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Name: Erevan Player: Laughing Hyena Alignment: Chaotic

Evil Concept: Bounty Killer Class: Ranger 10 / Outrider 2 / Rogue 5 / Assassin 5 /

+2 Drow
XP: 0 Next Level: 0
Faith: Lolth Race: Drow Elf Age: 200
Height: 6’4” Weight: 143lbs Measurement: 11
Skin: Midnight Blue Hair: Ashen White Eyes: Sunset Red

Score (Mod) Temporary (Mod)

Strength 16 +3 Movement: 30ft
Dexterity 19 +4 23 +6
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 14 +2
Wisdom 12 +1 Initiative: +6
Charisma 10 +0

Hit Dice: 12d8+24 Hit Points: 120

Armor Class: 24 [Touch: 18 ; Flat Footed: 18]

--Armor: Mithril Chain Shirt +4 Armor: +4 Dex: +6 ACP: -0 ASF: -10%
Special Defenses: Spell Resistance: 23

Saving Throws: B. A. Nat. Magic =Total

Fortitude +11 +3 0 3 +17
Reflex +11 +6 0 3 +20
Will +4 +1 0 7 +11

Base Attack Bonus: +15/+10/+5

Melee: +18/+13/+8
Missile: +21/+16/+11
CMB: +15
CMD: +15


Ranseur +3; Attack: +21 or Full Attack +21/+16/+11 ; Damage: 2d4+6 ; Reach: 10ft
Longsword; Attack: +18 or Full Attack +18/+13/+8 ; Damage: 1d8+3

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons; Light Armor and Shields (Except Tower
Favored Enemy: Humanoid (Elf) +4, Aberration +4, Humanoid (Goblin) +2
Bonus Feat (Ranger): Track, Endurance
Wild Empathy: Can improve the attitude of an animal using body language, demeanor and vocalization.
Works like Diplomacy mechanics but you roll 1d20 (Ranger Level+Charisma) to improve the attitude of
the animal. Domestic animals start indifferent whilst wild animals start as unfriendly. You can use this on
Magical Beasts at a -4 penalty to the roll.
Improved Combat Style: Archery (Rapid Shot, Manyshot)
Animal Companion: (Footpad?) The Ranger/Outrider can call forth an animal that serves as a loyal
companion equal to half his level in hit dice+natural talent+outrider levels. You must call forth an animal
that is capable of serving as a mount. 10 = 5 Ranger + 2 Outrider + 3 Feat
Woodland Stride: The ranger can pass through any sort of undergrowth like thorns, briars and similar
terrain without suffering damage or being impeded. This does not apply if the terrain is magical.
Swift Tracker: You can track at your normal speed without penalty, and only suffers a -10 penalty on
tracking at double movement speed.
Evasion: Upon a successful Reflex Save where you would take half damage upon success, instead you
take no damage.
Sneak Attack: (+6d6) When flanking or when an opponent is denied their Dexterity Bonus to AC you deal
extra damage.
Trapfinding: Rogues can use the Search Skill to find traps with a DC higher than DC 20. They can disarm
traps of both mundane and magical nature. If they exceed the DC by 10 they bypass the trap without
disarming it.
Trap Sense: Gains a +1 Bonus on Reflex Save and a +1 dodge bonus to AC vs attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge: You retain your Dexterity Bonus to AC even when caught flat footed or attacked by an
invisible foe.
Improved Uncanny Dodge: You can no longer be flanked. Furthermore a rogue cannot sneak attack you
unless they are five rogue levels higher than yourself.
Death Attack: Study an opponent for 3 rounds. If you make a successful sneak attack with a melee
weapon, you have the option to paralyze or outright kill the target. You must remain undetected or your
target doesn’t recognize you as an enemy. If you succeed your target must make a Fortitude Save
against a DC of 18 or suffer the full effect of the death attack. If paralysis is chosen, your target is
paralyzed for 1d6+5 rounds. If the death attack fails, you can however try again if you study the target for
another 3 rounds.
Poison Use: When applying poison to a blade, you run no risk of poisoning yourself.
Ride Bonus: You add your class level as a competence bonus to any Ride or Handle Animals checks you
make in conjunction with your Animal Companion.
Wild Plains Stalker: Your mount makes use of your ranks on Hide and Move Silently Checks it makes. All
other modifiers the mount has (Dexterity, Armor Check Penalty, Size, etc) still apply to it’s rolls.
WIld Plains Swiftness: Your mount can move faster than others. Spurred on by your capable hands your
Animal Companion increases its base movement speed by 10ft.

Racial Features

+2 to Dexterity, +2 to Intelligence, +2 to Charisma, -2 to Constitution

Darkvision: Drow Elves can see up to 120 feet in the dark. This replaces the tradition Low Light Vision
surface elves have
Spell Resistance: 23 = 11 + 12 (Class Level)
+2 racial bonus on Will Saves vs Spells and Spell Like Abilities
Spell Like Abilities: Drow Elves can cast ​dancing lights​, ​darkness​ and ​faerie fire​ 1/day at CL 12
Weapon Proficiency: Hand Crossbow, Rapier, Short Sword
Light Blindness: Abrupt exposure to Bright Light (sunlight or daylight spell) blinds a drow elf for 1 round.
Afterwards they are dazzled if they remain in the affected area.
Favored Class: Wizard
Level Adjustment: +2

Point Blank Shot - You have a +1 to Attack and Damage on ranged weapon attacks within 30 feet.
Precise Shot - You ignore the -4 penalty to shooting into a melee.
Mounted Combat - Once per round when your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check as a
reaction to negate the hit. You negate the attack if your Ride Check is greater than the enemy’s attack
Mounted Archery - Penalties for ranged attacks whilst mounted are reduced. -2 (double move) -4
Track - Use Survival to track down a target or group in a wilderness area.
Urban Tracking - Use Gather Information to track down a target or group in an urban area.
Endurance - You gain +4 on Swim Checks vs nonlethal damage, Constitution checks to continue running,
hold your breath or avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march, starvation, or thirst. Fortitude Saves to
avoid damage from suffocation or nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments. You can sleep in
Light Armor or Medium Armor without becoming fatigued.
Natural Bond - Add three to your effective druid level for the purposes of determining bonus hit dice, extra
tricks, special abilities and other bonuses your Animal Companion receive.

Languages: ​Common, Undercommon, Elf, Drow Sign Language, Goblin

Skills: ​44/44 spent + 11 per level x11 = 121/121
Appraise (Int):
Balance (Dex): 9=5+4
Bluff (Cha): 12 = 12 + 0
Climb (Str): 9=6+3
Concentration (Con): 8=6+2
Craft [Alchemy] (Int): 12 = 10 + 2
Decipher Script (Int):
Diplomacy (Cha): 13 = 9 + 0 + 4
Disable Device (Int):
Disguise (Cha): 10 = 10 + 0
Escape Artist (Dex):
Forgery (Int):
Gather Information (Cha): 12 = 12 + 0
Handle Animal (Cha): 10 = 10 + 0
Heal (Wis):
Hide (Dex): 20 = 11 + 4 + 5
Intimidate (Cha):
Jump (Str):
Knowledge [Dungeoneering] (Int):
Knowledge [Geography] (Int):
Knowledge [Local] (Int):
Knowledge [Nature] (Int):
Listen (Wis): 13 = 12 + 1
Move Silently (Dex): 15 = 11 + 4
Open Lock (Dex):
Perform (Cha):
Profession (Wis):
Ride (Dex): 16 = 10 + 4 + 2
Search (Int): 10 = 7 + 3
Sense Motive (Wis): 9=8+1
Sleight of Hand (Dex):
Spot (Wis): 13 = 12 + 1
Survival (Wis): 13 = 12 + 1
Swim (Str):
Tumble (Dex):
Use Magic Device (Cha): 8=8+0
Use Rope (Dex): 8=4+4

Divine Spells:​ ​(Ranger)

-Spells Per Day-

Spell Penetration: 1d20+10 ; Spell Difficulty Check: 12

1st: 1+1 ; 2nd: 1+1 ; 3rd: 0 ; 4th: 0

Spells Prepared: 1st - Entangle, Pass without Trace; 2nd - Barkskin, Protection from Energy

Arcane Spells: (Assassin)

-Spells Per Day-

Spell Penetration: 1d20+10 ; Spell Difficulty Check: 13

1st: 3+1 ; 2nd: 2+1 ; 3rd: 0+1 ; 4th: 0

Spells Known: 1st - Disguise Self, Feather Fall, Sniper’s Shot, True Strike ; 2nd - Alter Self, Invisibility,
Wraithstrike ; 3rd - Arrowsplit, Nondetection
Spells Favored: 1st - Feather Fall, True Strike,, Snipers Shot x2 ; 2nd - Alter Self, Invisibility, Wraithstrike,
; 3rd - Nondetection

Magic Items: ​Assassin’s Darkwood Composite Longbow of Splitting +3 (74,730 gp): Arrows fired from
this bow split into two projectiles having similar properties of the original arrow and benefitting from the
bow’s bonus. Adds a +1 to Death Attack DC. Both arrows target the same foe.
Ranseur +3 (18,310 gp): Reach Weapon: 10 ft threat range ; 2d4+3 piercing damage
Shadow Mithril Chain Shirt +4 (20,850 gp): +5 competence bonus to Hide Checks.
Bracers of Murder (8,000 gp): +2 profane bonus on attack and damage rolls vs flat footed foes. +2 to
Death Attack DC. Allows reroll of any natural 1 on sneak attack damage dice roll.
Gloves of Dexterity + 4 (16,000 gp): Grants an Enhancement Bonus of +4 to Dexterity
Crystal Mask of Mind Armor (10,000 gp): Grants a +4 Insight Bonus to Will Saves.
Cloak of Resistance +3 (9,000 gp): Grants a +3 Resistance Bonus to Fortitude, Reflex and WIll Saves.
Quiver of Ehlonna (1,800 gp): Extradimensional arrow container that is capable of containing sixty arrows
or similarly shaped items in the small container. Can hold up to eighteen objects that are similar to
javelins in the medium container. Lastly, the large section can contain up to six objects that are the
general shape of a bow, spear and staff. In short this quiver is capable of holding quite the number of
weapons and ammunition.
Belt of Many Pockets (11,000 gp): Hidden Pouches hold extradimensional space, 64 in total, each able to
hold one cubic feet of items and up to ten pounds. Can hold your familiar indefinitely and safely
regardless of size. Anything within the pouches is weightless. Getting an item from the belt is a move
action and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Containers: ​Belt of Many Pouches, Quiver of Ehlonna, Backpack, Saddlebags

Clothing: ​Noble’s Outfit (75 gp), Traveler’s Outfit (1 gp), Peasant’s Outfit (1 sp)

Gear: ​200 Masterwork Arrows (1,400 gp), 100 A. Silver Arrows (200 gp), 100 Cold Iron Arrows (20 gp),
Potion of Neutralize Poison (3) (2,250 gp), Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (3) (2,250 gp), Potion of
Heroism (2) (1,500 gp), Black Lotus Extract: 3d6 Con and 3d6 Con, DC 20 contact (1,250 gp),
Dragonbile: 3d6 Str dmg, no secondary effect DC 26 contact (750gp), Longsword (15 gp) Backpack (2
gp), Bedroll (1 sp), Blanket, Winter (5 sp), Manacles [DC 30 Escape, DC 26 Strength] (15 gp), Exotic
Military Saddle (60 gp), Saddlebags (4 gp), Signet Ring (5 gp), Grappling Hook (1 gp), Rope, Silk [100
feet] (20 gp), Chalk (1 cp), Candles [3] (3 cp), Flask, Empty [2] 2 cp, Waterskin (1 gp), Feed [5 Days] (25

Gold: 180,000/180,000
Silver: 0
Copper: 0

Animal Companion

Sain, Quicksilver Lizard CR 4 (CR 2)

Always N Large animal
Init +4; Senses blindsense 60 ft., low-light vision, scent;
Listen +3, Spot +3
Languages —
-Defenses and Movement-
Mithril Chainmail Barding (4,600 gp): Armor: +5 ; Max Dex: +4 ; ACP: -2 ; ASF: 20%
AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 21
(–1 size, +4 Dex, +7 natural)
hp 88 (8d8+24 HD)
Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +3
Speed 50 ft. (8 squares), climb 50 ft.; Run, sprint
-Offense and Abilities-
Melee Bite +11 (1d8+5) and 2 claws +6 each (1d6+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +6/+1; Grp +15
Abilities Str 20, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Feats: Alertness, Run, Multiattack, Endurance
Skills: Climb +24, Hide +0, Jump +19, Listen +3, Spot +3
Advancement 5–8 HD (Large); 9–12 HD (Huge)
Sprint (Ex) Once per hour, a quicksilver lizard can move five times its normal speed (250 feet) when it
makes a charge.
Skills Quicksilver lizards have a +4 racial bonus on Jump checks. They also have a +8 racial bonus on
Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.
Link - Can Handle as a free action or push it as a move action even with no Handle Animal skill. You gain
a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks for the animal
Share Spells (Ex) - Any spell at your option you cast upon yourself can also affect your animal
companion. You must be within 5 feet of your companion to benefit. If the spell has a duration more than
instantaneous, the animal companion loses the benefit if it moves more than 5 feet away from you. You
can also cast a spell that targets “You” on your animal companion instead. You can share spells that
normally don’t affect animals.
Evasion (Ex) - Upon a successful Reflex Save where you would take half damage upon success, instead
you take no damage.
Devotion (Ex) - Your animal companion gains +4 morale bonus to WIll Saves vs Enchantment Spells or
3 Bonus Tricks (Fetch, Stay, Track)
Known Tricks: Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Fetch, Stay, Track

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