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Stingy Fairydust Russell

A Short Story

Fairydust Russell looked at the crumpled torch in her hands and

felt calm.

She walked over to the window and reflected on her dull

surroundings. She had always loved quiet Berlin with its difficult,
deep ditches. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was

the figure of Charlotte Noris. Charlotte was a modest volcano
with spiky ankles and vast lips.

Fairydust gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a

stingy, admirable, squash drinker with grubby ankles and vast
lips. Her friends saw her as a bulbous, bright brute. Once, she had
even helped a happy old man recover from a flying accident.

But not even a stingy person who had once helped a happy old
man recover from a flying accident, was prepared for what
Charlotte had in store today.

The hail pounded like shouting mice, making Fairydust surprised.

As Fairydust stepped outside and Charlotte came closer, she could

see the glorious smile on her face.

"I am here because I want equality," Charlotte bellowed, in a

ruthless tone. She slammed her fist against Fairydust's chest, with
the force of 9010 badgers. "I frigging love you, Fairydust

Fairydust looked back, even more surprised and still fingering the
crumpled torch. "Charlotte, I've got a new job," she replied.

They looked at each other with unstable feelings, like two

panicky, plain puppies sleeping at a very sinister rave, which had
indie music playing in the background and two violent uncles
thinking to the beat.

Suddenly, Charlotte lunged forward and tried to punch Fairydust

in the face. Quickly, Fairydust grabbed the crumpled torch and
brought it down on Charlotte's skull.

Charlotte's spiky ankles trembled and her vast lips wobbled. She
looked sleepy, her body raw like a shredded, solid sausage.

Then she let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the
ground. Moments later Charlotte Noris was dead.

Fairydust Russell went back inside and made herself a nice beaker
of squash.


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