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400 BC 1883: Mental illness is studied more

scientifically as German psychiatrist Emil

Hippocrates- Greek physician, one of the
Kraeplelin distinguishes mental disorders.
most outstanding figures in the istory of
medicine. 1885:The first successful appendectomy is
performed in lowa.
Hippocrates uses the term “karcinos” to
describe tumors. Treatment for appendecitis.
Karcinos evolved into cancer. 1889: William halsted develops the radical
mastectomy to treat breast cancer; the
Mental disorders are understood as
technique includes the surgical removal of
diseases rather than symptoms of demonic
the tumor, breast, overlying skin and
possession or signs of hving displeased the
1890: Chemical agents are used to minimize
AD 2nd Century
1895: Welhrm Conrad Roentgen invents X-
Galen- Greek physician, surgeon and rays. Radiation therapy follows. The first X-
philosopher in the Roman Empire ray is performed in Germany.

Galen describes surgical treatments for

breast cancer, which include removing
early-stage tumors.
Primary treatments of neurotic mental
Surgeries are brutal and often fatal.
disordes, and sometimes psychosis, are
psychoanalytical therapies developed by
Sigmund Freud and others.
1914: Typhoid and Rabies vaccines first
Variolation- first method used to immunize
licensed in the US; tetanus toxoid is
a person against smallpox (variola)
Variolation Technique is developed,
Recommended during childhood. Tetanus is
involving the inoculation of children and
an illness that can cause convulsions.
adults with dried scab material recovered
from smallpox patients. 1919: Chemotherapy is born.

1500s 1922: Insulin is first used for treatment of

diabetes, allowing diabetics to survive after
English barbers and surgeons perform
tooth-extracions and blood letting.
1928: Antibiotics dramatically decrease
Blood letting- treatment for pneumonia.
post-surgical infections.
1937: The first blood bank opens, helping
Edward Jenner publishes his work on the make more surgey possible by treating
development of a vaccination that would bleeding during the procedure.
protect against smallpox.
1943: Penicillin becomes mass produced.
Group of antibiotics.
1947: Chemotherapy records its first,
1818: Human blood is transfused from one though temporary, success with the
person to another for the first time. remission of a pediatric leukemia patient.

1846: Anesthesia becomes widely available, 1949: Austrilia pschiatrist J.F.F. Cade
helping expand options for surgery. introduces the use of lithium to treat
psychosis. Lithium gains wide usage in the
mid-1960’s to treat those with manic
depression, now known as bippolar 1970s
1972: The development of computed
tomography (CT) revolutionizes radiology.
1950s CT Scan- diagnostic imaging used to create
detailed images of internal organs, bones,
1950: John Hopps invents the cardiac
soft tissue, and blood vessels.
1978: A baby conceived via in-vitro
CP- medical device that generates electrical
fertilization is born.
impulses delivered by electrodes to cause
the heart muscle chambers to contract and
therefore to pump blood.
Findings related to DNA give rise to
1981: FDA aproves the first vaccine against
molecular biology.
hepatitis B, one of the rimary causes of liver
A series of sucessful anti-psychotic drugs cancer.
are introduced that do not cure psychosis
1982: The Jarvik-7 artificial heart is used.
but control its symptoms.
In National Museum
A new type of surgery, behavior therapy,
suggest that people with phobias can be 1985: The first documented robotic surgery
trained to overcome them. is performed.
1953: A heart-lung bypass machine is used Use of machines guided by doctors to
successfully for the first time. perform surgical procedures
Cardiopulmonary bypass- technique that 1986: Prozac is developed to treat various
takes over the function of the heart and mental illnesses.
lungs during surgey.
1955: The first polio vccine is licensed
pioneered by Dr. Jonas Salk.
Overall cancer death rates begin to fall.
Polio- virus that can result to spinal cord
and brainstem paralysis. A new generation of anti-pyschotic drugs is
introduced. Proven to be more effective.
1957: William Grey Walter invents the brain
EEG topography (toposcope).
Electroencephalogram- to determine 2000s
presence of tumors and focal disease
The FDA approves Gleevec, the first drug to
target a specific gene mutation.
1960s 2003: The sequence of a complete human
genome is published.
Many seriously mentally ill people are
removed from institutions. Drop from 560k 2006: A vaccine is developed to prevent
to just over 130k in 1980. cervical cancer due to human
1964: A US surgeon general’s report
establishes an undeniable link between
smoking and cancer.
1967: A heart transplant is performed by
South African physician Christian Barnard.
The heart recipient survied 18 days until
succumbing to pneumonia.

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