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Multicultural Community Relations - characterized by people of different races,

ethnicities, and nationalities living together in the same community. In multicultural
communities, people retain, pass down, celebrate, and share their unique cultural ways
of life, languages, art, traditions, and behaviours.
Community Diversity - diversity occurs when people of different races, nationalities,
religions, ethnicities, and philosophies come together to form a community. A truly
diverse society is one that recognizes and values the cultural differences in its people.

Social Responsibility in the Community - It is a duty of the corporate body to protect

the interest of the society as well as the environment.

 Voluntarism – another way of giving back to the community.

Community Relations Expectations -
What Community Expects
 Appearance – community hopes that the firm will contribute positively to life in
the area. It expects facilities to be attractive, with care spent on the grounds and
 Participation – organization is expected to participate responsibly in community
affairs, such recreational activities, education and support of religious institutions.
 Stability – communities prefer stable organizations that will grow the area.
 Pride – communities want firms that are proud to be residents
What Organization Expects
Community Relations Objectives
Community Relations - refers to the various methods companies use to establish and
maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with the communities in which they operate.

Community Relations on the Internet

Serving Diverse Communities
1. Women – have made great strides in leveling the playing field between their roles
and compensation schedules on male counter parts.
2. African American – can be reach through special media:
 Black Entertainment Television
 Local African American Radio Stations
 Pioneering Internet Sites
 Magazines
 Newspapers
3. Latinos – are voracious media consumers relying heavily on TV and RADIO to
stay informed.
 2 Large Spanish -programming networks: UNIVISION AND TELEMUNDO.
4. Gays, Seniors and others
Growing Community Advocacy
 Media Advocacy – is public relations without resources. It is using media
to attract attention and shake the established order.
Nonprofit Public Organizations – serve the social, educational, religious, and cultural
needs of the community around them. This sector is a primary source of employment for
public relations graduates.
- Nonprofit seek to win public support of their mission and programs through active
and open communications. They seek broaden volunteer participation in their
efforts through the use of controversial communications.
 Nonprofit sector characterized by panoply institutions: Hospitals, schools,
labor unions, chambers of commerce, social welfare agencies, religious
institutions and cultural organizations.
Developing a Marketing/Promotional Plan – the job simply is marketing the
organization to raise its profile, respect and levels of support. This requires planning in
terms of audiences, messages, and vehicles to deliver those messages to those
8 Strategic Planning
1. Plan
2. Define issues
3. Build strategies
4. Fames issues
5. Develop talking points
6. Choose appropriate spokespersons
7. Develop communications materials
8. Target messages
Media Relations
1. Talk Radio – this medium is a natural way to spread the nonprofit gospel
2. Cable TV – the nonstop menu of nightly cable talk television programs, all hungry
for outspoken, opinionated and articulate guests.
3. Op Eds – opinion editorials drafted by nonprofit executives are another prominent
and cheap way of getting points of view aired to an influential audience.
4. Cable Access – community channels are generally willing repositories for
nonprofit programming and talent.
Fund – Raising – is a key nonprofit challenge that must engage the attention of the
organization’s key executives.
-the need to raise money to support operations lies at the heart of every nonprofit
Basic Steps of Successful Fund- Raising Campaign
1. Identify campaign plans and objectives – financial target should be set. Goals
should be announced.
2. Organize fact-finding – relations with various elements of the community should
be defined. The national and local economies should be considered.
3. Recruit Leaders - the best campaigns are ones with strong leadership.
4. Plan and Implement Strong Communications Activities – the best fund-raising
campaigns are the most visible. Publicity and promotion must be stressed.
Special events should be organized. Update fund-raising progress should be
communicated particularly volunteers and contributors.
5. Periodically Review and Evaluate – review fund raising program as progress.
Make midcourse corrections when activities succeed of failed beyond
expectations. Evaluate program achievements against program target.
Intelligent Organizations- must be responsive to the needs and desires of their
Community Relations – is only effective as the support it receives from the top

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