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Writing Activity

Why am i enrolled in PathwayConnect?

I am enrolled in PathwayConnect because i want to improve my english, i was taking classes during
school, but honestly, i wasn´t interested in learning, but the interest grew and i had the desire to
study. When i was in the mission, i didn´t have any american companion, but my zone leaders
helped me to speak and to know more vocabulary. In the mission i had de desire to go to BYU-I
because the missionaries told me about many opportunities to go to study, so, when i was in
home, i thought in the blessings that i can receive if i take the opportunity to study english, and
when i got a job, i knew i could pay Pathway. I would like to study in BYU-I in person and do a
master´s degree.

I know that is a great opportunity for me, to prepare myself spiritual and temporarily and i know
that this course is going to help my future family.

Jennifer Roldan

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