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Quaternary International 138–139 (2005) 145–167

Regional synthesis of last glacial maximum snowlines in the tropical

Andes, South America
Jacqueline A. Smitha,, Geoffrey O. Seltzera,y, Donald T. Rodbellb, Andrew G. Kleinc
Department of Earth Sciences, 204 Heroy Geology Lab, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-1070, USA
Department of Geology, Union College, Schenectady, NY 12308, USA
Department of Geography, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA
Available online 18 April 2005


The modern glaciers of the tropical Andes are a small remnant of the ice that occupied the mountain chain during past glacial
periods. Estimates of local Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) snowline depression range from low (e.g., 200–300 m in the Junin region,
Peru), through intermediate (600 m at Laguna Kollpa Kkota in Bolivia), to high (e.g., 1100–1350 m in the Cordillera Oriental, Peru).
Although a considerable body of work on paleosnowlines exists for the tropical Andes, absolute dating is lacking for most sites.
Moraines that have been reliably dated to 21 cal kyr BP have been identified at few locations in the tropical Andes. More
commonly, but still rarely, moraines can be bracketed between about 10 14C kyr (11.5 cal kyr BP) and 30 14C kyr BP. Typically,
only minimum-limiting ages for glacial retreat are available. Cosmogenic dating of erratics on moraines may be able to provide
absolute dating with sufficient accuracy to identify deposits of the local LGM. Ongoing work using cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al in
Peru and Bolivia suggests that the local LGM may have occurred prior to 21 cal kyr BP.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ages that are calibrated to calendar years before present

(Stuiver and Reimer, 1993).
The primary purpose of this synthesis of snowline This synthesis differs from previous studies of
information for tropical South America is to serve as a regional snowline change (e.g., Hastenrath, 1967, 1971,
resource for climate modelers seeking reliable informa- 1985; Nogami, 1976; Fox and Bloom, 1994; Klein et al.,
tion about equilibrium-line altitudes (ELAs) or snow- 1999, 2001; Dornbusch, 2001) in that it is a critical and
lines to use for comparison with output from climate conservative examination of evidence for LGM mor-
simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). As aines. It includes an evaluation of the methods used by
used here, the term ‘‘last glacial maximum’’ refers to workers to establish the age of glaciation, the proximity
the maximum extent of glaciation in the Northern of the ages associated with glacial features to the LGM
Hemisphere at about 18,000 14C yr BP (about 21,000 target age of 21,000 cal yr BP, and an assessment of the
cal yr BP) as interpreted from the marine oxygen isotope methods used to determine the change in snowline or
record (Imbrie et al., 1984). Throughout this manu- ELA. One criterion in the evaluation of chronological
script 14C yr BP refers to radiocarbon years before data is the requirement that the feature have radiometric
present (AD 1950) and cal yr BP refers to radiocarbon dating associated with it to be considered useful for
comparison with climate modeling output.
We have focused on the tropical Andes that border
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 315 443 2672; the Pacific Ocean south of the equator as a coherent
fax: +1 315 443 3363.
geomorphic unit; the Andes of the circum-Caribbean
E-mail address: (J.A. Smith). region are treated separately (see Lachniet and
Deceased. Vazquez-Selem, this volume). The tropical Andes are

1040-6182/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
146 J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

characterized by prevailing easterlies that bring moisture to group the major study regions by the nations in which
across the Amazon Basin from the Atlantic Ocean they are located: Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia (Fig. 1).
(Johnson, 1976). As a result, there is a general east–west Table 1 is a compilation of snowline data presented in
gradient in snowlines, with the lowest snowlines on east- this synthesis. Estimates of snowline depression at the
facing slopes of the Eastern Cordillera. Increasing LGM are summarized in Fig. 2. The discussion begins in
aridity to the south produces a general north–south the north and proceeds southward through the region.
gradient in snowlines as well, with the highest snowlines Our goal has been to include sites where the glaciation
(6000 m) on the arid Altiplano, although the 01 chronology is based on radiometric dating and the
isotherm lies approximately 1000 m lower. In such areas method used to calculate changes in snowline at the
of extreme aridity, the location of the ELA is highly LGM has been specified. These criteria set this study
dependent on the availability of moisture, rather than apart from previous regional syntheses that made
temperature (Johnson, 1976). In their respective surveys simplifying assumptions about LGM chronology and
of geomorphic evidence for Pleistocene glaciations, incorporated snowline changes estimated by differing
Hastenrath (1967, 1971, 1985), Nogami (1976), and methods.
Klein et al. (1999) concluded that a pattern of rising
snowlines from east to west and from north to south
also existed during the Pleistocene in the tropical Andes. 3. Ecuador
In a study limited to Peru, Fox and Bloom (1994)
concluded that Pleistocene snowlines rose from east to The Ecuadorian Andes consist of two north–south-
west in the Peruvian Andes. trending, near-parallel chains, the Eastern Cordillera
The tropical Andes are currently dominated by valley (Cordillera Oriental) and the Western Cordillera
glaciers located above altitudes of 5 km; only a few ice (Cordillera Occidental), which are separated by high-
caps remain (e.g., Quelccaya Ice Cap in Peru). During altitude basins. The highest peaks in the Ecuadorean
the LGM in the region, glacial ice expanded and Andes are volcanic and include ice-covered Volcán
descended up to 1000 m or more from current terminal Chimborazo (6310 m), the highest point in Ecuador, and
positions (e.g., Klein et al., 1999), ice caps were more Cotopaxi (5900 m), the world’s highest active volcano
common, and many areas now devoid of ice were then (Johnson, 1976). South of about 21S the altitude of the
occupied by both valley glaciers and piedmont glaciers highest peaks in the Ecuadorian Andes falls below
(e.g., Clapperton, 1993). The mass-balance regime of 5000 m and modern glacial ice is absent. Peak altitudes
glaciers in tropical climates with distinct wet and dry continue to decrease toward the southern end of
seasons differs from those in high latitudes. On tropical Ecuador and the northern end of Peru, where peak
glaciers, ablation typically occurs year round, altitudes are typically in the range of 3000–3500 m
whereas accumulation occurs during the wet season, (Instituto Geográfico Militar, 1991).
which is generally the austral summer in tropical South No LGM moraines have been definitively identified
America (Benn et al., this volume; Kaser and Osmaston, and dated in the Ecuadorian Andes. Near Papallacta
2002; Johnson, 1976). This mass-balance regime com- Pass on the Potrerillos Plateau, moraines have been
plicates the determination of snowlines on tropical loosely constrained to a period that includes the LGM.
glaciers. Clapperton et al. (1997) have bracketed the Sucus
Porter (2001) outlined five techniques commonly used advance between 13 14C kyr BP (15.5 cal kyr BP) and
to estimate snowlines: cirque-floor altitude, upvalley 30 14C kyr BP, but background information on the
limits of lateral moraines, glaciation threshold, altitude older age is incomplete.
ratios (including terminus-to-headwall-altitude-ratio, or
THAR), and accumulation-area ratio (AAR). In his 3.1. Volcán Pichincha, Western Cordillera, 01 12.50 S,
comparison of the five methods, Porter referred to the 781 350 W (Fig. 1, Site 1)
conclusions of Meierding (1982) that THAR and AAR
methods produced the most consistent results. Benn Heine (1995a) identified seven Quaternary moraine
et al. (this volume) discuss the assumptions and sets in the Ecuadorean Andes: M I–M VII (M I is
requirements associated with specific techniques used oldest). He concluded that the M IV moraines were
to estimate snowlines. deposited at the LGM. On Volcán Pichincha (4784 m;
Fig. 1, Site 1) in the Western Cordillera, the M IV
moraines commonly consist of narrow lateral and
2. Major study regions terminal moraines enclosing irregular, hummocky tills,
which Heine inferred to be remnants of ice-cored
In tropical circum-Pacific South America, national moraines. Heine reported that the M IV moraines
boundaries broadly coincide with changes in the descend to altitudes of 3900–4000 m and that deposition
structure and climate of the Andes. It is therefore useful of these moraines ‘‘gave evidence of a depression of the
J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167 147

Fig. 1. Location of sites in the tropical Andes of South America that are discussed in the text. Thin gray lines are 3000-m contour lines; thick black
lines mark political boundaries.

lower limit of ice-cored moraines of about 800–1000 m the Potrerillos Plateau, with peak altitudes of less than
compared with the recent occurrence of similar forms on 4400 m, is currently free of glacial ice. Clapperton et al.
Mt. Chimborazo.’’ He did not provide explicit ELA (1997) estimated the modern ELA at Volcán Antisana at
estimates for the M IV moraines. 4970750 m on the northern and western sides, where
Chronological control for the M IV moraines at modern glaciers terminate at 4600 m. They did not
Volcán Pichincha is minimal (Fig. 2). No radiocarbon describe the specific method used to estimate the modern
dates are directly associated with the M IV moraines ELA.
themselves. The M V moraines immediately upvalley The Plateau, which lies mostly at altitudes of
from the M IV moraines at 4100–4200 m enclose a basin 3900–4200 m, has been glaciated more than once during
containing varved clays and peat from which a the Quaternary (Clapperton et al., 1997). Weathered
minimum age for deglaciation of 13,010 14C yr BP terminal moraines at altitudes of 3000 m on the
(15.6 cal kyr BP) was obtained on peat. Organic-rich leeward west side and 2700 m on the windward east
sediments on the inner edge of the M II moraines side mark the most extensive Quaternary ice cover.
(located downvalley from the M IV moraines) were Younger moraines upvalley generally terminate above
dated at 449,500 14C yr BP. 3600 m on the west side and 3000 m on the east side
of the Plateau. Clapperton et al. (1997) noted that the
3.2. Papallacta Valley, Potrerillos Plateau, Eastern radiocarbon age of organic material beneath two tills
Cordillera, ca. 01 200 S, 781 120 W separated by a lava flow at 3500 m indicated that glacial
ice had advanced past that point at least twice after
The Potrerillos Plateau (Fig. 1, Site 2) is located in the 30 14C kyr BP.
Eastern Cordillera of Ecuador, extending northward Clapperton et al. (1997), working near Papallacta
approximately 40 km from Volcán Antisana (5758 m). Pass on the southern side of the Plateau, focused on
Whereas Volcán Antisana still supports a small ice cap, moraines in several valleys that showed morphostrati-
Table 1
Summary of published snowline information for each site discussed in the text

Site LGM snowline locality Country Latitude Longitude Aspect Summit Headwall Terminus Glacier type LGM ELA (m) LGM ELA method
altitude (m) altitude (m) altitude (m)

1 Volcán Pichincha, Ecuador 0.21 78.58 S, SE 4784 4784 3900–4000 Valley NA No ELA reported
Western Cordillera

2 Sucus site, Papallacta Ecuador 0.33 78.17 SW 4170 4170 3850 Valley NA No ELA reported
V., Potrerillos Plat., E
Potrerillos site, Ecuador 0.33 78.17 SE 4313 4313 3950 Valley 4050 not clear—logic?
Papallacta V.,
Potrerillos Plat., E

J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

Volcán Antisana, Ecuador 0.50 78.15 N&W 5758 5758 4600 Outlet NA No ELA reported
Eastern Cord.

3 Chimborazo- Ecuador 1.33 78.78 N 5202 5202 3600–3800 Ice cap NA No ELA reported
Carihuairazo Massif,
Site 1, W Cord.
Chimborazo- Ecuador 1.34 78.78 NW 5202 5202 3800–4000 Ice cap NA No ELA reported

Carihuairazo Massif,
Site 2, W Cord.
Chimborazo- Ecuador 1.36 78.82 N 5202 5202 3800–4000 Ice cap NA No ELA reported
Carihuairazo Massif,
Site 3a, W Cord.
Chimborazo- Ecuador 1.36 78.82 N 5202 5202 3800–4000 Ice cap NA No ELA reported
Carihuairazo Massif,
Site 3b, W Cord.
Chimborazo- Ecuador 1.36 78.82 N 5202 5202 3800–4000 Ice cap NA No ELA reported
Carihuairazo Massif,
Site 4a, W Cord.
Chimborazo- Ecuador 1.36 78.82 N 5202 5202 3800–4000 Ice cap NA No ELA reported
Carihuairazo Massif,
Site 4b, W Cord.
Chimborazo- Ecuador 1.45 78.70 E 6313 5800 3800–4000 Ice cap 3880 THAR ¼ 0:5
Carihuairazo Massif,
Chimb. E, W Cord.
Chimborazo- Ecuador 1.45 78.85 W 6313 5800 3800–4000 Ice cap 4090 THAR ¼ 0:5
Carihuairazo Massif,
Chimb. W, W Cord.
Chimborazo- Ecuador 1.45 78.75 S 5202 5202 3800–4000 Ice cap NA No ELA reported
Carihuairazo Massif,
glac. lake, W Cord.

4 Cordillera Oriental-W Peru 7.80 77.50 W 4525 4077 3746 Valley 3827 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
of local divide
Cord. Oriental-W of Peru 7.60 77.55 W 4350 3911 3452 Valley 3591 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
main divide; E of local
Cordillera Oriental-E Peru 7.65 77.47 E 4300 3760 3000 Valley 3170 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
of main divide

5 Rı́o Pumapampa, Peru 9.90 77.25 W 5682 5050 4025 Valley 4333 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Gueshque, Peru 9.80 77.30 WSW 5630 4950 4250 Valley 4460 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Cotush, Peru 9.75 77.30 WSW 5360 4825 3850 Valley 4143 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Peru 9.70 77.30 WSW 5237 4900 3850 Valley 4165 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Rı́o Negro, Cordillera Peru 9.65 77.30 WSW 5720 5070 3900 Valley 4251 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Quebrada Rurec, Peru 9.60 77.36 SW 5700 5075 3850 Valley 4218 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Cashan, Peru 9.58 77.42 SW 5720 5400 3950 Valley 4385 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Pariac, Peru 9.54 77.38 SW 6370 5425 3950 Valley 4393 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Shallap, Peru 9.51 77.42 SW 6370 5425 3950 Valley 4145 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Peru 9.50 77.38 SW 6222 5250 3950 Valley 4078 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca

J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

Quebrada Churup, Peru 9.50 77.43 SW 5500 5050 3700 Valley 4105 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Cojup, Peru 9.47 77.43 SW 6180 5525 3550 Valley 4143 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Llaca, Peru 9.47 77.47 SW 6160 5450 3750 Valley 4260 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Tayash, Peru 9.78 77.13 N 5208 5200 4350 Valley 4605 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)

Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Pongos, Peru 9.76 77.40 NNE 5580 5100 3725 Valley 4138 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Tambillo, Peru 9.67 77.21 NE 5200 4900 3900 Valley 4200 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Huamish, Peru 9.65 77.23 E 5240 4900 3700 Valley 4060 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Peru 9.60 77.26 NE 5100 4900 4050 Valley 4305 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Huantsan, Peru 9.55 77.26 E 5425 4900 4050 Valley 4305 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Pamparaju, Peru 9.53 77.24 SSE 5100 5000 4000 Valley 4300 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Peru 9.47 77.24 ENE 5870 5300 3850 Valley 4285 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Rurec, Peru 9.60 77.36 WSW 5700 5075 3850 Valley 42187178 THAR ¼ 0:2 & 0.4 (ave.)
Cordillera Blanca

Site LGM snowline locality Modern Modern ELA method Modern ELA LGM date # Dates DMC DC References
ELA (m) date

1 Volcán Pichincha, 44800 Summit is ice-free (4784 m) 1995 4 13,010 C 8 2 7 Heine, 1995a
Western Cordillera
2 Sucus site, Papallacta 4970 Apparent ELA, N&W 1996? 4 13,200 C 7 2 7 Clapperton et al., 1997
V., Potrerillos Plat., E. Antisana, 40 km S
Potrerillos site, 4970 Apparent ELA, N&W 1996? o10,855,410,035 14
C 22 2 7 Clapperton et al., 1997
Papallacta V., Antisana, 40 km S
Potrerillos Plat., E.
Volcán Antisana, 4970 Apparent ELA, N&W 1996? 0 NA NA Clapperton et al., 1997

Eastern Cord. Antisana, 40 km S
Table 1 (continued)

3 Chimborazo- 4800–4900 Observation, air photos; ELA 1987 o 38,520 14

C 1 2 7 Clapperton, 1987a, b
Carihuairazo Massif, 80% origin-term.
Site 1, W Cord.
Chimborazo- 4800–4900 Observation, air photos; ELA 1987 o 35,440 14
C 1 2 7 Clapperton and
Carihuairazo Massif, 80% origin-term. McEwan, 1985;
Site 3a, W Cord.
Clapperton, 1987a, b
Chimborazo- 4800–4900 Observation, air photos; ELA 1987 o 40,330 14
C 1 2 7 Clapperton, 1987a, b
Carihuairazo Massif, 80% origin-term.
Site 3b, W Cord.
Chimborazo- 4800–4900 Observation, air photos; ELA 1987 4 11,380 C 1 2 7 Clapperton, 1987a, b
Carihuairazo Massif, 80% origin-term.
Site 4a, W Cord.

J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

Chimborazo- 4800–4900 Observation, air photos; ELA 1987 4 14,770 1 2 5 Clapperton, 1987a, b
Carihuairazo Massif, 80% origin-term.
Site 4b, W Cord.
Chimborazo- 4800 Observation, air photos; ELA 1987 4 14,770, o35,440 14C 1 2 5 Clapperton, 1987a, b
Carihuairazo Massif, 80% origin-term.
Chimb. E, W Cord.
Chimborazo- 4900 Observation, air photos; ELA 1987 4 14,770, o35,440 14C 1 2 5 Clapperton, 1987a, b

Carihuairazo Massif, 80% origin-term.
Chimb. W, W Cord.
Chimborazo- 4800–4900 Observation, air photos; ELA 1987 4 11,370 C 2 2 7 Clapperton and
Carihuairazo Massif, 80% origin-term. McEwan, 1985
glac. lake, W Cord.
4 Cordillera Oriental-W 4661 Modern GT+snowline 1987 412,100 C 3 4 7 Birkeland et al., 1989;
of local divide gradient across E. Cord. Rodbell, 1991, 1992;
Seltzer, 1987
Cord. Oriental-W of 4636 Modern GT+snowline 1987 412,100 C 3 4 7 Birkeland et al., 1989;
main divide; E of local gradient across E. Cord. Rodbell, 1991, 1992;
Seltzer, 1987
Cordillera Oriental-E 4558 Modern GT+snowline 1987 412,100 C 3 4 7 Birkeland et al., 1989;
of main divide gradient across E. Cord. Rodbell, 1991, 1992;
Seltzer, 1987
5 Rı́o Pumapampa, 4950 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Gueshque, 4975 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Cotush, 5000 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada 4775 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Queroccocha, glacier (map, photo)
Cordillera Blanca
Rı́o Negro, Cordillera 4875 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Rurec, 4925 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Cashan, 5075 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Pariac, 5175 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Shallap, 4950 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada 4950 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Quilcayhuanca, glacier (map, photo)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Churup, 5000 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Cojup, 5200 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Llaca, 4975 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Tayash, 5075 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Pongos, 5125 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Tambillo, 5100 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Huamish, 5030 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991

J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada 5030 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Shancompampa, glacier (map, photo)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Huantsan, 5030 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada Pamparaju, 5030 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991

Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)
Quebrada 4850 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 413,280 C 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Carhuascancha, glacier (map, photo)
Cordillera Blanca
Quebrada Rurec, 4925 Approx. midpoint modern 1962 416 cal ka 1 3 6 Rodbell, 1991
Cordillera Blanca glacier (map, photo)

Site LGM snowline locality Country Latitude Longitude Aspect Summit Headwall Terminus Glacier type LGM ELA (m) LGM ELA method
altitude (m) altitude (m) altitude (m)

6,7 Cerros Cuchpanga Peru 10.71 76.67 E 5300 Piedmont 4500 Cirque-floor altitude
Cordillera Callejon- Peru 11.00 76.60 W 5200 Valley 4600 Cirque-floor altitude
Cordillera Callejon- Peru 11.20 76.50 E 5200 Piedmont 4500 Limit of bedrock erosion
Junin-East Peru 10.69 76.08 W 5000 4200 Ice fields 4300 Cirque-floor altitude

8 Nevado Huaytapallana Peru 11.92 75.05 E 5557 5557 3400 Valley NA No ELA reported

9 Upismayo Valley, Peru 13.76 71.25 NW 6384 5700 4300 Valley 4930 THAR ¼ 0:45
Cordillera Vilcanota
Jalacocha Valley, Peru 13.76 71.33 NW 6384 5700? 4000–4200 Valley NA
Cordillera Vilcanota

10 Huancané Valley, Peru 13.97 70.88 W 5645 5470 4745 Valley 5070 THAR ¼ 0:45
Quelccaya Ice Cap

11 Nevado Sara Sara Peru 15.33 70.44 E 5505 Valley THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
(modern-E), Cordillera AAR ¼ 0:6
Nevado Sara Sara Peru 15.33 70.44 S 5505 Valley THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
(modern-S), Cordillera AAR ¼ 0:6
Sara Sara I (NE), Peru 15.33 70.44 NE 5505 4300 Valley 4650 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Cordillera Ampato AAR ¼ 0:6

Sara Sara II (NE), Peru 15.33 70.44 NE 5505 Valley 4800 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Cordillera Ampato AAR ¼ 0:6
Table 1 (continued)

Sara Sara I (SW), Peru 15.33 70.44 SW 5505 4050 Valley 4500 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Cordillera Ampato AAR ¼ 0:6
Sara Sara II (SW), Peru 15.33 70.44 SW 5505 Valley 4700 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Cordillera Ampato AAR ¼ 0:6
C. Huanipaco/ Peru 15.11 73.08 NW 5228 4100 Valley 4800 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Cocauro/Allcc. (NW), AAR ¼ 0:67
Cord. Ampato
C. Huanipaco/ Peru 15.11 73.08 SW 5228 4400 Valley 4650 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Cocauro/Allcc. (SW), AAR ¼ 0:67
Cord. Ampato
C. Huanipaco/ Peru 15.11 73.08 SE 5228 4400 Valley 4350 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Cocauro/Allcc. (SE#1), AAR ¼ 0:67
Cord. Ampato

J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

C. Huanipaco/ Peru 15.11 73.08 SE 5228 4400 Valley 4700 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Cocauro/Allcc. (SE#2), AAR ¼ 0:67
Cord. Ampato
C. Huanipaco/ Peru 15.11 73.08 SE 5228 4400 Valley 4900 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Cocauro/Allcc. (SE#3), AAR ¼ 0:67
Cord. Ampato
Nevado Solimana Peru 15.40 72.90 N 6093 4600 Valley 5000 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,

(N#1), Cordillera AAR ¼ 0:67
Nevado Solimana Peru 15.40 72.90 N 6093 4750 Valley 5250 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
(N#2), Cordillera AAR ¼ 0:67
Nevado Solimana Peru 15.40 72.90 N 6093 4850 Valley 5400 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
(N#3), Cordillera AAR ¼ 0:67
Nevado Solimana Peru 15.40 72.90 SW 6093 4400 Valley 4725 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
(SW#1), Cordillera AAR ¼ 0:67
Nevado Solimana Peru 15.40 72.90 SW 6093 Valley 4850 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
(SW#2), Cordillera AAR ¼ 0:67
Nevado Solimana (SE), Peru 15.40 72.90 SE 6093 4500 Valley 4850 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Cordillera Ampato AAR ¼ 0:67
Nevado Coropuna Peru 15.59 72.39 SW 6377 4450 Valley 4750 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
(SW), Cordillera AAR ¼ 0:67
Cerros Jollpa/ Peru 15.59 72.39 SW 5270 3850 Valley 4450 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Yanahuara (SW), AAR ¼ 0:67
Cordillera Ampato
Cerros Jollpa/ Peru 15.59 72.39 S 5270 4375 Valley 4700 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Yanahuara (S#1), AAR ¼ 0:67
Cordillera Ampato
Cerros Jollpa/ Peru 15.59 72.39 S 5270 4850 Valley 5000 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Yanahuara (S#2), AAR ¼ 0:67
Cordillera Ampato
Cerros Jollpa/ Peru 15.59 72.39 E 5270 Valley 4700 THAR ¼ 0:5, MELM,
Yanahuara (E), AAR ¼ 0:67
Cordillera Ampato

12 Nevado Ulla Khaya, Bolivia 15.00 69.00 W 5617 5617 3700–4000 Valley NA No ELA reported
13 Rı́o San Francisco, Bolivia 15.85 68.60 ? 6382 NA 4000? Valley NA No ELA reported
Cordillera Real

14 Rı́o Palcoco, Cordillera Bolivia 16.17 68.33 SW 46000 5460 4260 Valley 4700 THAR ¼ 0:37 (better
Real estimate)
Rı́o Palcoco, Cordillera Bolivia 16.17 68.33 SW 46000 5460 4260 Valley 4860 THAR ¼ 0:5 (first
Real estimate)

Site LGM snowline locality Modern Modern ELA method Modern ELA LGM date # Dates DMC DC References
ELA (m) date

6,7 Cerros Cuchpanga 4900 Map of 1967 based on air 1962 4 13,540 C 4 3 6 Wright Jr., 1983, 1984
Cordillera Callejon- 4900 Map of 1967 based on air 1962 4 13,540 C 4 3 6 Wright Jr., 1983, 1984
West photos

J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

Cordillera Callejon- 4900 Map of 1967 based on air 1962 4 13,540 C 4 3 6 Wright Jr., 1983, 1984
East photos
Junin-East 4800 Map of 1967 based on air 1962 o 42,000 14
C 1 4 7 Wright Jr., 1983, 1984
8 Nevado Huaytapallana 4800 GT (+ altitude modern glacier 1987 4 10,960 C 4 2 7 Seltzer, 1987, 1990;
front, 1987) Wright Jr. et al., 1989;
Instituto Geografico

Nacional, 1983

9 Upismayo Valley, 5100 AAR ¼ 0:5 (inventory data) 1962 4 18.5 cal ka 4 3 4 Mark et al., 2002;
Cordillera Vilcanota Dornbusch, 1998
Jalacocha Valley, 5100 AAR ¼ 0:5 (inventory data) 1962 4 14,010 C 1 2 5 Mercer and Palacios,
Cordillera Vilcanota 1977;Dornbusch, 1998

10 Huancané Valley, 5300 AAR ¼ 0:5 (inventory data) 1962 4 14.3 cal ka 5 2 7 Mark et al., 2002;
Quelccaya Ice Cap Mercer and Palacios,
1977; Dornbusch, 1998

11 Nevado Sara Sara 5350 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
(modern-E), Cordillera Ames et al. (1988)
Nevado Sara Sara 5112 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
(modern-S), Cordillera Ames et al. (1988)
Sara Sara I (NE), 5350 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Cordillera Ampato Ames et al. (1988)
Sara Sara II (NE), 5350 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Cordillera Ampato Ames et al. (1988)
Sara Sara I (SW), 5112 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Cordillera Ampato Ames et al. (1988)
Sara Sara II (SW), 5112 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Cordillera Ampato Ames et al. (1988)
C. Huanipaco/ NA 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Cocauro/Allcc. (NW),
Cord. Ampato
C. Huanipaco/ NA 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Cocauro/Allcc. (SW),
Cord. Ampato
C. Huanipaco/ NA 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Cocauro/Allcc. (SE#1),
Cord. Ampato
C. Huanipaco/ NA 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Cocauro/Allcc. (SE#2),

Cord. Ampato
Table 1 (continued)

C. Huanipaco/ NA 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002

Cocauro/Allcc. (SE#3)
Nevado Solimana 5588 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
(N#1), Cordillera Ames et al. (1988)
Nevado Solimana 5588 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
(N#2), Cordillera Ames et al. (1988)
Nevado Solimana 5588 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
(N#3), Cordillera Ames et al. (1988)
Nevado Solimana 5413 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
(SW#1), Cordillera Ames et al. (1988)

J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

Nevado Solimana 5413 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
(SW#2), Cordillera Ames et al. (1988)
Nevado Solimana (SE), 5432 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Cordillera Ampato Ames et al. (1988)
Nevado Coropuna 5558 Average, glacier inventory of 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002

(SW), Cordillera Ames et al. (1988)
Cerros Jollpa/ NA 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Yanahuara (SW),
Cordillera Ampato
Cerros Jollpa/ NA 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Yanahuara (S#1),
Cordillera Ampato
Cerros Jollpa/ NA 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Yanahuara (S#2),
Cordillera Ampato
Cerros Jollpa/ NA 1955 No dates 0 5 8 Dornbusch, 2000, 2002
Yanahuara (E),
Cordillera Ampato
12 Nevado Ulla Khaya, 5300 Not stated explicitly 1984 48812 C 1 3 7 Lauer and Rafiqpoor,
Cordillera 1986

13 Rı́o San Francisco, ? NA NA o 33–34 14

C ka 2 2 7 Argollo, 1980, 1982;
Cordillera Real Servant and Fontes,
14 Rı́o Palcoco, Cordillera 5085 AAR ¼ 0:77&0.6 (ave.); 1962 4 10,460 C 2 2 7 Argollo, 1980, 1982;
Real THAR ¼ 0:37&0.5 (ave.) Seltzer, 1992
Rı́o Palcoco, Cordillera 5085 AAR ¼ 0:77&0.6 (ave.); 1962 4 10,460 C 2 2 7 Argollo, 1980, 1982;
Real THAR ¼ 0:37&0.5 (ave.) Seltzer, 1992

Site LGM snowline locality Country Latitude Longitude Aspect Summit Headwall Terminus Glacier type LGM ELA (m) LGM ELA method
altitude (m) altitude (m) altitude (m)

15 Zongo Valley, Bolivia 16.20 68.12 NE 6088 5800? 4100–4140 Valley 4600–4700 2:1 method; moraine group
Cordillera Real Zo5
Milluni Valley, Bolivia 16.32 68.17 SSW 6088 5730 4240 Valley 4800–4980 THAR ¼ 0:37,
Cordillera Real THAR ¼ 0:50

16 Bolivia 17.06 67.24 W 5515 5400 4325 Valley 4800 2.5:1 method; moraine Ck7
Choco Kkota Valley,
Cordillera Quimsa
Choco Kkota Valley, Bolivia 17.06 67.24 W 5515 5400 4280 Valley 4700 2.7:1 method; moraine Ck8
Cordillera Quimsa
Choco Kkota Valley, Bolivia 17.06 67.24 W 5515 5400 4000 Valley 4600 3:1 method; moraine Ck10
Cordillera Quimsa

17 Rı́o Kollpaña Bolivia 17.35 65.78 ? ? ? ? Valley? ? No ELA reported

Rı́o Kollpaña Bolivia 17.35 65.78 ? ? ? ? Valley? ? No ELA reported

18 Laguna Kollpa Kkota Bolivia 17.43 67.13 W 4560 4560 4400 Cirque 4460 THAR ¼ 0:37

J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

Site LGM snowline locality Modern Modern ELA method Modern ELA LGM date ] Dates DMC DC References
ELA (m) date

15 Zongo Valley, 5150 Observation, instrumentation 1993 4 9790 C 1 2 7 Müller, 1985; Seltzer et
Cordillera Real of Zongo Glacier al., 1995; Heine, 1996;
Wagnon et al., 1999
Milluni Valley, 5150 Observation, instrumentation 1993 4 10,970 C 2 2 7 Seltzer, 1992; Seltzer et
Cordillera Real of Zongo Glacier al., 1995; Heine, 1996;

Wagnon et al., 1999

16 Choco Kkota Valley, 5050  100 AAR ¼ 0:77 1982 o 8420 14

C 1 2 7 Müller, 1985; Seltzer,
Cordillera Quimsa 1994a
Choco Kkota Valley, 5050  100 AAR ¼ 0:77 1982 4 8420 C 1 2 7 Müller, 1985; Seltzer,
Cordillera Quimsa 1994a
Choco Kkota Valley, 5050  100 AAR ¼ 0:77 1982 4 8420 C 1 2 7 Müller, 1985; Seltzer,
Cordillera Quimsa 1994a
17 Rı́o Kollpaña ? No ELA reported NA 16,610 C 2 2 3 Servant et al., 1981;
Servant and Fontes,
1984; Gouze et al.,
1986; Gouze, 1987
Rı́o Kollpaña ? No ELA reported NA 27,000 C 2 2 7 Servant et al., 1981;
Servant and Fontes,
1984; Gouze et al.,
1986; Gouze, 1987

18 Laguna Kollpa Kkota 5100 AAR ¼ 0:77; extrapolated— 1982 4 21 cal kyr BP 3 (basal) 2 1 Seltzer, 1994a, b;
Cord. Quimsa Cruz Seltzer et al., 1995

Site numbers correspond to numbers on Fig. 1. Column DMC refers to dating method control and column DC refers to dating control, and follows the definitions given by Mark et al. (this volume),
where DMC ¼ 1: Chronology based on radiometric dating of terminus position; DMC ¼ 2: Chronology based on geomorphologic correlation of terminus position with radiometrically dated feature
within the glacier valley; DMC ¼ 3: Chronology based on geomorphic correlation with radiometrically dated feature within region, where region may be an individual mountain or mountain range.
In the case of isolated mountains, the dated feature must be within 50 km; in case of a mountain range, the feature must be within 200 km and have the same aspect relative to climate gradients;
DMC ¼ 4: Chronology based on correlation with a radiometrically dated regional sequence; DMC ¼ 5: Chronology based on correlation with a generalized or global glaciation scheme; DC ¼ 1:
Date is less than 500 yr from the target interval; DC ¼ 2: Date is less than 1000 yr from the target interval; DC ¼ 3: Date is less than 2000 yr from the target interval; DC ¼ 4: Date is less than 3000 yr
from the target interval; DC ¼ 5: Date is less than 4000 yr from the target interval; DC ¼ 6: Date is less than 5000 yr from the target interval; DC ¼ 7: Date is greater than 5000 yr from the target
interval; DC ¼ 8: Site is not associated with radiometric date (DMC ¼ 5).

156 J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

Fig. 2. Graphical representation of estimates of snowline depression at the LGM in the tropical Andes of South America. The size of the circle
denotes the amount of snowline depression; the color of the circle ranks the dating associated with the feature used to make the estimate (ranking is
relative to 21 cal kyr BP). Sites with no published estimates of snowline depression at the LGM are symbolized by squares. Thin gray lines are 3000-m
contour lines; thick black lines mark political boundaries.

graphic evidence of previous occupation by valley not older than 30 14C kyr BP, as it terminated above the
glaciers. They identified the older Sucus advance and dated organic material underlying tills at 3500 m.
the younger Potrerillos advance, which terminated at Chronological control for the Potrerillos advance
3850 and 3950 m, respectively. They speculated that is provided by 11 maximum-limiting radiocarbon
the paleo-ELA must have been close to 4000–4100 m ‘‘in ages averaging 10,855 14C yr BP (12.8 cal kyr BP) and
order to generate glacier ice’’ for the Potrerillos advance five minimum-limiting radiocarbon ages averaging
(Fig. 2), but did not make an estimate for the Sucus 10,035 14C yr BP (11.3 cal kyr BP). The Potrerillos
advance. The Potrerillos ELA estimate (suggesting an advance thus clearly postdates the LGM.
ELA depression of 900 m) does not seem to be based
on an explicit method. 3.3. Chimborazo-Carihuairazo Massif, Western
Chronological control for the Sucus advance is Cordillera, 11 300 S, 781 500 W
provided by seven minimum-limiting radiocarbon
ages averaging 13,070 14C yr BP (15.6 cal kyr BP) on The Chimborazo-Carihuairazo Massif (Fig. 1, Site 3)
plant material and peaty organic matter in sedi- is an ice-capped volcanic complex some 20–30 km in
ments overlying till between two Sucus lateral moraines. diameter located near the southern end of the Western
Six minimum-limiting radiocarbon ages averaging Cordillera of the Ecuadorean Andes. Geomorphic
11,720 14C yr BP (13.7 cal kyr BP) from sediments un- evidence on Chimborazo (6310 m) and Carihuairazo
derlying the Potrerillos advance date the deglaciation of (5020 m) suggests a complicated history of volcanic and
the plateau after the Sucus advance. There are no glacial activity (Clapperton, 1990). Clapperton (1987a,
maximum-limiting ages, so the Sucus advance may be b, 1990) identified four generations of glacial deposits on
younger or older than 21 cal kyr BP, though probably the basis of field characteristics, obtained radiocarbon
J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167 157

dates that broadly distinguish Neoglacial, late-glacial, No moraines in the Peruvian Andes have been
full-glacial, and older deposits, and calculated paleo- definitively dated to the LGM. Careful mapping in the
ELAs and ELA depressions for each generation of Cordillera Oriental and Cordillera Blanca (Rodbell,
moraines. 1991–1993) lacks conclusive bracketing ages to confirm
Clapperton and McEwan (1985) identified three sets that the moraines date to the local LGM. Wright Jr.
of moraines in the Rı́o Mocha valley between Chimbor- (1983) obtained bracketing ages of 12 14C kyr BP
azo and Carihuairazo. They assigned the moraines to (14 cal kyr BP) and 24 14C kyr BP for clayey sediments
the LGM (Group 3), late glacial (Group 2), and in a core from Laguna Junin, which he interpreted to
Neoglacial (Group 1) stages based on location, mor- constrain the age of outwash sediments from LGM
phological characteristics, and depth of volcanic ash glaciation. This has been updated by Seltzer et al.
cover. Group 3 moraines extend to just below 3600 m (2000), who showed the LGM to be bracketed between
altitude, Group 2 moraines to 4050 and 3900 m, and 21 cal kyr BP and 30 14C kyr BP. Smith et al. (2001,
Group 1 moraines to 4300–4400 m. Clapperton (1987a) 2002a, b) have used cosmogenic dating techniques to
placed the modern ELA on Chimborazo at approxi- identify moraines of the local LGM in valleys bordering
mately 4800 m (eastern slope) and 4900 m (western the Junin Plain. Preliminary results indicate that these
slope). Clapperton (1987a), using the median-altitude moraines are older than 21 cal kyr BP. A maximum age
method (THAR ¼ 0:5), estimated full-glacial (LGM) of about 28 14C kyr BP reported by Mercer and Palacios
ELAs on Chimborazo at 3880 m (eastern slope) and (1977) for moraines at 4100–4450 m in the Upismayo
4090 m (western slope), indicating an ELA depression of Valley on the north side of the Cordillera Vilcanota
820–920 m. offered the prospect of bracketing ages for LGM
Chronological control for the moraine sequences moraines, but Mercer’s later work (Mercer, 1982,
in the Chimborazo-Carihuairazo Massif is minimal. 1984) resulted in a revision of the maximum age of the
Clapperton and McEwan (1985) obtained ages moraines to about 14 14C kyr BP (16.8 cal kyr BP).
of 10.6–11.4 14C kyr BP (12.7–13.4 cal kyr BP) from
peat layers from a drained glacial lake basin located at 4.1. Cordillera Oriental, North-central Peru, 71 32– 480
an altitude of 3900–4000 m between the two volcanic S, 771 28– 340 W
peaks and upvalley of the Group 2 moraines. Clapper-
ton and McEwan concluded that the lake developed The Cordillera Oriental (Fig. 1, Site 4) is located in
when glacial ice advanced and formed a dam across the the Amazon drainage basin and has also appeared in the
Rı́o Mocha valley. Clapperton and McEwan (1985) did literature as the Cordillera Central (e.g., Birkeland et al.,
not find any datable material associated with the Group 1989). The Cordillera has maximum summit elevations
3 (full-glacial) moraines, but they correlated those of about 4500 m and is not currently glaciated. Part of
moraines with deposits overlying compacted peat on the section of the Cordillera Oriental discussed in
the northern flanks of Carihuairazo (their site 3a), which Rodbell (1991–1993) contains two divides: a NW–SE
they dated at 35,4407680/630 14C yr BP. trending main divide and a minor local divide to the
west of the main divide.
Rodbell interpreted moraines with steep proximal and
4. Peru distal slopes (25–351) as LGM moraines. In valleys of
the Cordillera Oriental, the LGM terminal moraine
North of about 101 S, the Peruvian Andes consist of marks a distinct change in valley morphology, from
two northeast–southwest-trending, near-parallel chains, shallow and U-shaped upvalley to steep, deeply incised,
the Eastern Cordillera (Cordillera Oriental, locally and V-shaped downvalley.
Cordillera Blanca) and the Western Cordillera (Cordil- Topographic map coverage is lacking for much of the
lera Occidental, locally Cordillera Negra), which are Cordillera Oriental, precluding the use of AAR and GT
separated by incised valleys. South of about 101 S, the methods for ELA reconstruction (Porter, 2001). Rodbell
two cordillera of the Peruvian Andes shift closer to (1992) estimated LGM ELAs using the THAR method.
east–west-trending and are more commonly separated Where LGM terminal moraines were absent, he
by high-altitude plateaus that increase in width toward estimated their location from the change in valley
the south, terminating in the plateau that hosts Lago morphology. He used the elevation ‘‘at the base of the
Titicaca, the Altiplano (3800 m). Unlike the Andes in steep slopes at the heads of cirque basins’’ as the
Ecuador, the Peruvian Andes are largely non-volcanic; headwall elevation. In cases where multiple cirques fed
volcanic peaks reappear south of 151 S. The highest LGM glaciers, Rodbell used the average headwall
peaks in the Peruvian Andes include ice-covered Nevado elevation of all the major cirques. Where topographic
Huascarán (6768 m) in the Cordillera Blanca (91 100 S, map coverage was absent, he measured altitudes in
771 350 W) and Nevado Ausangate (6384 m) in the the field with an altimeter, with an estimated accuracy
Cordillera Vilcanota (131 450 S, 711 150 W). of 750 m.
158 J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

Rodbell calculated LGM ELAs for the Cordillera Rodbell calculated LGM ELAs for the Cordillera
Oriental using THAR values of both 0.2 and 0.4. His Blanca using THAR values of both 0.2 and 0.4. He
results indicated that average ELAs at the LGM were estimated average ELAs at the LGM of about
3850785–3900770 m for nine glaciers west of the local 42507110–44007100 m for thirteen glaciers west of
divide, 3540780–3640770 m for nine glaciers west of the divide, and 42007170–43507150 m for nine glaciers
the main divide, and 3150740–3300780 m for two east of the divide (Fig. 2). Rodbell found that the S–N
glaciers east of the main divide. Rodbell calculated a and W–E slopes of the ELAs in the Cordillera Blanca
S–N slope of 24 m/km and a W–E slope of 45 m/km were not significantly different from zero. Rodbell
for ELA altitude at the LGM. estimated ELA depressions at the LGM of 400–900 m
Rodbell estimated ELA depression in the Cordillera west of the divide and 530–970 m east of the divide.
Oriental at the LGM by comparing his calculated LGM Chronological control on the western side of the
ELAs with an estimated modern glaciation threshold of Cordillera Blanca is provided by a minimum-limiting
4620 m (Seltzer, 1987). This comparison yielded ELA radiocarbon date of 13,2807190 14C yr BP (15.8 cal
depression at the LGM of 750–950 m west of the local kyr BP) on peat beneath gravel at about 6 m depth in
divide, 900–1150 m west of the main divide, and the Breque Valley (Rodbell, 1992, 1993; Rodbell
1100–1350 m east of the main divide (Fig. 2). and Seltzer, 2000). There are no maximum-limiting
Chronological control in the Cordillera Oriental dates for the LGM moraines.
east of the main divide is provided by a minimum-
limiting radiocarbon date of 12,1007190 14C yr BP 4.3. Junin Plain/Cerros Cuchpanga/Cordillera Callejon,
(14–15 cal kyr BP) on the basal 8 cm of a 428-cm ca. 101 400 —111 000 S, 76– 771 W
section of lake sediments on top of till in Laguna Baja in
the Manachaque Valley (Birkeland et al., 1989; Rodbell, In the Andean Highlands of central Peru between
1992). This date provides a minimum date for initial about 101 300 and 111 100 , a plateau known as the Junin
deglaciation of Manachaque Valley. There are no Plain (Fig. 1, Site 7) separates cordillera to the west and
maximum-limiting dates for the LGM moraines. east. The Junin Plain has an average altitude of 4100 m
and is dominated by Laguna Junin, the second largest
4.2. Cordillera Blanca, North-central Peru, 91 28– 540 S, lake in Peru. The higher altitude Western Cordillera
771 13– 280 W currently has a far greater number of glaciers than the
lower Eastern Cordillera, although both cordillera have
The Cordillera Blanca (Fig. 1, Site 5) contains been extensively glaciated in the past. Wright Jr. (1983)
numerous peaks above 6000 m, including the highest estimated the altitude of the snowline at approximately
peak in Peru (Nevado Huascarán Sur, 6768 m), and is 4900 m in the Western Cordillera and 4800 m in the
extensively glaciated. It forms the Continental Divide in Eastern Cordillera.
this section of the Andes. Rodbell (1992) estimated the The Cerros Cuchpanga and the Cordillera Callejon
modern ELA at 49857120 m for twelve glaciers west of (ca. 101 450 S, 761 350 W; Fig. 1, Site 6) are two ridges in
the Continental Divide and 50307110 m for five glaciers the Western Cordillera that support modern glaciers.
east of the divide. The Cerros Cuchpanga is the farther east and north of
In the Cordillera Blanca, Rodbell (1991–1993) identi- the two ridges, while the Cordillera Callejon to the
fied the LGM moraines (‘‘Laguna Baja’’) as those lying southwest has the steeper peaks. Maximum peak
between numerous Holocene and late-Quaternary mor- altitudes in the Cerros Cuchpanga are about
aines upvalley and two sets of older moraines beyond 5100–5200 m, including existing ice caps. The crest of
the LGM ice limit. LGM moraines are characterized by the Cordillera Callejon is at an altitude of about
steep proximal and distal slopes (25–351) and moderate 5000–5200 m (Instituto Geográfico Militar, 1969).
development of weathering posts on granite boulders. Wright Jr. (1983, 1984) identified deposits of two
Rodbell (1991–1993) estimated LGM ELAs using the glaciations in the Junin region, largely on the basis of
THAR method as constrained by the upvalley limit of morphostratigraphy of moraines and outwash: the
lateral moraines that could be traced in the field or on younger Punrun phase and the older Rı́o Blanco phase.
1:25,000 aerial photos. Terminus and headwall altitudes He viewed the Western Cordillera as the source region
of LGM paleoglaciers were estimated from topographic for both phases. Wright dated basal lake sediments in
maps. Rodbell used the elevation at the base of the steep sediment cores and obtained four radiocarbon ages
slopes at the heads of cirque basins as the headwall ranging from 10 to 13.5 14C kyr BP (11.5–16.2 cal
elevation of deglaciated cirques, or the base of the near- kyr BP), which he interpreted as minimum-limiting ages
vertical ice walls located above modern cirque glaciers. for the time of recession of the last (Punrun) glaciation
In cases where multiple cirques fed LGM glaciers, from the Junin Plain. Wright interpreted radiocarbon
Rodbell used the average headwall elevation of all the dates of 24 14C kyr BP at the base and 12 14C kyr BP
major cirques. (14.2 cal kyr BP) at the top of 9 m of clay in a long core
J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167 159

from Laguna Junin as marking the beginning and analysis of topographic maps and aerial photographs to
end of the Punrun glacial phase. Wright obtained a develop a glacial history for the region, Seltzer (1987)
radiocarbon age of 442 14C kyr BP on organic lake concluded that a late-Pleistocene ice cap extended from
sediment beneath the Punrun till, from which he the Nevado Huaytapallana onto the plateau to the west
inferred that the Rı́o Blanco glaciation is older than (ca. 4200–4600 m; Instituto Geográfico Nacional, 1983)
42,000 14C yr. and down to elevations as low as 3400 m to the east,
Wright calculated ELAs for the LGM by identifying which is some 1400 m lower than the modern ice margin
cirques containing lakes on aerial photos and topo- (4800 m in 1989). Wright Jr. et al. (1989) cited a
graphic maps and using the cirque altitude as an modern snowline estimate of 4700–4800 m based on
estimate of the ELA at the LGM. He estimated ELAs the glaciation threshold method (Seltzer, 1987) for the
of about 4600 m in the Western Cordillera and about portion of the Eastern Cordillera that includes Nevado
4300 m in the Eastern Cordillera, suggesting ELA Huaytapallana.
depressions of 300 and 500 m, respectively (Fig. 2). Chronological control for the study was provided
Wright estimated an ELA of 4400 m from a cirque on a by radiocarbon dating of basal lake sediments at
bedrock hill on the Junin Plain (Cerro Quicay), from sites upvalley of late-Pleistocene terminal moraines
which he inferred an ELA depression of 400 m. Wright’s (Fig. 2; Seltzer, 1987, 1990). Radiocarbon ages of 10,9607
estimates of ELA depression at the LGM are not 390 14C yr BP (13 cal kyr BP) from Laguna Jerónimo
constrained by radiometric dating. Moreover, the (4450–4500 m) and 9,8207130 14C yr BP (11.2 cal
estimates should be considered minimum depressions, kyr BP) from Laguna Pomacocha (4450–4500 m) pro-
as the lip of the cirque may have been above the ELA at vided minimum-limiting ages for recession from the
the LGM. LGM moraines (Seltzer, 1987, 1990; Instituto Geográ-
Seltzer et al. (2000) obtained a 19-m sediment core fico Nacional, 1983). There are no maximum-limiting
from Laguna Junin (111S, 761W). Based on magnetic dates for LGM moraines.
susceptibility and radiocarbon dating of lacustrine
sediments in the core, they concluded that the LGM 4.5. Cordillera Vilcanota/Quelccaya Ice Cap, ca. 131
occurred between 30 14C kyr BP and 21 cal kyr BP. 300 – 141 000 S, 701 500 W
Radiocarbon dating on mollusks in the sediment
indicated that the first drop in magnetic susceptibility The Cordillera Vilcanota (Fig. 1, Site 9) and
occurred at about 21 cal kyr BP, which the authors Quelccaya Ice Cap (Fig. 1, Site 10) region of south-
interpreted as the point at which glaciers retreated eastern Peru is located in the Eastern Cordillera of the
behind their terminal moraines. The authors inferred a Peruvian Andes, about 100 km east of the city of Cusco.
minor readvance between 21 and 16 cal kyr BP, followed The Cordillera Vilcanota and Quelccaya Ice Cap both
by extensive glacial retreat after 16 cal kyr BP. Mollusks support modern glaciers, including the largest tropical
near the base of the core gave a radiocarbon age of ice cap in the world. The Cordillera Vilcanota ex-
39,02071045 14C yr BP. tends approximately east–west for some 50–60 km. The
Work by Smith et al. (2001, 2002a, b, 2003a, b, in highest peak in the Cordillera Vilcanota is Nevado
press) in deglaciated valleys bordering the Junin Plain Ausangate (6384 m), located near the western end of the
will provide direct dating of moraines by cosmogenic cordillera. The Quelccaya Ice Cap is located about
dating techniques (10Be and 26Al). The valleys are all 10 km south of the eastern end of the cordillera and
relatively shallow in profile (o700 m from bottom to about 40–50 km east–southeast of Nevado Ausangate.
highest peak) and base level is fixed by the elevation of The Quelccaya Ice Cap has a summit altitude of 5743 m
the Junin Plain (4100 m). Results to date (10Be) indicate (Nevado Joyllor Puñuna). There is evidence suggesting
that terminal moraines of the LGM lie at altitudes of that the two massifs were covered by an expanded and
4250–4400 m in three valleys on the eastern edge of the continuous ice cap during the LGM (e.g., Mercer and
Junin Plain. The ELA calculated by the THAR method Palacios, 1977).
for the LGM moraine in the longest valley is
4500–4600 m (THAR ¼ 0:5), indicating an ELA de- 4.5.1. Cordillera Vilcanota, Upismayo and Jalacocha
pression of 200–300 m, based on a modern ELA of Valleys, 131 440 S, 711 170 W
4800 m (Wright Jr., 1983). On the north side of the Cordillera Vilcanota (Fig. 1,
Site 9), Mercer and Palacios (1977) found evidence of
4.4. Nevado Huaytapallana, ca. 111 550 S, 751 030 W glaciation down to 3600 m, more than 1000 m below the
termini of existing glaciers. In the Upismayo Valley,
Nevado Huaytapallana (5557 m; Fig. 1, Site 8) rises seven sharp-crested moraines are grouped between
above the dissected plateau east of the city of Jauja and 4150 and 4350 m, about midway between the limit of
the northern Rı́o Mantaro Valley, approximately glaciation and the modern termini. Mercer and Palacios
300 km east of Lima, Peru. Based on field work and (1977) obtained radiocarbon ages of 28,650 (+700/
160 J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

770) 14C yr BP and 31,170 (+1330/1600) 14C yr BP Mercer and Palacios (1977) estimated the modern
on samples of a 10-m-thick peat layer buried by the ELA at about 5100 m on the north side of the Cordillera
outermost moraine of the group of seven moraines. Vilcanota, where existing glaciers terminate at about
The peat samples were collected at 4450 m directly 4600 m. They did not specify how they arrived at
beneath glacial sediments and were interpreted as a that estimate. Mark et al. (2002) calculated an ELA
maximum age for the moraine (Mercer and Palacios, depression (relative to modern) of 170 m for the
1977). maximum ice extent at the local LGM and 560 m at
Mercer (1982, 1984) reported radiocarbon dates the Cenozoic maximum in the Upismayo Valley (Fig. 2).
ranging from about 22 to 27.5 14C kyr from peat located They used the THAR method (THAR ¼ 0:45) to
beyond the outermost moraine (but apparently contin- calculate ELAs.
uous with the peat buried by the moraine) in Upismayo
Valley and a date of 20,7807250 14C yr on peat 4.5.2. Quelccaya Ice Cap, Huancané Valley, 131 550 S,
interbedded with sediment presumed to have eroded 701 500 W
from the moraine surface. The latter date was originally The presence of sandy till and outwash above 4500 m
thought to approximate the age of the moraine, but on the plain between Cordillera Vilcanota and the
subsequent excavation and sampling of the original Quelccaya Ice Cap (Fig. 1, Site 10) suggests that the two
surface of the peat layer within the front of the moraine massifs were covered by a continuous mass of ice during
yielded several radiocarbon ages of 14 14C kyr BP the LGM (Mercer and Palacios, 1977; Mark et al.,
(16.8 cal kyr BP; Mercer, 1982, 1984). The younger 2002). Mercer and Palacios (1977) identified three end-
ages caused Mercer to revise downward the original moraine belts in the Huancané Valley on the west side of
estimate of the age of the moraine by at least 6000 yr. the massif that postdate the retreat of ice from the plain
This revised age for the outermost moraine of the between the Cordillera Vilcanota and the Quelccaya Ice
group of seven sharp-crested moraines in the Upismayo Cap. Mercer and Palacios referred to the belts as
Valley is in accordance with a radiocarbon age of Huancané III, II, and I, in order of decreasing distance
14 14C kyr BP (16.8 cal kyr BP) on a peat lens located from the present ice margin (8, 4, and 1 km, respec-
between till layers at 4020 m in the adjacent Jalacocha tively). Radiocarbon dating provided a minimum-limit-
Valley (Mercer and Palacios, 1977). ing age for the outermost moraine of 12,2407170 14C yr
Mark et al. (2002) completed additional radiocarbon (14.3 cal kyr BP) at 4750 m, but no maximum-limiting
dating on the 10-m-thick peat layer that was overridden age (Mercer and Palacios, 1977).
by the outermost moraine of the group of seven nested Lake records have supplied minimum-limiting ages
moraines in the Upismayo Valley. They reported a but no maximum-limiting ages for the Huancané
radiocarbon date of 41,52074430 yr BP on a sample advances. Rodbell and Seltzer (2000) reported an age
collected at 4450 m from the bottom of the peat layer; of 10,870770 14C yr BP (12.8 cal kyr BP) from basal
this date provides a minimum age for the outer limit of organic material in Laguna Paco Cocha (4940 m), which
glaciation farther downvalley (ca. 3600 m). Mark et al. is located 1 km downvalley from the modern ice limit
(2002) dated the upper section of the peat layer at and is impounded by a Huancané II moraine. Mark
13,8807150 14C yr BP (16.7 cal kyr BP), which is a et al. (2002) reported an age of 11,1837109 14C yr BP
maximum age for the group of nested moraines. Peat (13.1 cal kyr BP) from basal organic material in
accumulating over glacial silts in a bog 0.8 km upvalley Laguna Aconcancha (4780 m), which is located in a
from the terminus of the local LGM moraines was dated tributary valley to Huancané Valley and shares the
at 10,362773 14C yr BP (12.3 cal kyr BP). Huancané III terminus.
Mark et al. (2002) cored Laguna Casercocha, which The modern snowline at the Quelccaya Ice Cap has
is located at 4010 m on the northwestern side of been estimated at 5250 m (Thompson, 1979) to 5300 m
Cordillera Vilcanota in a tributary valley northeast (Mercer and Palacios, 1977). Mark et al. (2002)
of Upismayo Valley. The lake is not dammed by a calculated an ELA depression (relative to modern) of
terminal moraine but lies downvalley of a number of 230 m at the Huancané III ice extent and 360 m at the
large, cross-cutting moraines. Mark et al. (2002) dated Cenozoic maximum in the Huancané Valley (Fig. 2).
organic material overlying glacial silts in the core at They used the THAR method ðTHAR ¼ 0:45Þ to
15,6407100 14C yr BP (18.5 cal kyr BP), indicating a calculate ELAs.
transition from glacial to non-glacial sedimentation
beginning shortly after 20,000 cal yr BP. Mark et al. 4.6. Cordillera Ampato, Western Cordillera, 151 f150 – 450
(2002) also cored moraine-dammed Laguna Comerco- S, 721 150 – 731 300 W
cha, which is located about 6 km east of the Upismayo
Valley at 4580 m. They dated basal lacustrine organic The Cordillera Ampato (Fig. 1, Site 11) is located in
material from the core at 14,5007220 14C yr BP the Western Cordillera of southern Peru and includes
(17.4 cal kyr BP). several glaciated volcanoes that are extinct or dormant.
J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167 161

Dornbusch (2002) reported recent (AD 1955) mean 5.1. Cordillera Apolobamba (Bolivia), 141 450 – 151 150 S,
ELAs for three glaciated peaks, Nevado Sara Sara 681 450 – 691 150 W
(altitude 5505 m; ELA 5200 m), Nevado Solimana
(altitude 6093 m; ELA 5430 m), and Nevado Coropuna The section of the Eastern Cordillera known as the
(altitude 6377 m; ELA 5640 m), based on averages of Cordillera Apolobamba (Fig. 1, Site 12) spans the
data for individual glaciers taken from the glacier Peru–Bolivia border north of Lago Titicaca. The
inventory prepared by Ames et al. (1988). Cordillera Apolobamba is separated from the Cordillera
Dornbusch (2002) used aerial photographs, topo- Real to the southeast by the lower-altitude Cordillera
graphic maps, and limited fieldwork to distinguish Muñecas and the valley of the eastward-flowing Rı́o
four sets of moraines on peaks in the Cordillera Conzata. The three cordillera form the watershed
Ampato. Dornbusch estimated Pleistocene ELAs between the Altiplano to the west and the Amazon
ranging from 4300 to 5400 m on the peaks that he Basin to the east (Lauer and Rafiqpoor, 1986). Ice-
studied. This implies ELA depressions of 200–800 m covered peaks in the Cordillera Apolobamba include
(Fig. 2). However, as Dornbusch reported no Nevado de Apolobamba (5999 m) and Nevado Ulla
radiometric dating information for these peaks, Khaya (5617 m). Lauer and Rafiqpoor (1986) reported
chronological control for these moraines is limited to the modern snowline as 5300 m, but did not state how
relative dating among sets of moraines and comparison this was determined.
with moraine sequences of similarly uncertain Lauer and Rafiqpoor (1986) conducted a glaciomor-
age elsewhere in the southern Peruvian Andes (e.g., phologic study in several valleys in the western
Dornbusch, 2000). foreland of the Cordillera Apolobamba between
Nevado Ulla Khaya and the Rı́o Suches to the west.
They classified groups of moraines as middle or
young Pleistocene on the basis of morphological criteria.
5. Bolivia Their middle Pleistocene advance reached the base of
the foreland of the cordillera (3200 m). They distin-
The Bolivian Andes consist of two northwest– guished three young Pleistocene advances that were
southeast-trending, near-parallel mountain chains, the confined to valleys and did not extend below
Eastern Cordillera (Cordillera Oriental, locally Cordil- 3700–4000 m.
lera Apolobamba, Cordillera Real, and Cordillera Chronological control for the Lauer and Rafiqpoor
Quimsa Cruz) and the Western Cordillera (Cordillera study (Fig. 2) was limited to radiocarbon ages that were
Occidental), which are separated by a high-altitude o9 14C kyr BP (10.2 cal kyr BP). A sample of fossil soil
plateau referred to as the Altiplano (3800 m). The collected at 4460 m in the Jankho Khala valley (down-
Western Cordillera of the Bolivian Andes, which is valley from Laguna Jankho Khala) gave an age of
volcanic, includes the tallest peaks in Bolivia (46500 m). 8,812745 yr BP (presumably 14C yr BP) for a fossil soil
The Eastern Cordillera, which borders the Amazon layer in a late-glacial fluvial terrace deposit bordering
Basin to the east and receives more precipitation morainal material of their Canlaya stade (which they
(Johnson, 1976), is generally lower in altitude and more refer to as ‘‘Hochglaziel’’). All other radiocarbon dates
dissected than the Western Cordillera. Extreme aridity were younger than 8.8 14C kyr BP.
south of about 181S has limited the development of
glaciers to peaks in excess of 6000 m altitude 5.2. Cordillera Real, 151 450 – 161 400 S, 671 400 – 681 350 W
(Clapperton, 1993).
No moraines in the Bolivian Andes have been 5.2.1. Overview
definitively dated to the LGM. Inferred maximum- The Cordillera Real extends approximately 100 km
limiting radiocarbon ages of 33–34 14C kyr BP from northwest from the city of La Paz, terminating at the
the Rı́o San Francisco drainage in the northern Rı́o Sorata/Rı́o Conzata drainage basin. The Cordillera
Cordillera Real (e.g., Argollo, 1980) need to be Real is bordered on the southwest by the Altiplano and
confirmed. Bracketing dates of 16.6 14C kyr BP Lago Titicaca (3810 m) and on the northeast by the
(19.8 cal kyr BP) and 27 14C kyr BP from Rı́o Kollpaña forested Yungas region perched above the Beni lowlands
(e.g., Servant et al., 1981; Gouze, 1987) are difficult at the western edge of the Amazon Basin. Summit
to evaluate because of the lack of information altitudes in the Cordillera Real exceed 6000 m and much
about the sample locations, geomorphic setting, and of the range is currently glaciated. Ice-covered peaks
analytical procedures. Seltzer (1994a) dated basal in the Cordillera Real include Nevado Ankohuma
sediments in a core from moraine-dammed Laguna (6388 m) and Nevado Huayna Potosı́ (6088 m). Jordan
Kollpa Kkota in the Eastern Cordillera and concluded and Finsterwalder (1992) mapped glaciers and estimated
that the lake had not been glaciated since at least modern ELAs ranging from 5040 m (east side) to 5550 m
20 cal kyr BP. (west side) for the Illampu-Ancohuma region of the
162 J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

northern Cordillera Real. Seltzer (1992) calculated an and the comment by Argollo (1980) suggesting that
average modern ELA of 5100 m in the Rı́o Palcoco existing dates for the deposit are not adequate]
valley on the western side of the Cordillera Real. suggest that additional sampling of the peat deposits
Francou et al. (1995) estimated a modern ELA of would increase confidence in these dates as
5300 m in 1991–1992 [El Niño Southern Oscillation definitive maximum-limiting ages for the Choqueyapu
(ENSO) year] and 5100–5150 m in 1992–1993 (non- II phase.
ENSO year) for the Zongo Glacier on the eastern side of
Nevado Huayna Potosı́; the altitude of the ELA under
steady-state conditions is 5150 m (Wagnon et al., 1999). 5.2.3. Rı´o Palcoco, 161 100 S, 681 200 W
Early workers in the Cordillera Real identified four Argollo (1980, 1982) and Seltzer (1992) worked in the
major glaciations in the vicinity of La Paz (Servant and Rı́o Palcoco valley (161 100 S, 681 200 W; Fig. 1, Site 14),
Fontes, 1978), from oldest to youngest: Calvario, which has an extensive moraine system in its lower
Kaluyo, Sorata, and Choqueyapu, for which two reaches. Argollo divided the moraines into two groups,
advances (I and II) were identified (Troll, 1929; Troll Sorata and Choqueyapu. He assigned a mid-Pleistocene
and Finsterwalder, 1935; Dobrovolny, 1962; Servant, age to the lower, rounded, more weathered Sorata
1977). The oldest moraines descend to 3800–3900 m, moraines, largely on the basis of morphostratigraphic
approximately 1000 m below modern glacier termini characteristics, and a late-Pleistocene age to the young-
(Servant and Fontes, 1978). er, sharp-crested Choqueyapu moraines, based on a
radiocarbon age of 16.6 14C kyr BP (19.8 cal kyr BP)
5.2.2. Rı´o San Francisco, 151 510 S, 681 360 W on peat in Choqueyapu moraines from the Rı́o
The Rı́o San Francisco (Fig. 1, Site 13) is located Kollpaña valley (see separate discussion below; e.g.,
near Nevado Illampu (6382 m) at the northern end of Servant et al., 1981).
the Cordillera Real. Argollo (1980) reported radio- Seltzer (1992) mapped glacial limits in the Rı́o
carbon ages of 33,5207460 14C yr BP and 33,6507500 Palcoco drainage and in several other valleys on the
C yr BP (shown on the cross-section of the valley as western side of the Cordillera Real. He calculated the
35,6507500) on samples of peat in the valley of the Rı́o modern and late-Pleistocene ELAs using the THAR
San Francisco (Fig. 2). Argollo (1980) described the and AAR methods. He calculated an average modern
samples as peat reworked by a glacial deposit, which he ELA of 5100740 m (AAR ¼ 0:6) to 5140740 m
classified as a moraine or mudflow, and commented that (THAR ¼ 0:5), based on the dimensions of four existing
‘‘at any rate we still do not have sufficient dates with small glaciers in the valley. He used the upper limit of
respect to the age of this deposit’’ [translated here from lateral moraines (4700 m) as a means of making a
the original Spanish]. Argollo (1982) reported the direct estimate of paleo-ELAs. He reconstructed a late-
same radiocarbon ages with additional details about Pleistocene paleoglacier terminating 0.4 km down-
the sample materials. Sample ]453 (reported as valley of Lago Taypi Chaka Kkota (4300 m) and
35,6507500 14C yr BP in the text, 35,6207500 in the calculated an ELA of 4880 m (AAR ¼ 0:6) to 4860 m
Appendix) was a fragment of reworked peat from within (THAR ¼ 0:5). These calculations indicate a late-
a moraine. Sample ]458 (33,5207460 14C yr BP) was Pleistocene ELA depression of 220–280 m, based on
collected from a peat layer between two clay layers ELAs above the upper limit of lateral moraines (Fig. 2).
overlain by the moraine. Using THAR and AAR values of 0.37 and 0.77,
Argollo (1980, 1982) provided only latitude and respectively, the paleo-ELA estimates approach 4700 m
longitude for the sample locations. Servant and Fontes and the calculated late-Pleistocene ELA depression
(1984) included Rı́o San Francisco ages of 33,5207460 increases to about 340–360 m.
and 35,6507500 14C yr BP in a compilation table and Seltzer (1992) cored sediments in five lakes and
provided a sample altitude of 4020 m for both samples. collected seven peat samples within the Choqueyapu
It seems likely that these are the same samples as those moraine limits. Chronological control for the Rı́o
reported by Argollo (1980, 1982), although both the Palcoco valley moraines was provided by radiocarbon
latitude and longitude in Servant and Fontes’ dates on material from basal lake sediments in cores
table differ from those in Argollo (1982) by 1’, the from four lakes. The oldest radiocarbon age
sample ID for the age of 33,5207460 14C yr BP was (10,4607140 14C yr BP, 12.5 cal kyr BP) was on sedi-
listed as 558 instead of 458, and the sampler was listed as ments from the lake located farthest downvalley (Lago
Servant. Taypi Chaka Kkota), which provided a minimum-
Argollo (1980) interpreted the radiocarbon ages of limiting age for the Choqueyapu moraines. There are
33–35 14C kyr BP as maximum-limiting ages for the currently no maximum-limiting ages for LGM moraines
Choqueyapu II phase of glaciation. Several factors [the in the Rı́o Palcoco valley. No moraines corresponding
lack of detail about the sample settings, the slight to the LGM age of 21 cal kyr have been identified in the
confusion over the radiocarbon age of the older sample, Rı́o Palcoco valley.
J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167 163

5.2.4. Milluni and Zongo Valleys, 161 12– 210 S, 681 Smith et al. (2003a, b, in press) have obtained
7– 100 W preliminary cosmogenic dating results (10Be) for mor-
The Milluni and Zongo Valleys (Fig. 1, Site 15) are aines in the Milluni and Zongo Valleys. Moraines
located 10–40 km north of the city of La Paz in the located about 5 km south of Lago Milluni in the Milluni
Cordillera Real. Müller (1985) completed a detailed Valley have been sampled at 4600 m and dated to
map of moraines in Zongo Valley and tributary valleys. 34–23 10Be kyr BP. Moraines located near Laguna
She assigned moraines in Zongo Valley to nine groups, Jankho Kkota at 4650 m in the Milluni Valley have
Zo1–Zo9, in order of increasing distance downvalley. been dated to 13–10 10Be kyr BP. Moraines located
As shown on Müller’s moraine map for Zongo near Laguna Viscachani at 3800–4100 m in the Zongo
Valley, moraines located between altitudes of 4500 and Valley have been dated to 15–11 10Be kyr BP, which is
4000 m were assigned to groups Zo3–Zo5; moraines consistent with the basal age of the peat in the lake
located between 4000 and 3000 m were assigned to (11 cal kyr BP; Seltzer et al., 1995). The cosmogenic
groups Zo6–Zo9. Müller calculated snowline depres- dating results for Zongo Valley (Smith et al., 2003b, in
sions for groups Zo3–Zo6 and group Zo9 using the ‘‘2:1 press) suggest that the LGM glacier terminus extended
method’’, relative to a modern snowline of 5050–5110 m farther downvalley than previous authors (e.g., Müller,
that she determined using geomorphic features: 195 m 1985; Heine, 1995b, 1996) have suggested.
(Zo3), 270 m (Zo4 and Zo5), 360 m (Zo6), and 520 m
(Zo9). Müller considered the group Zo5 moraines, 5.3. Cordillera Quimsa Cruz, 161 470 – 171 060 S, 671
which terminate at 4100–4140 m (Instituto Geográfico 120 – 671 350 W
Militar, 1996) to be the LGM moraines (Heine, 1995b).
Müller (1985) included a figure illustrating the extent of Müller (1985) mapped moraines over a large area of
the glacier that produced the Zo5 moraines. The the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz (Eastern Cordillera; Fig. 1,
snowline for the glacier is shown lying between the Site 16), including the glaciated Choco Kkota Valley
4600-m and 4700-m contour lines. (161 550 1600 , 671 290 3800 W) on the southwest side of the
Seltzer (1992) estimated a late-Pleistocene ELA of cordillera. Müller listed modern snowline in the Choco
4800 m (THAR ¼ 0:37) to 4980 m (THAR ¼ 0:50) for Kkota Valley as 5050 m, with the headwall at approxi-
Milluni Valley (Fig. 2). Seltzer calculated ELA depres- mately 5400 m and the terminus at 4620 m. She noted,
sions of 300–400 m relative to his calculated modern however, that the lateral moraines extended more than
ELA of 5200–5300 m. Seltzer’s late-Pleistocene ELA 100 m higher than the snowline calculated by the ‘‘2:1
estimates indicate a smaller ELA depression of method’’. Müller presented the altitudes of ten older
200–350 m relative to the modern steady-state ELA terminal moraines, including those of a sharp-crested
of 5150 m based on glaciological observations of moraine (Ck7, 4325 m) about 6 km from the modern
Zongo Glacier (Wagnon et al., 1999). glacier and two older moraines (Ck8, 4280 m, and Ck10,
Heine (1996) mapped moraines in both Milluni Valley 4000 m) located farther downvalley. Müller calculated a
and Zongo Valley and assigned them to seven age snowline depression of 250 m for moraine Ck7
groups based on morphostratigraphy and periglacial (4800 m; ‘‘2.5:1 method’’) and snowline depressions
features: M I (Little Ice Age) through M VII (older than of 345 m (4700 m; ‘‘2.7:1 method’’) and 455 m
marine isotope stage 5); Heine had previously presented (4600 m; ‘‘3:1 method’’) for the two older moraines
the age groups in the reverse order (i.e., M I oldest, M downvalley (Fig. 2).
VII youngest; Heine, 1995b). Heine (1996) assigned the Chronological control for Müller’s study was pro-
moraines that dam Lago Jankho Kkota (altitude vided by radiocarbon dating. The oldest radiocarbon
4570 m) in Milluni Valley, multiple small moraines at age obtained in the Choco Kkota Valley was reported as
altitudes of 4100–4200 m in the axis of Zongo Valley 84207130 yr BP (presumably 14C yr BP) on peat from
[group Zo5 of Müller (1985)], and moraines damming an altitude of 4335 m. The sample was collected from a
Laguna Viscachani at altitudes of 3700–3800 m in peat layer exposed in a stream cut on the downvalley
Zongo Valley to group M IV (LGM). side of moraine Ck7. This date is a maximum age for
Seltzer et al. (1995) reported radiocarbon ages for moraine Ck7 and a minimum age for moraines Ck8 and
three sites close to the modern ice front in Milluni Ck10, but there are no bracketing ages for the older
and Zongo Valleys. The basal age of peat beside moraines.
Lago Milluni (4540 m, Milluni Valley) was 10,9707
230 14C yr BP (13 cal kyr BP). The base of Charquini 5.4. Rı´o Kollpaña, 171 210 S, 651 470 W
peat bog (4700 m, Milluni Valley) farther upvalley
near Laguna Jankho Kkota was 9,5607120 14C yr BP A compilation table in Servant et al. (1981) included
(11 cal kyr BP). The basal age of peat in Laguna an age of 16,6107130 14C yr BP (19.8 cal kyr BP) for a
Viscachani (3760 m, Zongo Valley) was 97907 sample (sample number MS-79-2A) collected in the Rı́o
70 14C yr BP (11.2 cal kyr BP). Kollpaña valley at 171 210 S, 651 470 W (Fig. 2). The
164 J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167

stratigraphic setting of the 16.6 14C kyr sample was LGM in Bolivia. Seltzer calculated an ELA depression
described as ‘‘peat reworked (or overrun) at the base of of about 600 m for the glaciation that produced the
moraines of the last full-glacial’’ [translated here from moraine that dams Laguna Kollpa Kkota at 4400 m
the original French]. The sample altitude was not more than 20,000 cal yr BP (Fig. 2).
given, nor was the sample discussed in the text. A
compilation table in Servant and Fontes (1984) included
ages of 16,6107130 14C yr BP (MS-79-2A) and 6. Discussion and conclusions
27,00071200 14C yr BP (MS-79-5) for samples collected
at 3700 m in the Rı́o Kollpaña valley. Different, The modern glaciers of the tropical Andes are a small
probably erroneous, coordinates were given: 171 210 S, remnant of the ice that occupied the mountain chain
681 480 W, which placed the samples on the Altiplano. during past glacial periods. Glacial ice has descended
The site was not discussed in the paper; a note indicated more than a kilometer in altitude from present ice limits
only that the samples were collected by Servant and that in many locations at least once during the Quaternary
they consisted of peat or organic silt. A compilation (e.g., Clapperton, 1993). We know of no moraines in
table in Gouze et al. (1986) again included the 16.6 and tropical South America that have been definitively dated
27 14C kyr BP ages, but gave the same coordinates as in to 21 cal kyr BP. Although rare, there are examples of
Servant and Fontes (1984). Gouze et al. noted that the moraines that can be bracketed between about
16.6 14C kyr age required confirmation. Gouze (1987) 10 14C kyr and 30 14C kyr BP. Typically, only mini-
included the 16.6 and 27 14C kyr BP ages [also with the mum-limiting ages are available. Many moraines have
Servant and Fontes (1984) coordinates] in a compilation been associated with minimum-limiting ages of about
table in his dissertation and again noted that the 9–12 14C kyr BP (10.2–14 cal kyr BP).
16.6 14C kyr age required confirmation. Servant et al. The extent of the LGM in the equatorial Andes of
(1995) provided coordinates close to those published in Ecuador is loosely constrained. Radiocarbon dates
1981 (171 180 S, 651 450 N[sic]) in a discussion of work in suggest that LGM terminal moraines were deposited
progress in Rı́o Kollpaña. The lack of published below 4200 m on deglaciated Volcán Pichincha (4784
information about the correct sample locations, geo- m; Heine, 1995), at least 750 m below modern glacier
morphic setting, and analytical procedures reduces the termini near Papallacta Pass northwest of Volcán
utility of these radiocarbon ages, as do the cautionary Antisana (Clapperton et al., 1997), and at least 550 m
statements of the authors themselves. below modern glacial termini in the Rı́o Mocha valley
between Chimborazo and Carihuairazo (Clapperton
5.5. Laguna Kollpa Kkota, 171 260 S, 671 080 W and McEwan, 1985).
Many workers have concluded that the most extensive
Laguna Kollpa Kkota (Fig. 1, Site 18) is a cirque lake glacial features in the Peruvian Andes were deposited
located at 4400 m on the western slope of the Eastern before the LGM (e.g., Wright Jr., 1983, 1984; Rodbell,
Cordillera of the Bolivian Andes, about 60 km southeast 1991; Smith et al., 2001; Dornbusch, 2002), but no single
of the Choco Kkota Valley in the Cordillera Quimsa value for snowline depression at the LGM emerges from
Cruz (Müller, 1985). Laguna Kollpa Kkota is dammed the literature. In the Junin region, cosmogenic dating of
by a moraine, but there are no moraines between the moraines has demonstrated that the local LGM was a
lake and the headwall of the valley (4560 m) or below the relatively minor event in which glaciers descended
lake-damming moraine (o4400 m). The snowline during 400–500 m below the terminus of the one remaining
the late Pleistocene (12–14 kyr BP; extrapolated from small glacier in the neighboring crest and only about
the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz; Müller, 1985) was about half as far downvalley as previous glaciers (Smith et al.,
4620 m, which is above the headwall of the Kollpa 2001, 2002a, b). Workers relying on minimum-limiting
Kkota valley. Modern snowline, also extrapolated from radiocarbon ages have concluded that LGM snowline
the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz (Müller, 1985), is approxi- depression may have been as small as 300 m (Wright Jr.,
mately 5100 m. 1983, 1984) and as large as 1350 m (Rodbell,
Seltzer (1994a) dated basal lacustrine sediments from 1991–1993), suggesting that local conditions affected
cores collected in Laguna Kollpa Kkota. Seltzer glacier expansion.
interpreted dates of 17,6707120, 17,5807170, and As in the Peruvian Andes, the most extensive
17,6907780 14C yr BP as minimum dates for the glacial glaciations in the Bolivian Andes are widely assumed
advance that predated the late Pleistocene advance of to predate the LGM (e.g., Servant and Fontes, 1978;
12–14 ka BP seen in the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz. Lauer and Rafiqpoor, 1986; Heine, 1996). Direct dating
Calibrated ages for these dated sediments are of moraines in the Milluni and Zongo valleys (Cordillera
420,000 cal yr BP. Seltzer concluded that the coring site Real) using cosmogenic isotopes suggests that LGM
had not been glaciated since at least 20,000 cal yr BP. ice extended below 4650 m in the Milluni Valley
At present this may be the closest limiting age for the and below 3800 m in the Zongo Valley (Smith et al.,
J.A. Smith et al. / Quaternary International 138– 139 (2005) 145–167 165

2003a, b). Minimum-limiting radiocarbon ages place the Snowline Workshop in Glasgow, Scotland, 19–22
terminus of the LGM glacier below 4300 m in Rı́o September, 2002, which provided the impetus for this
Palcoco valley (Cordillera Real), suggesting that the paper. We thank D. Sugden, S. Harrison, and an
LGM snowline depression was probably greater than anonymous reviewer for careful reviews of the manu-
220 m (Seltzer, 1992). Minimum-limiting radiocarbon script.
dating in the Choco Kkota valley (Cordillera Quimsa
Cruz) suggests that the LGM glacier terminated below
4300 m and that the LGM snowline depression was References
greater than 250 m (Müller, 1985). About 60 km south-
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