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Q4: what if after 20 years your business is in crises and it is not running smoothly.

management identified that flaws are due to the improper organizational structure. If structure is
not aligned then what are the hazards faced by your organization?
Ans: Organizational structure is very important to run it smoothly, otherwise authority and
exercise of power clashes with the decision making, lack of coordination and conflicts between
exercise of duty makes it complicated for the business and employees to perform their tasks
properly. Moreover, it can also lead towards confusion between role of each other’s, which can
later lead to dissatisfaction from job and failure to perform tasks which can later trigger stress
level and anxiety.

Departments that are over polluted for example similar tasks are performed by different
individuals it means that the business has weak communication. Or if the employees in the
same departments or teams are over performing and some of them are not paying proper
attention their work then it can develop jealousy among them. Which is neither good for the
business or the employees. The managers from departments sometimes does not respond
appropriately or in a timely manner due to the chain of command which can lead to unfinished
tasks and affects the business.

A further disadvantage of a dysfunctional organization leads to the failure of functional groups

to cooperate with one another is the possibility of territorial disputes. These disputes may have
to do with disagreements over goals, budgetary competition or number of issues that arises due
to ego problem that occur when each department has its own separate functional structure or
where a strong sense of a common purpose is lacking. (Shannon, 2019), (Gill, 2011), (Chris, 2017).

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