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Isolation and characterization of new

polymorphic simple sequence repeat loci

in grape ( V i t i s vinifera L.)
J.E. Bowers, G.S. Dangl, R. Vignani, and C.P. Meredith
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Abstract: Four new simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci (designated VVMD5, VVMD6, VVMD7, and VVMD8)
were characterized in grape and analyzed by silver staining in 77 cultivars of Vitis vinifera. Amplification
products ranged in size from 141 to 263 base pairs (bp). The number of alleles observed per locus ranged from
5 to 1 1 and the number of diploid genotypes per locus ranged from 13 to 27. At each locus at least 75% of the
cultivars were heterozygous. Alleles differing in length by only 1 bp could be distinguished by silver staining,
and size estimates were within 1 or 2 bp, depending on the locus, of those obtained by fluorescence detection at
previously reported loci. Allele frequencies were generally similar in wine grapes and table grapes, with some
exceptions. Some alleles were found only in one of the two groups of cultivars. All 77 cultivars were distinguished
by the four loci with the exception of four wine grapes considered to be somatic variants of the same cultivar,
'Pinot noir', 'Pinot gris', 'Pinot blanc', and 'Meunier'; two table grapes that are known to be synonymous,
'Keshmesh' and 'Thompson Seedless'; and three table grapes, 'Dattier', 'Rhazaki Arhanon', and 'Markandi', the
first two of which have been suggested to be synonymous. Although the high polymorphism at grape SSR loci
suggests that very few loci would theoretically be needed to separate all cultivars, the economic and legal
significance of grape variety identification requires the increased resolution that can be provided by a larger
For personal use only.

number of loci. The ease with which SSR markers and data can be shared internationally should encourage their
broad use, which will in turn increase the power of these markers for both identification and genetic analysis of
Key words: grape, Vitis, microsatellite, simple sequence repeat, DNA typing, identification.

Resume : Quatre nouveaux loci microsatellites (nommks VVMD5, VVMD6, VVMD7 et VVMD8) ont kt6
caractkrisks chez la vigne. Ces loci ont kt6 examinks par coloration a l'argent chez 77 ckpages du Vitis vinifera.
La taille des produits d'amplification variait entre 141 et 263 paires de bases (pb). Le nombre d'allkles observks
par locus variait entre 5 et 11 alors que le nombre de gknotypes diploi'des variait entre 13 et 27 par locus.
A chaque locus, au moins 75% des cultivars ktaient hktkrozygotes. Des allkles ne diffkrant que par une seule
paire de bases pouvaient Stre distinguks par coloration a l'argent et l'estimation de la taille des produits ktait
juste a une ou deux paires de bases prks, dkpendant du locus, comparativement aux estimations obtenues suite a la
dktection par fluorescence au niveau de loci rapportks prkckdemment. La frkquence des allkles ktait gkniralement
similaire chez les raisins de table et les raisins a vin, a quelques exceptions prks. Certains allkles n'itaient
prksents que chez I'un des deux groupes de cultivars. Les 77 cultivars ont pu 2tre distinguks griice aux quatre
loci, a I'exception de quatre raisins a vins considirks comme des phknovariants du mSme cultivar, 'Pinot noir',
'Pinot gris', 'Pinot blanc', 'Meunier'; de deux raisins de table qui sont connus comme ktant synonymes,
'Keshmesh' et 'Thompson Seedless'; et de trois raisins de table, 'Dattier', 'Rhazaki Arhanon' et 'Markhandi',
dont les deux premiers ont kt6 suggkrks comme ktant synonymes. Bien que le haut niveau de polymorphisme
rkvklk par ces microsatellites laisse croire qu'un petit nombre de loci serait suffisant, en thkorie, pour skparer
tous les cultivars, les enjeux kconomiques et lkgaux de l'identification des cultivars chez la vigne exige une
rksolution accrue qui pourra Stre fournie par un plus grand nombre de loci. La facilitk d'kchange des microsatellites
et des donnkes qui dkcoulent de leur emploi devrait encourager leur utilisation, ce qui permettra d'augmenter
I'importance de ces marqueurs pour les fins d'identification et d'analyse gknktique de la vigne.
Mots cle's : vigne, Vitis, microsatellite, empreintes gknktiques, identification variktale.
[Traduit par la Rkdaction]

I Corresponding Editor: J.P. Gustafson.

Received November 3, 1995. Accepted April 4, 1996.

I1 'J.E. Bowers, G.S. Dangl, R. vignani,l and C.P. Meredith. Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of
California, Davis, CA 95616, U.S.A.
Present address: Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale, Universita degli Studi di Siena, 53100 Siena, Italy.

Genome, 39: 628-633 (1996). Printed in Canada 1 ImprimC au Canada

Bowers et al.

Introduction Table 1. Vitis vinifera cultivars analyzed in this study

Accurate cultivar identification is particularly important in Wine grapes

grape. Not only are there at least 5000 cultivars of Vitis Aligote Grenac he Pinot blanc
vinifera (Alleweldt 1988), many of which are not easily dis- Barbera Lambrusco Pinot gris
tinguished morphologically, but many cultivars have been Black Malvoisie Malbec Pinot noir
distributed throughout the world and have acquired new Burger Malvasia bianca Refosco
names in the process. In many countries, wine is usually Cabernet franc Mataro Riesling
identified by its predominant g r a p e cultivar (e.g.,
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Cabernet Sauvignon Melon Saint Emilion

'Chardonnay', 'Cabernet Sauvignon') and accurate varietal Carignane Merlot Sangiovese
labeling is a legal requirement. In countries where wine is Charbono Meunier Sauvignon blanc
commonly identified by its geographic origin, as in the Chardonnay Monastrell Sauvignon vert
European Union, varietal composition is dictated by law. Chasselas dork Muscadelle Semillon
International trade regulations regarding wine labeling have Chenin blanc Muscat blanc Sylvaner
further drawn attention to identity issues, such as the use of Colombard Napa Gamay Syrah
multiple names for the same cultivar (e.g., 'Syrah' in France Dolcetto Nebbiolo Lampia Viognier
and 'Shiraz' in Australia) or a single name for several genet- Folle blanche Palomino Zinfandel
ically distinct cultivars (e.g., 'Petite Sirah' in the U.S.A.). Gamay noir Petit Verdot
DNA typing technology offers an objective method for Gewiirztraminer Petite Sirah
characterizing cultivars. The international significance of
accurate grape identification warrants the development and Table grapes
dissemination of a standard DNA typing method that can be Avgustiatico Hakiki Rhasaki Anatolico
adopted and shared by public laboratories around the world. Aricaras Keshmesh Rhazaki Arhanon
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis Black Corinth Kontehgalo Rhazaki Mavro
is robust and reliable (Bowers et al. 1993), but is slow, Chaouchi Politico Kri tico Rodi tes
For personal use only.

laborious, and often involves the use of radioactivity. More Chrisostaphylo Kurutaktas Sidezitis
importantly from the perspective of international cooper- Cornichon Markandi Sidezitis Proimo
ation, the use of the same markers by two laboratories Daphne Monukka Thompson Seedless
requires the physical exchange of DNA probes. Random Dattier Perla di Csaba Vustolethi
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, on the other Dermatis Petinos Vuthomato
hand, is not only much faster and simpler but markers can Eftakilo Psevthosirico Yourutico
be s h a r e d s i m p l y by t h e c o m m u n i c a t i o n of p r i m e r Fraula Kini
sequences. Both methods, however, are limited by the
necessity to compare genetically ambiguous gel images in Note: For the wine grapes, names and spelling are those in common
order to exchange results. R A P D results, in particular, use in the United States. For the table grapes, the names and spelling
often vary between laboratories (Biischer et al. 1993). are those that accompanied each accession when it was introduced into
the University of California at Davis collection.
The advantages of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers
for grape cultivar identification (and other genetic analyses)
have been thoroughly articulated by Thomas et al. (1994).
We report here the development of four new SSR loci in
Of particular importance is the ease with which both mark-
grape and describe allelic polymorphism at these loci in
ers and results can be exchanged internationally. Like
a group of 77 cultivars of L! vinifera. We further demon-
RAPDs, SSR markers can be shared by the communication
strate the use of silver staining to resolve alleles.
of primer sequences. But unlike RAPDs, SSR results can
be objectively expressed as allele lengths and can thus be
communicated as quantitative data rather than as images of Materials and methods
band patterns. T h e availability of SSR markers is limited Plant material and DNA
by the difficulty with which they are developed. The process Plant material was obtained from the vineyards of the University
of discovering and sequencing SSR regions is beyond the of California at Davis and the National Clonal Germplasm
scope of many grape research groups and thus to date only Repository in Davis, California. Grapevine DNA was isolated
one laboratory has reported the development of grape SSR from shoot tips and young leaves as previously reported (Bowers
markers (Thomas and Scott 1993). et al. 1993). Seventy-seven cultivars were surveyed, including
The very large number of grape cultivars and the like- 46 wine grapes and 3 1 table grapes (Table I ) . Each cultivar
lihood that some of them are genetically very similar argues was analyzed at least twice, in some cases from independent
DNA preparations.
for an increased number of markers by which to improve
the resolution with which cultivars can be distinguished. The
Cloning and sequencing of SSR regions
legal requirements of grape and wine production and trade DNA from C! vinifera 'Pinot noir' was digested with TaqI and
bring an added level of scrutiny to questions of identity. separated on a 2% agarose gel. DNA fragments ranging in size
Grape DNA typing may in some cases be held to a very from 300 to 600 base pairs (bp) were purified from the gel
high standard and thus requires the high level of confidence and used to make a size fractionated genomic library with
that can be provided by a larger number of polymorphic pBluescript I1 SK + (Stratagene, La Jolla, California, U.S.A.)
markers. and XL-1 Blue bacteria. Bacterial clones were grown on
630 Genome, Vol. 39, 1996

Table 2. Characteristics of 4 SSR loci analyzed in 77 cultivars of V vinifera.

No.of No.of %
Locus Primer (5'-3') Repeat Repeat typeu alleles genotypes Heterozygotes

(CT),AT(CT), ATAG(AT), Compound 8 26 90%
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VVMD8 TAACAAACAAGAAGAGGAAT (TC),, ,(TA), Compound 6 13 75%

Table 3. Allelic frequencies in 77 V vinifera cultivars analyzed at 4 SSR loci (VVMD5, VVMD6,
VVMD7, and VVMD8).


Allele Allele Allele Allele Allele Allele Allele Allele

size (bp) frequency size (bp) frequency size (bp) frequency size (bp) frequency
For personal use only.

Note: Frequencies do not add up to 1.00 because genotypes with only one allele were not scored as homozygotes.

Zetaprobe membranes (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, VVMD8: 2 min at 94"C, 5 cycles of (30 s at 92"C, 30 s at
California, U.S.A.) placed on Luria-Bertani agar petri plates, 54"C, 1 min at 72"C), and 35 cycles of (30 s at 80°C, 30 s at
treated according to the protocol of Sambrook et al. (1989), 54"C, 1 min at 72"C), and 7 min at 72°C.
and probed with ',P end-labeled CT,, probes. Hybridization Amplification was confirmed by running 5 p,L of the PCR
was overnight in 6X SSC (1 X SSC: 0.15 M NaCl plus 0.015 M reaction product on 2% agarose gels. Thirty microlitres of
sodium citrate) plus 0.1% SDS at 65°C. The final wash was denaturing dye solution (95% formamide, 0.5% bromophenol
with 0.5 X SSC plus 0.1% SDS at 65°C. Positive clones were blue, plus 0.5% xylene cyanol) was added to the remaining
selected, retested, and sequenced by [,,P]~cTP sequencing 15 p,L of the reaction product. One to three microlitres of this
with the Sequenase kit (U.S. Biochemical Corporation, mixture was electrophoresed in a 42-cm sequencing gel (6%
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.). Primers corresponding to unique acrylamide plus 7 M urea) and then silver stained according
sequences flanking the repeat region were designed with to the protocols and reagents provided with the Promega Silver
OLIGO VERSION 4.0 (National Biosciences, Plymouth, Minnesota, Sequencing Kit (Promega, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.). Product
U.S.A.). sizes were determined by comparison with a standard sequencing
reaction (provided with the kit) that was electrophoresed in
Amplification conditions adjacent lanes in the same gel.
PCR amplifications were performed in a Perkin Elmer
Model 480 Thermal Cycler in 20-p,L reactions consisting of
10 ng DNA, 20 pmoles each primer, 200 p,M each NTP, 2.0 p,L Results
10X PCR buffer (Perkin Elmer), 0.5 U Taq polymerase (Perkin
From approximately 3 0 0 0 bacterial clones, 17 positive
Elmer), and 1.0 mM MgCl, (except that 2 mM MgCl, was
used for locus VVMD8). Amplification protocols were optimized clones were obtained and sequenced, of which 4 yielded
for individual loci as follows: VVMD5: 2 min at 94"C, 40 cycles useful primers. Of the other 13, 2 were false positives,
of (30 s at 92"C, 30 s at 56"C, 2 min at 72"C), and 7 min at 1 w a s a d u p l i c a t e , p r i m e r s c o u l d not b e o b t a i n e d f o r
72°C; VVMD6 and VVMD7: 2 min at 94"C, 40 cycles of (30 s 8 because of the position of the repeat in the sequence,
at 92"C, 30 s at 52"C, 2 min at 72"C), and 7 min at 72°C; and the original primers failed for 2 others. (Redesigned
Bowers et al.

Fig. 1. SSR genotypes of 32 wine cultivars at locus VVMD7. Amplification products were detected by silver staining. From the
left, lane: 1-4, the sequencing reaction used as a size standard; 5, Zinfandel; 6, Sangiovese; 7, Nebbiolo Lampia; 8, Dolcetto;
9, Barbera; 10, Muscat blanc; 1 1, Malvasia bianca; 12, Viognier; 13, Riesling; 14, Gewiirztraminer; 15, Petite Sirah; 16, Syrah;
17, Black Malvoisie; 18, Mataro; 19, Grenache; 20, French Colombard; 21, Melon; 22, Chardonnay; 23, Meunier; 24, Pinot
blanc; 25, Pinot gris; 26, Pinot noir; 27, Gamay noir; 28, Napa Gamay; 29, Chenin blanc; 30, Semillon; 3 1, Sauvignon blanc;
32, Petit Verdot; 33, Malbec; 34, Merlot; 35, Cabernet franc; and 36, Cabernet Sauvignon.
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primers were subsequently successful (unpublished results)). radioactive sequencing methods and less expensive than
The nature of each repeat region and the flanking primer automated fluorescence detection. While SSR amplification
sequences for the 4 successful loci are presented in Table 2. products can also be analyzed by ethidium bromide visu-
Each locus was designated by a number preceded by alization in high resolution agarose gels (Cipriani et al.
"VVMD" to indicate "Vitis vinifera Microsatellite, Davis." 1994), allele sizes cannot be reliably estimated by this
The number of alleles detected per locus ranged from method and small size differences cannot be resolved as
5 to 1 1 (Tables 2 and 3; Fig. 1) and the number of diploid they can in acrylamide sequencing gels.
genotypes per locus ranged from 13 to 27 (Table 2). Allele sizes determined by silver staining were within
Amplification products ranged in size from 141 to 263 bp 1 or 2 bp of those obtained by Thomas et al. (1994) by
(Table 3). At each locus, at least 75% of the cultivars were automated fluorescence detection when the same loci
heterozygous. Cultivars in which only one allele was (VVS1, VVS2, VVS4, and VVS29) were analyzed in the
detected were scored as having only one copy of the allele same cullivars. For VVS 1, VVS2, and VVS29, allele sizes
rather than as homozygotes. determined by silver staining were consistently 1 bp larger
We report the genotypes for some of the cultivars in than those reported using automated fluorescence detection,
Table 4. Genotypes for the other cultivars, as well as acces- and for VVS29, allele sizes were 2 bp larger. The size off-
sion information and vineyard locations for all cultivars set was the same for all cultivars and all alleles. This
analyzed, are available at the following web site: http://wine- degree of error is typical of allele size estimates based on different methods (Weber 1990) and is easily reconciled
by including previously characterized cultivars in the gel as
Discussion references when a locus is first analyzed. A set of such
cultivars can also be routinely used as size standards as
Silver staining is a reliable alternative to other methods an alternative to the sequencing reaction. Because allele
for sizing SSR alleles. It is faster and less hazardous than sizes at some of the loci do not overlap, amplification
Genome, Vol. 39, 1996

Table 4. Genotypes for selected cultivars at 4 SSR loci.



Cabernet Sauvignon 240 232 212 211 239 - 157 143

Chardonnay 238 234 214 205 243 239 147 141
Merlot 236 226 212 205 247 239 157 143
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Pinot noir 238 228 205 - 243 239 143 141

Riesling 234 226 214 211 257 249 147 143
Sangiovese 236 226 212 194 263 239 147 143
Thompson Seedless 234 - 212 214 239 253 145 -

products for two or even three loci can be multiplexed. the wine cultivars, but three of the table grape cultivars
For example, VVMD6, VVMD7, and VVMD8 can be elec- failed to amplify in three instances (one at VVMD6 and
trophoresed together. two at VVMD8). While these cases might represent
For the most part, alleles differed in length by multiples homozygous null alleles, inhibited amplification due to
of 2 bases, as would be expected for dinucleotide SSRs. poor DNA quality cannot be ruled out. Some of these cul-
This was not the case with VVMD6, in which two alleles tivars are undoubtedly homozygous for alleles that were
differed by only a single base. These two alleles were ana- scored as only single copies. Scoring only one copy of the
lyzed repeatedly and could be distinguished reliably. allele (i.e., scoring them as heterozygous nulls) results in
VVMD6 is a complex imperfect repeat (Table 2) and new an overall underestimation of the allelic frequency, while
alleles could have been generated by events at regions scoring two copies (i.e., assuming homozygosity) over-
other than the several dinucleotide repeats within the locus. estimates the frequency. The true allelic frequency probably
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These data illustrate the importance of surveying a lies between these estimates.
diverse range of cultivars. Cultivar identification should The very high level of heterozygosity found in this
not only be based on matching the allelic profile of an study is similar to that observed for other grape microsatel-
unknown with that of a known cultivar, but should also lite loci (Thomas and Scott 1993) and is consistent with
incorporate an estimate of the frequency of that genotype the natural breeding system of the species. Because most
in the population of V vinifera cultivars as calculated from cultivars are heterozygous, the large number of alleles is fur-
allelic frequencies. An accurate estimate of the frequency ther multiplied into a much larger number of observed
of each allele must be based on a representative sample genotypes at each locus, providing considerable resolving
of cultivars. Frequency estimates obtained from a small power for the separation of cultivars. VVMD5 and VVMD7
or biased sample will not only likely be skewed, but less are particularly useful loci, being represented by 8 and
common alleles may not be detected. For example, at locus 11 alleles and 26 and 27 genotypes, respectively, in this
VVMD7, allele 239 is prevalent in the wine grapes ( p = group of 77 cultivars. Many of the alleles of VVMD7 are
0.39) but is much less so in the table grapes ( p = 0.19), relatively infrequent, at least in this group (5 alleles with
while the converse is true for allele 249 ( p = 0.14. vs. p = a frequency of less than 0.05), so some of the possible
0.34). VVMD7 allele 245 would not have been detected genotypes at this locus may be detected only rarely.
had only wine grapes been surveyed, as it was found only VVMD6 is a less informative locus because of the relatively
in 1 Greek table grape cultivar ('Kritico'). At VVMD8, small number of alleles detected. VVMD8 is problematic
allele 145 was detected only in two Middle Eastern table in that stutter from the 143-bp band makes it difficult to
grapes ('Monukka' and 'Thompson Seedless'). For the distinguish the 1411143 heterozygote from the 1431
most part, however, allelic frequencies were generally sim- 143 homozygote.
ilar between the wine and table grape groups. The most The 77 cultivars analyzed here were uniquely charac-
common alleles in one group were usually also the most terized by the four markers, with the exception of one
common in the other group. group of wine grapes (consisting of 'Pinot noir', 'Pinot
Additional alleles will undoubtedly be detected at these blanc', 'Pinot gris', and 'Meunier') and two groups of
loci as more germplasm is examined. At locus VVMD5, table grapes (one group consisting of 'Keshmesh' and
for example, a new 230-bp allele was detected in a group 'Thompson Seedless' and the other of 'Dattier', 'Rhazaki
of wild V vinifera from the Pyrenees (unpublished results). Arhanon', and 'Markandi'). Four SSR markers developed
The existence of other alleles that will fill in gaps in the by Thomas and Scott (1993) also failed to break up these
series can be predicted, for example 242- and 244-bp alleles groups (VVMS1, VVMS2, VVMS4, and VVMS29; data
at VVMD5. not shown). The four wine grapes are generally held to
Cases in which only one allele was detected were scored be somatic variants of the same cultivar (Galet 1990).
as having only one copy of the allele, in accordance with 'Keshmesh' and 'Thompson Seedless' are considered to
the precedent established by Thomas et al. (1994) and con- be synonyms for the same cultivar, which is also widely
sistent with heterozygosity for a null allele that did not called 'Sultanina' and 'Sultana' (Alleweldt 1988). 'Dattier'
amplify. No homozygous null genotypes were detected in has been suggested to be a type of 'Rhazaki' (Galet 1964)
Bowers et al

but we have been unable to determine whether 'Markandi' cultivars are analyzed, the objective genetic information
is considered synonymous. We have not yet made a morpho- generated by SSR analysis may reveal genetic relationships
logical comparison of the three cultivars, and doing s o among them that will shed some light on the history of
would obviously shed light on this question. this ancient and venerable crop.
Four or five moderately polymorphic SSR loci might
be sufficient to separate all important V vinnifera cultivars. Acknowledgment
Theoretically, five unlinked loci, each with five equally
frequent alleles producing 15 possible genotypes per locus, This research was supported by the Fruit Tree, Nut Tree and
could produce 15' o r over 700 000 different genotypes. Grapevine Improvement Advisory Board of the California
Genome Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA LIBRARY on 11/18/12

In reality, however, a larger number of loci is needed and Department of Food and Agriculture.
are being developed in our laboratory. The legal implications
of grape cultivar identification argue that a very high level References
of confidence should be attached to determinations made by
DNA typing. The degree to which some cultivars are genet- Alleweldt, G. 1988. The genetic resources of Vitis. Genetic
ically related is unknown and some similar genotypes may and geographic origin of grape cultivars, their prime names
be difficult to distinguish. and synonyms. 2nd ed. Federal Research Center for Grape
T h e relatively small number of V vinifera cultivars Breeding, Geilweilerhof, Germany.
grown in the Western and Southern hemispheres are not Bowers, J.E., Bandman, E.B., and Meredith, C.P. 1993. DNA
fingerprint characterization of some wine grape cultivars.
likely to be closely related, having been independently Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 44: 266-274.
introduced as distinct cultivars from Europe and the Middle Biischer, N., Zyprian, E., and Blaich, R. 1993. Identification
East. In some regions of the Old World, however, there of grapevine cultivars by DNA analyses: pitfalls of random
are large numbers of indigenous cultivars, many of which amplified polymorphic DNA techniques using lOmer primers.
may share a relatively narrow genetic base, having been Vitis, 32: 187-188.
domesticated in situ from wild populations or derived by Cipriani, G., Frazza, G., Peterlunger, E., and Testolin, R. 1994.
selection from ancient cultivated types and spontaneous Grapevine fingerprinting using microsatellite repeats. Vitis,
33: 211-215.
For personal use only.

seedlings. These will be more difficult to distinguish.

T h e g r o w i n g n u m b e r of polymorphic S S R markers Galet, P. 1964. Cdpages et vignobles de France. Tome IV. Les
raisins de table, la production viticole franqaise. Imprimerie
available for characterizing grape cultivars (and for other
du Paysan du Midi, Montpellier, France.
genetic analyses) and the relative technical simplicity of Galet, P. 1990. Cdpages et vignobles de France. Tome 11.
the analysis should encourage their wider use by interested L'ampdlographie f r a n ~ a i s e .2nd ed. Imprimerie Charles
groups throughout the world. In particular, the ease with Dehan, Montpellier, France.
which results can be exchanged can facilitate greater coop- Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E.F., and Maniatis, T. 1989. Molecular
eration w i t h i n t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o m m u n i t y of g r a p e cloning, a laboratory manual. 2nd ed. Cold Spring Harbor
researchers. If data sets produced with commonly used Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York.
SSR markers are made generally available by workers Thomas, M.R., and Scott, N.S. 1993. Microsatellite repeats in
investigating grape cultivars in their own countries, par- grapevine reveal DNA polymorphisms when analysed as
ticularly European and Middle Eastern regions that are sequence-tagged sites (STSs). Theor. Appl. Genet. 86:
home to ancient and autochthonous cultivars, the number
Thomas, M.R., Cain, P., and Scott, N.S. 1994. DNA typing of
of characterized cultivars will grow and the cumulative grapevines: a universal methodology and database for describ-
data will become increasingly representative of cultivated ing cultivars and evaluating genetic relatedness. Plant Mol.
V vinifera a s a whole. T h e growing accuracy of allelic Biol. 25: 939-949.
frequency estimates that will follow will further improve the Weber, J.L. 1990. Informativeness of human (dC-dA),.(dG-dT),
strength of SSR-based identification. Furthermore, as more polymorphisms. Genomics, 7: 524-530.

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