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Salutation Saludo

Date Fecha
complimentary closing cierre complementario
signature firma
inside address dirección interior
return address dirección del remitente
writers typed name escritores escribieron nombre
body cuerpo
1. writers typed name is the place for the writer to handwrite their name.
El nombre escrito de los escritores es el lugar para que el escritor escriba a mano
su nombre.
2. The recipients name, company name, and address are called the _return
El nombre de los destinatarios, el nombre de la empresa y la dirección se
denominan _ dirección del remitente
3. The purpose of the letter is included in the body
El propósito de la carta se incluye en el cuerpo
4. Yours truly, is an example of a _ complimentary closing
Atentamente, es un ejemplo de _ cierre complementario
5. The last line in a business letter is the __ signature
La última línea de una carta comercial es __ firma
6. The _____ Date ________ is when the letter is written.
El _____fecha________ es cuando se escribe la carta.
7. The ___ inside address ___ is the address of the letter writer.
El dirección interior es la dirección del autor de la carta.
8. Dear Mr. Johnson is a _ Salutation
El estimado Sr. Johnson es un _ Saludo
9. Escriba su propia carta comercial formal, utilizando una hoja de papel aparte.
Incluye todo
partes de una carta comercial formal y asegúrese de que esté en el formato
correcto. No debería
ser cualquier error ortográfico o gramatical y debe estar escrito en un lenguaje
claro y conciso
Industria licorera del cauca
Centro- cll 4 # 1-08
0092 Popayán-Cauca

15 de ago.-20

Jhon Jairo Gómez

Consultores ltda.
San Camilo cll 8 # 9-56
0092 Popayán-Cauca

Dear Jhon Jairo Gómez:

Working with you company for the past two years has been an excellent
experience. Unfortunately, we have to inform you that our Company has no longer
need of your services. This is because our management has decided to move our
marketing strategies in the different direction, and consequently to involve new
partners in our business. Since the consulting services you have provided for our
company are not complementary with current marketing strategy, we have to
cancel our contract with you.

We take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful work you have done for us
so far. Nevertheless, we hold high hopes to remain on good terms with you and
your company, and if we require services similar to what you have provided for us
in the past, we would certainly like to consider you again.

Saludos cordiales,
Hamilson Daniel Ordoñez Martinez
Gerente Administrativo, Industria licorera del cauca

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