation, experiences, and time
management abilities are also factors in
how well students perform in a particular
course, despite how it is delivered.

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