Introduction To World Religions and Belief Systems: Valuing Patience

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Introduction to World Religions and

Belief Systems

 Islamic values that you can relate to the most:

Valuing Patience

Under certain values imposed upon us, our actions differ based on our principles. We
deem to believe what we want to believe, with the gradual force of weighing right from wrong.
In an era where greediness is at its utmost glory and domination is at prominence, impatience
and lack of judgment is a common prospect. Wherein, success is measured through possession,
money, or fame, with some people blinded by its unruly power. Pondering on the influence it
bestowed towards the mindset of many people, I haphazardly thought that climbing up the ladder
requires a little risk, or dirty works, unto reaching the top, little did I know, that it is rooted from
hunger towards the wrong conception of success. Through this, I adapted a certain ideology:
there is always the quickest way around everything one wants – losing integrity. 

Islam emphasized the value of patience, seen in their doctrine. "You will not always see
the fruits of your labor right away. Maybe not even in your lifetime. All things take time.
Success is dependent upon patience." (3:200) It is a similar quote from one that I know of –
"Patience is a virtue." Venturing on a journey, a future, a dream, a vision are few of the things I
want to shift into a reality: to easily drift away from the brink of hoping, failing and eventually,
trying again; wanting things to be within my grasp in an instant, which demolishes the essence of
process. A striking line from the phrase somewhat changed my viewpoint, ".. to all things is a
process you cannot speed up," from then on, I realized that integrity, patience and perseverance
are what adds glory to the success we long for. I thrived and seek the value of that certain belief,
instilling that, my time to blossom will come; to reap the seeds, and sow it when the season

One recipe of success is patience. Achieving your dream with the will to continue
manifests greater importance to strengthen your character, sprinkling an essence to your dream.
Through setting a goal, learning the involvement of process in producing a progress is a must,
and one thing to apprehend. Patience is such a beautiful thing to behold, and one of the few
Islamic value that unveil the thought of becoming wiser through waiting for the right time to
come. Our morals cultivates what we choose to do, and through that, we are obligated to open
our eyes on what is righteous.
Introduction to World Religions and
Belief Systems

Gender and Social Equality, An Issue In Hindu Society

Hindu subscribe to a diversity of ideas on spirituality and traditions, but have no

ecclesiastical order, no unquestionable religious authorities, no governing body, nor a single
founding prophet. Hindus can be whoever they want in their wide range of traditions and ideas.
One Hindu may draw upon ideas, follow personal beliefs and still identify as a Hindu. However,
the role of gender and class within their sphere is at question, what is the current state or the
implication of Hindus towards the walk for equality?

Ranked through essential qualities, notions of complete equality is still at askance in the
Hindu Society. Hierarchy is of existence within groupings, dating back from the archaic times,
whereas, the classification or division leads to lacking the ability to recognize one's potential or
prominent role in the society because they are labeled of who they are and how they should live.
Clamoring this major issue can be a help: Being inclined with their beliefs of becoming a great
Hindu in exerting greater efforts in fulfillment to their status and roles, Hindus put individuals
through 4 different groups through means of simply classifying where they belong,  harnessing
the characterization of being biased and untrue. Tying people into one status without the option
to discover or moderate their capacities to seek what best fits in their individuality is a sprout of
inequality. Oligarchy can be considered as a domination towards other lower groups, as they opt
to stick with familiarization rather than empathy. The prime example are those who are
considered as impure, or untouchables, that are not given the righteous opportunities to rebuild
their lives in restoration of what is lost due to the belief of reincarnation and past lives. Cutting
their accessibility towards the religion and basic necessities with an indifferent treatment is a
qualm to the aim of the religion which is a provoking power and a key aspect to improvise the
implemented law of Hindus for reinstatement. The discrimination between different groups is
seen prominently, and the distribution of knowledge and resources greatly vary. Even in a
modernized phase, it is still an issue that needs to be put forward for gradual awareness to
heighten the number of possibilities in implementing solution through policies and under the
specifications of the law to see the problematic arena of a belief system upon justifying the gray
area that lies between morals and beliefs.

In light of the current issues, a tremendous gap of development and educational

attainment by men and women in urban and rural areas is considered as an aspect to look at, in
recognition of what one can do. Objectification of women are at large in this society, perceiving
women as their possession and solely life bearers, without a imperative role to behold. Men are
for women, not the other way around. Crimes against women show an upward trend, brutal
crimes accumulate – rape, dowry deaths, and honour killings in representation of a good Hindu. 
Equality requires the elimination of harmful practices against women and oppression tactics for
them to contribute each of their capacities unto greater things, relatively moving forward with
progress, but, the pushed beliefs of Hinduism, with the uncontrollable malice towards women
Introduction to World Religions and
Belief Systems
persisted movements for religious figures to call for policy initiatives to empower women as
gender disparities. However, in criticizing the acceptable law of the practice of child marriage is
one thing to look at, drawing a complete connection between the crimes, especially into the
complete perception of women, as 'what they are'. The continuous evolution of gender inequality
evoke for set of ideals coherent to a solution aren't compatible with their beliefs. The call for
equality is globally discussed, but the aloof recognition of this issue is the reason why it isn't
solved, at all. The impact of this conflict should be indicated and applied in higher groups until it
is too uncomfortable to bear. One does not move until they are directly affected.
Introduction to World Religions and
Belief Systems

Relationship Chart: Karma and Samsara


 The action done by intention.  Cycle of rebirth
 Leading to consequences, whether it  Temporary and impermanent duration
is good or bad. of one’s life
 Newton’s Third Law of Motion:  Morals to put an end to suffering
Every Action has an equal and  Rebirth according to karma
opposite reaction.
 Means justifying the ends.

Karma is the main reason why samsara exists – as the belief had flaunted that, their cycle
of rebirth is pushed by the consequences they had done in the past life. It is a beginningless and
endless suffering, until reaching profound joy or ‘Nirvana’, wherein one is free.

The action through varied intentions, whether it may be through greed and power, is a
modification or impermanence and that is in human’s nature to continuously crave for temporary
things. Samsara perpetuates karma, as it the basis of morality in putting an end to suffering as
means of transcendence.
Introduction to World Religions and
Belief Systems

Importance of 4 Noble Truths in Buddhist doctrine

A doctrine is a prerequisite in a religion, without it, beliefs and ideologies aren't exactly
concretized. A doctrine proclaims the faith and belief of the individuals within. The main
contribution of the 4 Noble Path is embodying those teachings with principles to serve as the sole
essence of teachings and a fundamental branch of knowledge in their belief system. Specifying
the 4 Noble Truths, it encapsulates the awakening of the soul, obtaining spirituality and inner
peace, on a religion, known as the own truth of the 'noble'. Nobility means those who are wise or
capable, possessing qualities. Clasping a significance on the many types of truth: Truth is
something we make, or that in a modest classification of the phrase, "Perception is real. Reality
is not." Who is worthy to achieve it, or in one way, can you constantly weigh that worth, when
you choose to adjoin in our belief? 

The 4 Noble Truth holds captivity the central viewpoint of Buddhism, considered as the
first teaching of Buddha, whom experienced 'Nirvana,'  known as the, "profound spiritual joy".
The shift of an experience to a reality, as a heavy implication to that of Buddha's witnessing, and
seeing what it can do to other people. Comprising of dukkha, samudaya, nirodhan and magga,
the emphasis towards the ending of pain in stages of one's life is brought forth. Dukkha is
considered as being incapable of satisfaction, caused by samudaya, followed by nirodha in
eradicating all sorts of desires and craving, and withstanding the last truth, magga, which is the
Noble Eightfold Path - holding the importance, bound to extract indulgences, a concept of
principle. A doctrine taught through set of ideals, opening a way to enlightenment, perceived as
the truthful way of seeing for the becoming, wherein the innate nature of man of hunger and
greed is ripped off, exposure of this ideology can prevent a debacle: suffering. Relinquishing all
types of attachments from things that are temporary is a conveyance of the quote, "Change is
constant." and that, "Nothing is ever permanent." Probing the 3 roots of evil - (1) Greed and
desire, (2) - Ignorance or delusion, (3) - Hatred and destructive urges, freeing oneself in the
chambers of these grudges brings the possibility of gathering righteousness and ultimate truth.
The vitality of the quote, "Thought always precedes and determines activity," can be an
assumption to the practices they uphold and to further characterize the details of goodness unto
uplifting the priorities of their belief system and doctrines, to gather people in a pathway to
promote the nature of their religion, through transcendence.
Introduction to World Religions and
Belief Systems

Own means of Noble Eightfold Path

The Noble Eightfold Path is included in the Four Noble Truths and is entangled as a
vision to impart in a principle to attaining profound abundance equating to Nirvana. According
to, Ogwart (2016) "The Buddha described the Eightfold Path as a means to enlightenment, like a
raft for crossing a river. Once one has reached the opposite shore, one no longer needs the raft
and can leave it behind." It includes the cultivation of being righteous, cornering all prejudices,
which can be a difficulty to obtain without much determination. It is idealistic, but it is the
Buddhists' goal to achieve, in line with their own set of truths.

It is grounds and baseline for morality. The practice can or cannot adhere to the
chronological order. The development of each value is measured through the capacities of an
individual, a link of interconnection towards the cultivation of other. According to Buddhism, for
a man to be perfect there are two qualities that he should develop equally: "compassion on one
side, and wisdom on the other," and is perceived both as inseparably linked together. Wherein
the manifestation of kindness and qualities of nobility, with wisdom amongst all other things is
the aim, but the journey throughout the process of practicing these principles isn't a guarantee of
achievement. If only compassion is only achieved, one is a good-hearted fool, and if only
wisdom, a hard-hearted intellectual is what one become. To be the incarnation of both, it has to
be developed simultaneously, that is how Buddhists do it. 

While, manifesting my own means of practicing the Eightfold Path may be a difficulty:
with the fondness of my own freedom, through expression of judgment and prejudices over other
people who harbor negativity on others, I can set aside the difficult part and measure my
capacities on how to balance emotions and cohesion, placing it for greater things. I have set of
principles to uphold, but those around me can slowly eliminate the essence through mixed
perception and attachment on desires, specifically, I, who crave towards impermanent things
along the way. In the right view, distinguishing the root of my desires upon fathoming what can
last longer to that of temporary, is a striking foundation of perception.  Step by step, in the littlest
ways everyday, I can jumpstart from the most significant - right intention. A motive to change is
something that can integrate my words, turned to actions, setting an agenda in promoting
spirituality. I am certain that I cannot follow through all of the eight, execution of my own
comprehension towards the Noble Eightfold can somewhat build the intricate fundamental of the
values towards being noble. 

- Setting goals filled with integrity. 

- Not quick to judge, observation towards people and things. 
- Stay kind even under dire circumstances. 
- Be careful with words, and learn how to say things in the righteous way, without sounding
blunt or rude. 
- Be mindful of the surroundings and influence that people have upon you. 
Introduction to World Religions and
Belief Systems
- Mind over matter.

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