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Life Music

For 3 clarinets and 5 performers doing everyday activities

General Note: Each performer will enter from stage right and proceed to their
designated area on stage. It is very important to make each activity seem normal, as though it
were not being performed. No ‘acting’ is necessary; do the activity as you would if you were
alone (or with someone else!), this is the desired effect. This music is meant to represent the
average, the regular, the workaday; each activity is a facet of life that we all experience.

*1: Enter on stage in measure 7, as the musicians are set up, and begin to play. Performer has a
book with them, preferably one they are currently reading. Cross behind the musicians to the
opposite side of the stage (downstage left); sit against the wall as you begin to read your book.

*2: Enter in measure 13. Performer has some type of card or board game (could be solitaire,
one person playing a game of chess with their self, jacks, etc...) with them as they come on
stage. Walk to downstage right, and sit as you start playing the game.

*3: Enter in measure 26. Two performers walk on stage, as friends or as a couple, walk slowly
around talking to each other quietly. Make sure to intersperse the talking with moments of
silence. In the case of a couple, hold hands, if friends, walk side by side. Eventually both
performers should make their way to upstage left, sit down, and look up either to look up at the
clouds or the stars, feel free to interpret it however you like!

*4: Enter in measure 35. Performer walks upstage right where a chair is waiting for them. From
there they begin to unpack a lunch. A sandwich or something of the like should be prepared
beforehand. Remember to eat as you would normally, you could check your phone or do small
other things while eating the meal. Eat as quietly as possible.

At the end of the piece, all performers stand up, get in line with the clarinetists and bow

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