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Spectral Efficienc and Optimal Base

Placement for I door Wireless Networks
Diniitris Stamateios arid Anthony bphremides, Fellow, 1bb.E

Abstract-In this paper, we address the problem of b&-ii.,ing similar to today’s land-mobile cellular systems. The indoor
the spectral efficiency of cellular indoor wireless P,”‘ \VOI kh by area (floor) is divided into several cells, served by base-
adjusting the location and power of the base-stdth. ’ ’ cuaing stations (BS) that constitute the interfaces between the mobile
on the downlink, we derive general network rritwia for
mobiles on the indoor fluor for systems that eA.:,3y onmidirec- terminals (phones, laptop computers, etc.) and the hardwired
tional antennas and adaptive anrcnnas arrays at *C.r Sasc-stations, backbone network. The overall control and management of
in order to show and explain tnz ad.,ntay-\ 01 the use of the system can be implemented over the backbone network,
spatial diversity. Multiple arc ‘cas 1 apahiifj -.easuxs that depend thus, permitting the use of simple, inexpensive, and power-
only c m enerp.v x e d4rued for Lot’ icilmies, They are then efficient portables. Furthermore, the cellular structure offers
USL~ =,. tk zest Lnction for the s’ llitlon tc the optimal base-

drticbn plar0:nent problem, for a sinLk-irequency system. Both the usual advantages of frequency re-use and scalability as
cnniinuws and combinatorial hpproadhes have been applied more cells are added. Finally, the fixed base-stations permit the
to the solution of the optiinir;:,>fii problem, and near-optimal compatibility of wireless components with existing hardwired
dolutions have been obtained. We show that the use of adaptive networks infrastructure.
arrays yields greater capacity when increased cell-area overlap i s Bandwidth scarcity requires increased spectral efficiency
allowed. The optimization methods, channel prediction methods,
and a graphic user interface are parts of an integrated software for achieving the required multiple access capacity of the
environment that we developed in support of our investigation. wireless system. In this regard, we consider two approaches
for increasing the spectral efficiency of the network in terms
of the number of users that gain access. The first is the
1. INTRODUCTION reorganization of the cell structure. In particular, we consider
the placement of the base-stations to optimize its multiple
T HE USE of radio for indoor data and voice commu-
nications within buildings provides users with the con-
venience of portability and mobility. It also reduces wiring
access performance. This issue, although clearly important for
the design of wireless networks, has not been given adequate
attention in the past.
installations, and permits the creation of new communication
The second is the use of adaptive arrays at the base-stations
services. Wireless indoor communications systems must, how-
for antenna directivity. Our purpose is not an exact, but rather
ever, offer performance at least comparable to that of existing
a comparative analysis of the two schemes, independent of
wired systems and must do so at low complexity and cost. At
implementation issues, as the transmission, the modulation,
the same time, they must be compatible with both existing wire
and the access method. Providing a common base for this
and cable, as well as future optical fiber-based, communication
comparison is forcing us to make some simplifying approx-
imations. Specifically, we assume that a single frequency is
Buildings and other shielded environments present a harsh
used across the entire network and we adopt a simplified
environment for high speed radio transmission primarily be-
propagation model that ignores detailed multipath. Finally, our
cause of multiple reflections on walls, furniture, machinery,
use of term “spectral efficiency” does not refer to modulation-
and other obstacles. The link between any pair of trans-
based measures of bandwidth saving, but rather to multiple
ceivers is thus corrupted by multipath distortion and shadow
access capability that increases because of spectral frequency
fading resulting in reduced communication range coverage.
Furthermore, the resulting impairment is time-varying and
This paper is organized as follows: In Section 11, we set up
unpredictable since it depends on the number and position
the problem and present the performance measures for network
of the mobiles.
access. In Section 111, we extend the base-station placement
Although a great deal of attention has been paid to mea-
criteria to systems that use adaptive antenna arrays at the base-
surements and channel modeling techniques, not enough work
stations, and examine the improvement in the multiple access
has been done on the architecture of the indoor wireless
capability of the system. Section 1V presents the optimization
network. In this paper, we consider a cell-based architecture,
approaches used to solve the base-station placement problem
Manuscript revised October 23, 19Y5. This work wab suppoited i n parl by and through examples, the results of our study. In Section V,
NSF Grant NSF-EEC94-02384 and the Wcatinghouae Corporation. we briefly present an integrated software environment for the
The authors are with the Dcpartriieiit of Electrical Eiiginecring, University design of indoor wireless networks that we have developed in
of Maryland, Collcge Park 20742 USA (c-mail: dStdnlat~eng.unid.eduand
tony @ eng.umd.cdu). support of our investigation. Finally, in Section VI, we present
Publisher Item Identifier S 0733-8716(96)01041-5. concluding remarks that relate to extensions of our study.
0733-8716/96$05.00 0 1996 IE&

PLACEMENT signals from the other base-stations, i.e.,
We consider a wireless network with fixed base-stations
operating in an indoor environment. In order to keep the
problem tractable, we make the following assumptions. We
assume that all the base-stations transmit and receive on the
same frequency channel. Thus, adjacent cells are co-channel The mobile is able to transmit or receive successfully only
cells. Although this assumption is unrealistic, it will allow us at points ( k . I ) , where the desired signal-to-interference ratio
to better demonstrate the superiority of the proposed schemes (SIR), S1Rh.l = S:; /Sj', exceeds another given protection
under adverse conditions. Our analysis can later be extended to threshold PI. This is a simplified interference model assumed
take into account multiple frequency channels and frequency deliberately in order to permit us to focus on the multiple
re-use. access capability effect for the cases of omnidirectional and
We first divide the floor into a 2-D rectangular grid of points adaptive antennas, which is our primary objective.
(x;y);1 5 x 5 X,,,; 1 5 y 5 Y,,,. The fineness of the
grid is arbitrary. The finer the grid, however, the more accurate B. Base-Station Placement Criteria
and more difficult to get the result. Mobiles are assumed to
Based on the network architecture just described, different
take positions only on points of the grid, except from points
types of regions can be identified on the building floor. The
that are preempted by walls, furniture, machinery, etc.
first, cell area, is the union of the cells associated with each
The number of the base-stations on the floor is
base-station. In this area, the sensitivity condition of the
assumed to be a constant, equal to N . The A' base-
mobiles is satisfied and network access is possible.
stations, identified as B1,B2,. . , BAT,are placed at points
The cell area can be further divided into two areas with
( X I ? y l ) ? (:z2? y ~ ).,. . , ( X N ,y ~ ) respectively,
, that, depending respect to the interference criterion. The part of the cell area
on the approach (Section IV), can either exclusively be points
where the interference levels are low is the covered area..
of the grid (discrete approach) or not (continuous approach).
Mobiles moving in this area can transmit and receive with
very low probability of error. In the rest of the cell area,
A. Network Access Criteria the users experience severe co-channel interference. In this
For a mobile located at point ( k . I ) to access the network, it integerence area, new connections will be blocked while
has to be assigned to a base-station. The mobile scans the base- established connections will be abruptly terminated.
stations and chooses the base-station that assures the "best The floor area outside the cell area is the uncovered area.
communication quality." No coordination among the base- There, the probability of deep fading is large and the mobiles
stations for optimum mobile assignment is assumed. Also, we cannot be reached by any of the base-stations.
are not concerned here with the multiple access protocols to These four areas, illustrated in Fig. 1, can be estimated using
be used by the mobiles. As a measure of this communication the following tests:
quality, we consider the received base-station signal strength
at the location of the mobile [ 11. Cell area { ( k ,I ) : 3 B,s.t. Sp' 2 PR}
Let S,"l be the envelope amplitude of base-station B,'s Covered area { ( k ,I ) : SE 2 PE and SIRkl 2 P I }
signal at the location of the mobile ( k . 1). The mobile is Interference area SE
{ ( k . ~ ) : 2 P, + SIR^^ < P I }
assigned to the base-station Bw with the largest value of this Uncovered area { ( k .I ) : S$$ < P,}.
signal strength measure signal, provided that the strength of
this signal exceeds a given threshold PR, i.e., The evaluation of Sf'and 5';' depends on the indoor chan-
nel approximation method used. In this paper, we calculate
these quantities using two methods:
1) Statistical attenuation model [2]:The signal is assumed
The threshold PE, depends on the sensitivity of the receiver. to attenuate with distance as in free space. When the
When the condition Sf1 2 PR is satisfied, the mobile lies signal encounters obstructions, the attenuation factors
within the cell associated with Dz. Outside this area, i.e., of the obstructions are added. This method generates
wherever S,"l < PR, the base-station can act only as a co- accurate results for open plan buildings for a frequency
channel interferer. range from 900 MHz to 4 GHz.
Once a mobile is assigned to a base-station, a communica- 2) Ray tracing method [3-61: The ray tracing method is
tion link can be established unless the co-channel interference employed to track the multiple paths that the signal
at the location of the mobile is too high.' The interference follows to reach the receiver. This method has the
signal envelope amplitude at the location of the mobile S;' advantage of being applicable in cases where statistical
is the sum of the amplitudes of the interfering co-channel methods fail. However, ray tracing is extremely time
signal envelopes. Assuming the utilization of omnidirectional consuming, and computation-intensive.
antennas at the base-stations, SF' consists of all the undesired The first model will be used in predicting coverage for om-
nidirectional antennas and during the optimization procedure
' A t this point, we will disregard the issues of channel availability and because of its computational efficiency. In the case of adaptive
allocation, as already mentioned. antenna arrays (Section 111), however, more detailed modeling

the uncovered area without the need for power increase. On

the other hand, obstacles confining the energy in small areas

decrease the strength of the interfering signals, decreasing the

interference area, or equivalently increasing the covered area.
Our approach provides a systematic way of handling all of
these considerations, as detailed later.

The demand for higher capacity in wireless networks under
constant bandwidth leads to a search for spectrally efficient
techniques. Reorganization of the cell structure by means of
Covered area (b Ease station cell-splitting, sectorization and multizone cells, as well as other
a Uncovered area Base-station range x Mobile
similar methods [7], 181, give rise to several problems [9].
While they are certainly worthy of consideration, there is a
Pig 1. Illu<tration ot the mtions ot rdnge, covered drea, interferenw xed, legitimate need to search for alternatives. Here, we consider a
and uncovered area Here, Sb$ = Sr and SI = SI SJ + method that is compatible with all of the aforementioned ones,
and yet is capable of offering additional improvement.
of multipath is required, and the ray tracing method will be
used. Both models describe satisfactorily slow fading. Fast A. Spuce Division Multiple Access
fading is very difficult to model, and will, thus, be ignored. In addition to the variables of time, frequency, and code, the
Access to the network is possible only for the mobiles that variable of space can be used to facilitate multiple access. The
are in the covered area. The maximization of the covered area separation in space of signals using adaptive antenna arrays
would result into the minimization of the part of the “call- has been used in the past in radar and sonar technologies [ 101.
bloclung-probability” that depends on the physical properties However, only recently attention has been paid to the use of
of the network (and not of the MA protocol) [I]. Therefore, adaptive antenna arrays at the base-stations as a method for
the size of the covered area can be used as a criterion for the combating fading and shadowing in wireless systems [ 111.
choice of the location and the power of the base-stations. The use of adaptive antenna arrays as an alternative access
Equivalently, the minimization of the interference area and technique for wireless networks has been shown to increase
of the uncovered area can be used as a criterion for the the capacity of wireless networks [lZ], [13] as well as the
choice of the location and power of the base-stations. For transmission and reception quality [14].
fixed building layout, the size of these areas depends on the Adaptive antenna arrays consist of M > 1, not necessarily
location and the power of the base-stations. Depending on identical, antenna elements. Their most important property is
the design requirements, these two areas may have different that they can form narrow directional beams, and adjust their
importance. We can incorporate this difference into the base- beam patterns so as to maximize the SlNR at the output
station placement criterion by weighting the contribution of of the receiver. This allows for greater frequency re-use,
each of these two areas. Thus, the base-station placement reduction of interference among systems, and higher user-
criterion is a real function F of YN variables, namely density. The degree of improvement depends on the number
of the antenna elements of the array. Using adaptive signal
processing methods, an adaptive antenna array of arbitrary
where U is the size of the uncovered area, I is the size of the geometry 1151 can, through the use of its narrow beams, track
interference area, and a E [O; 11. in azimuth and elevation up to M mobile users simultaneously.
The optimization of this cost function will involve a series Using adaptive arrays at the base-stations, the range of com-
of trade-offs. The uncovered area can become smaller by in- munication can actually increase. This is so because adaptive
creasing the power of the base-stations and by eliminating the antenna arrays concentrate the power in a narrow beam and,
overlapping among the cells. On the other hand, increasing the thus, achieve greater power efficiency.
power will result in increasing the interference area and thus in
decreasing the effectively covered area. The interference area B. Base-Station Placement Criteria for
can be decreased by moving the base-stations as far as possible Adaptive Antenna Systems
away from each other and, thus, by placing them along the In the omnidirectional base-station case, the interfering
edges of the floor. However, this placement would result in signal SI consists of the signals from all the undesired base-
large uncovered areas at the center of the floor. In addition, stations.2 In the adaptive base-station case, for a mobile that
such a solution is not energy efficient since a large part of is in the interference area (as this is statically defined for
the energy will “spill” outside the building, and will cause omnidirectional base-stations having the same range as the
interference on wireless links in the vicinity of the building. adaptive base-stations), S I consists of the signals that are
Partitions, walls, and other obstacles also play an impor-
conveyed by co-channel beams that intersect at the location
tant role since they attenuate the radio signals significantly.
Keeping the base-stations far from obstacles would decrease 2For simplicity, in the following, we drop the superscript IC‘

3) Any mobile can be tracked perfectly by the adaptive

base-station antenna as it moves or as the propagation
medium changes, as long as the mobile stays in the
covered area.
In contrast with the scheme considered in [18], the
beamwidth 19 ranges from zero to 27rlM. This assumption
gives great flexibility to our configuration and makes it
more realistic. The assumption for the mobile distribution
is necessary at the beginning. Subsequently, this assumption
will be relaxed.

C. Simulation Analysis
The simulation procedure consists of the following steps:
1) For given base-station locations, the coverage and inter-
ference areas are defined using the ray tracing method.
2) For the adaptive base-stations scheme, random number
generators are used to generate a population of mo-
biles in the environment, following a two-dimensional
Poisson distribution.
3) For each mobile located in the interference areas, we
find the set of beams that intersect at its location (for the
omnidirectional base-stations scheme, this set consists of
all the base-stations of the network). The inactive beams
are subtracted.
4) Finally, we test whether the mobiles experience inter-
Fig. 2. Example of the adaptive BS scheme in an unobstructed environment
(cells are circles).
ference or not. The ratio of the number of mobiles that
can access the system for the adaptive scheme over
the number of mobiles that can access the system for
the omnidirectional scheme, gives us a measure of the
of the mobile (Fig. 2). Thus, the interference areas are now
multiple access capability improvement.
areas where interference and connection termination may occur
depending on the orientation of the other base-stations' beams Repeating this procedure many times, we derive statistical
and on the position of the mobiles. What is needed is the results for the probability of interference and the multiple
computation of the probability of interference in this area, access capability enhancement that the adaptive scheme offers
denoted by P ( S w < P I S I ) . compared to the conventional scheme. When the number of
For the adaptive scheme, the second term of the cost func- tests is large, we can assume that the results are independent
tion (3) should be modified in order to reflect this probability. of the mobile distribution. Thus, our results should be valid
We choose a weighted sum of the probabilities of interference for arbitrary mobile distributions within the cells.
of all interference areas, i.e.,
D. Simulation Results
The simulations were run using the layout of a II-shaped
office building. Six base-stations were placed in order to cover
the greater part of the floor. The power supplied to each
base-station is set to 70 mW, while PE and PI were set to
where I, is the interference area i , U is the uncovered area -20 dBm and 10 dB, respectively. The range of each base-
and N is a scaling constant. station, computed using the statistical channel model, is shown
The analytical derivation of a closed form expression for in Fig. 3.
P ( S w < P I S I )is practically impossible, since it depends on Figures 4 and 5 show the results of the simulations. Fig. 4(a)
the indoor environment, and the number and distribution of shows the average number of mobiles that successfully access
the mobiles within it [16], [17], Therefore, we will rely on the system over the total number of mobiles on the floor.
computer simulation to evaluate it. In the simulated system Here, the adaptive antennas beamwidth was set to 8 = for
we assume that: M = 2, 4. 8, 16. Thus, the beams of each adaptive antenna
1) An adaptive base-station antenna can generate an arbi- cover a whole circle, and their range equals the range of
trary number M , of nonoverlapping ideal beams, with a the omnidirectional antennas. The improvement factor in the
beamwidth 8, where 0 E [0,27r/M],and can switch the capacity of the system of the adaptive over the omnidirectional
beams on and off, according to the offered load. case, ranges from 10 ( M = 2 ) to 100 ( M = 16). We
2) The distribution of mobiles in each cell is assumed to observe that the average number of mobiles that successfully
be governed by a two-dimensional Poisson distribution. access the system increases until the total number of mobiles

' i I ..

5 ---pf-++++++-


, , ,
Fig. 3 . Ranges of the BS in the office building under test. Lighter shading M=16
indicates the obstructions and the atrium.
50 100 150 200 250 300
Total Number of Mobiles


x ++++ _- e 2
x x ++++
x + *i M=4
sxx++++ x M=8
*++ + M=16
50 100 150 MO 250 300

......................... for adaptive antennas with reduced beamwidth 6' = 6, for

M = 2, 4. 8 ; 16. In this case, the adaptive antennas have the
advantage of covering a larger area than the omnidirectional
antennas. This is so because the adaptive antennas focus the
radiated energy in beams with half the width than before. As
it was expected, the capacity of the system is further increased
by a factor that ranges from 20 (M = '2) to 160 (M = 16).
Figure S shows the value of the cost function for the
aforementioned layout, base-station placement and power,
50 loo 150 200 250 300 over the total number of mobiles on the floor. The curves of
T ~ t aNumber
Fig. 5(a) were obtained for 6' = $$,while these of Fig. S(b)
of Mobiles

(b) for H 1 &, where M = 2, 4, 8, 16. Improvement (decrease)

t . ~ g4 Average number ot mobile\ accewng the system over the total of the cost function over the omnidirectional case is shown
~ dH =
Af .= 2 . 4, 8 , I6 a ~ (d) s,
numbei of mobiles on the floor for omnidirectional dnd dddptlvc BS for
(b) H = 6 in both graphs.
For an nonobstructed environment, our analysis shows
greater improvement than the results shown in 1181. This
reaches the maximum capacity of the system N . M . After is due to the fact that we assumed that the adaptive base-
that, it remains almost constant. Fig. 4(b) shows similar results stations have the ability to switch their beams on and off and

allocate less beams than their capacity M when needed, thus, than values of function derivatives4 The simplex is the ge-
reducing the interference levels in the system and allowing ometrical figure consisting, in n dimensions (in our problem
more mobiles to access the system successfully. n = 3 N ) , of n+ 1 vertices, e.g., in two dimensions, a simplex
is a triangle. Given an initial point, the downhill simplex
method makes a series of “reflections” and “contractions”
Iv. OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS TO THE moving the vertex of the simplex with the higher cost function
BASE-STATIONPLACEMENT PROBLEM value toward the vertex with the lower cost function value.
In order to find optimal (or near-optimal) solutions to These steps are made so that the volume of the simplex is
the problem of the base-station placement, we will use two conserved and nondegeneracy is maintained. An appropriate
different optimization approaches, a continuous one and a sequence of such steps will converge to a minimum of the
combinatorial After a brief description of the optimiza- cost function [20], [21].
tion methods, we will present the results of their application
on a typical building floor. B. Optimization Over Discrete Space
The optimal base-station placement problem can be viewed
as a combinatorial problem if the base-stations are allowed to
A. Optimization Over Continuous Space
be located only on the points of the grid, except for the finite
In this case, the location and power of the base-stations set U 8 of the points that are blocked, and their power to take
(i.e., the variables of the cost function) are allowed to take values over a finite set P.Then the optimal solution can be
values over a continuous space. The 2 , and y, coordinates of found by simple enumeration of all the possible solutions. The
base-station B,(a = 1,. . . , N ) can vary from zero to X,,,, number of possible solutions is
and from zero to Y,,,, respectively, except for a finite set
U 8 of points where mounting of base-stations is not possible
or desirable. The power p , ranges from zero to P,,. The
quantities X,,, and Y,,, are determined by the physical where 1 . 1 denotes the cardinality of a set, and N is the number
layout of the floor, while P,,, is determined by the energy of the base-stations. This number can be very large even for
constraints of the network. very small building floors. For example, for X,, =Y ,,, =
The limits within which the location and power of the 15, IUUI = 30. IT’ = 20, and N = 3, there are approximately
base-stations can vary, as well as the set of obstructed points 10” possible solutions.
convert our problem to a constrained optimization problem. Combinatorial optimization problems are frequently NP-
The constraints are incorporated into the cost function in the complete [22] and, thus, cannot be solved in polynomial time.
form of penalties [19]. Whenever the variables take values Therefore, heuristics are often used to determine suboptimal
outside the allowed limits, or on blocked points, a weight is solutions. The Hopfield neural network is one such heuristic
added to the cost function to “push” the algorithm back to that has been proven to give near-optimal solutions to a
admissible solutions. The value of the weight is proportional variety of combinatorial optimization problems [23]-[25].It
to the least distance between the vector of the variables and was introduced by the work of Hopfield and Tank in [23],
the set of admissible solutions. [26], [27]. They used a densely interconnected analog neural
Usually, optimization methods over a continuous space network (NN) model for the solution of a classic NP-complete
guarantee convergence to a local optimum. Since the value of combinatorial optimization problem, the traveling salesman
the cost functions is obtained only via simulation at any given problem. The results were good as simulations have shown in
point, we do not possess any information on the modality of the problems of small size. The NN gave solutions that achieved
cost functions, and thus we cannot be sure that attainment of the optimum, or were very close to that, as exact solution
a local optimum coincides with the achievement of the global by exhaustive search has shown. This work attracted a lot of
one. In fact, the solution depends on the initial condition. attention because of certain advantages offered, compared to
Given an initial point, the algorithms will continue their search existing approaches to these problems as are various heuristic
into the problem space until a termination criterion is satisfied. algorithms or stochastic optimization methods like simulated
Two multidimensional optimization methods over a contin- annealing.
uous space were applied. The steepest descent method [19] is The main characteristic of this method is that the NN model
probably one of the simplest and most common optimization maps the discrete space over which the under optimization
methods. It makes use of the gradient of the cost function to objective function is defined in a continuous space where the
calculate the next step toward the direction of largest decrease. neural computation operates [23].
Since no analytical formulas are available for the cost function, The class of objective functions that can be modeled by
its gradient is approximated numerically [17]. The next step means of Hopfield NN’s [23], [26], [27] is limited to those
is calculated using “Armijo’s rule” [19]. that can be expressed in the form
In contrast with the steepest descent method, the downhill n n n
simplex method [20] requires only function evaluations, rather

’Note that in both approaches the cost functions are calculated on the finite 4The downhill simplex method has no relation to the simplex method of
set of points of the grid. linear optimization.

where T l j expresses the interaction between the ith and j t h

I 6
neurons, V, is the output of the ith neuron, and I ; is the
externally supplied input to the ,ith neuron. The adaptation 14

of the cost function of the base-station placement problem

to this form is not straightforward, since interaction of N
base-stations (generally N > 2) is involved in its calculation. 10

First, it is necessary to find an appropriate representation

of the problem. Each neuron i can be associated with a base-
station that is located on an unobstructed point of the grid 6

( x , ; , y ~and
) transmits with power p ; . The fact that a given
neuron is on (v = 1) corresponds to the existence of such a

base-station. In the other case (V, =: U), the point is considered 2

without a base-station. This representation requires an NN with 5 10 T5 20 25

n = (XI,,,, . Y,,,,, -- lOBl)lPl neurons. To adapt our cost Fig. 6. Layout of a typical office building used to denioiistrate the optimiLa-
function to the form of (6), we make two approximations: tion algorithm results. Lighter shading indicates the obstructions.
1. The interference area 1 is the sum of the interference
areas liJ that occur by the interaction of all the base-
station pairs i and j

A first order approximation of the derivative of the neuron
where Ii,, = ~ ' ( ~ ~ ; , ~ l , p l , ~for~ Q
j ~=~0.
j , ~ ) , )
input voltage U , provides an iterative form that will be used
in computer simulations.
2. The covered area C is the sum of the cell area C; of
each base-station i , subtracting the interference area I;, The choice of the nonnegative coefficients U. b, d, f affects
produced by base-station a and every other base-station the trajectory of the NN and, hence, the solution to the
j , i.e., problem. Methods for selecting their values are discussed in
more detail in [28] and [29].

C. Results of the Optimization Procedure

In this section, we will demonstrate the effectiveness of the
Manipulation of the above formulas and incorporation of aforementioned algorithms in optimizing the cost functions (3)
constraints on the number of base-stations on the floor (the and (4). The computational complexity of the general problem
detailed analysis, along with more information on the archi- makes it necessary to examine it as two separate problems.
tecture of the Hopfield NN can be found in [17]), yield an First, we will try to obtain the optimal solutions of the cost
energy function of the form functions with respect to location of the base-stations and then
the optimal solutions of the cost functions with respect to the
power of the base-stations.
The layout of a typical office building (Fig. 6) is used to
demonstrate the optimization algorithm results. Lighter shaded
areas indicate the obstructions. Throughout this section, the
number of base-stations is set to N = 3 , while the thresholds
I), and PI are set to -20 dBm and 10 dB, respectively. The
The resulting estimate of the covered area is, obviously, not priority coefficient a is set to 1/2. The number of beams of the
equal to the estimate that the exact calculation of the cost func- adaptive antenna arrays is set to M = 4, and the beamwidth
tion F would yield. However, it is a suitable approximation of each is set to 0 = ~ / 2 .
of the cost function as long as the areas where cells overlap All the algorithms were programmed in C, and were run
are considered as interference areas. In this case, solutions on Sun Sparcstations 10 and 20, through the user graphic
with minimum cell overlapping and maximum covered area user interface of the indoor wireless networks design tool
are favored. (Section V).
The evolution of the input voltage at each neuron is char- 1 ) Optimization with Respect to the Locations: To optimize
acterized by the equation the cost function F' with respect to the locations of the
N = 3 base-stations, we fix the transmitted power such
-<U - that pl = p 2 = p 3 = 70 mW. The coordinates 2 , and
lit sv, y L ( i = 1, 2 , 3 ) can range from one to XI,,,,, = 16 and one
to Y,,,,, = 24, respectively, except at the points of the the set
U B . In our example, lOBl = 120. Thus, there are ( 5 ) 3 03 1 864
admissible solutions. The initial guess for both steepest descent

cOBtn82.60. Xlll-3. YIll-21. XI21-4. Yf21-2, X13L1-1. Y131-11 . .. .. .. , * ,.


,. -
12 ' /




5 10 15 20 25 5 10 $6 20 25

Fig. 7. Optimal BS location (omni antennas) Fig. 8. Optimal BS location (adaptive antennas).


I (Zl,Yl) I I I

"Energy (227Y2) (23793) F NN Energy (21791) (227?h) (23793) F

63373.098 (6,2) (8,10) (11,21) 69.57
63520.070 (6,3) (8,9) (6,22) 64.97
63495.339 (6,2) (8,lO) (6,22) 63.23

34207.502 I (1,19) I (6,2) 1 (15, 19) I 85.0 descent algorithm failed to converge within a preset number
34212.006 I (1,5) I (2,22) I (12,121 I 82.5 of 200 iterations.
34218.014 I (3,19) I (6,3) I (15,19) I 84.5 The NN converged to a stable state in 290-520 iterations.
However, a fourth neuron was partially activated. To compen-
sate for that, we increased the value of the weight coefficient
and simplex methods was set to ( 2 1 . y1. X Z . yz. 2 3 . Y3)lnlt = a . The solutions given by the NN are shown in Table 11.
(10. 5 , 10, 19, 4, 12). 2) Optimization with Respect to the Power: In this case,
In the omnidirectional antenna case, an exhaustive search the powers of the base-stations are the variables of the cost
of the admissible solutions found that there are two different function. The locations of the three base-stations were fixed
optimal solutions at {(3,21), (4,2), (11,ll)) and {(4,1), (4,24), at the points (10, 5), (10, 19), and (4, 12) of the building
( l l , l l ) } , with cost function value equal to 82.50 (Fig. 7). The floor In the continuous space algorithms, the power was
steepest descent method converged after 12 iterations to the allowed to range from 0 mW to 140 mW. The initial guess
solution {(12,3), (15,23), (1,13)}, where the value of the cost for both steepest descent and simplex methods was set to
function is equal to 86.00. The simplex method converged after (PI.p2. p3)lnlt = (70. 70, 70). The set of powers P was
59 iterations to the solution {(10,3), (1 1,23), (3,l l)}, where the selected to be
value of the cost function is equal to 85.00.
A number of 200 simulations of the Hopfield NN were
P = (30. 35, 40,. . . , 140) (in mW).
run. In 97% of the simulations, the NN converged to an The number of elements in P is IPl = 23 and, thus, there are
admissible solution. In 87% of the tests, this happened within 23.' = 233 = 12 167 different admissible solutions.
350-500 iterations. In 10% of the simulations convergence In the omni-directional antennas case, an exhaustive search
occurred within 700-800 iterations. The remaining 3% of the of these solutions found three optimal solutions at points
simulations did not converge within the preset limit of 1400 (135, 135, 30), (135, 140, 30), and (140, 140, 30), which all
iterations. The solutions given by the NN are shown in Table I. have cost function value equal to 93.00 (Fig. 9). The steepest
In the adaptive antenna array case, the exhaustive search descent method converged after 23 iterations to the solution
found one optimum solution at {(7,23), (9,l l), (10,3)}, where (63, 79, 58), with cost function value equal to 105.5. The
the value of the cost function is equal to 54.00 (Fig. 8). It simplex method converged after 51 iterations to the solution
is worth mentioning that more than 450 solutions are in the (88, 117, l), with cost function value equal to 88.5.
interval [54, 691. In this interval lies also the value of the In the 200 simulations that were run, the NN converged to
cost function at the optimal solutions of the omnidirectional admissible solutions in 235-370 iterations. The most frequent
antenna case. solutions are shown in Table 111.
The simplex method, after 70 iterations, converged to the In the adaptive antenna array case, the global optimum was
solution {(9,2), (10,19), (4,10)}, with cost function value found by exhaustive search at point (135, 140, 85) with cost
74.84, that is rather far from the optimal solution. The steepest function value equal to 42.50 (Fig. 10). The simplex method

FoSl-42 50. Pill-136. P[2j-140. P13J-85

C O a b 9 3 00. PllI-lIS P12~-140.PPI-30
?6 -% -.-
t *
I b r
d( '10

. 1 % . -,
e * *

2 i'
5 10 15 20 25
5 10 15 20 25

Fig. IO. Optimal BS power (adaptive antennas)

Fig. 9. Optimal BS powcr (oninr antennas)
" Pl P2 p3 pbl,P2,p3)
47459.312 110 130 45 47.68
58473.543 I 140 I 135 I 35 I 95.00
58435.010 125 140 30 93.50
58462.503 135 140 35 94.50

Since the energy function of the NN is an approximation

of the cost function, minima of the energy function do not
necessarily correspond to minima of the cost function (Tables
converged after 87 iterations to the solution (135, 140, 85),
I-IV). However, the solutions, in general, seem to be very
with cost function value F(85: 125, 130) = 4Y.50, while the
close to the optimum. The main advantage of the NN is that
steepest descent method failed to converge to a solution within
these near-optimal solutions were obtained in a very small
the preset limit of 200 iterations.
fraction of the time that an exhaustive search needs. This
Again, 200 simulations of the Hopfield NN were run, The
fraction ranges from U2000 in case two to 1/130000 in case
NN converged to admissible solutions in 3 4 5 4 5 0 iterations. one, and depends on the specific layout. Moreover, the number
The most frequent solutions are shown in Table 1V.
of neurons needed to represent the problem and, thus, the time
efficiency of the NN,is independent of the number of base-
D. Discussion of the Kesults stations on the floor, unlike the number of admissible solutions
In the previous section, we presented the results of the that increases geometrically with N .
optimization procedures. The solutions that were obtained The Hopfield NN provided solutions even in cases where
were always close to the global optimum, as it was shown by the other two methods failed to converge. This is because the
exhaustively searching the space of the admissible solutions. energy function coefficients are computed off-line, and only
There was an exception in the case of the steepest descent once for each particular configuration.
and simplex methods for the adaptive antenna array case. This For the omnidirectional antenna case, as was expected, the
is due to the nondeterministic way in which the probability optimal solutions minimized the cell overlapping, but also
of interference was calculated (Section 111-C). At each step, the covered area. We observed that the optimal powers of
these methods reevaluate the cost function at the best point the base-stations tended to almost turn off one of the three
of the previous step. Even a small difference between the two base-stations, to eliminate interference (Fig. 9). Although this
evaluations of the cost function at the same point, may either approach achieves satisfactory results, i.e., minimizes the cost
drive the algorithm to solutions that are far from the optimum, function, for the adaptive scheme as well, it would fail to
or even cause severe oscillation. capture the spatial diversity properties. Consider a scenario
The convergence characteristics of the Hopfield NN were where a mobile enters the range of base-station A. Base-
very satisfactory. The NN converged to stable solutions in station A has assigned all of the available beams to other
92% of the simulations for all cases. In the remaining 8% of mobiles in its range. In the conventional case, the connection
the tests, the NN failed to converge to an admissible solution. would be abruptly terminated. In an adaptive base-station
Tuning of the weight coefficients was crucial in assuring the system, however, as long as interference is below a given
convergence of the NN to admissible solutions. threshold, the mobile would be serviced by a base-station B

Fig. 11. Prediction of cell boundaries using the IWNDT

whose range overlaps the range of base A at the location makes it possible to enhance the tool with new features, like
of the mobile. Therefore, in the adaptive array case, heavy optimization algorithms, and more accurate propagation and
overlapping of the cells, i.e., large interference areas, may multipath models.
result in increased capacity, especially for lightly loaded The designer, interacting with the tool through the graphical
systems, Thus, substantial improvement is expected. user-interface, is able to change the optimization parameters
The tests showed that although the solutions that minimize to obtain the performance measures of a particular network
the cost function for the omnidirectional were also the best configuration, and finally get the configurations that satisfy
solutions for the adaptive scheme, the cost function (4) showed the designer's specifications (Fig. 11).
a large degree of insensitivity with respect to the different The computational part of the tool are programmed in C,
configurations, meaning that deviation among the good and while the user interface and the graphics functions are handled
bad solutions is small. Sometimes, solutions of heavier cell by Matlab r0utines.j The user interface meets the require-
overlapping are favored, as in Fig. 10. In this case, the use of ments for interactivity and simplicity in use. The system is
adaptive antenna arrays allows the base-stations to transmit at portable and versions for X-Windows and Microsoft-Windows
higher power levels, thus, covering a larger area, reducing, in platforms, are already available.
the same time, the co-channel interference.
Increase in the covered area is also caused by the in- VI. CONCLUSION
creased power efficiency of the adaptive scheme, since the
In this paper, we addressed the problem of improving the
adaptive base-stations required only a fraction of the power
spectral efficiency of cellular indoor wireless networks by opti-
that the omnidirectional antennas needed to cover the same
mizing the location and power of the base-stations. Using stan-
area efficiently.
dard, site-specific, indoor wireless channel prediction models,
we derived network access criteria for mobiles on the indoor
floor when the base-stations employ omnidirectional antennas
The indoor wireless networks design tool (IWNDT) was and adaptive antenna arrays and we showed that increase of the
developed in support of our investigation. It provides the multiple access capability of the network can be achieved by
designer with the ability to describe indoor environments, to employing antenna diversity at the base-station. The derived
predict attenuation levels throughout the floor, to estimate cost functions are used to the solution of the optimization prob-
cell coverage, to compute the cost functions we described lem. We showed that near-optimal solutions can be obtained.
in this paper, and to find the optimal location and power of For the omnidirectional case, we showed that the minimization
the base-stations. Attention has been paid to developing the of the cell-area overlap maximizes the capacity of the system.
tool as a number of independent modules that communicate
with each other through well-defined interfaces. This approach 'Matlab is a trademark of Mathworks, Inc.

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191 M. D. Yacoub, Foundations qf’Mobile Kudio Engineering. Boca Katon,
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1101 R. A. Monzingo and T. W. Miller, lntruduction / o Adaptive Arrays. Anthony Ephremides (S’68-M’71-SM’77-F’84)
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[ 161 0. Starnatelos and A. Ephremides, “Multiple access capability of indoor the EECS Departinent of the University of California, Berkeley, and INRIA,
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11 71 D. Stamatelos, “Spectral efficiency and optimal base placement for in Satellite Communications between Fairchild lndustries and the University
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1181 S. C. Swales, M. A. Beach, D. J. Edwards, and J . McGeehan, “The and satellite communications.
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39, pp. 56-67, Feb. 1990. Control in Athens, Greece. He was the President of the Information Theory
[ 191 D. L. Luenberger, Linear and Nonlineur Progrumming, 2nd ed. Read- Society of the IEEE in 1987, and served on the Board of the IEEE in 1989
ing, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1989. and 1990.

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