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The Concept Paper

I. Definition
A. It is a definition of a term or a thing, its origin, with a descriptive analysis of its aspects,
its operational features, attributes, a classification of types into which it may be divided,
illustrations, applications of it whichever of these might apply.

B. It defines an idea or a concept and explains its essence in order to clarify the
“whatness” of that ideas or concept. It answers the questions: what is it and what about
it. A concept paper starts with a definition, either formal or informal, of the term or the
concept and proceeds with an expanded definition and an analytic description of the
aspects of the concept.

C. It is also an interpretation of a text, including an unraveling of its meaning/ meanings

suggested or implied in such devices as historical and literary allusions, figures of
speech, rhetorical control of sentence structures, their rhythmic effects, technical or
professional jargon, archaic usages etc. ( a non-judgmental documentary)

II. Ultimate Value Communicated

A. Meaning Clarified

III. Purposes
A. Clarifying a concept, a principle, a world view, a policy or a project
B. Explaining, interpreting a given text (literary, legal, theological)

IV. Point of View

A. Subjective- Personal – Light, Informal, Familiar or Literary
B. Objective- Impersonal – Serious, Formal, Literary

V. Basic Moves/Patterns of Development

Defining contrasting explaining a process

Describing classifying analyzing cause and effect
Comparing illustrating listing
making an analogy narrating
VI. Basic Qualities

A. Of a Clearly Projected Concept Paper

1. Definition of the concept/ principle etc. is both sufficiently inclusive and sufficiently
exclusive, i.e. it includes everything that the writer desires to include and excludes all
that he intends to exclude
2. The development emphasizes only relevant aspects, classes, applications, etc.
3. The concept is defined, described, analyzed in clear language and syntax
4. The concept is discussed so clearly and in such specific terms that they can be
easily related to experience
5. The apparent complexity is broken down into aspects or elements, where form or
structure is involved; into stages, if a process; and/ or levels, if a system, making
relationships and points of interlinking comprehensible.

B. Of an Adequately Handled Textual Interpretation

1. Aspects of meaning suggested, implied or obliquely rendered in the text, are made
2. Ambiguities (intended or unwitting) are given a single grammatical and/or semantic
interpretation or as many such interpretational possibilities as the text allows.
3. Overstatements are brought down and understatements drawn up to the level of
their more explicit literal import
4. References of allusions are identified and explicated
5. Specialized vocabulary is rendered in its more popularly understood equivalent
6. Archaic language is clarified by means of its current standard rendering.


Dadufalza, C.D. (1987). Reading into writing 2 (English for academic purposes). Quezon City:
ISMED, UP Diliman.
Saqueton G.M. and Uychoco M.A. (2016).English for academic and professional purposes.
Manila: Rex Book Store.
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Bayanihan Spirit
(A Concept Paper)

Submitted by:

Grade XI- Honesty (GAS)

Submitted to:


EAPP Teacher

September 28, 2016

Bayanihan Spirit
by Jinnelyn M. Mananzan

Every task becomes easy when everyone helps each other and gives their best to make

a job well done. Helping someone whose in need can be an opportunity to anyone who wants

to show his concern to other people not because he is expecting something in return, but

because of the self-fulfillment it gives him when he does good things to other people.

People's concern to their fellow citizen is shown whenever someone is in trouble and it

seems like it’s already their nature to help who's in need. The bayanihan spirit among Filipinos

shines every time calamities and disasters strikes the nation. They give foods for survival and

volunteer to help those victims to recover without expecting any personal gain in return.

Velasco (2009) states: "The bayanihan spirit of Filipinos is already ingrained in our hearts and

minds; we display it especially during times of calamity without much fanfare."

Bayanihan is also manifested in such work that needs additional human power like

building neighbor's house, cleaning riverbanks and during planting season when their neighbor

has no money to hire farmers and laborers. It is also practiced during occasions like birthdays,

weddings, christenings and funerals, when someone needs support financially and

emotionally. Indeed,

Bayanihan is not only about team spirit, but also about defining the common good not
as the greatest number but as a social order which enables every single members of
the organization to attain his or her fullest development economically, socially, culturally
and spiritually (Villegas, 2002; cited by Ibanez, 2002).

Ideally, bayanihan is not only present in worst situations. It is also became one's

perspective to achieve success. In Unilab Inc., it's their management philosophy that lived by

their chairman Jose Y. Campos and founded the truly Filipino value of bayanihan. According to

Jocano (1999), the bayanihan system in Unilab developed strong relationship among the
owner and its workers involving the whole organization. They proved that this kind of Filipino

value is a useful technique in achieving organizational goals. This became Unilab's uniqueness

among the other companies; having a unique management style by the use of their very own

Filipino values.

The bayanihan spirit in the country is undeniably the concept of cooperation and team

work. If one desires to achieve their country's success, no one must work alone. Everyone

should contribute and share their collective good for the countrymen's sake or for the nation

itself. As Bill Clinton, an American politician and the former President of United States of

America stated: "We all do better when we work together." Therefore, “when you have big love

for your country or a cause, you are loving something that transcends a lifetime. You are

pursuing some universal ideal and seeking excellence” (Jocano, 1999).


Ibanez, R. G. (2002). Bayanihan:The many great lessons of United Laboratories. Pasig City:
Anvil Publishing Inc.

Jocano, F. L. (1999). Towards developing a Filipino corporate culture: Uses of Filipino

traditional structures and values in modern management. Quezon City: PUNLAD
Research House Inc.


Velasco, R. T. (2009). What can you say about the bayanihan spirit of the Filipinos. (2009).
Retrieved from

Bill Clinton Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Bayambang, Pangasinan

Halo- halo
(A Concept Paper)

Submitted by:

Grade XI- Wisdom (STEM)

Submitted to:



January 06, 2020

Halo- halo
by Glaiza W. Seguin

During summer, given the fact that the weather is blazing hot and because of that we

need to find ways in order to cool off ourselves, like going to swimming pools and beach

resorts, or gratify ourselves with a cup of an ultimate summertime treat called Halo- halo. “It is

a Tagalog word that literally means mix-mix. A concoction of various sweet treats that are put

together to culminate into one great cold treat that’s meant to be stirred until the rainbow of

ingredients comes together in a delicious hodgepodge parfait. A colorful medley that is sure to

cheer up everyone even on the hottest and most humid of days, perfect for beating the tropical

heat that exists almost year round in the Philippines” (Folksy, 2014).

Halo- halo is indeed the most popular cold dessert enjoyed by many Filipinos that

recognized internationally.

No doubt, Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year! In many countries

around the world, celebrating Christmas is a yearly manifestation of love and together among

families, regardless race, culture and religion. According to Thatcher (1872), “Christmas is the

day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends.”

For most Christians, Christmas is day dedicated to commemorate the birth of Christ

thus the word Christmas. “It came from the Greek word Khristo means Messiah (the Anointed

One) and the Latin word Missa which means the celebration of the Eucharist” (Truman, 2013).
According to Weaver (1990),”Christmas means the mass of Christ,” a mass which Christians

observe during the 25th of December.

It was early in the fourth century when Christmas was added to the Church calendar as

a feast day and was developed into an international holiday celebrated by religious and secular

people alike (De Guzman, 2010). However, some Christians objected to Christmas because

they claim that it had no biblical foundation. Though Christmas was reckoned with

certainty,”Pope Julius I specified the 25 th day of December as the official sate of the nativity of

Jesus Christ” (Pack, 2008).

It is indeed the most wonderful time of the year when exchanging of gifts happens-

something the young kids really love the most, decorating of homes and gardens with beautiful

and colorful lights, feasting on several dishes laid out on their table during Christmas Eve and

singing Christmas carols all throughout the neighborhood. According to Olson (2001), “in

modern times, Christmas is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the world and it is

celebrated in different forms, styles, customs and traditions.”

In the Philippines, Filipinos have their own Christmas decorative ornament

which they call parol (Filipino Christmas lantern). This is traditionally made up of bamboo strips

and colored papers or cellophane. The parol is considered as the greatest expression of the

Christmas spirit in the Philippines for “it symbolizes the guiding light of the three wise men to

then manger of the Child Jesus” (De Guzman,2010).That is why during Christmas, every

Filipino home is decorated with colorful parol.

Truly, Christmas is the moment when the world is at peace and the goodness of hearts

abounds. In the passage of time, Christmas has evolved, for Coolidge (1872) states:
“Christmas is not (just) a time nor a season, but state of mind; to cherish peace and goodwill,

to be plenteous in mercy…”
A. Book

Pack, D. G. (2008). The true origin of Christmas. Boston: MacMillan Publishing.

Weaver, W. W. (1990). The Christmas cook. New York: Harper Perennial Publishing.

B. Internet

Coolidge, C. (2001). Christmas brainly qoutes. Retrieved from

De Guzman, M.C. (2010). Culture and History. Retrieved from

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