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Name: Jan-Rhada I.

Amarila Date: May 13, 2022

Grade and Section: 10 - Einstein SW 1 - Fourth Quarter

1. Describe a research study that uses statistics.

A research study that uses statistics can be seen having datas that are numerical values
such as percentages, averages or quotas. After reviewing the datas, statistics enter by
utilizing statistical tools or statistical models that will be used on intending to explain or
conclude what is observed.

2. Do non-experimental research methods use statistics, too? Why? Why not?

Non-experimental research methods contains datas that are usually non-numerical, and
because of it, they cannot be evaluated using statistical methods. It is applied when the
researcher is unable to control, modify, or influence the subjects and thus, it relies on
interpretation or observations to reach a conclusion and commonly does not use

3. Differentiate the two kinds of statistical methods.

Descriptive statistics employs data to establish representation of the population, either
by numerical computations, tables, charts or graphs. On the other hand, the inferential
statistics draws conclusions or inferences and makes predictions around a population
from a sample of data drawn from that group.

4. What is the role of hypotheses in inferential statistics?

Hypotheses, or predictions, asserts that there are existing distinctions between the
populations or analyze relationships between variables by using samples. Hypothesis
testing is a formal statistical analytical procedure that employs inferential statistics. It
launches all statistical tests in order to enable deriving inferences from them.

5. How does bivariate analysis take place?

The exploration of two variables to find their correlations is known as bivariate analysis.
Bivariate analysis are used to assess whether there is a statistical relationship existing
between these two variables, the degree of that linkage, or whether one variable can be
inferred from another. Bivariate analysis, for example, might be used to determine
whether there is a significant relationship between profitability and life quality, or
whether quality of life can be forecasted.

6. Which research method fits inferential statistics? Give reasons for your answer.
With the most common research methodologies in inferential statistics, I think it is
Regression Analysis that fits inferential statistics. The connection between a group of
independent variables and a dependent variable is described using regression analysis.
Hypothesis tests are used in this analysis to examine whether the correlations seen in
the sample data are really present in the population. Regression analysis is my preferred
choice since it is quite comprehensive, making it applicable in a wide range of situation
since it can hold many scenarios. It can untangle complex issues in which the variables
are knotted like spaghetti.
7. Do you agree that standard deviation can measure variable relationships? Why? Why
Yes, Standard deviation can measure variable relationships. The standard deviation
represents the average level of variability in your dataset. On average, I t informs you
how distant each number deviates from the mean. And with that, it indicates how
widespread the data is. The standard deviation takes the full data set into account. It
also clarifies the data's deviation from the mean.

8. Could you possibly do any of the statistical methods you have learned? Explain your
Yes, I could possibly do any of the statistical methods that I have learned. I already had
Statistics with me since eighth grade and through the years up until the present, utilizing
those statistical methods that were thought to us were nothing new. Methods like
ANOVA, Pearson R, T-test and more things that are alike were instilled to me and it is
rest assured that if I submerge myself more into using these methods, I can possibly do

9. Is it correct to say, "To be a quantitative researcher is to know much about statistics"?

Justify your point.
It is just correct to say tha "To be a quantitative researchers, you must have known much
about statistics". A quantitative researcher's expertise is crucial to organizations that
work with some of the largest and most complicated datasets, such as those in the
financial markets. One of the strong traits that a quantitative researcher must bring to
the table is having an advanced knowledge of probability and statistics. Following the
selection of the appropriate datasets, quantitative researchers will combine structured
and unstructured data with market insights and undertake statistical analyses to draw a
conclusion. So yes, to say that "To be a quantitative researcher is to know much about
statistics" is correct.

10. Whom could you approach for help with regard to the true experimental research
study you intend to conduct, soon? Give reasons for your answer.
The persons that I should approach for help or assistance regarding to the true
experimental research that I intend to conduct would be the experienced and skilled
professionals, experts or people that possesses the appropriate knowledge that I would
be needing soon. I will make sure that the person is fit and just right for the certain
experimental research that I will be doing, and will not pick up someone just to present a
name that guided me.

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