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High permittivity Li and Al doped NiO ceramics

Yuanhua Lin, Jianfei Wang, Lei Jiang, Yu Chen, and Ce-Wen Nan

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 85, 5664 (2004); doi: 10.1063/1.1827937

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High permittivity Li and Al doped NiO ceramics

Yuanhua Lin,a) Jianfei Wang, Lei Jiang, Yu Chen, and Ce-Wen Nan
State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing, Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, People’s Republic of China
(Received 6 April 2004; accepted 12 October 2004)
High-permittivity dielectric NiO-based ceramics co-doped with Li and Al (LANO) have been
prepared by a traditional solid-state synthesis. Analyses of the ceramic microstructure and
composition indicate that Al ions are distributed in grain boundaries, and that uniform boundaries
indexed as NiAl2O4 surround the grains. The concentration of Al has a remarkable effect on the
dielectric properties of the LANO ceramics. The dielectric constant remains almost constant
共⬃104 – 105兲 at low frequency and has a steplike decrease toward higher frequencies. The
high-dielectric-constant response of the LANO ceramics is mainly enhanced by Maxwell–Wagner
polarization. © 2004 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.1827937]

Recently, high-permittivity dielectric materials have at- transparent gel. Dried gel was then calcined at 800 °C for 1 h
tracted ever-increasing attention for their uses in microelec- in air to obtain the precursor powders. The resultant powders
tronics as important devices such as capacitors and memory were pressed into green pellets of 10 mm in diameter and
devices.1,2 The high dielectric constant was found in ferro- about 1.2– 1.8 mm in thickness at 10 MPa by using polyvi-
electric perovskite oxides near the Curie temperature 共TC兲 nyl alcohol as a binder. Finally, these pellets were sintered at
such as lead ziaconia-titanate (PZT), and ferroelectric-based 1250 °C for 2 h in air.
relaxor oxides PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3.3,4 Recently, another X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron micros-
perovskite-related material CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO)5 and non- copy (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive x-ray spec-
perovskite materials Li0.05Ti0.02Ni0.93O (LTNO)6 have been trometer (EDX) were employed to reveal the microstructure
reported for its unusual high dielectric constant of ⬃104 – 105 and phase composition of the LANO ceramics. The ceramic
at room temperature, and ascribed to the origin of the high samples were polished, and electroded by silver paint on
permittivity to extrinsic mechanisms such as the formation of both sides of the disk-shape samples fired at 800 °C for
boundary-layer capacitors. Raevski and co-workers also re- 30 min. The dielectric behavior was measured by using a
ported the high dielectric permittivity 共⬃104兲 in HP4194A impedance analyzer in the frequency range from
AFe1/2B1/2O3 nonferroelectric perovskite ceramics 共A 100 Hz to 1 MHz and at a bias voltage of 1.0 V and at
= Ba, Sr, Ca; B = Nb, Ta, Sb兲 in a wide temperature range,7 different temperatures from −50 to 100 °C.
and proposed that such a high dielectric permittivity is due to Figure 1 shows the XRD patterns of the LANO ceramic
the Maxwell–Wagner relaxation. Generally, the Maxwell– samples with various Al-doped contents. Because the radius
Wagner polarization, also known as the interfacial polariza- of Ni2+ ion 共0.69 Å兲 is almost the same as that of Li+ ion
tion, is widely adopted to explain the high permittivity ob- 共0.68 Å兲, Ni2+ ion in lattice structure can be replaced by Li+
served in the materials, including single-phase ceramics, ions and Al3+ ions. Additionally, it can be seen that a second
single crystals, and multiphase composites.8,9 This often phase NiAl2O4 can be observed from the XRD patterns as
arises in a material consisting of grains separated by more the Al dopant content increases up to 6 mol %, which might
insulating intergrain barriers. be attributed to that the Al dopant content is over the solid
In this letter, we investigated the dielectric permittivity solution limitation of Al– Ni– O system.
of Li and Al doped NiO (LANO) ceramics. We found out
that all of the LANO ceramics studied exhibit high dielectric
permittivity 共⬃104 – 105兲 by the impedance spectroscopy in a
wide temperature and frequency range, and showed that such
a high dielectric permittivity is associated with the Maxwell–
Wagner polarization mechanism.
Ni共NO3兲2 · 6H2O (A.R.), LiNO3 (A.R.), Al共NO3兲3
(A.R.), and citric acid were employed as raw materials. Four
different LANO ceramic samples, i.e., Li0.04Al0.02Ni0.94O
(LANO-1), Li0.04Al0.04Ni0.92O (LANO-2), Li0.04Al0.06Ni0.90O
(LANO-3), and Li0.04Al0.10Ni0.86O (LANO-4) were designed
and prepared by the following procedure. Stoichiometric
amounts of Ni共NO3兲2 · 6H2O, LiNO3, and citric acid were
mixed and dissolved into distilled water. Afterwards
Al共NO3兲3 solution was added slowly into the above mixed
solution, followed by heating and stirring to form the semi-

Electronic mail: FIG. 1. XRD patterns of various LANO ceramic samples.

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0003-6951/2004/85(23)/5664/3/$22.00 5664 © 2004 American Institute of Physics On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:46:54
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 85, No. 23, 6 December 2004 Lin et al. 5665

FIG. 2. Frequency dependence of the dielectric constant of various LANO

ceramic samples.

Figure 2 illustrates an almost constant low-frequency di-

electric constant and a steplike decrease in the dielectric con-
stant toward higher frequencies observed in these LANO
samples. Of interest to note, the dielectric constant is about
three to four orders of magnitude higher than that in pure
NiO ceramics 共⑀ ⬃ 30兲. As shown in Fig. 3, the temperature
dependence of the real part of the complex permittivity,
␧⬘共T兲, in the measuring temperature range from −50 to
100 °C for the as-sintered samples implies that ␧⬘共T兲 has a
step, and above the temperature of this step, ␧⬘共T兲 are nearly
independent of T. Moreover, the characteristic temperature
of this step shifts to higher temperature as the Al dopant
content increases. Such a behavior is typical for the
Maxwell–Wagner relaxation, and has been observed in the
other high dielectric ceramics, e.g., CCTO,5 BaFe1/2Nb1/2O3
(BFN) samples.10,11 Normally, high dielectric constants are
expected for ferroelectrics in a narrow temperature range
close to TC. However, the high dielectric constant in the
LANO ceramics persists over a broad temperature range.
Obviously, such a temperature dependence of the dielectric
permittivity does not obey the Curie–Weiss law, and there- FIG. 4. SEM graphs (a) and EDX spectra (b) of the fractured surface of the
LANO-3 sample.
fore, the samples do not exhibit the ferroelectric-related
The Maxwell–Wagner polarization, or interfacial polar- relaxation with extremely high permittivity.12 The common
ization model was usually employed to explain the dielectric interpretation assumes a whole series of boundary barriers
and grains, or even a series-parallel array of boundary barri-
ers, which arises if the material consists of grains separated
by more insulating intergrain barriers as in boundary layer
Figure 4 gives the typical SEM and EDX images of the
LANO-3 sample. The SEM micrograph indicates that the
grain size of the bulk is several microns, and there obviously
exists a boundary between adjacent grains. According to the
results of EDX spectra and XRD shown in Fig. 1, Al dopant
exists as an insulative boundary-NiAl2O4 phase. This fact
implies that the samples studied contain a large number of
highly insulating grain boundaries NiAl2O4, while the NiO
grain core is semiconductive.
A typical frequency and temperature spectra of LANO-4
ceramic sample are presented in Figs. 5 and 6 at several
temperatures and frequencies. As shown in Fig. 5, ␧⬘共T兲 ex-
hibits a steplike dispersion at intermediate frequencies and a
monotonous increase at low frequency 共100 Hz– 100 kHz兲.
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FIG. 3. Temperature dependence of ␧⬘ measured at 10 kHz. As the temperature increases, the steplike dispersion shifts to On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:46:54
5666 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 85, No. 23, 6 December 2004 Lin et al.

the appearance of the step in ␧⬘共T兲 and the maximum in

␧⬙共T兲 as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. We assume that the interfa-
cial layers at the grain boundaries are nonconducting or less
conducting, while the bulk of the grains is semiconducting or
conducting. Under the applied electric field, the carrier-
conducting access is blocked by the insulating grain bound-
ary layers, and thus the opposite charges would accumulate
at the two edges of the insulator layer, which can be consid-
ered as a micro-parallel capacitor. This effect is well known
in a number of dielectric materials.6–9 The application of an
electric field breaks the symmetry of these charges and a
macroscopic dipole is thus created. Consequentially, the po-
larization formation primarily depends on the accumulation
of the charge via conducting in the grain interior, which re-
sults in the large values of dielectric permittivity in the
LANO ceramics studied. Therefore, with increasing content
FIG. 5. Temperature dependence of the real part of the dielectric constant
for the LANO-4 sample. of Al doped, the resultant various amounts of VNi ⬙ and differ-
ent thickness of the boundary layer for these LANO samples
lead to their different dielectric properties.
higher frequencies. As shown in Fig. 6, a maximum in ␧⬙共T兲
In conclusion, the LANO ceramic samples sintered ex-
(the imaginary part of the complex permittivity) can be ob-
hibit high dielectric constants, and the dielectric constant
served. With the temperature increasing, this maximum shifts
reaches about 5.0⫻ 104 for the LANO-1 sample at 1 kHz
to high frequencies. Such behavior can also be observed in
the other LANO ceramic samples. The observations suggest and room temperature. EDX and XRD results show that the
also that the Maxwell–Wagner relaxation mechanism might main component in the boundary layer is NiAl2O4 phase.
play an important role in the dielectric response of the core- The origin of the high dielectric permittivity observed in
shell NiO-based ceramics. these LANO ceramics is attributed to the Maxwell–Wagner
NiO is a Mott–Hubbard insulator at room temperature.13 polarization.
However, introduction of Ni2+ vacancies 共VNi ⬙ 兲 and/or doping This work was financially supported by National High
with monovalent cations like Li can increase the conductiv- Technology Research and Development Program of China
⬙ can produce some defect dipoles14,15 in
ity. Normally, the VNi (No. 2003AA302120) and the Ministry of S & T of China
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