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BLEND Expectations & Protocols 2018-19

B o w i e H i g h S c h o o l

The BLEND protocols described below are intended to support students by simplifying and standardizing how
students access course resources. While some courses may utilize BLEND’s advanced instructional features,
all courses will include a Home Landing Page and Calendar. Below you will find the basic information about
these expectations, as well as additional information about the various BLEND page types some teachers are
currently utilizing.

HOME LANDING PAGE – BLEND courses will have a Home Landing Page viewable to students and parents.
The Home Landing Page will contain, either directly or as links, the following items:
 General Information:
o Syllabus/Course Information and Expectations
o Class Policies and Procedures
o Teacher Contact Information
o Teacher Tutorial Schedule
o Teacher Class Schedule
 Direct Links (where possible) to:
o Online Textbooks
o Class Resources
o Online Classroom Tools
o Additional Web Resources

CALENDAR UPDATES - All BLEND courses will utilize the Calendar feature to indicate upcoming
assessments such as quizzes, essays, tests, major projects, etc. on a week-to-week basis. More frequent
adjustments to the BLEND Calendar may be necessary based on student learning, pacing, and other factors.
While homework might be posted on the BLEND Calendar for some courses, doing so is not required. Instead,
students are encouraged to add homework to their own BLEND calendars and will trained how to do this at the
beginning of the year. Information about the BLEND Calendar feature can be found at

OPTIONAL - Resources for optional BLEND Features and Pages

 Creating in Module View - Create an entire course by Unit or six weeks or however you want! Here is a great tutorial to get
you started. Experienced teachers might want to watch the first minute and then skip to 2:57.
 Content Pages - Present information, notes, concepts, or any other important class concepts. Here is a great tutorial to get
you started creating Content Pages.
 Quiz pages - Craft and create Quizzes for your classes. You can watch this video for more information:
 Discussion Boards - Foster a virtual discussion among students and the teacher about course topics and/or assign a
discussion for a way to give students immediate responses all in one place that all students can see. Below is a tutorial to get
you started. If you are creating your course in Module View, as recommended, you will want to create the Discussion by
clicking the + tab at the top of the Module for which the Discussion would be best suited.
 Rich Content Editor - All pages listed above use this. It is the box that comes up when you create any of the above page
types and there are a number of options for presenting content, instructions, or media on a page. Below is a video to get you

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