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BBC Three Online ‘Make me think’

Social Media - The Virus - Short Film

Keira Anderson

Outline of Production:
For my production, I will create a short film about a worldwide power-cut, everyone has to
live without WIFI/technology for a day. This will make the youth realise there is more to the
world than technology and make them realise that they have been missing out on a lot whilst
being on their phones so much.

Order: My short film will start with a girl waking up, the night before she had posted on
Instagram but has received hate for it. She has an awful day because of it, she feels depressed
and she cries every few minutes. She gets home and is greeted by her mum asking how her
day was, but she doesn’t tell her the truth. She goes upstairs and wishes that social media
never existed. The next day she realises that there has been a nationwide power cut as
everyone is talking about it at school. After the day finished, she got home and was greeted
by her mum once again and explained how she had the best day of her life as she didn’t have
to worry about the hate that she was getting on social media or anything that was happening
on her phone.

The production targets the chosen audience by: (according to the research and focus groups)
They will feel more interacted with my production and will be able to relate to the scenario
that is happening in it. Also, it can show teenagers what others go through but don’t realise it

Add your deadlines

Items Date
Stop Motion 27/11/20
Short Film 27/11/20

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