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Effects of Larval Population Density on the Life Cycle of

Flesh Fly, Wohlfahrtia nuba (Wiedemann)

(Diptera: Sarcophagidae)

Department of Zoology, College of Science,

King Saud University, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451,
Saudi Arabia

Abstract. Different larval densities have revealed that growth is directly proportional to their
numbers in their rearing jars. While developmentaltime for pupal stage have inverse relationship
with larval population density of both sexes. Survival percentage of the larval and pupal stages
were unchanged by the increase of larval population density. Larval population density had no
effecton adult sex ratios. Puparial and adult weights responded inverselywith the density for both
sexes.Adult weight of males was less than those of females.

Introduction The larvae of flesh flies may breed in

carrion, excrement or decaying organic
The flesh fly, Wohlfahrtia nuba (Wiede- matter (Amoudi et al., 1992; Al- Misned,
mann) is largely distributed in Africa and 2000; Al-Misned et al., 2001). Some of them
Asia (Buttiker et al., 1979 and Amoudi, have been reported as parasites on snails,
1993a) . The genus Wohlfahrtia is known for turtles and tortoises (Knipling, 1937; Nair,
causing severe intestinal and cutaneous 1968). The natural history of carrion flies
myiasis in man and animals. Morsy and (Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae) is
Soliman (1976) reported human traumatic thought to include an intense competition
myiasis due to this insect. El- Boulagui et for larval food (Wells and Greenberg,
al., (1983) had reporoted 25 cases of aural 1992a). A carcass typically receives many
myiasis from which 28% were belonging to eggs or larvae even more than the
this genus. Larvae of W. nuba were found available food support (Holdaway, 1930;
to infest wounds of animals, particularly Salt, 1932; Fuller, 1934; Kneidel, 1984), and
camels in northern Africa (Salem, 1938 and the resource is typically consumed within
Lewis, 1955). At the same time, small one generation time of the arthropods
number of larvae of this species have also involved. The experimental exclusion of
been reported from a dead dog (Roubaud, some species from carrion has resulted in
1914). Few studies have been conducted an increase in competitor populations
on the biology of W nuba (Amoudi, 1993b; (Denno and Cothran, 1976; Wells and
Khedre, 1998). Amoudi (1993b) described Greenberg, 1992b). Consequently, the food
the effects of temperature on develop- competition is a chief factor controlling
mental time and weight of this species. populations.
The present study was carried out to other hand were calculated using corre-
examine the effect of larval population lation coefficient. For univariate models
levels on the developmental time of the significance of the correlation coefficient, r,
flesh fly W nuba including its effect on was tested with analysis of variance
larval and pupal survival. (Edwards, 1985). Student's t test was also
used to compare males and females for
some biological parameters.

Larvae of W. nuba were obtained from

Wadi Haniffa, Riyadh City and the colony Developmental time. The time required
has also been maintained at 25 ±. 1 oC,65- for the development of W. nuba larvae and
70%RH, and a 15:9 (L:D) h photoperiod in pupae at different levels of larval
the Department of Zoology, College of population density are shown in Table (1).
Science,King Saud University at Riydh. The total larval developmental time
Hatched first instar larvae (0 -2h increased as a function of increasing larval
old) were transferred individually to 15 g population density. There were significant
ground beef contained in 250ml jars to correlations between total larval develop-
give levels of 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 180 mental time among the different levels of
and 200 larvae per jar. After 4 days the larval population density applied in the
media were covered with 3-4 em. deep present study (r=0.91, p<O.Ol) for males
sawdust which moistened by distilled and (r=0.85, p<O.Ol) for females. These
water. results agreed with those obtained by
The rearing jars were covered by Ullyet (1950)for sheep blowfly and Kamal
clothes allowing ventilation. Two repli- (1958)for many species of calliphorid and
cates Gars)were used for each larval level. sarcophagid flies. They demonstrated that
All larval sets were kept at the similar a critical food shortage tended to increase
physical conditions. the duration of the larval stage. Sullivan
Larvae were checked during wande- and Sokal (1963) examined house fly and
ring phase through the sawdust at 12 h Omar (1992)tested ChnJsomyia albiceps and
intervals until pupation to determine the they found that the duration of larval
total larval developmental time. For each development was extended as larval
group, the fresh pupae were daily collec- population density increased. In Medite-
ted, isolated, counted and weighed using rranean fruit fly, population ranging in
Ac-l00 balance (Mettler Instrument, density from 1-15 eggs per cm2, the
Zurich, Switzerland; accuracy, 0.1 mg) and duration of the larval development is
kept in clean jars provided with moistened extended from 24 to 29 days as population
sawdust until the emergence of adult. The density increased (Martinez- Beringola,
pupal developmental time was recorded 1966). In case of Drosophila larvae, Singh
upon the adult emergence, flies were (1940) for Drosophila melanogaster and
etherized lightly, sexed and weighed. Amoudi et al. (1993) for Zaprionus indiana
Statistical analyses were conducted indicated that the time spent in larval
using the MINITAB computer program. instars is prolonged by increasing levels.
Relationship between developmental time, While in Chrysomya megacephala and
survival and weight at one hand and Chrysomya rufifacies Goodbrod and Goff
different larval densities per jar on the (1990), observed that the larval develop-
Table 1. Developmental time (days) ofW. nuba immature life stages at different larval densities and 25 ± 1 DC, 65-70% RH and 15:9 (L:D) h photoperiod.
Stages, Mean ± SE ..•.

Larval densities (n) Larva Pupa Total r'
:;:: :;!
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ o+~ ~
":-< 0
20 7.4±0.27 7.2±0.17 14.0±0.00 14.2±0.09 21.4±0.27 21.4±0.23 21.4±0.17 "d
~ ..•.
Vl 40 7.2±O.09 7.5±0.19 14.0±0.00 14.4±0.17 21.2±0.09 21.9±025 21.6±0.16 •.....
p. 60 14.5±0.11 21.6±O.22
7.2±0.18 7.4±0.11 14.5±0.14 22.0±0.09 21.8±0.11
~ 80 7.7±0.19 7.2±0.10 14.5±0.08 14.4±O.07 22.1±0.21 21.6±O13
.;0 21.8±0.12 •.....

100 7.5±0.10 7.5±0.10 13.8±0.17 13.3±0.14 21.3±O.26 20.7±O.22 21.0±0.17

~ ::s
120 8.3±0.13 8.5±0.10 13.4±0.10 13.0±O.09 21.8±0.18 21.6±O.13 21.6±0.11 C
0 ro
N 180 8.5±0.09 8.5±0.07 12.5±0.06 12.6±0.05 21.0±0.10 21.1±0.O8 21.1±O.06 ""<:
200 8.5±O.09 8.4±0.08 12.0±O.10 12.1±0.08 20.5±0.16 20.5±0.13 20.5±0.10 ro
7.8±O.20 7.8±O.21 13.6±O.32 13.6±O.33 21.4±O.17 21.4±O.19 21.4tO.16
mental period is shortened by increasing those of Al- Misned et al. (1999) and Al-
density. Ping -Man and Dudgean (1989) Misned (2002), they found in Bercaea
reported that the duration of larval deve- cruentata and Parasar-cophaga ruficornis,
lopment of Hemipyrellia ligurriens declined that the pupal and the total developmental
when competition was intense at high time decreased with the decrease of larval
larval densities. In flesh fly, Bercaea food weights. On the other hand, Scheiring
cruentata (Al-Misned et al., 1999) and et al. (1984) found that the increase in
Parasarcophaga ruficornis (Al-Misned, 2002), crowding of D. melanogaster larvae delayed
the larval developmental time decreased the emergence of flies and expanded the
with decreased larval food weights. emergence period. In case of mosquito
The present data showed the pupal larvae, Terzian and Stahler (1949) for
developmental time decreased with incr- Anopheles sp. and Ikeshoji (1965) and
easing population density. This may due Ikeshoji and Mulla (1970aand b) for Culex
to the increase in competition of food. A sp. found that overcrowding conditions
significant inverse correlation between the generally result in retarded growth.
larval density and the pupal develop- In the present study no significant
mental time (r=-0.89,p<O.Ol)for males and differences (p>O.05) between the overall
(r=-0.93, p<O.Ol) for females. Mean total mean larval, pupal and total develop-
larval and pupal developmental time mental time of both sexes were observed.
(combined sexes) was decreased with Larval duration was 34.1, 34.3, 33.5,
increasing larval population (r=-O.72,p< 33.9, 35.7, 38.9, 40.3 and 41.0% and for
0.05). Such data are in agreement with pupae was 65.9, 65.7, 66.5, 66.1, 64.3, 61.1,

Survival % Adult sex ratio

Larva Pupa Total c3':~

95.0 73.3 65.0 1:1.8

92.5 62.2 57.5 1:1.3

90.3 73.7 70.0 1:1.2

91.3 65.8 60.0 1:1.4

97.0 64.9 63.0 1:1.4

92.1 68.3 62.9 1:1.4

86.1 69.7 60.0 1:1.5

94.8 70.4 66.8 1:1.3

Table 3. Weights of pupal and adult stages (Mean±SE) of W. II11ba at different larval densities.

Larvae/jar (n) Pupal wt. (mg) Adult wt. (mg) Total biomass

/jar (g)
d'+<j' d' <j' d'+<j'

20 90.2±O.68 40.8±1.95 60.4±1.27 53.4±2.09 0.748

40 81.3±O.39 36. 6±0. 22 54.1±O.52 46.5±1.33 1.070
60 82.4±O.73 36.1±O.55 51.4±O.46 44.5±O.91 1.869

80 73.1±O.14 33.3±O.20 42.4±O.16 38.6±0.48 1.853

100 69.2±O.07 33.4±O.41 39.9±1.26 37.2±O.81 2.344

120 55.8±1.03 28.5±1.47 36.1±O.46 32.9±O.74 2.468

180 39.6±0.38 19.4±O.29 27.3±O.35 24.1±O.36 2.603

200 34.0±0.95 16.2±O.86 21.2±O.68 19.0±O.56 2.527
Overall 65.7±7.29 30.5±3.05 41.6±4.74 37.0±4.06 1.935±0.247

59.7 and 59.0% of the total developmental with population density, (r=0.06, p>0.05)
time (combined sexes) for eight different for pupae and (r=0.05, p>0.05) for total
population densities (20, 40, 60, 80, 100, survivaL
120, 180, and 200 larvae per jar/15 g The percentage of pupation (Table 2)
ground beef), respectively. The percentage showed in general a similar trend as that
duration of total developmental time for of the larval survival mentioned above.
larvae was increased (r=0.94, p<O.Ol)and This may show that once the larvae reach
for pupae was decreased (r=-0.93, p<O.Ol) their maturity, the rate of pupation is not
with increasing larval population. affected. Data presented in Table (2)
Larval and pupal survival. Data obta- showed clearly that larvae which
ined in the present study revealed that successfully survive produced pupae.
larval survival of eight larval densities Such data are in agreement with those of
(Table 2) ranged between 86.1% and 97%. AI-Misned et al. (1999).They found that no
This result did not reflect any decisive significant correlation between larval food
effect of larval densities on the percentage
weights and pupal and total survival
of larval survival. Statistical analysis of
percentage of B. crnentata, which was
data in Table (2) revealed that no signi-
observed by Wells and Greenberg (1992a),
ficant correlation was found between all
who found that the survivorship from egg
eight tested levels of larval densities and
larval survival percentage (r=-0.25, p> to adult according to egg density for C.
0.05). Findings of the present study are in rufifacies and Cochliomyia macellaria in pure
agreement with those of AI- Misned et al. culture revealed no significant effect of
(1999) and AI-Misned (2002). They found density. Also the present findings here are
that no significant correlation between in general agreement and somehow
larval food weights and larval survival coincident with those of Kelany et al.
percentage of B. crnentata and P. rnficornis, (1989).They found that all tested density
respectively. levels of Parasarcophaga argyrostoma and C.
The percentage of pupal and total albiceps showed no effect on the pupation
survival were not significantly correlated percentages, and they also added that once
the larvae reach the pupal stage, the rate of The mean adult weights of males were
emergence is not strongly affected. smaller than those of females.
Sex ratio. Data obtained in the present From the results obtained in the
study were examined for any possible present study, it is clear that the most
relations between larval density and sex favourable larval density ranged between
ratio. No significant correlation was 20 and 60 larvae per 15 g ground beef
detected (r=-0.25, p>0.05) (Table 2). This where the resulting weight of the
finding was similar to that observed in combined sex were between 44-53 mg.
house flies (Boggild and Keiding, 1958; Such data are in agreement in general with
Sullivan and Sokal, 1963)/ blowfly that found in B.cruentata (AI- Misned et al.,
Calliphora erythrocephaIa (Shahein, 1986) 1999)/ P. ruficornis (AI- Misned, 2002)/ P.
and fleshfly P. ruftcornis (AI-Misned/2002). argyrostoma and C. aIbiceps (Kelany et aI.,
Pupal and adult weights. Data obta- 1989)/ house flies (Sullivan and Sokal,
ined showed generally that the increasing 1963) and C. megacephala and C. rufifacies
larval population density resulted in a (Goodbrod and Goff, 1990).
decrease of pupal and adult weights (Table The results obtained in this study
3). The correlation between the level of could be correlated with wild flies where
crowding and the pupal weight was signi- the increase of weight of individual may
ficant (r=-0.99, p<O.OOl).Such data are in reflect the decrease of population density
agreement with those of AI- Misned et aI. Total biomass. The total biomass per
(1999)/and AI-Misned (2002).They found jar obtained in the present study was
that decrease in larval food weight of B. significantly correlated with population
cruentata and P. ruficornis resulted in a density (r=0.88, p<O.Ol) (Table 3). The
decrease of pupal weight. Also Kelany et increase in total biomass of flies is not a
al. (1989)found that an increase in larval crowding or food shortage effect . Those
density of P. argtjrostoma lead to the same cultures with more larvae will produce a
result. They added also that distinguish larger biomass of adults unless the adults
differences were found between the mean are drastically reduced in size. As
weights of the control pupae of C. albiceps indicated in Table 3/ the weight of flies
(10 larvae/50g fish) and the maximum was slightly decreased. Survival percen-
density of 100 larvae/50 g fish. The tage of the larval and pupal stages were
present data was also in agreement with not affected by the increase of larval
those of Zaher and Moussa (1961). They density. This will produce a large biomass
reported that the population density has a of adults with increasing larval density.
great influence of the weight of the pupae AI-Misned et al. (1999) found in B.
when the larval food is limited. Similar cruentata a positive correlation between the
results were also found in house flies total biomass per beaker and larval food
(Kitaok, 1957; Haupt and Busvine, 1968) weights. Similar results were reported in
and calliphorid flies (Shahein, 1986; P. ruficornis by AI-Misned (2002).
Goodbrod and Goff, 1990;Omar, 1992). Concerning W nuba examined in the
The mean adult weights were present study it has been concluded the
significantly decreased with increasing larval developmental time was increased,
population density (r=-0.99, p<O.OOl)for the pupal developmental time was decr-
both sexes. Moreover, there was a signi- eased. At the same time, decrease in pupal
ficant differences (p<O.OOl)between adult and adult weights in response to larval
weights of both sexes at all larval densities. population density was also detected,
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~l:j :>lp. O.JJj ~ ~\:i.»U ~j.1aJ\ ~~\ ~b
4~\4~~.J 6A ~\ "':-ll:j tuw ~ll1\ Wolfahrfia nuba (Wiedemann)

.JJ'C-N iLlLJI ~~ - t..,wl ~ - uJ..J;P11 ~~.

{J.J~~~/~/-I 1101 ~l:Iyl-rfoo .":-J.~

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