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Language Acquisition Autobiography Victoria Sovick

Language Acquisition Autobiography

By Victoria Sovick
ENGL 420 Principles of Language
Crystal Gentry

Language Acquisition Autobiography Victoria Sovick

As I outline my earliest memories of spoken and written language it is hard to recall memories of

when I first started speaking. I was a very shy and quiet child or, so I’ve been told by my family.

I do not have many memories of when I first spoke or me speaking in general, but I do have lots

of memories of my mother and family speaking to me. My mother read to me often as a child. I

can remember her reading stories like The Giving Tree, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Madeline,

and lots of Dr. Seuss books. My mother shared her love of reading with me. Although I can not

recall memories of me speaking as a young child, I can recall when I first started reading. When I

was in Kindergarten I remember vividly when I could first read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish,

Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss on my own. I was so happy and proud of myself, and I was eager to dive

into reading. My family say’s that anytime they saw me I always had a book with me. I am a shy

person in general and even to this day, I would much rather read a book then talk with someone.

However, I have learned the importance of talking and getting to know others. It must be the

introvert in me that would like to stay in and read a good book. I know language not only in

books but in speaking and communicating is very important. I currently run an after-school

program at an elementary school, and I must communicate with teachers, my staff, students,

parents, and other stakeholders daily. Language and communication are key.

I have always had a love for literature and a love of reading, but I can admit that I have

never been a fan of writing. I always dreaded taking English classes because that meant that I

had to write. I don’t mind writing reports or research papers but when it comes to personal or

creative writing, I am not a fan. Although taking English classes may not be my favorite, I know

that it is important and necessary. I have come to appreciate English classes and all that I have

learned. I have a certain admiration for those who have a talent for writing. I love reading stories

and there are so many talented authors that I have come to love. As a future educator it is

Language Acquisition Autobiography Victoria Sovick

important that I know and understand my feelings towards a subject in which I will have to teach

my students. Understanding how I feel about English Language Acquisition will help me prepare

to support my students with their ELA. Language development is an ongoing process. As a

teacher I will have certain ELA state standards that I will have to teach to my students and ensure

they comprehend those standards. I may have students who are English Learners, meaning

English is their second language. I must be supportive and help those students build their

language skills up. There are plenty of resources to help when dealing with English Learners.

The U.S. Department of Education has an office for English Language Acquisition. The website

states, “The U.S. Department of Education's Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA)

provides national leadership to help ensure that English Learners and immigrant students attain

English proficiency and achieve academic success.”

Early Language exposure can be impactful and necessary to help babies and children

develop their language skills. Madeline Johnson writes, “Language development is the process

by which children learn to speak in full sentences. The language development that occurs in early

childhood, from birth to 5 years of age, lays an important foundation for communicating and

learning for the rest of a child's life.” It is those early years that are crucial to language

development. Even before a child enters school age they have already been taught and equipped

with language skills. Parents and those around a baby 0-5 years lay the foundation of that child’s

language development for the rest of their lives. I know my own love for reading came about

because I was exposed to reading early on as my mother read to me as an infant on up. Exposing

babies and children to language and literature early on can have a lasting impact. In fact, babies

who may have been neglected and not exposed to language early on may have delayed

development and struggle with language or communication later. Delayed speech can be caused

Language Acquisition Autobiography Victoria Sovick

by many other factors as well. There are many theories such as nature vs. nurture and Piaget’s

cognitive development theory that can explain how language is developed in the early years, but

one thing that all those theories have in common is that exposer is needed. My early experiences

helped shaped my language acquisitions. Just like the adults in my life impacted me, I can impact

others. As a mother myself, I ensured that I talked and read to my son when he was born

consistently and constantly. I made sure to support and encourage growth and learning

throughout his life. My son graduated high school last year with high academic scores and

multiple acceptances into colleges. I know that my husband and I along with the teachers, family,

and friends had a direct impact on my son. He has just started college this year at Cal Poly

Pomona and is majoring in Aerospace Engineering. He enjoys it so far and is doing well. I know

that I can have an impact on others as well, which is why I want to go into the field of teaching. I

know I have more to offer, and I want to help students achieve their goals and become successful


Language Acquisition Autobiography Victoria Sovick


U.S. Department of Education. (2021). Office of English language acquisition.

Retrieved from

Johnson, M. (2022). Early childhood language development. Retrieved from


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