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Numbers enclose us in our daily lives where sometimes we based our decisions on numbers and figures. These numbers help us make
decisions that support the selecting of information and the balancing of another possibility inherent in any results. Mathematical calculation
and assumptions are accurate, which serves to evaluate and improve data quality under any circumstances. They help present and
elucidate various options and control the smaller decisions necessary to reach larger goals. For example, in business, statistics help the
businessmen analyze past performance, predict future business practices, and lead organizations. Using the data they have gathered, the
different organizations and entrepreneurs decide where to invest and which projects are practical. Quantitative research is useful when we
have numerical data where this research method is a systematic process of collecting quantifiable data through statistical, mathematical
techniques. The quantitative research method emphasizes on numbers and figures of gathered data and analysis based on the results
using any statistical tools. We used a quantitative research method to generalize the results from the sample to the broader population. We
are using inferential statistics in determining the results of the sample size to generalize it to the total number of the respondents. In this
method, we are using hypothesis testing to accept or reject the claims of the results of the study. Using this method in conducting a study,
we are dealing with determining relationships between variables, specifically the dependent and independent variables considered in the
study. The researchers who used the quantitative method can reduce his time and effort to analyze and describe his result. The gathered
data can manipulate and conduct by a computer by using statistical software such as SPSS, MATLAB, R Programming, and so on, saving a
lot of energy and resources. The researchers used quantitative when they want to study between control and study groups. For example,
the researcher divides the control groups, giving them the same teaching, but employing different teaching methods in teaching specific
concepts in Mathematics, which is considered a factor in his study. The researcher will give a pre-test and post-test after applying teaching
strategies to the groups. After taking the pre-test and post-test, the researcher will use any statistical software to see his respondents'
performance and analyze the teaching method that best impacts the account of students in learning mathematics. Additionally, quantitative
research is correspondingly essential to social researchers in studying social relations and in looking for answers to several social problems
since social scientists are concerned with the study of people. The purpose of using quantitative research is to generate knowledge and
create understanding about the social world and also to observe phenomena or occurrences affecting individuals. Quantitative method is
one way to learn from a particular group of people or known as the sample population of the study. By systematic investigation, quantitative
research depends on data that are observed or measured to examine questions about the sample population. Another notion to consider is
that of the margin of error. The margin of error determines how consistent the survey and the reliability of the results of the study. Any
survey takes from the sample population to the whole community and then generalizes the results for the entire population. It always leads
to a possibility of error because a part of it can accurately describe the whole. In statistics, it is capture as the margin of error. The lower the
margin of error, the higher reliability of the results of the survey are valid for the whole population. Using the margin of error, the statistics
represented by the survey make accurate. If a survey finds that 56% of the respondents watching KDrama while eating dinner, the
information is imperfect. If the margin of error is quantified, let say that the margin of error 5%, then the researcher should interpret the 56%
as 51-61% of the respondents were watching KDrama while eating dinner. But there are circumstances in statistics when the margin of
error is incapable of taking care of the error of the survey. It happens when the survey has poorly premeditated questions or the
respondents have other bias while answering questionnaires or are lying for some purpose. Also, if the sample is not selected to be
representative of the whole population, errors beyond the margin of error may occur. Quantitative research has numerous advantages. In
quantitative analysis, variables defined and identified, and then relevant data is collected from target respondents. One of the assets of this
type of research is that the information is in numeric form, making it easier to understand and interpret which is our basis either reject or
accept a hypothesis. It has had the typical structure for quite a long time and hence can be relied upon across many fields that are of
scientific discipline. This research method also filters the opportunity of external aspects that can affect the final results. If properly
designed, it eliminates biases, and the final findings are real. Quantitative research can be applied to test the outcomes of qualitative
experimentations which are a direct way of promoting successive research to verify the hypotheses of it. Prepared by: MANUEL C.

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