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Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks
Jie Hu[0000−0002−5150−1003] Li Shen[0000−0002−2283−4976] Samuel Albanie[0000−0001−9736−5134]
Gang Sun[0000−0001−6913−6799] Enhua Wu[0000−0002−2174−1428]

Abstract—The central building block of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is the convolution operator, which enables networks to
construct informative features by fusing both spatial and channel-wise information within local receptive fields at each layer. A broad
range of prior research has investigated the spatial component of this relationship, seeking to strengthen the representational power of
a CNN by enhancing the quality of spatial encodings throughout its feature hierarchy. In this work, we focus instead on the channel
relationship and propose a novel architectural unit, which we term the “Squeeze-and-Excitation” (SE) block, that adaptively recalibrates
channel-wise feature responses by explicitly modelling interdependencies between channels. We show that these blocks can be
arXiv:1709.01507v4 [cs.CV] 16 May 2019

stacked together to form SENet architectures that generalise extremely effectively across different datasets. We further demonstrate
that SE blocks bring significant improvements in performance for existing state-of-the-art CNNs at slight additional computational cost.
Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks formed the foundation of our ILSVRC 2017 classification submission which won first place and
reduced the top-5 error to 2.251%, surpassing the winning entry of 2016 by a relative improvement of ∼25%. Models and code are
available at

Index Terms—Squeeze-and-Excitation, Image representations, Attention, Convolutional Neural Networks.


C ONVOLUTIONAL neural networks (CNNs) have proven

to be useful models for tackling a wide range of visual
tasks [1], [2], [3], [4]. At each convolutional layer in the net-
mance. Further work has sought to better model spatial
dependencies [7], [8] and incorporate spatial attention into
the structure of the network [9].
work, a collection of filters expresses neighbourhood spatial In this paper, we investigate a different aspect of network
connectivity patterns along input channels—fusing spatial design - the relationship between channels. We introduce
and channel-wise information together within local recep- a new architectural unit, which we term the Squeeze-and-
tive fields. By interleaving a series of convolutional layers Excitation (SE) block, with the goal of improving the quality
with non-linear activation functions and downsampling op- of representations produced by a network by explicitly mod-
erators, CNNs are able to produce image representations elling the interdependencies between the channels of its con-
that capture hierarchical patterns and attain global theo- volutional features. To this end, we propose a mechanism
retical receptive fields. A central theme of computer vision that allows the network to perform feature recalibration,
research is the search for more powerful representations that through which it can learn to use global information to
capture only those properties of an image that are most selectively emphasise informative features and suppress less
salient for a given task, enabling improved performance. useful ones.
As a widely-used family of models for vision tasks, the The structure of the SE building block is depicted in
development of new neural network architecture designs Fig. 1. For any given transformation Ftr mapping the
now represents a key frontier in this search. Recent research input X to the feature maps U where U ∈ RH×W ×C ,
has shown that the representations produced by CNNs can e.g. a convolution, we can construct a corresponding SE
be strengthened by integrating learning mechanisms into block to perform feature recalibration. The features U are
the network that help capture spatial correlations between first passed through a squeeze operation, which produces a
features. One such approach, popularised by the Inception channel descriptor by aggregating feature maps across their
family of architectures [5], [6], incorporates multi-scale pro- spatial dimensions (H × W ). The function of this descriptor
cesses into network modules to achieve improved perfor- is to produce an embedding of the global distribution of
channel-wise feature responses, allowing information from
the global receptive field of the network to be used by
• Jie Hu and Enhua Wu are with the State Key Laboratory of Computer
Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, all its layers. The aggregation is followed by an excitation
100190, China. operation, which takes the form of a simple self-gating
They are also with the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, mechanism that takes the embedding as input and pro-
100049, China.
Jie Hu is also with Momenta and Enhua Wu is also with the Faculty of
duces a collection of per-channel modulation weights. These
Science and Technology & AI Center at University of Macau. weights are applied to the feature maps U to generate
E-mail: the output of the SE block which can be fed directly into
• Gang Sun is with LIAMA-NLPR at the Institute of Automation, Chinese subsequent layers of the network.
Academy of Sciences. He is also with Momenta.
E-mail: It is possible to construct an SE network (SENet) by
• Li Shen and Samuel Albanie are with the Visual Geometry Group at the simply stacking a collection of SE blocks. Moreover, these
University of Oxford. SE blocks can also be used as a drop-in replacement for the
E-mail: {lishen,albanie}
original block at a range of depths in the network architec-

Fig. 1. A Squeeze-and-Excitation block.

ture (Section 6.4). While the template for the building block which show promising improvements to the learning and
is generic, the role it performs at different depths differs representational properties of deep networks.
throughout the network. In earlier layers, it excites infor- An alternative, but closely related line of research has
mative features in a class-agnostic manner, strengthening focused on methods to improve the functional form of
the shared low-level representations. In later layers, the SE the computational elements contained within a network.
blocks become increasingly specialised, and respond to dif- Grouped convolutions have proven to be a popular ap-
ferent inputs in a highly class-specific manner (Section 7.2). proach for increasing the cardinality of learned transforma-
As a consequence, the benefits of the feature recalibration tions [18], [19]. More flexible compositions of operators can
performed by SE blocks can be accumulated through the be achieved with multi-branch convolutions [5], [6], [20],
network. [21], which can be viewed as a natural extension of the
The design and development of new CNN architectures grouping operator. In prior work, cross-channel correlations
is a difficult engineering task, typically requiring the se- are typically mapped as new combinations of features, ei-
lection of many new hyperparameters and layer configura- ther independently of spatial structure [22], [23] or jointly
tions. By contrast, the structure of the SE block is simple and by using standard convolutional filters [24] with 1 × 1
can be used directly in existing state-of-the-art architectures convolutions. Much of this research has concentrated on the
by replacing components with their SE counterparts, where objective of reducing model and computational complexity,
the performance can be effectively enhanced. SE blocks are reflecting an assumption that channel relationships can be
also computationally lightweight and impose only a slight formulated as a composition of instance-agnostic functions
increase in model complexity and computational burden. with local receptive fields. In contrast, we claim that provid-
To provide evidence for these claims, we develop several ing the unit with a mechanism to explicitly model dynamic,
SENets and conduct an extensive evaluation on the Ima- non-linear dependencies between channels using global in-
geNet dataset [10]. We also present results beyond ImageNet formation can ease the learning process, and significantly
that indicate that the benefits of our approach are not enhance the representational power of the network.
restricted to a specific dataset or task. By making use of
SENets, we ranked first in the ILSVRC 2017 classification Algorithmic Architecture Search. Alongside the works
competition. Our best model ensemble achieves a 2.251% described above, there is also a rich history of research
top-5 error on the test set1 . This represents roughly a 25% that aims to forgo manual architecture design and instead
relative improvement when compared to the winner entry seeks to learn the structure of the network automatically.
of the previous year (top-5 error of 2.991%). Much of the early work in this domain was conducted in
the neuro-evolution community, which established methods
for searching across network topologies with evolutionary
methods [25], [26]. While often computationally demand-
ing, evolutionary search has had notable successes which
Deeper architectures. VGGNets [11] and Inception mod- include finding good memory cells for sequence models
els [5] showed that increasing the depth of a network could [27], [28] and learning sophisticated architectures for large-
significantly increase the quality of representations that scale image classification [29], [30], [31]. With the goal of re-
it was capable of learning. By regulating the distribution ducing the computational burden of these methods, efficient
of the inputs to each layer, Batch Normalization (BN) [6] alternatives to this approach have been proposed based on
added stability to the learning process in deep networks Lamarckian inheritance [32] and differentiable architecture
and produced smoother optimisation surfaces [12]. Building search [33].
on these works, ResNets demonstrated that it was pos- By formulating architecture search as hyperparameter
sible to learn considerably deeper and stronger networks optimisation, random search [34] and other more sophis-
through the use of identity-based skip connections [13], [14]. ticated model-based optimisation techniques [35], [36] can
Highway networks [15] introduced a gating mechanism to also be used to tackle the problem. Topology selection
regulate the flow of information along shortcut connections. as a path through a fabric of possible designs [37] and
Following these works, there have been further reformula- direct architecture prediction [38], [39] have been proposed
tions of the connections between network layers [16], [17], as additional viable architecture search tools. Particularly
strong results have been achieved with techniques from
1. reinforcement learning [40], [41], [42], [43], [44]. SE blocks

can be used as atomic building blocks for these search output features. Each of the learned filters operates with
algorithms, and were demonstrated to be highly effective a local receptive field and consequently each unit of the
in this capacity in concurrent work [45]. transformation output U is unable to exploit contextual
Attention and gating mechanisms. Attention can be in- information outside of this region.
terpreted as a means of biasing the allocation of available To mitigate this problem, we propose to squeeze global
computational resources towards the most informative com- spatial information into a channel descriptor. This is
ponents of a signal [46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51]. Attention achieved by using global average pooling to generate
mechanisms have demonstrated their utility across many channel-wise statistics. Formally, a statistic z ∈ RC is gener-
tasks including sequence learning [52], [53], localisation ated by shrinking U through its spatial dimensions H × W ,
and understanding in images [9], [54], image captioning such that the c-th element of z is calculated by:
[55], [56] and lip reading [57]. In these applications, it H X W
1 X
can be incorporated as an operator following one or more zc = Fsq (uc ) = uc (i, j). (2)
layers representing higher-level abstractions for adaptation H × W i=1 j=1
between modalities. Some works provide interesting studies
Discussion. The output of the transformation U can be
into the combined use of spatial and channel attention [58],
interpreted as a collection of the local descriptors whose
[59]. Wang et al. [58] introduced a powerful trunk-and-mask
statistics are expressive for the whole image. Exploiting
attention mechanism based on hourglass modules [8] that is
such information is prevalent in prior feature engineering
inserted between the intermediate stages of deep residual
work [60], [61], [62]. We opt for the simplest aggregation
networks. By contrast, our proposed SE block comprises a
technique, global average pooling, noting that more sophis-
lightweight gating mechanism which focuses on enhancing
ticated strategies could be employed here as well.
the representational power of the network by modelling
channel-wise relationships in a computationally efficient
manner. 3.2 Excitation: Adaptive Recalibration
To make use of the information aggregated in the squeeze
3 S QUEEZE - AND -E XCITATION B LOCKS operation, we follow it with a second operation which aims
A Squeeze-and-Excitation block is a computational unit to fully capture channel-wise dependencies. To fulfil this
which can be built upon a transformation Ftr mapping an objective, the function must meet two criteria: first, it must
0 0 0
input X ∈ RH ×W ×C to feature maps U ∈ RH×W ×C . be flexible (in particular, it must be capable of learning
In the notation that follows we take Ftr to be a convo- a nonlinear interaction between channels) and second, it
lutional operator and use V = [v1 , v2 , . . . , vC ] to denote must learn a non-mutually-exclusive relationship since we
the learned set of filter kernels, where vc refers to the would like to ensure that multiple channels are allowed to
parameters of the c-th filter. We can then write the outputs be emphasised (rather than enforcing a one-hot activation).
as U = [u1 , u2 , . . . , uC ], where To meet these criteria, we opt to employ a simple gating
mechanism with a sigmoid activation:
uc = vc ∗ X = vcs ∗ xs . (1)
s=1 s = Fex (z, W) = σ(g(z, W)) = σ(W2 δ(W1 z)), (3)
Here ∗ denotes convolution, vc = [vc1 , vc2 , . . . , vcC ], X = where δ refers to the ReLU [63] function, W1 ∈ R ×C and
[x1 , x2 , . . . , xC ] and uc ∈ RH×W . vcs is a 2D spatial kernel C
W2 ∈ RC× r . To limit model complexity and aid general-
representing a single channel of vc that acts on the corre- isation, we parameterise the gating mechanism by forming
sponding channel of X. To simplify the notation, bias terms a bottleneck with two fully-connected (FC) layers around
are omitted. Since the output is produced by a summation the non-linearity, i.e. a dimensionality-reduction layer with
through all channels, channel dependencies are implicitly reduction ratio r (this parameter choice is discussed in Sec-
embedded in vc , but are entangled with the local spatial tion 6.1), a ReLU and then a dimensionality-increasing layer
correlation captured by the filters. The channel relationships returning to the channel dimension of the transformation
modelled by convolution are inherently implicit and local output U. The final output of the block is obtained by
(except the ones at top-most layers). We expect the learning rescaling U with the activations s:
of convolutional features to be enhanced by explicitly mod-
elling channel interdependencies, so that the network is able
e c = Fscale (uc , sc ) = sc uc , (4)
to increase its sensitivity to informative features which can
be exploited by subsequent transformations. Consequently, where X e = [x e1, x
e2, . . . , x
e C ] and Fscale (uc , sc ) refers to
we would like to provide it with access to global information channel-wise multiplication between the scalar sc and the
and recalibrate filter responses in two steps, squeeze and feature map uc ∈ RH×W .
excitation, before they are fed into the next transformation. Discussion. The excitation operator maps the input-
A diagram illustrating the structure of an SE block is shown specific descriptor z to a set of channel weights. In this
in Fig. 1. regard, SE blocks intrinsically introduce dynamics condi-
tioned on the input, which can be regarded as a self-
3.1 Squeeze: Global Information Embedding attention function on channels whose relationships are not
In order to tackle the issue of exploiting channel depen- confined to the local receptive field the convolutional filters
dencies, we first consider the signal to each channel in the are responsive to.

Residual Residual
Inception Inception 𝐻×W×C

+ Global pooling
X 1×1×C
Global pooling
Inception Module 1×1×C X
FC C ResNet Module 𝑟
𝑟 ReLU C
ReLU C 𝑟
𝑟 FC
FC 1×1×C
Sigmoid 1×1×C
𝐻×W×C + 𝐻×W×C
SE-Inception Module SE-ResNet Module

Fig. 2. The schema of the original Inception module (left) and the SE- Fig. 3. The schema of the original Residual module (left) and the SE-
Inception module (right). ResNet module (right).

3.3 Instantiations the squeeze phase and two small FC layers in the excitation
The SE block can be integrated into standard architectures phase, followed by an inexpensive channel-wise scaling
such as VGGNet [11] by insertion after the non-linearity operation. In the aggregate, when setting the reduction ratio
following each convolution. Moreover, the flexibility of the r (introduced in Section 3.2) to 16, SE-ResNet-50 requires
SE block means that it can be directly applied to transforma- ∼3.87 GFLOPs, corresponding to a 0.26% relative increase
tions beyond standard convolutions. To illustrate this point, over the original ResNet-50. In exchange for this slight addi-
we develop SENets by incorporating SE blocks into several tional computational burden, the accuracy of SE-ResNet-50
examples of more complex architectures, described next. surpasses that of ResNet-50 and indeed, approaches that
We first consider the construction of SE blocks for Incep- of a deeper ResNet-101 network requiring ∼7.58 GFLOPs
tion networks [5]. Here, we simply take the transformation (Table 2).
Ftr to be an entire Inception module (see Fig. 2) and by In practical terms, a single pass forwards and backwards
making this change for each such module in the archi- through ResNet-50 takes 190 ms, compared to 209 ms for
tecture, we obtain an SE-Inception network. SE blocks can SE-ResNet-50 with a training minibatch of 256 images (both
also be used directly with residual networks (Fig. 3 depicts timings are performed on a server with 8 NVIDIA Titan X
the schema of an SE-ResNet module). Here, the SE block GPUs). We suggest that this represents a reasonable runtime
transformation Ftr is taken to be the non-identity branch overhead, which may be further reduced as global pooling
of a residual module. Squeeze and Excitation both act before and small inner-product operations receive further opti-
summation with the identity branch. Further variants that misation in popular GPU libraries. Due to its importance
integrate SE blocks with ResNeXt [19], Inception-ResNet for embedded device applications, we further benchmark
[21], MobileNet [64] and ShuffleNet [65] can be constructed CPU inference time for each model: for a 224 × 224 pixel
by following similar schemes. For concrete examples of input image, ResNet-50 takes 164 ms in comparison to 167
SENet architectures, a detailed description of SE-ResNet-50 ms for SE-ResNet-50. We believe that the small additional
and SE-ResNeXt-50 is given in Table 1. computational cost incurred by the SE block is justified by
One consequence of the flexible nature of the SE block its contribution to model performance.
is that there are several viable ways in which it could We next consider the additional parameters introduced
be integrated into these architectures. Therefore, to assess by the proposed SE block. These additional parameters
sensitivity to the integration strategy used to incorporate SE result solely from the two FC layers of the gating mechanism
blocks into a network architecture, we also provide ablation and therefore constitute a small fraction of the total network
experiments exploring different designs for block inclusion capacity. Concretely, the total number introduced by the
in Section 6.5. weight parameters of these FC layers is given by:
Ns · Cs 2 , (5)

For the proposed SE block design to be of practical use, it where r denotes the reduction ratio, S refers to the number
must offer a good trade-off between improved performance of stages (a stage refers to the collection of blocks operat-
and increased model complexity. To illustrate the compu- ing on feature maps of a common spatial dimension), Cs
tational burden associated with the module, we consider denotes the dimension of the output channels and Ns de-
a comparison between ResNet-50 and SE-ResNet-50 as an notes the number of repeated blocks for stage s (when bias
example. ResNet-50 requires ∼3.86 GFLOPs in a single terms are used in FC layers, the introduced parameters and
forward pass for a 224 × 224 pixel input image. Each SE computational cost are typically negligible). SE-ResNet-50
block makes use of a global average pooling operation in introduces ∼2.5 million additional parameters beyond the

(Left) ResNet-50 [13]. (Middle) SE-ResNet-50. (Right) SE-ResNeXt-50 with a 32×4d template. The shapes and operations with specific parameter
settings of a residual building block are listed inside the brackets and the number of stacked blocks in a stage is presented outside. The inner
brackets following by fc indicates the output dimension of the two fully connected layers in an SE module.
Output size ResNet-50 SE-ResNet-50 SE-ResNeXt-50 (32 × 4d)
112 × 112 conv, 7 × 7, 64, stride 2
max pool, 3× 3, stride 2
56 × 56   
  conv, 1 × 1, 64 conv, 1 × 1, 128
conv, 1 × 1, 64 conv, 3 × 3, 64  conv, 3 × 3, 128 C = 32
conv, 3 × 3, 64  × 3
conv, 1 × 1, 256 × 3
   ×3
conv, 1 × 1, 256 
conv, 1 × 1, 256
f c, [16, 256] f c, [16, 256]
   
  conv, 1 × 1, 128 conv, 1 × 1, 256
conv, 1 × 1, 128 conv, 3 × 3, 128 conv, 3 × 3, 256 C = 32
28 × 28 conv, 3 × 3, 128 × 4
conv, 1 × 1, 512 × 4
   ×4
conv, 1 × 1, 512 
conv, 1 × 1, 512
f c, [32, 512] f c, [32, 512]
   
  conv, 1 × 1, 256 conv, 1 × 1, 512
conv, 1 × 1, 256 conv, 3 × 3, 256  conv, 3 × 3, 512
conv, 3 × 3, 256  × 6 C = 32 
14 × 14 conv, 1 × 1, 1024 × 6
  
conv, 1 × 1, 1024

conv, 1 × 1, 1024
f c, [64, 1024] f c, [64, 1024]
   
  conv, 1 × 1, 512 conv, 1 × 1, 1024
conv, 1 × 1, 512 conv, 3 × 3, 512  conv, 3 × 3, 1024 C = 32
7×7 conv, 3 × 3, 512  × 3
conv, 1 × 1, 2048 × 3
   ×3
conv, 1 × 1, 2048 
conv, 1 × 1, 2048
f c, [128, 2048] f c, [128, 2048]
1×1 global average pool, 1000-d f c, softmax

Single-crop error rates (%) on the ImageNet validation set and complexity comparisons. The original column refers to the results reported in the
original papers (the results of ResNets are obtained from the website: To enable a fair
comparison, we re-train the baseline models and report the scores in the re-implementation column. The SENet column refers to the
corresponding architectures in which SE blocks have been added. The numbers in brackets denote the performance improvement over the
re-implemented baselines. † indicates that the model has been evaluated on the non-blacklisted subset of the validation set (this is discussed in
more detail in [21]), which may slightly improve results. VGG-16 and SE-VGG-16 are trained with batch normalization.
original re-implementation SENet
top-1 err. top-5 err. top-1 err. top-5 err. GFLOPs top-1 err. top-5 err. GFLOPs
ResNet-50 [13] 24.7 7.8 24.80 7.48 3.86 23.29(1.51) 6.62(0.86) 3.87
ResNet-101 [13] 23.6 7.1 23.17 6.52 7.58 22.38(0.79) 6.07(0.45) 7.60
ResNet-152 [13] 23.0 6.7 22.42 6.34 11.30 21.57(0.85) 5.73(0.61) 11.32
ResNeXt-50 [19] 22.2 - 22.11 5.90 4.24 21.10(1.01) 5.49(0.41) 4.25
ResNeXt-101 [19] 21.2 5.6 21.18 5.57 7.99 20.70(0.48) 5.01(0.56) 8.00
VGG-16 [11] - - 27.02 8.81 15.47 25.22(1.80) 7.70(1.11) 15.48
BN-Inception [6] 25.2 7.82 25.38 7.89 2.03 24.23(1.15) 7.14(0.75) 2.04
Inception-ResNet-v2 [21] 19.9† 4.9† 20.37 5.21 11.75 19.80(0.57) 4.79(0.42) 11.76

∼25 million parameters required by ResNet-50, correspond- images from 1000 different classes. We train networks on
ing to a ∼10% increase. In practice, the majority of these the training set and report the top-1 and top-5 error on the
parameters come from the final stage of the network, where validation set.
the excitation operation is performed across the greatest Each baseline network architecture and its correspond-
number of channels. However, we found that this compara- ing SE counterpart are trained with identical optimisation
tively costly final stage of SE blocks could be removed at schemes. We follow standard practices and perform data
only a small cost in performance (<0.1% top-5 error on augmentation with random cropping using scale and as-
ImageNet) reducing the relative parameter increase to ∼4%, pect ratio [5] to a size of 224 × 224 pixels (or 299 × 299
which may prove useful in cases where parameter usage for Inception-ResNet-v2 [21] and SE-Inception-ResNet-v2)
is a key consideration (see Section 6.4 and 7.2 for further and perform random horizontal flipping. Each input im-
discussion). age is normalised through mean RGB-channel subtraction.
All models are trained on our distributed learning system
5 E XPERIMENTS ROCS which is designed to handle efficient parallel training
of large networks. Optimisation is performed using syn-
In this section, we conduct experiments to investigate the
chronous SGD with momentum 0.9 and a minibatch size
effectiveness of SE blocks across a range of tasks, datasets
of 1024. The initial learning rate is set to 0.6 and decreased
and model architectures.
by a factor of 10 every 30 epochs. Models are trained for 100
epochs from scratch, using the weight initialisation strategy
5.1 Image Classification described in [66]. The reduction ratio r (in Section 3.2) is set
To evaluate the influence of SE blocks, we first perform to 16 by default (except where stated otherwise).
experiments on the ImageNet 2012 dataset [10] which When evaluating the models we apply centre-cropping
comprises 1.28 million training images and 50K validation so that 224 × 224 pixels are cropped from each image, after

Single-crop error rates (%) on the ImageNet validation set and complexity comparisons. MobileNet refers to “1.0 MobileNet-224” in [64] and
ShuffleNet refers to “ShuffleNet 1 × (g = 3)” in [65]. The numbers in brackets denote the performance improvement over the re-implementation.
original re-implementation SENet
top-1 err. top-5 err. top-1 err. top-5 err. MFLOPs Params top-1 err. top-5 err. MFLOPs Params
MobileNet [64] 29.4 - 28.4 9.4 569 4.2M 25.3(3.1) 7.7(1.7) 572 4.7M
ShuffleNet [65] 32.6 - 32.6 12.5 140 1.8M 31.0(1.6) 11.1(1.4) 142 2.4M

Fig. 4. Training baseline architectures and their SENet counterparts on ImageNet. SENets exhibit improved optimisation characteristics and produce
consistent gains in performance which are sustained throughout the training process.

its shorter edge is first resized to 256 (299 × 299 from top-5 error) as well as the deeper ResNeXt-101 (5.57% top-5
each image whose shorter edge is first resized to 352 for error), a model which has almost twice the total number of
Inception-ResNet-v2 and SE-Inception-ResNet-v2). parameters and computational overhead. We note a slight
difference in performance between our re-implementation
Network depth. We begin by comparing SE-ResNet against of Inception-ResNet-v2 and the result reported in [21].
ResNet architectures with different depths and report the However, we observe a similar trend with regard to the
results in Table 2. We observe that SE blocks consistently effect of SE blocks, finding that SE counterpart (4.79% top-5
improve performance across different depths with an ex- error) outperforms our reimplemented Inception-ResNet-v2
tremely small increase in computational complexity. Re- baseline (5.21% top-5 error) by 0.42% as well as the reported
markably, SE-ResNet-50 achieves a single-crop top-5 valida- result in [21].
tion error of 6.62%, exceeding ResNet-50 (7.48%) by 0.86% We also assess the effect of SE blocks when operating on
and approaching the performance achieved by the much non-residual networks by conducting experiments with the
deeper ResNet-101 network (6.52% top-5 error) with only VGG-16 [11] and BN-Inception architecture [6]. To facilitate
half of the total computational burden (3.87 GFLOPs vs. the training of VGG-16 from scratch, we add Batch Normal-
7.58 GFLOPs). This pattern is repeated at greater depth, ization layers after each convolution. We use identical train-
where SE-ResNet-101 (6.07% top-5 error) not only matches, ing schemes for both VGG-16 and SE-VGG-16. The results of
but outperforms the deeper ResNet-152 network (6.34% the comparison are shown in Table 2. Similarly to the results
top-5 error) by 0.27%. While it should be noted that the SE reported for the residual baseline architectures, we observe
blocks themselves add depth, they do so in an extremely that SE blocks bring improvements in performance on the
computationally efficient manner and yield good returns non-residual settings.
even at the point at which extending the depth of the base To provide some insight into influence of SE blocks on
architecture achieves diminishing returns. Moreover, we see the optimisation of these models, example training curves
that the gains are consistent across a range of different for runs of the baseline architectures and their respective
network depths, suggesting that the improvements induced SE counterparts are depicted in Fig. 4. We observe that SE
by SE blocks may be complementary to those obtained by blocks yield a steady improvement throughout the optimi-
simply increasing the depth of the base architecture. sation procedure. Moreover, this trend is fairly consistent
across a range of network architectures considered as base-
Integration with modern architectures. We next study the
effect of integrating SE blocks with two further state-of-
the-art architectures, Inception-ResNet-v2 [21] and ResNeXt Mobile setting. Finally, we consider two representative
(using the setting of 32 × 4d) [19], both of which introduce architectures from the class of mobile-optimised networks,
additional computational building blocks into the base net- MobileNet [64] and ShuffleNet [65]. For these experiments,
work. We construct SENet equivalents of these networks, we used a minibatch size of 256 and slightly less aggressive
SE-Inception-ResNet-v2 and SE-ResNeXt (the configuration data augmentation and regularisation as in [65]. We trained
of SE-ResNeXt-50 is given in Table 1) and report results the models across 8 GPUs using SGD with momentum (set
in Table 2. As with the previous experiments, we observe to 0.9) and an initial learning rate of 0.1 which was reduced
significant performance improvements induced by the in- by a factor of 10 each time the validation loss plateaued. The
troduction of SE blocks into both architectures. In partic- total training process required ∼ 400 epochs (enabling us
ular, SE-ResNeXt-50 has a top-5 error of 5.49% which is to reproduce the baseline performance of [65]). The results
superior to both its direct counterpart ResNeXt-50 (5.90% reported in Table 3 show that SE blocks consistently improve

Classification error (%) on CIFAR-10. Single-crop error rates (%) on Places365 validation set.
original SENet top-1 err. top-5 err.
ResNet-110 [14] 6.37 5.21 Places-365-CNN [72] 41.07 11.48
ResNet-164 [14] 5.46 4.39 ResNet-152 (ours) 41.15 11.61
WRN-16-8 [67] 4.27 3.88
SE-ResNet-152 40.37 11.01
Shake-Shake 26 2x96d [68] + Cutout [69] 2.56 2.12

TABLE 5 Faster R-CNN object detection results (%) on COCO minival set.
Classification error (%) on CIFAR-100.
original SENet AP@IoU=0.5 AP
ResNet-110 [14] 26.88 23.85 ResNet-50 57.9 38.0
ResNet-164 [14] 24.33 21.31 SE-ResNet-50 61.0 40.4
WRN-16-8 [67] 20.43 19.14 ResNet-101 60.1 39.9
Shake-Even 29 2x4x64d [68] + Cutout [69] 15.85 15.41 SE-ResNet-101 62.7 41.9

the accuracy by a large margin at a minimal increase in providing evidence that SE blocks can also yield improve-
computational cost. ments for scene classification. This SENet surpasses the
previous state-of-the-art model Places-365-CNN [72] which
Additional datasets. We next investigate whether the bene-
has a top-5 error of 11.48% on this task.
fits of SE blocks generalise to datasets beyond ImageNet. We
perform experiments with several popular baseline archi-
tectures and techniques (ResNet-110 [14], ResNet-164 [14], 5.3 Object Detection on COCO
WideResNet-16-8 [67], Shake-Shake [68] and Cutout [69]) on We further assess the generalisation of SE blocks on the
the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets [70]. These comprise task of object detection using the COCO dataset [75]. As
a collection of 50k training and 10k test 32 × 32 pixel RGB in previous work [19], we use the minival protocol, i.e.,
images, labelled with 10 and 100 classes respectively. The in- training the models on the union of the 80k training set
tegration of SE blocks into these networks follows the same and a 35k val subset and evaluating on the remaining
approach that was described in Section 3.3. Each baseline 5k val subset. Weights are initialised by the parameters
and its SENet counterpart are trained with standard data of the model trained on the ImageNet dataset. We use
augmentation strategies [24], [71]. During training, images the Faster R-CNN [4] detection framework as the basis
are randomly horizontally flipped and zero-padded on each for evaluating our models and follow the hyperparameter
side with four pixels before taking a random 32 × 32 crop. setting described in [76] (i.e., end-to-end training with the
Mean and standard deviation normalisation is also applied. ’2x’ learning schedule). Our goal is to evaluate the effect
The setting of the training hyperparameters (e.g. minibatch of replacing the trunk architecture (ResNet) in the object
size, initial learning rate, weight decay) match those sug- detector with SE-ResNet, so that any changes in perfor-
gested by the original papers. We report the performance mance can be attributed to better representations. Table 7
of each baseline and its SENet counterpart on CIFAR-10 reports the validation set performance of the object detector
in Table 4 and performance on CIFAR-100 in Table 5. We using ResNet-50, ResNet-101 and their SE counterparts as
observe that in every comparison SENets outperform the trunk architectures. SE-ResNet-50 outperforms ResNet-50
baseline architectures, suggesting that the benefits of SE by 2.4% (a relative 6.3% improvement) on COCO’s stan-
blocks are not confined to the ImageNet dataset. dard AP metric and by 3.1% on AP@IoU=0.5. SE blocks
also benefit the deeper ResNet-101 architecture achieving
a 2.0% improvement (5.0% relative improvement) on the
5.2 Scene Classification
AP metric. In summary, this set of experiments demonstrate
We also conduct experiments on the Places365-Challenge the generalisability of SE blocks. The induced improvements
dataset [73] for scene classification. This dataset comprises can be realised across a broad range of architectures, tasks
8 million training images and 36, 500 validation images and datasets.
across 365 categories. Relative to classification, the task of
scene understanding offers an alternative assessment of a
model’s ability to generalise well and handle abstraction. 5.4 ILSVRC 2017 Classification Competition
This is because it often requires the model to handle more SENets formed the foundation of our submission to the
complex data associations and to be robust to a greater level ILSVRC competition where we achieved first place. Our
of appearance variation. winning entry comprised a small ensemble of SENets that
We opted to use ResNet-152 as a strong baseline to employed a standard multi-scale and multi-crop fusion
assess the effectiveness of SE blocks and follow the training strategy to obtain a top-5 error of 2.251% on the test set.
and evaluation protocols described in [72], [74]. In these As part of this submission, we constructed an additional
experiments, models are trained from scratch. We report model, SENet-154, by integrating SE blocks with a modified
the results in Table 6, comparing also with prior work. We ResNeXt [19] (the details of the architecture are provided
observe that SE-ResNet-152 (11.01% top-5 error) achieves a in Appendix). We compare this model with prior work on
lower validation error than ResNet-152 (11.61% top-5 error), the ImageNet validation set in Table 8 using standard crop

Single-crop error rates (%) of state-of-the-art CNNs on ImageNet Single-crop error rates (%) on ImageNet and parameter sizes for
validation set with crop sizes 224 × 224 and 320 × 320 / 299 × 299. SE-ResNet-50 at different reduction ratios. Here, original refers to
224 × 224 320 × 320 /
299 × 299 Ratio r top-1 err. top-5 err. Params
top-1 top-5 top-1 top-5 2 22.29 6.00 45.7M
err. err. err. err. 4 22.25 6.09 35.7M
ResNet-152 [13] 23.0 6.7 21.3 5.5 8 22.26 5.99 30.7M
ResNet-200 [14] 21.7 5.8 20.1 4.8 16 22.28 6.03 28.1M
Inception-v3 [20] - - 21.2 5.6 32 22.72 6.20 26.9M
Inception-v4 [21] - - 20.0 5.0
original 23.30 6.55 25.6M
Inception-ResNet-v2 [21] - - 19.9 4.9
ResNeXt-101 (64 × 4d) [19] 20.4 5.3 19.1 4.4
DenseNet-264 [17] 22.15 6.12 - -
Attention-92 [58] - - 19.5 4.8 experiments. The data augmentation strategy follows the
PyramidNet-200 [77] 20.1 5.4 19.2 4.7
DPN-131 [16] 19.93 5.12 18.55 4.16
approach described in Section 5.1. To allow us to study the
SENet-154 18.68 4.47 17.28 3.79 upper limit of performance for each variant, the learning
rate is initialised to 0.1 and training continues until the
validation loss plateaus2 (∼300 epochs in total). The learn-
TABLE 9 ing rate is then reduced by a factor of 10 and then this
Comparison (%) with state-of-the-art CNNs on ImageNet validation set
process is repeated (three times in total). Label-smoothing
using larger crop sizes/additional training data. † This model was
trained with a crop size of 320 × 320. regularisation [20] is used during training.
extra crop top-1 top-5
data size err. err. 6.1 Reduction ratio
Very Deep PolyNet [78] - 331 18.71 4.25
NASNet-A (6 @ 4032) [42] - 331 17.3 3.8 The reduction ratio r introduced in Eqn. 5 is a hyperpa-
PNASNet-5 (N=4,F=216) [35] - 331 17.1 3.8 rameter which allows us to vary the capacity and compu-
SENet-154† - 320 16.88 3.58 tational cost of the SE blocks in the network. To investigate
AmoebaNet-C [79] - 331 16.5 3.5 the trade-off between performance and computational cost
ResNeXt-101 32 × 48d [80] X 224 14.6 2.4 mediated by this hyperparameter, we conduct experiments
with SE-ResNet-50 for a range of different r values. The
comparison in Table 10 shows that performance is robust to
sizes (224 × 224 and 320 × 320). We observe that SENet-154 a range of reduction ratios. Increased complexity does not
achieves a top-1 error of 18.68% and a top-5 error of 4.47% improve performance monotonically while a smaller ratio
using a 224 × 224 centre crop evaluation, which represents dramatically increases the parameter size of the model. Set-
the strongest reported result. ting r = 16 achieves a good balance between accuracy and
Following the challenge there has been a great deal of complexity. In practice, using an identical ratio throughout
further progress on the ImageNet benchmark. For compar- a network may not be optimal (due to the distinct roles
ison, we include the strongest results that we are currently performed by different layers), so further improvements
aware of in Table 9. The best performance using only Im- may be achievable by tuning the ratios to meet the needs
ageNet data was recently reported by [79]. This method of a given base architecture.
uses reinforcement learning to develop new policies for
data augmentation during training to improve the perfor-
6.2 Squeeze Operator
mance of the architecture searched by [31]. The best overall
performance was reported by [80] using a ResNeXt-101 We examine the significance of using global average pooling
32×48d architecture. This was achieved by pretraining their as opposed to global max pooling as our choice of squeeze
model on approximately one billion weakly labelled images operator (since this worked well, we did not consider more
and finetuning on ImageNet. The improvements yielded by sophisticated alternatives). The results are reported in Ta-
more sophisticated data augmentation [79] and extensive ble 11. While both max and average pooling are effective,
pretraining [80] may be complementary to our proposed average pooling achieves slightly better performance, jus-
changes to the network architecture. tifying its selection as the basis of the squeeze operation.
However, we note that the performance of SE blocks is fairly
robust to the choice of specific aggregation operator.
In this section we conduct ablation experiments to gain a
6.3 Excitation Operator
better understanding of the effect of using different con-
figurations on components of the SE blocks. All ablation We next assess the choice of non-linearity for the excitation
experiments are performed on the ImageNet dataset on a mechanism. We consider two further options: ReLU and
single machine (with 8 GPUs). ResNet-50 is used as the tanh, and experiment with replacing the sigmoid with these
backbone architecture. We found empirically that on ResNet
architectures, removing the biases of the FC layers in the 2. For reference, training with a 270 epoch fixed schedule (reducing
the learning rate at 125, 200 and 250 epochs) achieves top-1 and top-5
excitation operation facilitates the modelling of channel error rates for ResNet-50 and SE-ResNet-50 of (23.21%, 6.53%) and
dependencies, and use this configuration in the following (22.20%, 6.00%) respectively.

Effect of using different squeeze operators in SE-ResNet-50 on Effect of different SE block integration strategies with ResNet-50 on
ImageNet (error rates %). ImageNet (error rates %).
Squeeze top-1 err. top-5 err. Design top-1 err. top-5 err.
Max 22.57 6.09 SE 22.28 6.03
Avg 22.28 6.03 SE-PRE 22.23 6.00
SE-POST 22.78 6.35
SE-Identity 22.20 6.15
Effect of using different non-linearities for the excitation operator in
SE-ResNet-50 on ImageNet (error rates %). TABLE 15
Effect of integrating SE blocks at the 3x3 convolutional layer of each
Excitation top-1 err. top-5 err. residual branch in ResNet-50 on ImageNet (error rates %).
ReLU 23.47 6.98
Tanh 23.00 6.38 Design top-1 err. top-5 err. GFLOPs Params
Sigmoid 22.28 6.03 SE 22.28 6.03 3.87 28.1M
SE 3×3 22.48 6.02 3.86 25.8M

alternative non-linearities. The results are reported in Ta-

of the SE-POST block leads to a drop in performance. This
ble 12. We see that exchanging the sigmoid for tanh slightly
experiment suggests that the performance improvements
worsens performance, while using ReLU is dramatically
produced by SE units are fairly robust to their location,
worse and in fact causes the performance of SE-ResNet-50
provided that they are applied prior to branch aggregation.
to drop below that of the ResNet-50 baseline. This suggests
In the experiments above, each SE block was placed
that for the SE block to be effective, careful construction of
outside the structure of a residual unit. We also construct
the excitation operator is important.
a variant of the design which moves the SE block inside
the residual unit, placing it directly after the 3 × 3 convo-
6.4 Different stages lutional layer. Since the 3 × 3 convolutional layer possesses
We explore the influence of SE blocks at different stages by fewer channels, the number of parameters introduced by the
integrating SE blocks into ResNet-50, one stage at a time. corresponding SE block is also reduced. The comparison in
Specifically, we add SE blocks to the intermediate stages: Table 15 shows that the SE 3×3 variant achieves comparable
stage 2, stage 3 and stage 4, and report the results in Ta- classification accuracy with fewer parameters than the stan-
ble 13. We observe that SE blocks bring performance benefits dard SE block. Although it is beyond the scope of this work,
when introduced at each of these stages of the architecture. we anticipate that further efficiency gains will be achievable
Moreover, the gains induced by SE blocks at different stages by tailoring SE block usage for specific architectures.
are complementary, in the sense that they can be combined
effectively to further bolster network performance. 7 R OLE OF SE BLOCKS
Although the proposed SE block has been shown to im-
6.5 Integration strategy prove network performance on multiple visual tasks, we
would also like to understand the relative importance of
Finally, we perform an ablation study to assess the influence
the squeeze operation and how the excitation mechanism
of the location of the SE block when integrating it into exist-
operates in practice. A rigorous theoretical analysis of the
ing architectures. In addition to the proposed SE design, we
representations learned by deep neural networks remains
consider three variants: (1) SE-PRE block, in which the SE
challenging, we therefore take an empirical approach to
block is moved before the residual unit; (2) SE-POST block,
examining the role played by the SE block with the goal of
in which the SE unit is moved after the summation with
attaining at least a primitive understanding of its practical
the identity branch (after ReLU) and (3) SE-Identity block,
in which the SE unit is placed on the identity connection in
parallel to the residual unit. These variants are illustrated
in Figure 5 and the performance of each variant is reported 7.1 Effect of Squeeze
in Table 14. We observe that the SE-PRE, SE-Identity and To assess whether the global embedding produced by the
proposed SE block each perform similarly well, while usage squeeze operation plays an important role in performance,
we experiment with a variant of the SE block that adds an
equal number of parameters, but does not perform global
TABLE 13 average pooling. Specifically, we remove the pooling op-
Effect of integrating SE blocks with ResNet-50 at different stages on
ImageNet (error rates %). eration and replace the two FC layers with corresponding
1 × 1 convolutions with identical channel dimensions in
Stage top-1 err. top-5 err. GFLOPs Params
the excitation operator, namely NoSqueeze, where the ex-
ResNet-50 23.30 6.55 3.86 25.6M
citation output maintains the spatial dimensions as input.
SE Stage 2 23.03 6.48 3.86 25.6M
SE Stage 3 23.04 6.32 3.86 25.7M In contrast to the SE block, these point-wise convolutions
SE Stage 4 22.68 6.22 3.86 26.4M can only remap the channels as a function of the output
SE All 22.28 6.03 3.87 28.1M of a local operator. While in practice, the later layers of a
deep network will typically possess a (theoretical) global

Residual SE Residual

SE Residual Residual


(a) Residual block (b) Standard SE block (c) SE-PRE block (d) SE-POST block (e) SE-Identity block
Fig. 5. SE block integration designs explored in the ablation study.

(a) SE_2_3 (b) SE_3_4 (c) SE_4_6

(d) SE_5_1 (e) SE_5_2 (f) SE_5_3

Fig. 6. Activations induced by the Excitation operator at different depths in the SE-ResNet-50 on ImageNet. Each set of activations is named
according to the following scheme: SE_stageID_blockID. With the exception of the unusual behaviour at SE_5_2, the activations become
increasingly class-specific with increasing depth.

TABLE 16 activations from the SE-ResNet-50 model and examine their

Effect of Squeeze operator on ImageNet (error rates %). distribution with respect to different classes and different
top-1 err. top-5 err. GFLOPs Params input images at various depths in the network. In particular,
ResNet-50 23.30 6.55 3.86 25.6M we would like to understand how excitations vary across
NoSqueeze 22.93 6.39 4.27 28.1M images of different classes, and across images within a class.
SE 22.28 6.03 3.87 28.1M
We first consider the distribution of excitations for dif-
ferent classes. Specifically, we sample four classes from the
ImageNet dataset that exhibit semantic and appearance di-
receptive field, global embeddings are no longer directly versity, namely goldfish, pug, plane and cliff (example images
accessible throughout the network in the NoSqueeze variant. from these classes are shown in Appendix). We then draw
The accuracy and computational complexity of both models fifty samples for each class from the validation set and
are compared to a standard ResNet-50 model in Table 16. We compute the average activations for fifty uniformly sampled
observe that the use of global information has a significant channels in the last SE block of each stage (immediately
influence on the model performance, underlining the im- prior to downsampling) and plot their distribution in Fig. 6.
portance of the squeeze operation. Moreover, in comparison For reference, we also plot the distribution of the mean
to the NoSqueeze design, the SE block allows this global activations across all of the 1000 classes.
information to be used in a computationally parsimonious
We make the following three observations about the
role of the excitation operation. First, the distribution across
different classes is very similar at the earlier layers of the
7.2 Role of Excitation network, e.g. SE 2 3. This suggests that the importance of
To provide a clearer picture of the function of the excitation feature channels is likely to be shared by different classes in
operator in SE blocks, in this section we study example the early stages. The second observation is that at greater

(a) SE_2_3 (b) SE_3_4 (c) SE_4_6

(d) SE_5_1 (e) SE_5_2 (f) SE_5_3

Fig. 7. Activations induced by Excitation in the different modules of SE-ResNet-50 on image samples from the goldfish and plane classes of
ImageNet. The module is named “SE_stageID_blockID”.

depth, the value of each channel becomes much more ertheless function to support the increasingly class-specific
class-specific as different classes exhibit different prefer- needs of the model at different layers in the architecture.
ences to the discriminative value of features, e.g. SE 4 6 and
SE 5 1. These observations are consistent with findings in
previous work [81], [82], namely that earlier layer features
are typically more general (e.g. class agnostic in the context In this paper we proposed the SE block, an architectural
of the classification task) while later layer features exhibit unit designed to improve the representational power of a
greater levels of specificity [83]. network by enabling it to perform dynamic channel-wise
feature recalibration. A wide range of experiments show
Next, we observe a somewhat different phenomena in
the effectiveness of SENets, which achieve state-of-the-art
the last stage of the network. SE 5 2 exhibits an interesting
performance across multiple datasets and tasks. In addition,
tendency towards a saturated state in which most of the
SE blocks shed some light on the inability of previous
activations are close to one. At the point at which all
architectures to adequately model channel-wise feature de-
activations take the value one, an SE block reduces to the
pendencies. We hope this insight may prove useful for other
identity operator. At the end of the network in the SE 5 3
tasks requiring strong discriminative features. Finally, the
(which is immediately followed by global pooling prior
feature importance values produced by SE blocks may be
before classifiers), a similar pattern emerges over different
of use for other tasks such as network pruning for model
classes, up to a modest change in scale (which could be
tuned by the classifiers). This suggests that SE 5 2 and
SE 5 3 are less important than previous blocks in providing
recalibration to the network. This finding is consistent with ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the result of the empirical investigation in Section 4 which
The authors would like to thank Chao Li and Guangyuan
demonstrated that the additional parameter count could be
Wang from Momenta for their contributions in the training
significantly reduced by removing the SE blocks for the last
system optimisation and experiments on CIFAR dataset. We
stage with only a marginal loss of performance.
would also like to thank Andrew Zisserman, Aravindh Ma-
Finally, we show the mean and standard deviations of hendran and Andrea Vedaldi for many helpful discussions.
the activations for image instances within the same class The work is supported in part by NSFC Grants (61632003,
for two sample classes (goldfish and plane) in Fig. 7. We 61620106003, 61672502, 61571439), National Key R&D Pro-
observe a trend consistent with the inter-class visualisation, gram of China (2017YFB1002701), and Macao FDCT Grant
indicating that the dynamic behaviour of SE blocks varies (068/2015/A2). Samuel Albanie is supported by EPSRC
over both classes and instances within a class. Particularly AIMS CDT EP/L015897/1.
in the later layers of the network where there is consider-
able diversity of representation within a single class, the
network learns to take advantage of feature recalibration to A PPENDIX : D ETAILS OF SEN ET-154
improve its discriminative performance [84]. In summary, SENet-154 is constructed by incorporating SE blocks into a
SE blocks produce instance-specific responses which nev- modified version of the 64×4d ResNeXt-152 which extends

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