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Goodside Art 3 Period 8th 11/03/20

Food Art Reflection/Response by Faris Goodside

Food in art has been used for generations of humankind. It represents health and
wealth in some circumstances. It can be used to show distinct colors and shades. I’m
not a particular Fan of realism in art. I prefer abstract art and such. This project was
rough since I’m not great at realism. But it was a journey I had to take nonetheless. Like
always I am not a planning person. I like improvisation at the last minute. I feel as
though last-minute stuff tends to end up better for me. I wanted to start out with
something pointy. I don’t want any smoothness in the middle. So I started with a jagged
cloud formation to resemble the salad. It took a while to sketch. And once I was satisfied
with the sketch. I retraced it to make the lines darker. Since the lines were thin it was
pretty hard and did make my hand ache. But it was worth it when I saw how it came out.
To fill in the rest of the blank space I gave the salad a place to be. Hence the bowl it sits
in. I thought it was the month of Halloween. I would give it a face to smile with. It is a
salad it needed a fork and knife to go with it. Because it’s a salad. I used word art just to
make it pop out.
I wrote salad in a color pattern to make the artwork pop. This project was relatively
easy. I guess it was a matter of what to draw since there are so many different palates.
Something I am unhappy with is the amount of white space. Felt like I could do
something with the background but didn’t. Something I could improve on would be
shading. Making it more 3d and realistic. Something I am happy with is how the face
and salad turned out. I worked hard on that. All and all this project was fun to make. Not
really anything to improve on.

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