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NIM : F1D219051

In Geology, which is the study of rocks and minerals. Minerals are the
building blocks of rocks. In the rocks, there are names of igneous rocks for
example is granite which is found in some minerals which is quartz, biotite
mica and plagioclase feldspar. On the earth, there are over 2000 varieties of
minerals some of which are seen here as we can tell they come in a wide
variety of colors, shapes, sizes,textures and all shorts of different physical
caracteristics. Minerals have quite a few uses in our everyday life, example
an rough uncut diamond that use for jewelry we also use diamonds in
cunstruction as the tips of saw blades and variety other indrustial uses.
Another mineral example Fluorite is a most famous for its inclusion in
toothpastea and talc is very soft and it’s used in baby powder, etc. A mineral
the substance must meet five criteria that is the substance must exist as a
solid under normal conditions on earth not man made for example plastik,
the substance must be naturally occurring on earth, the substance must be
inorganic not coming from living or made of living things for example tree
branches or leaves and coral, the substance must hava a fixed formula for
example the mineral quartz is composed of silicon and oxygen bonded
together, and then finally criteria the atoms that make up the substance
must be arranged in orderly crystal structure for example majority the
minerals that on earth’s surface are considered silicates the silica tetrahedra
is the most common arrangementa. All of these physical characteristic of
minerals result from one specific thing and that is the internal arrangement
of the atoms. diamond is the hardest mineral that exist on the earth, fairy
rare in nice complete crystals it is the hardest substance.

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