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The Perfect Bond: LOVE (CHARITY)

Love is the neutralizer. It is a glue that holds every pieces together. It is what is going to connect broken
chains, broken relationships, broken friendships, broken fellowships, even broken self.

A. It is a choice but not an option. You should choose to love your fellow not have just opted to

It should be the first choice not a second pick.

*"...put on..."

You have to wear it all the time. Not just to pick it and sport it you seem to need it.

Sinful Man is eternally curse by God to spend his life after death to hell forever. There is nothing in man
that can change God’s verdict to him. Yet because God choice to love Man, that broken fellowship, that
eternal separation of man from God in hell, is patched up, is glued together. And now we enjoy the
benefits of that love. Because God choose to love sinful man and allow his only begotten son to die on
that cursed tree…the cross.. on that cursed hill called Calvary for the unsaved but for the saved victory
and salvation.

Hebrews 13:1
Sometimes we need someone to simply be there. Not to fix anything, or to do anything in particular, but
just to let us feel that we are cared and supported.”

B. It is greatest among other virtues.

*"...above all things..." 1Pet.4:8

all other virtues should be built upon love. It would be easy for us to show mercy because we love. It
would be easy for us to forgive because we love. Jealousy can find no place in us, in our hearts, in our
minds if choose to love.

C. It is what holds everything fit together.


Everything that we have done, will be doing, have been doing will become fit for God’s glory and honor.

D. It is what seals your service to God. "....perfectness..." Love will make your service wanting nothing. It
will drive you right. You will desire right. No one who has ever truly loved desires evil to the one he

E. It is the conclusion of everything that a Christian did, is doing, will be doing.

"And..." It is what makes everything you do complete and justified. 1Cor. 13:1

Col. 3:17

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