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Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 13. No. 3, pp. 141-I511, 1988. 0360-3199/88 $3.1111+ 0.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press pie.
International Association for Hydrogen Energy.


Institute of Applied Physical Chemistry, Nuclear Research Centre Jtilich, J tilich, F.R.G.

(Received for publication 3 November 1987)

Abstract--The industrial realization of an advanced electrolysis cell for alkaline water electrolysis is gradually
achieved and semitechnical cell units were constructed. The cells work with ceramic diaphragms and
galvanically-depositedRaney nickel electrodes. The working temperature is 100-120°C and total pressure between 1
and 5 bar. The average energy consumption at 0.4 A cm -2 and 100°C is 3.8 kWh m -3 hydrogen. The influence of cell
components on total cell performance data is discussed. The variation of manufacturing parameters on the quality of
single components (electrodes and diaphragm) is considered. Corrosion problems at operating conditions and their
elimination by using proper construction techniques were investigated.

INTRODUCTION uniform throughout the literature. According to our test

The application of suitable active electrodes is important results, the Raney nickel electrodes can be very well
in order to achieve a low cell voltage in alkaline water used for an alkaline water electrolysis. However, a
electrolysis.For thispurposeaseriesofcatalyticmaterials simple and easily realizable method for producing them
for anodes as well as cathodes has been proposed and inexpensively was still lacking. In our opinion, the
examined. A survey of the activity of various electroca- Raney nickel electrodes used till now and produced out
talysts for anodic oxygen evolution under comparable of Ni/Al-alloys by sinter techniques have for economical
conditions (10 M K O H , 100°C, current density 0.1 to 1.0 reasons small chances to be applied on a large technical
A cm -2) has been published recently [1]: the lowest scale. For this reason, a new method, namely a galvanic
oxygen overvoltage was observed for Raney nickel deposition of a Ni/Zn-alloy was developed up to the
electrodes made by the K F A technique [2, 3], their technicalscale.
activity remaining unchanged for more than 13,000 h [4]. A further important requirement in order to carry out
The Raney nickel electrodes made by the K F A an advanced alkaline water electrolysis is to increase the
technique have also proved as very effective hydrogen working temperature from the conventional 80 up to
cathodes [2, 3]. A high catalystic activity for hydrogen 100-120°C, which causes a decrease of electrode over-
evolution from alkaline solutions has also been found for voltage, and also a decrease of ohmic losses throughout
some combined coatings on the basis of Ni (and/or Co) the cell.
with Mo (and/or W, V, etc.). The hydrogen overvoltage Under such conditions, a commonly used asbestos
on compact molybdenum and tungsten in acidic [5] as diaphragm is no longer stable enough in a hot K O H
well as basis solutions [6] is higher than on compact solution and in addition, for mechanical reasons, it is
nickel, however, it is well known that even very low usually several millimeters thick causing too high a
amounts of Mo (6+), as well as W (6+), Cr (6+), V voltage throughout the cell.
(5+), etc., in the brine cause a sharp decrease of Thiner asbestos diaphragms, for example 0.5 mm
hydrogen overvoltage on sodium or potassium amalgam thick, result in poor gas purities. Therefore, a develop-
cathodes during chlor-alkali electrolysis according to the ment of a new, proper separator is necessary.
amalgam process (e.g. Balej and Paseka [7]). This fact A wide range of different materials on an organic,
has been used for an in-situ activation of amalgam inorganic and combined basis were tested. Especially
decomposers by Mo (6+ )-salts [8]. The in-situ activation favourable seems the use of a fine porous, screen
of lower active or deactivated hydrogen cathodes by low supported diaphragm on an inorganic oxide basis which
amounts of soluble salts of Mo (6+) and/or Co (Ni) (2+) is not hydrophobic and allows therefore a "zero gap"
[9.10] is based on the same principle, construction of an electrolytic cell. Different oxidic
Both the directly effective electrodes and the elec- materials were investigated, considering primarily the
trodes which must be secondarily in situ activated, need chemical stability in hot KOH.
an appropriate carrier basis. In our laboratory, Raney NiO was chosen because of its excellent chemical
nickel was selected for this purpose. Such electrode stability in hot K O H , unique physicalproperties and the
materials have been familiar for a long time and have simple procedure of producing a diaphragm out of this
also proved their worth, although this opinion is not material [2, 11].


], o I I : "~..~ I I I I
E - I00 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 500 - 600 -700 - 800 - 900 - I000 - I I00 - t200


_.o ....... \\
-9o 5oo,,., \',~ A/'~,z.-3,.

Fig. 1. Current-voltage curves of alloy components.

ELECTROCATALYST PRODUCTION hibits the access of Ni2+-ions to the cathode. The supply
of the Zn2+-ions which are being discharged from the
Raney nickel produced by galvanic deposition is adsorption layer can only occur through diffusion from
applied as an electrocatalyst. Because of the deposition the bulk solution. When already in the adsorption
potential, Zn instead of AI is used as a leachable layer, discharged Zn2+-ions are not replaced quickly
component. As a second component which stays stable
after activation process, Ni, Co or Fe or their combina- enough, their inhibitory action decreases and the Ni
content in the alloy increases. This means, that during
tions can be deposited galvanically. In Fig. 1, the the simultaneous deposition of both ions, the rate of the
current-voltage curves of the alloy components Ni, Co
and Zn, measured on the rotating disk electrode are transport phenomena plays an important part in deter-
presented. With a simultaneous addition of Zn, the mining the alloy composition.
Without discussing all the practical consequences of
extensive inhibition of the Ni and Co deposition takes those phenomena, one of the resulting aspects is that the
place, Ni being stronger inhibited than Co. At the same
change of mass transport conditions obtained through
time,. the preferred
. . Zn deposition
. leads to Zn-rich,+alloys, changes of the Prandtl layer (hydrodynamic boundary
obtamed at such potentials, which m pure Zn- -solutton
correspond to anodic dissolution. This inhibition of the layer) is effective only in certain potential range espe-
cially at more negative potentials. This dependence is
cathodic discharge of Ni compared to this of Zn is well shown in Fig. 3.
known and described in the literature [12]. This abnor-
mal behaviour was interpreted in different ways. We
believe, that the theory of alloy formation with the Table 1. Activity ofelectrodeposited Ni-Zn alloys according to
decreased activity of single components [13] for the E(~) =-(RT/2F) ln az.(.~.oy)
Ni/Zn system is the most probable one. A direct
verification of this theory can be found in measurements xn~ Xz, In an~ In az,
of rest potentials of Ni/Zn alloys with a different
composition against pure Zn as a reference electrode in 0,00 1,00 0,0
an arbitrary solution of ZnZ+-ions (Fig. 2). Such 0.04 10.96 -258,996 - 1,532
measurements were carried out by different authors 0,06 0.94 -255,621 - 1,609
[14--16] and showed a defined qualitative dependence of 0,09 0,91 - 94,351 - 14,937
the rest potential value on the alloy composition. From 0,15 0,85 - 14,913 -24,576
these values, the activity of Zn in an alloy as referred to "0,20 0,80 - 13,343 -24,896
the activity of pure Zn (az, = 1) was calculated with the 0,30 0,70 - 4,762 -26.817
help of simplified Nernst equation [16]. It could be 0,40 0,60 - 4,312 -26,911
shown, that the Zn activity in the alloy has very low 0,50 0,50 - 3,122 -27,570
0.60 0.40 - 2.881 -27.960
values, especially in the range of the a and y phases 0.70 0.30 - 1.947 -29.869
(Table 1). It seems that the strong formation of the 0.8O 0.20 - 0.798 -33.289
intermetallic compounds is responsible for this effect. 0,85 0,15 - 0,541 -35.277
A further phenomenon during the simultaneous dis- 0,90 0,10 - 0,198 -37,133
charge of Ni and Zn ions and formation of Ni/Zn alloys is 0.95 0.05 - 0.070 -39.374
the strong specific adsorption of Zn-'+-ions which in- 1.00 0,00 --

600 --

1.6 -

-'- 2
~ 1.5- I
200 LLI

I __ T
o 50 Joo 1.4
tool % Zn I I I
80 I00 120
Fig. 2. Rest potential of a cell (Ni-Zn)(s)/Zn2+(aq)/Zn(s) as a T (°C)
function of alloy composition.
Fig. 4. Temperature dependence of the/R-free voltage of a
zero-gapJmodel cell at j = 1 A c m - : (1,2) and j = 0.4 A c m -2
(1',2'). Anodes: Raney-nickel (KFA), cathodes: Ni/Mo
(therm.) (2,2'), Raney-nickel (KFA) (1,1'). Electrolyte: 10M
I00 --

~ After 6150h
zo ~ loo k ~ ~, ~, ~
I • • -"'- i~-nm V

6o /,
0 I l t ._o t ekectrode
"o 20
O.OlO 0.01~ 0.020 0

--~F,r (ore) ~ I I I 1 I
O 0 2OOO 4000 6000 8000 I0,000
Current denslty ( A . m -z)

Fig. 5. Time stability of a Raney-nickel cathode at 100°C in 10
M KOH (geometrical active area: 200 cm2).
/ o (~ g

~ ~0
* "'///~ T h e c o m p a r i s o n of t h e catalytic activities b e t w e e n t h e
o o * R a n e y nickel c a t h o d e s a n d t h e n i c k e l - m o l y b d e n u m
, , , c a t h o d e s , b o t h of t h e m p r o d u c e d in o u r l a b o r a t o r y , is
o o.o~o o.ol5 o.ozo s h o w n in Fig. 4.
apt (cm) T h e m e a s u r e m e n t s were c a r r i e d o u t in a " s a n d w i c h "
cell with a " z e r o g a p " b e t w e e n the e l e c t r o d e s a n d t h e
d i a p h r a g m in o r d e r to o b t a i n p r a c t i c e - o r i e n t e d results.
Fig. 3. Alloy composition as a function of Prandtl layer at In all cases identical R a n e y nickel a n o d e s were used, so
different deposition potentials: (1) - 1150 mV. (2) - 9 0 0 m V , t h a t t h e s t a t e m e n t is c h a r a c t e r i s t i c only for t h e c a t h o d e s .
(3) - 1050 mV (vs SCE). T h e c u r r e n t densities w e r e 1 A cm -~" a n d 0.4 A cm -2
400 -

N~ I ~E 200300-- ~ ............:...................21

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 I0,000
Fig. 6. Anodic overvoltage of different electrodes: (1) Raney-nickel (Ni/Zn), (2) spinel (Co30~, NiCo_,O4)
or perovskit (LaNiO3, L a o , s S r o . s C o O 3 ) , (3) perforated Ni plate or roughed expanded Ni gauze.


400 200
400 400mA/cm 2 400mA/cm 2
v . w q

lOb on, 14h shut lob on, 14h shut

480 •- ' e - o • • °'"° •

460 --
"~ 440 --

-geo ..
p ~, 0 ,~e o I

- IO00 -
-~1020 ~...~ • a~.o.-~O~o..~.o/e~°~°''~°
°O ° • t .-..,~O~....O..,..,,e,..~O~O....,.O..~O~o o~O ~
-- 1 0 4 0 ,,~

-- 1 0 6 0 -
0 900 1800 2700 3600 4500 5400 6300 7200
Fig. 7. Time stability of Raney-nickel electrodes during the stimulated day/night cycle.

respectively. The nickel-molybdenum cathodes are bet- the cell. According to this measurement, the change of
ter than the Raney nickel ones at temperatures below the cathodic potential after 6000 h of operation time
100°C. The Raney nickel cathodes have on the other amounted to 10 mV, although some corrosion produces
hand a more pronounced overvoltage-temperature de- such as Fe, Cr or Mn were detected on the cathode
pendence so that at 100°C a cross point is reached and at surface with help of E D A X analysis (energy dispersive
even higher temperatures the Raney nickel cathodes are X-ray analysis). The anode shows similar long time
slightly better, stability as the cathode.
The long time stability of the cell voltage under A comparison of anodic activities of Raney nickel,
working conditions for 6000 h has been already demons- spinel and perovskite electrodes measured by Balej [1] is
trated [17]. shown in Fig. 6. Because of the high number of single
The cathodic potential examination shown in Fig. 5 measurements that were carried out, full ranges instead
confirms the already demonstrated potential stability of of single curves are given.
IOM KOH, 100~3 continuous
330 ~-- ~ _ ~
320 r-- • ~°~°~•~'•/•~•~•~•-I • o.~• • o..• • •
310 r /
o ~oo I" /
.= 2~o l-

r, -86o [-
-870h •-0- ..o-'* * °"•/0 *
E _cool_ .'• • ...•.•..•_•/
-890 r
-900 r
-910 r
--920 r
o-- t I I I I 1 I I

J 180
Etectrotyte 160
e/o~e~ ,e~O~O~O~' s•~°~° .,..._.___.__.o_._._....-.e -- 140 "~

I00 N
u 40 80 ~
30 Cothode -- 60
20 • • -- 40
I0 Anode --1 20
I U I "I J
0 900 1800 2700 3600 4500 5400 6300 7200
t (h)

Fig. 8. Rest potentials of Raney-nickel electrodes and zinc content in the electrodes and in the electrolyte
as a function of time.

The demonstrated results were obtained during con- to4:
tinuous performance, which was a standard procedure in
practice, and published in literature. One of the possible g
of carrying on the advanced water electrolysis in ~ "
waySthenear future could incorporate the use of solar '~ ~
energy. This operation mode requires a discontinuous ~"
day/night working cycle which represents an extremely E o• s ~ •
severe operating condition. For this reason, the Raney- ~ "~'~~ : . . . . .
nickel electrodes were tested at first in a monopolar cell "a
under simulated day/night cycle for 7000 h and the
results are shown in Fig. 7. O
The cell was operated for 1 0 h a t 4 0 0 m A c m -2and o• 2 _ , , t .... ~ , , ,
100°C in 10 M K O H and subsequently shut down for 14 h s 0o 5o
each day. Approximately 300 interruptions were carried p,w,
nlcket oxide
mot % Me•= (Me-TI, Zr) pure
out during this operation.
Figure 8 shows the rest potentials of both electrodes Fig. 9. Corrosion rate as a function of composition for NiO
measured each day one hour before restarting the cell. diaphragms with ZrO2 and TiO2 additives (10 M KOH, 120°C,
The cathodic potential values can be correlated with the 20,000 h).

NIO Diaphragm (btack spot)


4000 3o~o ao'oo ,sbo ,o6o 560


Fig. 10. Infrared spectra of NiO with a thin layer containing excess of oxygen and of standard original
sample of NiO.

decreasing zinc concentration in the cathode. The where z < < 1.

stability of these potentials will be further improved. In a
bipolar cell, the catalyst must be protected by protective The mixed oxide formed possesses different prop-
voltage during shut-downs, erties than pure NiO structure (called "first generation"
diaphragm), mainly when the Gibbs energy A G of the
Me~Oy + NiO ~ Me,Oy NiO (3)
I N F L U E N C E O F A D D I T I V E S ON C H E M I C A L has a negative value at manufacturing temperature of
S T A B I L I T Y O F NiO IN K O H 1000°C so that a new chemical compound and not only a
mixture of substrates is formed, which can be clearly
Besides pure NiO, the influence of some additives on identified with X-ray powder diffractometry. This differ-
chemical stability of the diaphragm was investigated, ence can be demonstrated when using ZrO2 and TiO2 as
These additives were introduced to the original Ni additives.
powder either as a metal powder or as an oxide The Gibbs energy A G of the reaction:
according to the following reaction schemes:
ZrO2 + NiO ---, Z r O : NiO (4)
yz+ 1
x z Me + Ni + . - - - - - 7 - O~--, (Me,Or), (NiO)l (1) has a positive value at 1000°C, which implies that this
. . . . reaction does not take place during manufacturing
procedure. X-ray analysis identifies two separate
z MexOy + Ni + V2 02 ---, (MexOy)~ (NiO)l (2) phases; namely those of NiO and ZrO2. For this reason

~ I. Anode
[[ 2 DiaDhrogm-anodic side (bLack/gray spots]
II 3. Diaphragm-cathodicside (bLock/gray spots]
t I t 4" ~:th~de dlophrocjm


- /
/t \

150 5SO 950 1350 1750

Roman shift (am-*)

Fig. 11. Raman spectra of the surface of different cell components.

the chemical stability of such doped NiO diaphragm diaphragm reaches this of a pure titanate (50 mol %
stays unchanged and is further determined by the TiO2). The corrosion rate of pure NiO indicated on the
solubility of NiO in K O H since the solubility of pure left-hand side of Fig. 9 corresponds to a total weight loss
ZrO_- is comparable with this of NiO. of 2% after 20,000 h in 10 M K O H at 120°C.
On the other hand, the Gibbs energy of the reaction: This result was confirmed in another experiment
where under electrolysis conditions (10 M K O H , 120°C,
TiO, + N i O - - , NiTiO3 (5) 0.4 A cm -2, 15,000 h) the weight loss of pure NiO
diaphragm was negligible. The corrosion rate of pure
has a negative value of A G l ( ~ ° = - 2 6 . 3 kJ m o l - l , so titanate is five times higher than that of pure NiO.
that these two oxides react with each other during The further additives of such elements as Cr, Al or W
diaphragm manufacturing procedure, forming a new in metallic or oxidic form resulted in production of
mixed oxide as determined by X-ray analysis. There- corresponding mixed oxides but did not change the
fore, the solubility of NiO diaphragm can be influenced overall properties of an NiO diaphragm.
by different additions of TiO2 as shown in Fig. 9.
Its stability reaches a maximum (minimum of the
corrosion rate) with an addition of 5 wt% TiO2 and
decreases with an increasing TiO2 content. Already with
20 wt% of TiO, the stability of such NiO-doped A n o t h e r possible property of the NiO diaphragm is
~ , ~ oxidized layer is negligible. The results of the above
Ior experiments when considering the true diaphragm sur-
~oa face, lead to a conclusion that only a very thin laver of an
cl u,us~ | NiO particle of about 0.01--0.03 ~tm is affected by the
io6 ---¢-after t ozs-~oo oxidation, but its true composition is in the range of
u I0 r . . L etectrotys|sJ
- ~,,.~ T NiOi.5-l.s. This was confirmed by the Laser-Raman
o ~ Spectroscopy. Figure 11 shows Raman spectra of the
"~ ~ =05 - ~ surface of ciifferent cell components. The first three
~o6 U~d ) spectra representing the surface of the anode and of the
•r- [ ~ ~ a,ter jN=O anodic and cathodic side of the diaphragm are identical
~= Io' and contain only the peaks of Nil+3). The next spec-
trum presents the surface of the cathode and is charac-
I°s etectrotyas teristic for metallic Ni. As comparison, the last spectrum
jo3 I I I I I I shows the surface of the NiO diaphragm in its original
z o 4o 60 eo loo state. It means, that under certain conditions the
T I'C) diaphragm could be oxidized during the electrolysis
Fig. 12. Electrical resistance of NiO based diaphragms as a The electrical resistivity of such oxidized samples
function of temperature and composition, decreases as compared with green NiO as shown in Fig.
12. The temperature dependence points out the nonme-
tallic semiconducting nature of the samples.
The addition of oxides with cations of valence higher
the possible interaction of its surface with the product than 2+ causes a destruction of electron vacancies.
gases, H2 and 02. It is well known that NiO can be Consequently, the oxidation process is largely inhibited.
reduced with H2 under certain conditions (enhanced For these reasons, the electrical conductivity of NiO
temperature and PH2)- The reduction stability of NiO sample decreases when mentioned oxides are added.
was already presented [17]. The other influence of a NiO Figure 12 shows also the electrical resistivity values of
diaphragm is the chemisorption of oxygen with its such diaphragms of the DIS-100 series (DIS = DI-
subsequent mounting into the NiO-lattice. This reaction aphragm Stabilized). As can be clearly seen, their
produces in case of p-semiconductors (such as NiO) , electrical resistance is considerably higher than this of
electron vacancies which lead to an increase of electrical pure NiO.
Chemisorption of oxygen as a surface reaction takes
place even at electrolysis temperature of 100-120°C.
The following step, three-dimensional outward lattice
expansion and simultaneous formation and migration of O F AN A D V A N C E D E L E C T R O L Y S I S CELL
Ni vacancies, is related to higher temperatures.
The green NiO diaphragm becomes black after 20 h in In order to reach a cell voltage of 1.5 V at technical
an open laboratory cell without separate electrode current densities of approximately 0,5 A cm -z, the
compartments and with an anode in direct contact with a diaphragm-electrodes configuration should be arranged
diaphragm and a separated cathode. Gravimetric analy- in a "sandwich" manner with a "zero-gap" distance
sis shows a clear weight increase of a black diaphragm, between the electrodes and the diaphragm. This con-
After a short thermal treatment of 10 rain in air struction is possible when a thin, mechanically stable,
atmosphere at 1000°C the desorption of 02 is complete nonhydrophobic diaphragm is used, allowing a direct
and the diaphragm reaches its original weight and green contact with gas-evolving electrodes without any prac-
colour, tical losses as shown in Fig. 13. The advantages of such
In another experiment, the black NiO diaphragm was configuration and NiO diaphragm can be seen in re-
treated with hydrochloric acid. Already after few latively small ohmic losses resulting in small vottage loss
seconds, the diaphragm became green again, implying throughout the cell. In Fig. 14, when considering the
that only the thin surface layer removed carried a surplus values of (U~e,- Um rre~) as a function of time, a voltage
oxygen. The weightdecreaseamounts to approximately loss of about 75 mV is measured with a current
1.5-2 %. Analytical determination of oxygen content in interruption technique in a "sandwich" electrolytic cell
black NiO was carried out by hot extraction method working in 10 M K O H at 100°C and a current density of
[18]. The results imply an oxygen excess yielding a 0 . 4 A c m -z. Approximately half ofthisvalue is ascribed
composition of NiO1.03-t.07 when related to the total to the diaphragm, the rest being caused t h r o u g h a
mass of NiO. The infrared spectra shown in Fig. 10 gas-bubble effect and electrolyte resistivity. In this
represent bulk analyses of the oxidized and unchanged experiment, the DIS-100 diaphragms were used as the
samples of NiO, respectively. The similarity of both separator. The achieved totalcell voltage corresponds to
spectra points out that even the oxidized nickel oxide an energy consumption of 3.8 kWh m -3 hydrogen.
consists in total volume of NiO and the total mass of the Depending on the construction materials more or less
pronounced corrosion problems have to be considered
in a system when carrying out an advanced alkaline
water electrolysis.
Elimination of those problems can be achieved
through the specific technological construction form of
the electrolysis cell and through the application of the
construction materials with higher Ni content.
Considering the construction improvements, a special
microspacer technology was developed. The spacer
keeps the electrodes away at a distance of approximately
100-200 ~tm. This distance is, macroscopically speaking
so small that it cannot be practically differentiated from
the "zero-gap" construction and it also does not cause
any additional increase of the cell resistance.
Under this aspect, it seems very important that both
diaphragm and electrodes keep their dimension and
form stability in order to optimize the electrode distance
from the diaphragm. Form stable ceramic diaphragm on
NiO basis seems especially suitable for this purpose.
The second method to minimalize the corrosion
problems is the use of appropriate construction mate-
rials. It seems that steels with at least 20-30 wt% Ni are
necessary in order to carry out the advanced alkaline
water electrolysis at a temperature level of 100-120°C.
In combining both mentioned aspects, one obtains an
electrolytic cell built in a "sandwich" manner with a
"zero-gap" distance between the electrodes and the
diaphragm (practically 100-200 ~tm spacer) that works
over a long period of time with a constant cell voltage of
1.5-1.6 V at 100°C and 0.4 A cm -2.

Acknowledgements--The authors are grateful to Dr E. Koglin

for carrying out the Laser-Raman analyses and to Dr J.
Fig. 13. Zero-gap sandwich consisting of NiO diaphragm and Rottmann from the Institute of Reactor Materials for the
Raney-nickel electrodes (magnif. 60 ×). sample analyses by the hot extraction method.



1.56 ~ ~ ~


¢ 1.50
U 1.4e \ \ [ ~ " ~ ~I~.,~. ~ ~ ~ 4~'"~"
I R - c l ~"r e c t ~


I.a4 I I I I
500 I000 1500 2000
Time (h}

Fig. 14. Cell voltage (total and /R-free) as a function of time (10 M KOH, 100°C, 0.4 A cm-2).

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