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Agricultural Machinery: Problems and Potential

Jeff Tullberg

Paper prepared for presentation at the “World Food Security: Can Private Sector R&D
Feed the Poor?” conference conducted by the Crawford Fund for International
Agricultural Research, Parliament House, Canberra, Australia, October 27-28, 2009

Copyright 2009 by Jeff Tullberg. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies
of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this
copyright notice appears on all such copies.

Agricultural Machinery:
Problems and Potential
CTF Solutions
8 Hakea Crescent
Chapel Hill, Queensland 4069, Australia

Mechanisation of agriculture is fundamental to propositions for the farm machinery industry.

reducing poverty and improving lifestyle and food While industry and farmers will enjoy significant
security in the developing world. Large popula- benefits from the adoption of CA, the community
tions are escaping subsistence agriculture, and will be the major single beneficiary, via the re-
there is a broad consensus that conservation duced environmental footprint of a crop production
agriculture (CA) is the only sustainable approach system which is essential for food security.
to cropping. Equipment for CA could be a major
focus of R&D activity by the global farm machin- Introduction
ery industry, but this is not happening.
Release from subsistence agriculture has led to a
Land preparation, seeding and harvesting units
better life for most people, and the mechanisation
are the machine tools of agriculture, and must fit
production systems. Tillage might be unneces-
of agriculture has been a key element in this
sary, but tractor tillage-based systems have been process. Mechanisation can involve simple de-
the basis of the farm machinery industry. Conser- vices to improve the effectiveness of muscle
vation agriculture still lacks seeding equipment power, but more commonly entails the use of
that is effective over a broad range of conditions, internal combustion engines.
and machine-width variability of soil and residues
is a fundamental problem. The continuous power output of most human
beings is less than 0.1 kW, so for tasks where
Precision guidance and compatibility with perma- output is directly proportional to power, a per-
nent raised-bed and controlled-traffic cropping son’s output can be increased by a factor of ~10,
systems should represent major opportunities, but ~100 or ~1000 respectively, if they are controlling
are not attractive commercial R&D investment an animal, a small power tiller or a medium-sized
DR JEFF TULLBERG trained in the UK and USA tractor. Output is clearly proportional to power for
as an agricultural engineer before working in tasks like tillage, so available power in kilowatts
research, teaching and consulting on the per hectare was a reasonable index of agricultural
technical and economic aspects of farm ma- development when tillage was a critical operation.
chinery management in Australia. He is a past-
president of the International Soil Tillage Re- Mechanisation has been inextricably linked to
search Organisation, and has led a number of increased power levels, and this was the basis for
projects on machinery impact on soil, cropping a prosperous and expanding farm machinery
systems and the environment, including ten industry until 25 years ago in the developed
years of ACIAR-funded conservation agricul- world. The same process is occurring now in the
ture research with the University of developing world, where many people see the
Queensland and China Agricultural University. benefits of emulating this model, where mechani-
His recent publications have been concerned
sation appears to speed up traditional practices
with wheel traffic effects of cropping systems
and their impact on the productivity, sustain- and the popular television image of Western
ability and emissions of mechanised farming. agriculture is still a large tractor and plough.


It is useful to list the traditional functions of a significant opportunity, adoption would be much
tillage, which effectively summarise the advan- more rapid.
tage of conventional systems from a farm
Commercial organisations are driven by markets,
machinery industry perspective. Tillage systems
and from the manufacturer’s perspective CA
ensure the use of:
reduces the market for tractor power, eliminates
• a standard base unit (the tractor, designed for the market for tillage, and complicates the market
drawbar tillage) for most tasks for seeding equipment. Machinery manufacturers
recognise that their prosperity ultimately depends
• a small number of standard attachments
on farmers’ prosperity, and have modified prod-
(ploughs, cultivators, etc.) for land prepara-
ucts to meet the new demands of CA, but
enthusiasm is limited for a system that will
• a limited number of simple and standard items damage much of their current market.
of seeding equipment.
R&D investment in CA equipment is clearly
needed. Development of a new, universally appli-
Simple seeding equipment is possible only be- cable system for CA seeding would be a major
cause tillage provides a fine, level unobstructed advance, but dramatic breakthroughs are not
field surface, a real advantage for organisations expected by those familiar with the topic. Disin-
that want to supply a full set of reliable and effi- centives to commercial R&D investment include
cient equipment for all aspects of crop production. the difficulty of effective IP protection on agricul-
Tillage-based systems still dominate the thinking tural equipment, and the fact that improvements in
of most farmers in cool humid areas of northern CA seeding are unlikely to be dependent on
Europe and in horticultural production, world- machinery innovation alone.
In CA, the machine × system interaction is para-
Tillage is demonstrably unsustainable and unnec- mount, so effective machinery R&D must work in
essary, but its damaging consequences are much tandem with agricultural system R&D. Discussion
more obvious in erosion-prone environments. In of current issues is the starting point for specula-
these areas the principles of conservation agricul- tion about R&D opportunities for CA equipment.
ture (CA) (permanent soil cover, minimum soil Consideration of the beneficiaries of such devel-
disturbance, rotation) have been widely accepted opment suggests the appropriate funding sources
by the scientific and farm advisory community. for such work.
Farmers in erosion-prone areas also understand
the sustainability benefits of CA, but the practi-
calities of seeding without prior tillage present a CA machinery — current issues
major challenge. Weed control is different in the absence of tillage,
Conservation agriculture reduces the need for but most problems can be solved by a combina-
power for tillage, so hand-operated systems tion of agronomic and herbicide measures. Weed
(dibble seeders and knapsacks sprayers) and management generally becomes easier with less
attachments for animal-drawn equipment might be soil disturbance to stimulate germination, so the
viable in some environments. Most attention has major mechanisation issue of CA is generally
nevertheless focused on engine-powered equip- acknowledged to be seeding.
ment. Without prior tillage, CA seeders must prepare a
Wide adoption of CA depends on the availability suitable environment for the seed, then place,
of appropriate equipment, and local champions cover and firm it in the soil in a single pass. Major
play a major role in encouraging adoption. Ma- challenges include effective control of placement
chinery manufacturers have dealer networks with depth beneath uneven surfaces with varying levels
the motivation and ability to champion adoption, of soil compaction, and handling (avoiding,
so are well placed to play an important role in this moving or cutting through) surface residue. Fertil-
process (the importance of which was demon- iser placement at seeding further complicates the
strated in the adoption of laser levelling, by J.F. issue.
Rickman, IRRI, Maputo Mozambique, pers. Researchers and development projects often
comm., 2009). If major manufacturers saw CA as provide the lead, but most commercial develop-
ment has been carried out by individuals or small


groups on small budgets, observing field opera- The underlying problem is one of variability in
tions with several generations of prototype, soil conditions within one machine width. No-till
modifying, improving and retesting. Perhaps this seeders units must be able to work successfully in
is why most commercial CA no-till seeding units soil which is soft and friable, but they must work
have been developed by small–medium-sized equally well in that 20% of machine width where
companies, and their success has occurred within the soil is hard, having been wheeled by a >20-t
limited geographical areas. harvester, in the 5% of width wheeled by sprayers
and handling equipment, or in the 20–30%
The defining characteristic of CA seeding is the
wheeled by the tractor and seed handling and
complex set of interactions between seeding
distribution system.
machine components (residue handling, seed and
fertiliser placement control, covering, firming), Hard soil can occur at any point across the width
and elements of the operating environment (soil of the machine, so every opener unit must carry
and residues — both highly variable and highly adequate weight to penetrate the hardest soil.
moisture-dependent). Specifying uniform termi- Where the weight is not needed for penetration
nology for the components and describing some (across 40–60% of machine width) it must be
general characteristics of this interaction is itself a carried by opener depth control wheels. These
substantial task (Murray et al. 2006). small wheels can require a draft force of 20–30%
of weight to roll over soft soil, demanding great
Seeding involves the placement of seed and
frame strength and tractive power.
fertiliser (perhaps 10 and 20 g m–2 respectively),
effectively spaced at uniform depth (perhaps 5 Residue handling is the other major issue for no-
cm), and no-till seeders based on tines, disks and till seeders. In very heavy residues (maize or rice)
dibblers have all shown promise in some condi- there might sometimes be no alternative to the use
tions. The seed placement unit or ‘opener’ is the of power to chop, distribute or otherwise encour-
critical component. As a broad generalisation, age residue to pass the openers without
tines cause excessive soil disturbance, disks need obstruction (Blackwell 2002). In many cereal
excessive weight for penetration and dibblers are crops, serious problems occur only when the
too complex. No one opener type has proved harvester concentrates residue. If residue passing
successful under all conditions. through the harvester is distributed evenly, the
remaining residue, anchored and standing in rows,
When soils have been managed in CA for some
rarely presents any obstruction to an opener
time they are usually softer after harvest (except
passing between the rows. The exception is where
for those areas wheeled by the harvester). In
residue has been flattened during harvesting.
principle at least, the power required for no-till
seeding in soft soil is small, so CA is particularly Machine-width soil variability is the product of
appropriate for the developing world. There are wheel impacts. Residue issues are a consequence
many examples of relatively small, light-weight of concentration or re-orientation during harvest,
CA seeders, usually based on tine-type openers. at least for an opener seeding in the interrow. The
Individual opener depth control is unnecessary in fundamental point is that most of the problems of
units of small width, but residue chopping is no-till seeding are not inherent in the situation:
sometimes necessary to reduce residue length and they are artefacts of management — specifically
prevent blockages. Light surface tillage is some- they are the product of imprecise machinery
times used for the same purpose. operations.
Australian CA equipment is generally built for
extensive agriculture, so machine widths are large. CA equipment — opportunities
In contrast to the light units of the developing The farm machinery industry will find new oppor-
world, most successful no-till seeders in Australia tunities in improved harvesting systems, from
are very heavy (Ashworth et al. 2010). This is agronomic developments in rice production, and
partly a reflection of the trend to use disk openers from increasing mechanisation levels in vegetable
to minimise soil and residue disturbance, but production. In most crop production systems,
something appears to be wrong when equipment however, the major opportunities will be those
for no-till CA is stronger and heavier than the related to some aspect of precision. This will
chisel ploughs it replaced. include the mapping and response to macro-scale
variability — the focus of current ‘precision


agriculture’ — and the use of weed-sensing and before planting would be laughable — until we
similar technologies. Much greater opportunities note this is a close approximation of current
will come from the response to machine-scale practice. The impact is most obvious with large
variability. tractors and harvesters, but it also occurs with
small machines. The problem has arisen because
Machine-scale soil variability can be managed by
compatibility between machine track, tyre and
using precise guidance to restrict the wheels of all
working widths has been seen as ‘too difficult’—
cropping equipment to permanent traffic lanes.
but it is simply an issue of products currently on
With precise guidance, most crops can be interrow
the market.
seeded, avoiding most residue handling problems.
With this level of precision, weed management The farm machinery industry can make a major
can be improved by restricting herbicide applica- contribution to CA systems by producing equip-
tion to the row or interrow zone where it is ment that is compatible with permanent raised-bed
needed, reducing off-target application. Productiv- and controlled-traffic systems. For most practical
ity and sustainability improve substantially when purposes this is a matter of track width adjustabil-
a large proportion of the field area is uncompro- ity, narrower tyre options and a range of working
mised by wheel compaction effects in permanent widths. Agreed sets of standard track, tyre and
raised bed (Roth et al. 2005) or controlled traffic operating widths would be a major advantage.
farming (Tullberg et al. 2007). This substitution of precise crop management for
overall tillage would represent a radical change of
Some benefits of precision will be available only
focus for an industry organised to produce equip-
in sophisticated systems, but a high level of preci-
ment often characterised by its size and weight.
sion can be achieved with permanent raised beds,
particularly if machinery is designed for this
purpose. In these low-cost systems permanent CA equipment R&D —
beds are defined by traffic lanes—permanent beneficiaries
wheel ruts in furrows. Limited soil movement for
bed rejuvenation can provide some weed control, Farmers
which can be useful in environments where herbi- The steady accumulation of economic and produc-
cide knowledge is poor. With greater investment, tion data leaves little room for doubt that farmers
precision GPS guidance can be used to achieve will be beneficiaries of a change to CA. It is
the same advantages ‘on the flat’ in controlled- nevertheless true that adoption is not a straight-
traffic farming. Permanent raised beds and con- forward process, and farmers have sometimes
trolled traffic both restrict all heavy load-bearing been defeated by the difficulties of seeding or
wheels to narrow permanent traffic lanes, where weed control in a new system. One tale of eco-
compaction and surface hardness make transport nomic woe is always repeated many more times
and traction operations more efficient. than a dozen success stories, so CA adoption rates
are still too low. Too few farmers see themselves
Guidance precision is already adequate in small- as beneficiaries of CA, particularly in the develop-
scale mechanised CA, where the crop, residue and ing world.
machine component can be seen by the operator in
permanent bed systems. These systems allow low- Manufacturers
cost mechanisation using single-axle power tillers Manufacturers respond to markets, and current
modified for no-till CA seeding (J. Esdaile, No-till requirements for CA equipment — largely seeders
agriculture consultant, Tamworth, pers. comm., — are too imprecise and uncertain for the major
2009). Sophisticated GPS guidance becomes manufacturers. These markets are attractive to
essential with large-scale CA, but 2-cm precision small-scale regional manufacturers, who produce
guidance (autosteer) is already available at a cost most currently available CA seeders, but the
<15% of tractor price. With GPS technology issues of precision and compatibility with perma-
already incorporated in some mobile phones, low- nent traffic lanes are related to tractors and
cost precision guidance can be expected in the harvesters — products of the major manufactur-
next few years, and could be readily incorporated ers.
into small-scale equipment.
The large farm machinery companies are working
A recommendation that we should deliberately to ensure that their products are readily compati-
drive heavy vehicles over all our cropping areas ble with precision guidance, but for a global


manufacturer, the issues of track, tyre and operat-
ing width compatibility are extremely complex Nitrous oxide from soil
and influenced by factors such as road traffic
regulations. The bigger companies have consid- Fertiliser manufacture
ered the issue, but change has been limited to Ag. chemical manufacture
acceptance of local modifications of their prod- Fuel + machine manufacture
ucts. Manufacturers will not move without a

Emissions (CO 2-e per t grain)

market, and farmers cannot demonstrate a market 600
until equipment is available — the traditional
chicken and egg situation.
Community and environment 300
No-till CA — particularly when combined with 200
permanent raised bed or controlled-traffic farming
— will reduce the environmental footprint of
agriculture, and improve food security. In the


No till,

most general terms:


• Stopping tillage reduces energy requirements,
and combining this with controlled traffic re-
duces tractor power and cropping fuel
requirements dramatically. Less energy means Mechanised cropping system
less atmospheric pollution. Figure 1. Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions from
• Stopping tillage will reduce runoff and ero- conventional tillage, simple no-till and precise no-
till cropping systems
sion. Combining this with controlled traffic
produces a much larger effect. Less water
running off cropped soil means less erosion,
sediment, nutrients and pesticides in water- Emissions illustrated here are broadly representa-
courses and water supplies. tive of those from rainfed grain production, but
• Controlled traffic no-till greatly improves soil they vary greatly with crop, soil, fertiliser regime
porosity and internal drainage, which should and system. Life-cycle emissions from fuel,
substantially reduce soil emissions of nitrous agricultural chemical and fertiliser use are energy
oxide (a potent greenhouse gas). related, and the comparisons are uncontroversial.
System impacts on soil emissions have been
• Greater precision improves the spatial place- inferred from research in other environments
ment of fertiliser and pesticides. Working (Tullberg 2009).
from permanent traffic lanes in controlled-
traffic or raised-bed systems also enhances
farmers’ capacity to apply fertiliser and pesti-
cides at the optimum time to match crop The absence of effective CA equipment is an
requirements. The outcome is reduced loss important factor slowing adoption of a technology
and environmental pollution. of great significance to sustainable development,
food security and the relief of poverty in a number
The overall environmental impact of different of regions. Seeding residue-covered, uneven soil
mechanised cropping systems is illustrated in surfaces is the major issue.
Figure 1 in terms of greenhouse gas emissions due Low-cost, locally driven development by regional
to energy in fuel, herbicides and fertilisers, and manufacturers, often cooperating with research
the effect on soil emissions. The magnitude of projects, has provided most CA equipment. These
some of these effects might be arguable, but there small organisations cannot address important
would be little dispute about the overall trend: as tractor and harvester-related issues of compatibil-
we disturb the soil less by tillage and compaction, ity with permanent traffic lanes and precise
we improve productivity and the use efficiency guidance.
for all inputs, and reduce the environmental foot-
print. Farmers are beneficiaries of the change to CA, but
the issues of system change are real when they


need to re-equip in a situation of uncertainty about References
equipment types and suitability.
Ashworth, M.B, Desboilles, J.M.A. and Tola, E.K.H.
Major farm machinery manufacturers are reluctant 2010. Disc Seeding in Zero-Till Farming Sys-
to invest in CA equipment R&D when they are tems: A Review of Technology and Paddock
unlikely to capture the benefits of any resultant Issues. Western Australian No-Till Farmers As-
innovation. sociation (in press).

The community will be the major beneficiary of Blackwell, J. 2002. Report on visit to Punjab Agricul-
CA equipment research, largely as a consequence ture University 21–31 October 2002. Design
of the reduced environmental footprint of crop and construction of the ‘Happy’ seeder. ACIAR,
production activities that are necessary for food Canberra. (Unpublished).
security. Government or government-mediated Murray, J.R., Tullberg, J.N. and Basnet, B.B. 2006.
funding via systems such as the Clean Develop- Planters and their Components: Types, Attrib-
ment Mechanism or its successors appears to be utes, Functional Requirements, Classification
the only way forward for research and develop- and Description. Publication MN121, ACIAR,
ment on the basic and essential issues of Canberra.
mechanisation for CA. Roth, C.H., Fischer, R.A. and Meisner, C.A. 2005.
This is not a very satisfying outcome for a confer- Evaluation and Performance of Permanent
ence concerned with private enterprise R&D Raised Bed Cropping Systems in Asia, Australia
opportunities and poverty reduction. In view of and Mexico. Publication PR121, ACIAR, Can-
the limited farm machinery R&D resources now
within the public domain in Australia, such re- Tullberg, J.N. 2009. Tillage, traffic and sustainability.
search could well be the objective of innovative Keynote paper in: Cakir, E. (ed.) Eighteenth
public–private partnerships. Triennial Conference of ISTRO. Izmir, Turkey.
Proceedings CD.
Tullberg, J.N., Yule, D.F. and McGarry, D. 2007.
Controlled traffic farming — from research to
adoption in Australia. Soil and Tillage Research
97, 272–281.



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