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Electricity Standard Secondary Effect

When an electric attack deals full damage, the target is also stunned
for 1 round.

Thunderous Evasion
Target: Personal
Action: Reaction
Effect: To avoid an attack, escape a grapple, or other effect, make a
perform roll. If the roll equals or exceeds the roll used to target you, you
disappear in a clap of thunder, escaping the attack. In an arc of lighting,
you travel to another point within 12 squares and immediately reappear.
Special: If you spend 1 Hero Point when you activate this power, you
may pass through one target before you reappear. Roll a perform check. If
you overcome the target’s reflex defense, they take 4d6 electric damage
with the standard secondary effect. If you do not, they only take half
Special: You may spend one destiny point when you use their power
to extend the range of your teleportation to anywhere on the planet.
Special: As a swift action you may activate this power solely for
transportation by rolling at DC 15.

Thunder Strike
You wreath your weapon in arcs of lighting, enhancing its damage.
Time: Swift action.
Target: 1 Weapon
Make a Perform check. The result of the check determines the effect,
if any:
DC 15: Gain a + 1 bonus on your next attack roll and deal an
additional 1d6 points of electric damage if the attack hits.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you deal an additional 2d6 points of
DC 25: As DC 15, except you deal an additional 3d6 points of
Special: You can spend a Hero Point to deal an additional 2d6 points
of damage on your next attack.
Note: This effect does not impose the secondary effect for electricity

Levin Bolt
Time: Standard Action
Target: One target within 12 squares.
Make one performance roll. If the skill check equals or exceeds the
targets reflex defense, the target suffers 6d6 damage and the standard
secondary effect from electricity.
If the skill check also overcomes the target's fortitude defense, they
suffer 1 condition.
Special: You may spend a hero point before making the skill check. If
you do so and the Levin Bolt deals full damage, it then jumps to a second
target. Make another Perform roll for the second target. Damage is only
4d6 but the rest is the same.

Storm Chains
Target: 1 being within 6 squares.
Action: Standard
Effect: Make a performance check. If your check overcomes the
reflex defense of the target, they suffer 2d6 electric damage and are
immobilized for one round. They are also stunned by the standard electric
secondary effet. If the check fails they take ½ damage and suffer no
further effect.
Special: This power may be maintained as a standard action. A new
check must be made each time. Once the roll fails the power ends.

Thunder Strike
--As Battle Strike, but with the electricity descriptor replacing the telekinetic
descriptor. If the strike imposes a condition, it also imposes the secondary
effect for electricity (Stunned for 1 round.)

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