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CE:YL Movers test teaching notes

CE:YL Movers test teaching notes

Academy Stars Level 3 and Level 4 will prepare children Movers and Flyers. The Movers test is at the level of
to take the Cambridge English: Movers test of English at A1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference
the end of their course. The Cambridge English: Young (CEFR). The official syllabus and wordlist are available at
Learners tests are for children between the ages of 7
and 12. The tests do not pass or fail children but instead The syllabus of Academy Stars Level 3 and Level 4
award them a number of attainment shields on a scale progressively covers this syllabus and wordlist. The Movers
from one to five. The tests are in three levels: Starters, test has three papers, testing the four language skills:

Paper Timing Number of Parts of the test

test items
Reading 30 35 Part 1: Reading for specific information and matching to words. There are
and minutes five items and children copy five words.
Writing Part 2: Reading and completing six short dialogues. There are six items and
the children circle one of three options.
Part 3: Reading for specific information and gist in a cloze text with one
summary multiple-choice option. The children read a text and look at the
words and pictures in the box. They choose the correct word to fill the five
gaps and copy them into the text. They then choose the best title for the
story from a choice of three.
Part ¢: Reading and understanding a factual text. The children read the text,
which contains five gaps. They have a choice of three options for each gap
and they copy the correct word into the text.
Part 5: Reading a story and completing sentences with one, two or three
words. The children complete seven sentences.
Part 6: Guided writing; completing sentences, responding to questions and
writing sentences about a picture. The children complete two sentences,
answer two questions and write two sentences about the picture.
Speaking 5–7 16 items, Part 1: Describing two pictures by using short responses. The children
minutes all verbal identify four differences between two similar pictures.
responses Part 2: Understanding the beginning of a story and then continuing to tell a
story by describing three pictures. The children describe each picture in turn.
Part 3: Suggesting and explaining which picture is different from a set of four
choices. The children identify the odd one out and give a reason.
Part ¢: Understanding and responding to personal questions. The children
answer personal questions.
Listening 25 25 Part 1: Listening for names and descriptions. There are five items and the
minutes children draw lines between the names and the people in the picture.
Part 2: Listening for names, spelling and other information. There are five
items and the children take notes.
Part 3: Listening for specific information. There are five items and the children
match a set of words or names with a set of pictures (multiple matching).
Part ¢: Listening for specific information. There are five items and the
children choose from three-option multiple choice.
Part 5: Listening for words, colours and specific information. There are five
different items and the children follow instructions to colour four items and
write a simple word.

The Level 3 test gives children practice in all these parts of the three papers at the level of grammar and vocabulary
knowledge that the children will have reached by the end of Academy Stars Level 3.

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CE:YL Movers test teaching notes

CE:YL Movers Reading and Writing

Part 1: Reading definitions and Part ¢: R

 eading and understanding
matching to words 5 marks a factual text 5 marks
In this task, the children match words and definitions. The children read a factual text, which has a title and
The children look at eight illustrations of key words and an illustration to give the general idea of the content.
six definitions, then they match each word to its definition The text has five gaps which the children complete with
by copying the correct word. the appropriate word from a choice of three multiple-
choice options. The items to fill the gaps are a test of
understanding of grammar.
1 a whale 2 rice ¢ a grandpa 5
a library 3 a bottle
Part 2: Reading and completing six 1 many 2 lose 3 faster ¢ out 5 sometimes
short dialogues 6 marks
The children complete a dialogue by selecting the best Part 5: R
 eading a story and
responses to the first speaker. The general situation of completing sentences with
the dialogue is communicated through a picture at the one, two or three words 7 marks
beginning but the dialogue is then divided into six mini- The children are given a story that is divided into three
dialogues. The children decide what the second speaker parts, each with an illustration that gives a general idea
should say in his / her turn and circle the correct letter of the content of that part. The children read the story,
out of the three options. then they read some sentences that summarise the
Answers content but have gaps. They complete the sentences
using one, two or three words from the text.
1 A 2
A 3
C ¢ B 5
B 6
Part 3: Reading for specific 1 doesn’t like 2  cold and wet 3  his homework
information and gist in a ¢ cooking 5  were hungry 6  the kitchen
cloze text with one summary 7 chocolate cake
multiple-choice option 6 marks
Part 6: G
 uided writing 15 marks
The children read a short story and complete the five
The children are given a picture to write about. They
gaps by copying the correct response from a box
complete sentences, answer simple questions and write
with illustrated words. There are extra words that are
two sentences about what they can see in the picture.
not used.
The children copy the correct words in each of the five Answers
gaps. The final test item asks them to choose the best 1 a bag 2  Green Park
title for the story from three options. 3 brown trousers / blue shoes / ¢  in the / a tree
a red T-shirt
Answers 5 / 6 The children’s own answers. (Possible answers:
1 goats 2 brown 3 carried ¢ laughed 5 cake The man is walking in the park. / The children are playing
6 An exciting day at the farm in the park. / The girl is wearing blue trousers. / The
children are happy.)

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CE:YL Movers test teaching notes

CE:YL Movers Speaking

Time: approximately 5–7 minutes
¢ Parts
A total of 15 marks

Part Task and output Number of questions

Part 1 Using short responses to describe a picture: 6
• The children identify four differences between similar pictures.
Part 2 Describing three pictures: 3
• The children listen to the examiner telling them the beginning of a four-picture story.
• They continue the story from the prompt.
Part 3 Suggesting and explaining which picture is different from the others: 3
• The children identify the odd one out from a set of four pictures
Part ¢ Understanding and responding to personal questions: ¢
• The children answer personal questions.

Part 1 Picture 2: The boys are running. Ben is faster than Bill.
Give the pictures to the child and say: Here are two pictures Bill is tired / not happy.
of a bedroom. They’re nearly the same picture but there Picture 3: Now Ben stops. Ben is falling / falls on a rock.
are differences. Here’s an example: In this picture the guitar He’s dirty / angry.
is on the chair and in that picture the guitar is near the chair Picture ¢: Bill is at the end. He’s first. He’s happy. Ben is
on the floor. So there’s a difference. Now, can you find four angry. Bill is faster than Ben.
differences in the pictures?
Part 3
Possible acceptable answers
The child looks at a group of four pictures and spots the
Note: the children do not have to speak in complete odd one out.
Model the example of the first set of four pictures. Say:
1: In this picture, there’s one kite. In that picture, there are
Here are four pictures. One picture is different. Can you
two kites.
see? This picture and that picture and that picture show
2: Here in the cupboard there’s a bat and in this cupboard
fruit. This isn’t fruit; it’s a burger. Now you find the picture
there’s a ball.
3: On this bed there are some trousers and on that bed
that is different for these pictures.
there’s a dress. Possible acceptable answers
¢: In this picture the book is under the desk and in that Note: the children do not have to speak in sentences
picture it is on the desk.
as shown here. This is to give an idea of the
information they can say.
Part 2 1: The shower is different because this is in the bathroom.
The child looks at a sequence of four pictures that tell a A sofa, a lamp and a TV are all in the living room.
story. Give the title of the story and describe what is in the 2: The child is sleeping. That’s different. In this picture
first picture: The name of this story is: Who can run faster? there’s a bus, here there’s a motorbike and here there’s a
Look at the pictures. In this story there are two boys. train. These are outside.
This boy is Bill; that boy is Ben. Ben likes running, 3: This picture is different because it’s hot and sunny. In
but Bill doesn’t like running. these pictures the weather is bad: it’s cold; there’s a
The child then describes what is happening in the next strong wind and it’s raining.
three pictures. Remember that the story is to elicit a
description of the pictures, not a continuous narrative. Part ¢
Ask the child four questions. For example, ask:
Possible acceptable answers
What’s the weather like today?
Note: the children do not have to make the
descriptions join up. They only have to give a minimal What’s your favourite hobby?
meaningful response. What do you do with your friends at the weekend?
Tell me about your best friend.

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CE:YL Movers test teaching notes

CE:YL Movers Listening

Part 1 matching 5 marks Part ¢ – listening for specific

In this task, the children look at the picture and listen to a information and matching pictures 5 marks
dialogue between an adult and a child describing people In this task, the children listen to five dialogues between
and their actions in the picture. The children draw lines to different pairs of speakers. For each dialogue, the
identify people doing different things. children are given a question to answer and a choice of
Answers three-answer options in multiple-choice format.
Mary – lady playing piano Answers
Paul – man playing guitar 1 A 2
C 3
B ¢ C 5
Jack – boy playing with rabbit
Mark – boy eating sandwich Part 5 – listening for specific
Zoe – girl reading her book
information to colour and write words 5 marks
Part 2 note-taking 5 marks This task is based on a dialogue in which an adult
asks a child to colour different things in a picture that is
In this task, the children listen to a dialogue between an
reproduced on the test page. The children look at the
adult and child on a topic which is shown in a general
picture, listen to the dialogue and follow instructions to
picture. The children write a word or number next to five
colour parts of the picture in different colours. They will
short prompts on the notepad.
need coloured pens in green, brown, blue and orange
Answers plus one or two other colours that will not be used.
1 25 The final instruction is to write a single word somewhere
2 Dream in the picture.
3 kangaroos (or kangaroo)
¢ panda
5 (a) burger (or burgers) 1 colour girl’s T-shirt green
2 colour man’s hat brown
3 colour bigger dolphin blue
Part 3 – listening for specific
¢ colour ball orange
information and matching pictures 5 marks 5 write ‘BEACH’ on bigger boat
In this task, the children listen to a continuous dialogue
in which a child explains to an adult what various people
do at the weekend. The children look at the pictures and
names of the people and match them to their hobbies,
according to what they hear.
Peter – C
Aunt Lily – A
Uncle Paul – F
Tony – E
Grandpa – H

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CE:YL Movers Listening Audioscript
Narrator: Hello. This is your Academy Stars Level 3 Narrator: Four.
listening test to practise Cambridge Movers. F: And who’s the older boy in the picture?
Look at Part One. The one with the black hair.
Now look at the picture. Mch: That’s my cousin, Mark.
Listen and look. F: He’s eating a sandwich.
There is one example. Mch: Yes. Mark is always hungry!
PAUSE 00’03” PAUSE 00’05”
Mch: Look at this picture of my family, Mrs Black. Narrator: Five.
F: That’s nice. You’ve got a big family! Mch: That’s my cousin Zoe. She’s got brown hair.
Mch: Yes, I know! F: Is she the girl who is playing with a doll?
F: Who’s the girl who is cleaning the window? Mch: No, she isn’t. Zoe is reading her book.
Mch: That’s my sister. She loves reading.
F: What’s her name? F: So do I.
Mch: She’s called Clare. PAUSE 00’05”
F: Ah! What a good girl! Narrator: Now listen to Part One again.
PAUSE 00’03” PAUSE 00’03”
Narrator: Can you see the line? This is an example. [REPEAT PART ONE WITH ONLY 00’03” PAUSES]
Now you listen and draw lines. Narrator: That is the end of Part One.
PAUSE 00’03” PAUSE 00’05”
[REPEAT FROM HERE] Narrator: Part Two.
Narrator: One. Listen and look.
F: Who’s the woman in the black dress who is There is one example.
playing the piano? PAUSE 00’03”
Mch: That’s my grandma. Her name is Mary. F: Hello, Jack. Did you go on the school trip
F: Is she good at playing the piano? this year?
Mch: Yes, she is. She always plays the piano and Mch: Yes. We went to the zoo.
sometimes she sings, too. F: You went to the zoo? Wow! When was the
F: Brilliant! school trip?
PAUSE 00’05” Mch: It was on Friday.
Narrator: Two. F: Friday! That was yesterday.
Mch: The man with glasses is my grandpa. He’s PAUSE 00’03”
playing the guitar. Narrator: Can you see the answer? Now you listen
F: Oh yes, I can see him. He’s smiling. He likes and write.
playing music! [REPEAT FROM HERE]
Mch: Yes, he does. He teaches me how to play the Narrator: One.
guitar sometimes. F: How many children went on the trip?
F: Really? That’s great. What’s his name? Mch: Well there are 25 children in my class and
Mch: He’s called Paul. everyone went. It was 25 children.
PAUSE 00’05” F: Mmm.
Narrator: Three. PAUSE 00’08”
F: Who’s the boy who is playing with the Narrator: Two.
grey rabbit? F: What was the name of the zoo?
Mch: That’s my brother, Jack, and that’s his pet Mch: Dream Zoo.
rabbit. F: How do you spell that?
F: It’s a very nice rabbit. Mch: D-R-E-A-M.
Mch: Yes, it is. It jumps all around the house! We F: Oh yes, I know it. It’s a famous place.
love it! There are a lot of animals!
PAUSE 00’05” PAUSE 00’08”

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CE:YL Movers Listening Audioscript
Narrator: Three. Fch: I’ve got a big brother, too. He’s called Peter.
F: What was your favourite animal? Did you like He’s two years older than me.
the lions the best? F: Does Peter go swimming with Sally?
Mch: No, the lions were asleep. They weren’t Fch: No, he doesn’t like swimming. He often
exciting. I liked the kangaroos best. goes to the sports centre to play badminton.
F: I think kangaroos are the best! He loves playing badminton and he’s very
Mch: They were so funny. They could jump good at it.
very well. F: Oh, OK.
PAUSE 00’08” PAUSE 00’03”
Narrator: Four. F: I know your Aunt Lily and Uncle Paul. They
F: Which was the oldest animal in the zoo? live on my street. What do they like doing at
Mch: The panda. I saw a panda who was 27 years the weekends?
old. I think that was the oldest animal. Fch: My Aunt Lily loves films but she doesn’t
F: Did you like the panda? want to watch them at home. She’s goes to
the cinema.
Mch: Yes. It was brilliant!
F: What kinds of film does she watch?
PAUSE 00’08”
Fch: She likes a lot of different films. Last week,
Narrator: Five.
she went to see a funny film and she laughed
F: What did you have for lunch? a lot.
Mch: We didn’t have sandwiches. We went to the F: I like funny films, too!
café and I had a burger!
PAUSE 00’03”
F: That’s nice!
F: What about your Uncle Paul? Does he go to
Mch: Yes. I love burgers! the cinema with your Aunt Lily?
PAUSE 00’08” Fch: No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t like going to the
Narrator: Now listen to Part Two again. cinema. He likes watching films at home
PAUSE 00’03” on TV.
[REPEAT PART TWO WITH ONLY 00’05” PAUSES] F: Does he have a hobby?
Narrator: That is the end of Part Two. Fch: Yes, he does. He likes taking photos of plants
PAUSE 00’05” and flowers.
Narrator: Part Three. F: I’d like to see some of his photos.
Listen and look. Fch: They’re very beautiful. You must ask him to
There is one example. show you some.
PAUSE 00’03” F: Yes, good idea.
Narrator: Vicky is telling her teacher, Mrs Green, PAUSE 00’03”
about the people in her family. Everyone has F: Have you got a baby brother, too?
a different hobby. What hobby does each Fch: Yes, I have. My baby brother is called Tony
person enjoy doing? and he’s one.
PAUSE 00’03” F: What does he do at weekends?
F: What do your family do at the weekends, Fch: Mum takes him to the playground. Mum likes
Vicky? walking and Tony likes playing outside.
Fch: Oh, we all do different hobbies. PAUSE 00’03”
F: What about your older sister, Sally? F: What about your grandpa? What does he do
What does she do? at the weekend?
Fch: She’s very good at swimming. She often goes Fch: He likes football.
to the swimming pool on Saturdays. F: Does he play football?
F: I like swimming, too. Fch: No, he doesn’t! He watches football on TV
PAUSE 00’03” every Saturday. He thinks it’s very exciting!
Narrator: Can you see the letter B? Now you listen and F: Oh, I see.
write a letter in every box. PAUSE 00’05”
PAUSE 00’03” Narrator: Now listen to Part Three again.

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CE:YL Movers Listening Audioscript
Narrator: That is the end of Part Three. Narrator: Three. How did Jim travel to his
PAUSE 00’03” grandparents’ house?
Narrator: Part Four. F: Where did you go last weekend, Jim?
Look at the pictures. Mch: I went to my grandparents’ house.
Listen and look. F: Oh that’s nice. Did you go by bus with your
There is one example. mum and dad?
PAUSE 00’03” Mch: No, they didn’t come with me.
Narrator: Which one is Mark’s uncle? F: Did you go by train?
PAUSE 00’03” Mch: No, the train is very slow. I went by plane.
Mch: Look Mrs Hill. Here’s a picture of my Planes are faster.
Uncle Alex. He’s a doctor. He’s at a party PAUSE 00’03”
at the hospital. Narrator: Four. What do they eat for dinner?
F: Which man is it, Mark? Has he got glasses? Mch: I’m hungry, Mum. Can we have pasta for
Mch: Yes, he’s got glasses. dinner?
F: Oh, is he this man here? F: No, I haven’t got any pasta. Let’s have soup.
Mch: No, my uncle doesn’t have blonde hair. Mch: Oh, I don’t really like soup. Can we have
He’s got dark hair like me and my dad. salad?
F: Oh yes, I can see a man with dark hair and F: Not today. We haven’t got any salad. We can
glasses here. buy some at the weekend.
Mch: Yes that’s my uncle! PAUSE 00’03”
PAUSE 00’03” Narrator: Five. What sport is Ben best at?
Narrator: Can you see the tick? Now you listen and Mch: Ben came first in the school sports day.
tick the box. F: Oh that’s great. Was it for tennis? He’s very
PAUSE 00’03” good at tennis.
[REPEAT FROM HERE] Mch: No, he is good at tennis but he is better at
Narrator: One. What clothes did May buy on Saturday? swimming. He came first at swimming.
M: Did you go shopping on Saturday, May? F: Well done, Ben! And what about you, Mark?
Did you buy something? Mch: I came third in baseball.
Fch: Well, I wanted to buy a pink skirt but I didn’t F: Well done, Mark!
like the pink skirts in the shop. PAUSE 00’03”
M: Oh, did you buy a skirt in another colour? Narrator: Now listen to Part Four again.
Fch: No, I didn’t. I saw a red jacket which I liked, [REPEAT PART FOUR BUT WITH NO PAUSE AFTER
but I didn’t buy that. THE QUESTION AND ONLY A PAUSE OF 00’03’’
M: Oh. Did you buy any clothes then? AFTER THE DIALOGUE]
Fch: Yes, I did! There were some nice blue Narrator: That is the end of Part Four.
trousers which I bought. Now I can go on PAUSE 00’05”
holiday! Narrator: Part Five.
PAUSE 00’03” Look at the picture.
Narrator: Two. Where did Lucy see the beautiful Listen and look.
blue bird? There is one example.
Fch: Look at my photo of this bird, Grandpa. I like PAUSE 00’05”
taking photos and this is my best one. M: Would you like to colour this picture of the sea?
M: That’s a beautiful blue bird, Lucy. Did you see Fch: Oh, yes please. It’s fun.
it in the park or on the beach? M: There are two boats. Can you see?
Fch: No, I didn’t. I saw it in a tree. It was in the Fch: Yes, I can.
forest near my school.
M: There’s a woman in the smaller boat. Can you
M: Oh yes, I like walking in that forest. colour that boat grey?
PAUSE 00’03” Fch: Yes. I can. Here’s my grey pen.
Narrator: Can you see the grey boat? This is an
example. Now you listen and colour and write.
PAUSE 00’03”

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CE:YL Movers Listening Audioscript
Narrator: One. Narrator: Five.
M: Can you see the girl in the bigger boat? M: Now, I’d like you to write a word.
Fch: Yes, I can. She’s taking a photo. Fch: OK, I’ve got my pen.
M: That’s right. M: Good. Please write the word BEACH.
Fch: Can I colour her T-shirt? Fch: Where do I write BEACH?
M: Yes, good idea. What colour would you like M: On the bigger boat.
to use? Fch: The bigger boat … Is that the boat with the
Fch: Green. man and the girl in it?
M: That’s nice! M: Yes, that’s right. Can you write that now?
PAUSE 00’15” PAUSE 00’15”
Narrator: Two. Narrator: Now listen to Part Five again.
Fch: There’s a man on that boat, too. PAUSE 00’03”
M: Yes, there is. Can you colour his hat? [REPEAT PART FIVE WITH ONLY 00’10” PAUSES]
Fch: Yes, OK. What colour? Narrator: That is the end of the Academy Stars Level 3
M: Colour it brown, please. He needs a hat listening test to practise Cambridge Movers.
because it is very sunny.
Fch: Look, now it’s brown.
PAUSE 00’15”
Narrator: Three.
M: Look at those dolphins which are jumping out
of the water. They are brilliant. Would you like
to colour one of them?
Fch: Yes, please! Can I colour the biggest dolphin?
M: OK, what colour?
Fch: Blue is my favourite.
M: OK, blue’s a good colour for a dolphin.
PAUSE 00’15”
Narrator: Four.
M: Now, can you see the ball?
Fch: Oh yes! The smallest dolphin is playing with
the ball.
M: That’s right. Colour that ball. You choose
the colour.
Fch: Orange is a nice colour.
M: Yes, make it orange.
Fch: I like this picture!
PAUSE 00’15”

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