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Make a summary about the three videos
Alfranny Matias
LIC. Clara Dilone
02 / 10 /2020
The first video is about women who work diving on the island of Cheju in South
Korea, this site is famous for its beautiful natural view, these women work every
day on the coasts knowing that this work is very difficult and dangerous since
They do not use oxygen tanks, she holds her breath for up to five minutes
underwater. For hundreds of years, the women of Cheju live from the sea. But
there is a girl who is not a diver, she is a tourist guide, she does not fish fish, she
guides tourists, but all the women in her family are divers. These divers can earn
up to $ 300 in one day.
The second video is about Lopbri, Thailand is famous for its monkeys. Every year
on the last Sunday in November, the lopburi, a local hotel, sponsors a festival
just for the resident macaque monkeys. And there are many of them. Monkeys
are very important to Thais. They believe that a monkey named Hanuman
helped them in the past. They believe that Hanuman never dies, so for them it
is a symbol of prosperity and good luck. Monkeys even walk alongside people.
Every day the people of that town bring food to the monkeys. But on the day of
the festival they bring a lot of food. People watch as the monkeys eat all the
food. Even the monkey statues get food and a bottle of water. The first objective
of the festival is to bring food to the monkeys. The second is for tourists. Every
year many people go to lopburi to see the monkey festival. And the people of
Lopburi are happy to live with the monkeys. They like monkeys and feed them
every day. Monkeys even take food from people's hands. When people go to
visit Thailand you can see a smile on their face.
The third video we observe the Beagle dogs that they use daily in Orlando
Florida, the dog trainer explains to us how they prepare them to work in airports
to track when citrus fruits are imported, every day at 21 United States airports
these dogs help track food, in training they put different boxes with objects and
fruits so that they distinguish what they want to look for, however after training
or without training these dogs are quite good at sniffing since nothing confuses
them of what they are looking for.

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