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God is the potter and we are the clay molded
and shaped by Him.
What is sin?

Sin is turning away from the love of God.

Sin against Hope are presumption and despair.
presumption means God gives us freedom to make a choice.

Despair means all of us are at times pushed to experience certain

feelings and situations which make us deprived of the union with
God due to our selfish motives.
Charity is the theological virtue by which
we love God above all things for his own
sake, and our neighbour as ourselves for
the love of God.
Charity must be patient. The example
of the Samaritan teaches us to be

Without this virtue a human being

cannot survive.

Charity must be meek.

Charity must be kind.

Sins against Charity
Hatred: It is a sin against
charity which is visible
whenever we lead a life that is
contrary to the spirit of Jesus.

Sloth: It is one of the evils

that will destroy a person
slowly and steadily.
Envy: Envy is the outcome of not
satisfied with whatever we have.
Envy begins the moment we
compare with others.

Scandal: An action or a deed

which brings shame and isolation
from our loved and known ones
could be termed as scandal.

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