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Legal Reasoning
Phoebe C. Ellsworth
University of Michigan Law School,

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Ellsworth, Phoebe C. "Legal Reasoning." In The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning, edited
by K. J. Holyoak and R. G. Morrison Jr., 685-704. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005.

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Legal Reasoning

Phoebe C. Ellsworth

For more than a century, lawyers have writ- evidence they've heard to reach a verdict.
ten about legal reasoning, and the flow of They are asked to engage in "legal reason-
books and articles describing, analyzing, and ing." Clients approach their attorneys with
reformulating the topic continues unabated. rambling stories and a strong, if somewhat
The volume and persistence of this "unre- vague, sense of injustice, and it is the at-
lenting discussion" (Simon, 1998, p. 4) sug- torney's job to figure out the laws, prece-
gests that there is no solid consensus about dents, and facts that most favor the client
what legal reasoning is. Legal scholars have and to integrate them into a persuasive case.
a tenacious intuition - or at least a strong This task involves legal reasoning, but the
hope - that legal reasoning is distinctive, reasoning is driven by the desired outcome.
that it is not the same as logic, or scientific The goal is not to reach the right decision
reasoning, or ordinary decision making, and but to make the best argument for one side.
there have been dozens of attempts to de- The evidence, as orchestrated by the lawyers
scribe what it is that sets it apart from these and the legal arguments they make, form
other forms of thinking. These attempts gen- the raw materials for the judge's decision, al-
erate criticism, the critics devise new formu- though judges (like juries) may also draw on
lations that generate further criticism, and their own background knowledge and expe-
the process continues. In this chapter, I de- rience and their own interpretations of the
scribe the primary forms of legal reason- evidence and (unlike juries) their own un-
ing, the most important schools of thought derstanding of the law.
about legal reasoning, and some of the ma- When scholars write about "legal reason-
jor differences between legal reasoning and ing," they are writing about judges. The
scientific reasoning. lawyer does not have to decide the case,
The first question is, "Whose legal reason- but only to make the strongest appeal for
ing are we talking about?" Jurors are given one side; lawyers' reasoning is discussed in
instructions on the law at the end of every courses and writings on advocacy. Jurors in-
trial and are asked to apply that law to the terpret the evidence to decide what actually
6s 5

happened and apply the law given to them soning. They are commonly described in re-
in the judge's instructions to reach a verdict. lation to scientific reasoning as well. What is
The judge must also seek out the appropri- distinctive about these forms of reasoning in
ate legal authority, deciding which laws and the legal context is not so much the process
previous cases are applicable. Jurors are not but the context, the raw materials to which
supposed to reason about the law itself; that the processes are applied, and the nature of
is the task of the judge. Judges are trained in the rules.
the law, they know the statutes and prece-
dents, and they have the experience of judg-
ing many cases and reading the decisions of Deductive and Analogical Reasoning
other judges. Jurors do not provide reasons
in Law
for their verdicts; judges often do. Finally,
much of what is written about legal rea-
Deductive (Rule-Based) Reasoning
soning is about appellate court decisions, in
which judges are primarily concerned with In deductive scientific reasoning (see Dun-
legal procedure and the law itself, not about bar & Fugelsang, Chap. 29), there is a gen-
who wins and loses, and in which they al- eral law or theory, and the scientist uses that
most always must provide legal explanations theory to infer what will happen in some
for their decisions. particular fact situation, makes a prediction,
In the subsequent historical section, I de- and designs an experiment to test it. If the
scribe how basic visions of the nature of le- prediction is not confirmed, there are three
gal reasoning have changed over time. Most possibilities: The deduction was flawed,
judges, if they thought about their thought the experiment was flawed, or the theory
processes at all, have probably accepted the is flawed. In deductive legal reasoning, the
commonsense background theory prevalent decision maker begins with a specific set of
in the legal culture of their era. Some, how- facts, looks at the law that applies to those
ever, including some of the greatest judges, facts, and reaches a verdict. If Joe's Liquor
have recognized that they really can't ex- Store sells beer to 16-year-old Richard, and
plain how they reach decisions (Holmes, there is a law prohibiting the sale of alco-
1897; and cf. Nisbett & Wilson, 1977). In hol to anyone under the age of 21, then Joe's
1921, Benjamin Cardozo began his classic Liquor Store is guilty. The reasoning is ba-
work, The Nature of the Judicial Process, with sically syllogistic, and in many cases the ap-
the observation that" [A ]ny judge, one might plication of the law is unproblematic (see
suppose, would find it easy to describe the Evans, Chap. 8). These are called easy cases.
process which he had followed a thousand In practice, there are many ways in
times and more. Nothing could be farther which ambiguity can creep into this appar-
from the truth" (1921, p. 9). ently clear logical process. First, the decision
But that does not mean there are no com- maker is faced with a specific set of facts. If
monly accepted characteristics of legal rea- he or she is a judge, there are almost always
soning. There are. The problem that vexes two versions of the facts. It is the attorneys'
legal scholars is that they are incomplete. job to organize the facts in a way that fits the
Although they undoubtedly influence judi- legal outcome they wish to achieve, and they
cial reasoning, they are insufficient either do this by emphasizing different facts and,
to predict future outcomes or to provide often, different legal precedents. "[T]he law
a fully satisfactory account for past ones. determines which facts are relevant while at
The two most common reasoning strate- the same time, the facts determine which
gies, taught in every law school course on law is relevant" (Burton, 1995, p. 141 ). There
legal reasoning and writing, are the deduc- may be more than one law that is poten-
tive method (rule-based reasoning) and the tially applicable. There may be several statu-
analogical method (case-based reasoning). tory provisions that might be relevant, and
These strategies are not unique to legal rea- the two opposing counsel may argue that a

different rule is the one that should con- performance on tasks that were less familiar.
trol this case. The statute itself may violate a He applied a more general principle that
higher rule, such as the state or federal con- explained the apparently contradictory re-
stitution. The rule may be ambiguous, as in sults of past research and made sense of the
a ban on "excessive noise," or the application field. He then went on to devise a situation
of the "reasonable person" standard ("Would in which the new principle could be tested.
a reasonable person have believed that her The judge begins where the scientist ends,
life was in danger?"). with a specific situation in which the out-
In preparing a case, an attorney will go come must be decided - not predicted and
back and forth between developing a co- tested but decided by examining the sim-
herent version of the facts that fits the law ilarities and differences between this new
and conducting legal research to find out case and the previous cases and choosing an
which laws frame the facts in the best pos- outcome that corresponds to the holdings
sible way. The judge, faced with two com- of the cases it most resembles. In the ad-
peting arguments, may choose one of them, versarial system, the lawyers emphasize the
or may bring in additional factual interpreta- prior cases that were decided the way they
tions or legal considerations not mentioned want this one to be decided, finding crucial
by either of the parties. Thus, even the ap- differences in the prior cases that went the
parently simplest form of legal reasoning - "wrong way" so as to argue that their hold-
deciding whether the law covers the specific ings are inapplicable in the present context.
fact situation- is often quite complicated in The lawyers have a certain leeway in their se-
practice. The commonsense idea that there is lection of which facts to emphasize, in their
a behavior, there is a law, and the ques- interpretation of the facts, and in their de-
tion is "Does the behavior conform to the scription of the legal significance of those
law?" is much too simple to apply to interes- facts (Llewellyn, 1930, p. 70). Like the scien-
ting cases. tist, the lawyer may identify some principle
that explains why the current case should
be considered an example of the first group
Analogical (Case-Based) Reasoning
rather than the second. The judge examines
In the Anglo-American common law the strengths and weaknesses of the argu-
tradition, 1 cases are decided by examining ments of the two parties and either chooses
the patterns of decisions in earlier, related between them or develops a different princi-
cases. No case has meaning in isolation, ple for placing the present case in the context
and general rules and propositions are of the past ones.
useless without "the heaping up of concrete When legal educators claim that the basic
instances" (Llewellyn, 1930, p. z), except in mission of the first year of law school is to
very simple cases. A somewhat similar form train the student to "think like a lawyer," it
of reasoning occurs in science when a scien- is this sort of analogical reasoning they gen-
tist examines a series of studies with appar- erally have in mind - the ability to spot the
ently inconsistent results and tries to come factual and legal similarities and (more im-
up with a general principle that will explain portant) differences between the case un-
the inconsistencies. In research on social der study and related previous cases and
facilitation, for example, some researchers to recognize which similarities and differ-
found that people performed better on a task ences are relevant (e.g., the defendant's state
when other people were around, but other of mind) and which are not (e.g., the de-
researchers found that people performed fendant's name). This entails defining the
better when they were alone. In 196 5, universe of possibly applicable cases and de-
Robert Zajonc resolved this controversy by ciding which ones match the current case
showing that the emotional arousal caused most closely and which, although apparently
by the presence of others enhanced perfor- similar, do not apply. The focus is on the
mance on well-learned tasks but impaired particular cases, and the reasoning is more

like feature matching than like the applica- and in his effort to make law an academic
tion of a general principle (Sunstein, 1996, discipline rather than a mere trade, Lang dell
p. 67; see Holyoak, Chap. 6, for further dis- embraced the idea that law is a science
cussion of analogical reasoning). (Langdell, 188o ). He did not originate this
Finally, as with deductive reasoning, the view, which can be found in Blackstone's
significance of a particular fact depends on Commentaries and earlier (Kennedy, 19 7 3),
its legal significance, and the significance but he promulgated it enthusiastically. An
of a particular law or previous holding de- obvious problem with this analogy is that
pends on the exact fact pattern of the in law there is no means of experimenta-
case. The legal reasoner must consider both tion, no access to previously unknown data.
simultaneously. The "data" consisted of the writings of ear-
lier judges: "We have constantly inculcated
the idea that the library is the proper work-
shop of professors and students alike; that it
Theories of Legal Reasoning
is to us all that the laboratories of the uni-
versity are to the chemists and physicists, the
museum of natural history to the zoologists,
That "legal reasoning" is considered to be a and the botanical gardens to the botanists
distinctive form of reasoning worthy of be- (Langdell, 1887, p. 124; emphasis added).
ing included as a separate topic in the Cam- The data were what judges had said, and new
bridge Handbook on Thinking and Reasoning data were what new judges said, based on
is attributable in large measure to Christo- their readings of their predecessors. Langdell
pher Columbus Langdell, who became the did not argue that law as it existed actually
first Dean of the Harvard Law School in achieved the beautiful hierarchical organi-
1870, and who revolutionized legal educa- zation from clear, highly abstract principles
tion. He introduced the case-based tech- down to lower levels that would finally allow
nique of teaching law; he created the image precise derivations that would fit any new set
of the law faculty as a group of perma- of particular facts; creating such an arrange-
nent scholars devoted to legal research, ment was a goal of legal science.
explicitly promoting the analogy to the fac- Of course this view of science as a closed
ulty of a science department; and he advo- deductive system strikes most modern sci-
cated a view of legal reasoning known as "le- entists as unrealistic and simplistic - a view
gal formalism." of science that we were taught in eighth
The essence of legal formalism is the idea grade but that rarely seems like a descrip-
that "a few basic top-level categories and tion of what we actually do or how we
principles formed a conceptually ordered actually think. The behavioral sciences espe-
system above a large number ofbottom-level cially (and it seems natural to us that if law
rules. The rules themselves were, ideally, the is to be considered a science at all it should
holdings of established precedents, which be a behavioral science) seem a poor fit for
upon analysis could be seen to be discovered such an abstract deductive model of reason-
from the principles" (Grey, 1983, p. u). In ing. Evenin187o, theexcitementofobserva-
other words, there is a pyramid of rules with tion, empiricism, and induction were rapidly
a very few fundamental "first principles" at replacing earlier deductive views of science.
the top, from which mid-level and finally a Langdell's model of science was more like
large number of specific rules could be de- the taxonomic system of Linnaeus than like
rived. The legal decision maker, faced with empirical science. Families of plants and an-
a case to be decided, would study the body imals were organized under phyla (the fun-
of law and discover the rule that determined damental principles), genera under families,
the correct result. and species under genera. During the explo-
In 1870, science represented the pin- rations of the eighteenth and nineteenth cen-
nacle of human intellectual achievement, turies, an astonishing variety of new plant

and animal species was discovered, and each Two widely different cases suggest a general
one could be compared with others at the distinction which is a clear one when stated
species level and classified appropriately in broadly. But as new cases cluster around
its place in the ruling structure. In the same the opposite poles, and begin to approach
each other, the distinction becomes more dif-
way, each new legal case could be examined
ficult to trace; the determinations are made
for its similarities and differences to previ-
one way or the other on a very slight pre-
ously decided cases, which in turn had been ponderance of feeling, rather than articu-
classified according to the general taxon- late reason; and at last a mathematical
omy, and so could be decided accurately. In line is amved at by the contact of contrary
law, "the fundamental principles of common decisions, which is so far arbitrary that it
law were discerned by induction from cases, might equally well have been drawn a little
rules of law were then derived from princi- further the one side or the other (Holmes,
ples conceptually, and, finally, cases were de- 1873, p. 652).
cided, also conceptually, from rules" (Grey,
1983, 19)· Although the idealistic theory behind
There were critics oflegal formalism from formalism has largely been abandoned (c£
the very beginning. The alternative view is il- Kennedy, 1973; Gordon, 1984; Grey, 1983;
lustrated in two famous remarks by Oliver Simon, 1998 ), its categories and its ana-
Wendell Homes, Jr.: "The life of the law lytic methods persist. Its classifications are
has not been logic: It has been experience" still robust - substantive versus procedural
(Holmes, 18 81, p. 1), and "general princi- law; contracts, torts, property. They deter-
ples do not decide concrete cases" (dissent- mine how the first year of law school is
ing opinion in Lochner v. New York, 190 5, p. structured. No comprehensive new organi-
76). Holmes and, later, critics such as Pound, zational scheme has replaced the categories
Llewellyn, and Cardozo argued that legal of formalism, and they therefore continue to
principles were not "discovered" by careful "influence judgment much as the agenda for
research into the rules and principles, and a meeting influences the results of its delib-
that such research, however diligent, would erations" (Grey, 1983, p. so).
not yield definite and incontrovertible an- The tenets of legal formalism still ex-
swers in any but the easiest cases. Instead of ercise a strong influence on the way judi-
clear distinctions between the cases decided cial opinions are written. Decisions typically
in one way and those decided in the other are presented as the inevitable consequence
(for the plaintiff or the defendant in a med- of a careful analysis of the facts and
ical malpractice case, for example), there is the applicable law based on the classifi-
overlap and fuzziness at the boundary and, cation of this case in relation to previous
in the end, the judge creates the defining dis- cases. The correct decision and the govern-
tinction rather than discovering it (Cardozo, ing principles are described as discovered,
1921, p. 167). The distinctions were often not created, by the judge (Schauer, 199 5,
arbitrary, not logical, and influenced by the p. 642, note 23), and are expressed with
judge's own sense of what the right outcome great certainty, as though there were no
should be. The fundamental principles and room for doubt. "It seems that this neo-
legal rules were important and provided con- formalist form of jurisprudence - typified
siderable guidance to the judge but, in most by a self-reported experience of constraint,
cases, they were insufficient to determine high confidence and singular correctness,
the outcome. The certainty and sense of in- all couched in the rhetoric of closure - is
evitability expressed in judicial opinions was the predominant, albeit unofficial, mode of
quite unjustified. As time goes by and the judicial reasoning in current American legal
legal landscape becomes dense with more culture" (Simon, 1998, p. 11 ). In part, this
and more intermediate cases, the failures of persistence is attributable to the strong be-
formalism become increasingly apparent. As lief that the law requires stability. For peo-
Holmes put it ple to have faith in the legal system, judges'

decisions must be predictable, and for judges The first move toward legal realism was
to make predictable, logical decisions there "Sociological Jurisprudence," which was ex-
must be a fixed framework from which pounded most explicitly by Roscoe Pound
those decisions are derived. A major differ- (1912). Like Holmes, Pound felt that the
ence between law and science, as discussed "mechanical jurisprudence" of the formal-
subsequently, is that uncertainty and change ists was out of touch with social real-
are a sign of a healthy scientific climate; ity and that legal scholarship and judicial
they would definitely not signal a healthy norms were standing still, out of touch with
legal climate. exciting developments in philosophy and,
particularly, the social sciences. "Jurispru-
dence," he argued, "is the last in the march
of sciences away from the method of de-
Legal Realism
duction from predetermined conceptions"
Legal realism arose in opposition to formal- (Pound, 1909, p. 464). The strict doctrinal
ism and can be seen as an extension and elab- approach blinded legal writers to two essen-
oration of Holmes's early skepticism. Legal tial considerations: first, the purposes of the
realists rejected the formalist ideas that the law - the goal of doing justice rather than
law was a self-contained logical system pro- following the letter of the law; and second,
viding for the scientific, deductive derivation the social, cultural, and psychological factors
of the right answer in all new cases. They that influenced behavior, including the be-
regarded this view as a vain daydream dis- havior oflawmakers and judges. Blind adher-
connected from the real world influences on ence to the abstract law-on-the-books might
legal decision makers -hence the label "legal make for greater certainty and predictability,
realism." but "reasonable and just solutions of individ-
In a strict formalist analysis, two different ual cases" were "too often sacrificed" (Pound,
judges should always judge the same case 1912, p. 51 5). The law treated all individuals
in the same way unless one of them was as equivalent regardless of their social back-
mistaken in his3 understanding of the facts ground or position. Thus, for example, the
or the law. Clearly this was not the case. right of an employee to quit was legally the
In the nineteenth century, as now, courts same as the right of the employer to fire him.
were often divided. There were judges in Both were free agents enjoying the "liberty of
the majority and there were dissenters, and contract." But of course the employer could
no one seriously argued that the dissenters easily find another employee, but the em-
were incompetent or in need of retraining. ployee would have lost his livelihood and
Of course the formalists did not believe this might have a very hard time finding another
was the way the world really worked, but job. The law's refusal to acknowledge these
they did believe that the legal system could obvious social truths was a major stimulus to
approximate that ideal and that it was an sociological jurisprudence.
ideal worth striving for. The legal realists be- Pound argued that legal scholarship and
lieved that it was an impossible ideal and that judicial decisions should "take more ac-
it was a waste of time to strive for it. count, and more intelligent account, of the
According to the legal realists, instead of social facts upon which law must proceed
reflecting an abstract set of nearly immutable and to which it is to be applied" (1912,
principles, the law reflects historical, social, p. 51 3). The focus should not be on the ab-
cultural, political, economic, and psycholog- stract content of the laws but on how they
ical forces, and the behavior of individual actually work. It is important to consider
legal decision makers is a product of these the purpose of laws and to modify them if
forces. It therefore is not surprising that dif- these purposes are not being achieved. And
ferent judges, with different goals and back- judges should regard the law as suggestive
grounds, should decide cases differently, and rather than determinative of their decisions:
contrary decisions do not imply that some If strict application of the law would result
judges must be "wrong." in an outcome that is unjust or contrary to

the purpose of the law, then flexibility in the making - and that that was how it should
cause of justice is appropriate. be. Karl Llewellyn, one of the most impor-
The basic views of Holmes and Pound tant figures in the group, argued that law was
were quite similar - pragmatic and open- about "disputes to be settled and disputes to
minded. Pound, however, was a far stronger be prevented" (1930, p. 2), not about rules;
proponent of an interdisciplinary solution about what legal decision makers do, not
to the problems of formalism. The social what they say. Legal rules were regarded as,
sciences were very much on the rise at at best, post hoc justifications and, at worst,
the beginning of the twentieth century and criteria that could lead judges to unjust de-
seemed "progressive" in a way that law was cisions. Advocates in a trial could usually
not. Their ideas stretched the imaginations describe the facts and the law so as to pro-
of the more intellectually curious law pro- duce coherent, complete, persuasive argu-
fessors and challenged some of the most ments for two diametrically opposite con-
fundamental assumptions of the law. The so- clusions. Llewellyn even wrote an article on
ciologists (the most influential group) sug- statutory interpretation showing that each
gested that the equality of all assumed by of 2 8 basic legal propositions could be ar-
the law (e.g., the "liberty of contract") was a gued either way: "A statute cannot go beyond
myth because status and power significantly its text"/"To effect a purpose a statute may
affected a person's choices, the anthropolo- be implemented beyond its text"; "Where
gists revealed a wide range of peaceful so- design has been distinctly stated no place
cieties with entirely different kinds of legal is left for construction"/"Courts have the
systems, and psychologists raised questions power to inquire into real- as distinct from
about the essential legal concepts of free will ostensible - purposes" (Llewellyn, 1950,
and responsibility, suggesting that behavior pp. 401, 403)-
was determined by psychological and social The agenda of the legal realists was both
factors beyond the control of the individual descriptive and prescriptive. According to
(Green, 1995). Felix Cohen, "Fundamentally, there are only
The period identified as the flowering two significant questions in the field of law.
of legal realism was the period between One is, 'How do courts actually decide cases
the wars (Fisher, Horwitz, & Reed, 1993). of a given kind?' The other is, 'How ought
Holmes and Pound were the inspirational they to decide cases of a given kind?'"(19 3 5,
figures from the past,4 but now there were p. 824). The answer to the descriptive ques-
enough like-minded scholars so they could tion was that courts do not decide cases on
legitimately be called a "school" or a "move- the basis of laws because the law always
ment," although never an organization. Like allows for multiple answers. In considering
the cognitive psychologists who shook off what sort of forces do influence case out-
the shackles of behaviorism in the 196os and comes, different scholars emphasized social
197os, they were an eclectic group united and cultural forces (Cohen, 19 3 5; Lasswell,
mainly by their opposition to the old ways. 1930; Yntema, 1928), unconscious psycho-
Some tried to do empirical research, some logical drives (Frank, 19 3o), or just a pro-
were political activists (and some eventually cess of intuition that eventually culminated
became part of the New Deal government), in a Gestalt-like "Aha effect" after long ru-
some continued as legal scholars but preach- mination (Hutcheson, 1929). These influ-
ing a new faith, and some were articulate ences affect the assessment of the actual
gadflies. Some were and are highly respected facts of the case - the credibility of the
figures in the history of legal scholarship, witnesses, the plausibility of the stories, as
some were but are no longer, and some were well as the judge's "sense of how the law
always seen as fringe elements. ought to respond to these facts" (Fisher, Hor-
As with their predecessors, their primary witz, & Reed, 1993, p. 165). Legal real-
unifying theme was a rejection of the old ists were ridiculed as believing that judicial
ways and a passionate belief that legal doc- decisions depended on what the judge ate
trine played a limited role in legal decision for breakfast. However, the realists generally

did not believe that judicial decisions were sential to answer the second question, "How
idiosyncratic or unpredictable. "Law is not ought [courts] to decide cases of a particular
a mass of unrelated decisions nor a prod- kind?" Judicial decisions affect human be-
uct of judicial bellyaches. Judges are hu- havior, often favoring one group's interests
man, but they are a particular breed of over another, and they affect future judicial
humans, selected to a type and held to ser- decisions. Careful study of these conse-
vice under a potent system of governmen- quences would allow for better-informed ju-
tal controls" (Cohen, I 93 5, p. 843). Because dicial decisions and better laws.
most judges come from the same social class, Prescriptively, the realists argued first that
receive the same legal education, and are in applying the law, judges ought to con-
subject to the same social and historical in- sider the purpose of the law and, second,
fluences and the same role demands, their that they should focus on the particulars
decisions will resemble each other. of the case and compare it with the partic-
The intellectual enterprise of legal schol- ulars of preceding cases, rather than look-
arship, therefore, should be to describe the ing for broad general principles. Consid-
actual behavior of courts, taking account of eration of the purposes of the law was
the broader social context. The realists were supposed to enhance the fairness and the
confident that this behavior would not be consistency of decisions, and blind applica-
predictable from written legal doctrine or tion to the rule without considering its pur-
statutes. Instead, the legal rules and con- pose would lead to bad decisions (Llewellyn,
cepts would turn out to be consequences, 1942). To facilitate this approach, legisla-
rather than causes, of judges' behavior. To tors and judges should make the reasons
understand how judges reach their decisions, for the law explicit; to provide appropri-
it is important to analyze their social back- ate guidance to future judges: "Only the
grounds, previous experience, and role de- rule which shows its reason on its face has
mands and the general political, social, and ground to claim maximum chance of contin-
economic pressures of the times. Because uingeffectiveness" (Llewellyn, 1942, p. 26o).
these same forces affected the behavior of Because social conditions were constantly
the parties of the case, the relation between changing, however, judges should be free
the judge's position in society and that of the to revise and reject even rules with clearly
litigants should also be explored. This gen- stated purposes; the development of law,
eral set of ideas was easy to demonstrate in like the development of science, should be
particular cases. Then, as now, the opinions a never-ending process of examination and
of individual judges on particular issues were re-examination.
often easy to predict. Defense lawyers "shop" Specific comparisons of the particular
for judges known to be sympathetic to of- case to be decided and the facts of related
fenders who resemble their client (judges cases, through analogical reasoning, was the
who believe that drug laws are too harsh, for preferred method. Just as a case read by it-
example). On some issues, it is easy to pre- self is meaningless (Llewellyn, 1930, p. 49),
dict Supreme Court Justices' positions based a case read with reference to the law and
on their previous opinions and their general without reference to other cases was also
ideology. Coming up with a more general meaningless. Close factual comparisons will
mid-level theory, something between vague reveal the empirically grounded rules and
abstract statements about "social forces" and cultural beliefs that actually explain legal
predictions of what a particular judge would decisions because "legal rules are simply for-
say in a particular case, was a much greater mulae describing uniformities of judicial de-
challenge and one the realists never actually cision" (Cohen, 1935, p. 848). Some ofthe
accomplished. realists believed that close examination of
The description of what courts actually the prior body of cases required more than a
do was supposed to explore not only the reading of the cases alone. Some felt that an
causes of judicial decisions but also their education in social science was necessary to
consequences. A study of consequences is es- fully understand the social forces influencing

the parties and the judge. Others felt that scholars should collect detailed statistical
legal researchers should create databases on information about the causes and conse-
the background of judges and their decisions, quences of various rules, conducting in-
the frequency with which laws on the books terdisciplinary empirical research, and that
were actually enforced, whether they are en- courts should consider social science data
forced against some groups more than oth- in deciding cases. The method of mar-
ers, whether patterns of enforcement have shaling social scientific evidence in argu-
changed over time (e.g., obscenity laws), and ing a case was pioneered by Louis Brandeis
so on. and Josephine Goldmark in the famous
The legal realists have been identified "Brandeis brief'' inMullerv. Oregon (208 U.S.
with a "social science" point of view, but this 412). In arguing that it was constitution-
meant different things to different scholars. ally permissible to restrict women's work-
Most of them probably shared Pound's be- ing hours to ten hours a day, they presented
lief that, although other scientific disciplines hundreds of excerpts from various articles
were making huge progress, law was stag- and reports claiming that long working hours
nating, backwards looking, and clinging to a were damaging to women's health. Most of
static, deductive model that had been aban- these were not actually scientific reports, but
doned by other sciences. The law, because it they were an effort (successful) to force the
deals with ever-changing values, opportuni- court to consider the social facts involved
ties, and norms of behavior should keep pace in the legal question and the social conse-
with these changes. Most also were some- quences of the decision. The "Brandeis brief"
what shaken by the ways in which sociology is legendary, and the inclusion of social sci-
and psychology were undermining the no- ence research in legal arguments is now com-
tion of free will central to the law (Green, mon. Modern trial and appellate courts rou-
199 5). Most of them agreed that the focus of tinely consider social science data, although
attention should be on how judges think, not their actual influence is probably less than
on the written rules. They were fairly unified most social scientists would like to believe
in describing what was wrong with formalism (Ellsworth & Getman, 1986).
but never fully agreed on the remedies and, There were some efforts to compile
indeed, proposed very few. databases (Pound and Frankfurter, 1922; and
Beyond this general sense that the law c£ Schlegel, 1 9 8 o) and a few attempts to ac-
should develop as society develops and tually carry out systematic research projects.
take general account of progress in the so- However, these attempts generally failed to
cial sciences, the realists followed different achieve the grand purposes their authors had
paths. Some more or less stopped there. in mind. In writing a traditional law review
For others, the "critical realists" in Horwitz's article, the author typically knows what the
(1992) terminology, social science mainly conclusion is at the beginning; empirical re-
meant a concern with social policy. Politi- search, as any honest scientist knows, often
cally they were progressives, and flourished forces agonizing rethinking and sometimes
under the New Deal. Cardozo, Brandeis, produces data so ambiguous that nothing
Frankfurter, and Douglas followed Holmes can be concluded. So, in 1928, the future
to the Supreme Court, and several others Supreme Court Justice William 0. Douglas
moved to important positions in the New conducted a study of business failures de-
Deal administration. For them, the social sci- signed to produce revolutionary insights but
ence that mattered was the sociologists' em- ended up with two small, inconclusive arti-
phasis on social class and a generally socialist cles (Fisher, Horwitz, & Reed, 199 3, p. 2 3 3).
view of what should guide the government Underhill Moore, a Yale law professor in one
and the courts. For them, as for many of the of the three experimental law and social sci-
social scientists of the time, social science ence interdisciplinary programs, attempted
meant social activism. a behaviorist (Hullian) analysis of the ef-
Another group, the "constructive real- fects of parking tickets (Moore and Callahan,
ists" (Horwitz, 1992), believed that legal 194 3) that provoked intense ridicule even

from other realists [Llewellyn later called it scendants that persist as independent cur-
"the nadir of idiocy" (1956, p. 4oo)]. Em- rents. One, called Critical Legal Studies, is
pirical research by legal scholars has slowly a reincarnation of the Progressive political
increased over the past 5o or 6o years, but themes of Legal Realism, and the other two
at the time, the admonishments of the le- (the Law and Economics movement and the
gal realists only produced a brief spate of at- Law and Society movement) are develop-
tempts, nothing like a major change in orien- ments of the interdisciplinary social science
tation. It is still the case that some law pro- endeavor.
fessors regard empirical research as mindless Law and Economics scholars are fairly
and mechanical with data a crutch for those traditional in terms of economic theory
whose mental capacities are insufficient to [e.g., Tversky, Kahneman, and the behav-
reach the truth on their own. ioral economists so far have had mini-
Although the excesses of Legal Realism mal influence (Kahn em an & Tversky, 2000;
are still parodied in well-worn cliches (such Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky, 1982; Thaler,
as the "what the judge had for breakfast" 1992)], taking as given the assumption that
cliche), in the main, it has been absorbed people rationally assess their circumstances
into American legal thought; thus, only the and do what will maximize their own wel-
excesses stand out as distinctive. Close com- fare. The potential criminal calculates the
parison of cases is the standard method of probabilities of getting caught, being pun-
legal education, and consideration of the ished, and the potential severity of pun-
social context, purposes, and policy impli- ishment and weighs these considerations
cations of the law is common. The chal- against the beneficial consequences of the
lenge posed by the realists - the relative crime (money, the extermination of a goal-
role of law versus social and personal con- blocking person) and accordingly decides
siderations - still looms over the study of whether or not to commit the crime. They
law and defines the questions. Databases attempt to fit legal decisions into a stan-
are everywhere, especially in the criminal dard economic framework and, if they do
justice system, but also in the civil arena. not fit, to argue that they should.5 Although
The American Bar Association regularly pro- they are often described as descendants of
poses guidelines based on statistical data as the legal realists, in some ways the Law
do government commissions. No one still and Economics movement bears a closer re-
believes in strict Langdellian formalism, al- semblance to the formalists. It has a for-
though many law courses are an uneasy mal model with a set of first principles: "Be-
blend of formalism and the considerations havior always takes the form of constrained
raised by the legal realists, and judicial opin- maximization. The actor chooses from some
ions are written in formalist language. And specified set of options, selecting the option
the later developments of legal realism, al- that maximizes some objective function. In
though never quite mainstream, are thriv- orthodox theory, consumers have preferences
ing. In 19 3 5, Felix Cohen wrote that "It is that are represented by a utility function,
reasonable to expect that some day even and they choose in a way that maximizes
the impudencies of Holmes and Llewellyn their utility ... " (Kreps, 1990, p. 4, cited in
will appear sage and respectable" ( 19 3 5, Hanson & Yosifon, 2003). Explanations and
p. 84 7), and that prophecy has certainly recommendations follow deductively from
come true. the basic premises. Law and Economics has
little to say about what is distinctive about
legal reasoning; it is primarily another ex-
Critical Legal Studies, Law and
ample of the economic model of reasoning
Economics, and the Law and
in general.
Society Movement
By contrast, the Law and Society schol-
Although many of the ideas of the legal ars are open-minded, eclectic, and devoid
realists have been incorporated into the of any theoretical mission. Instead, they are
mainstream of law, there are three direct de- committed to the social science method of

inquiry and to the idea that history, culture, ing the requirement that all decisions must
and social context matter. Friedman (1986) be justified by legal authority and precedent?
has proposed that Law and Society is a field Or are they totally unaware of their own
like "Area Studies" in which scholars from biases?
many disciplines study law the way scholars Duncan Kennedy, one of the founders of
from many disciplines study Latin America Critical Legal Studies, draws on the psychol-
or Southeast Asia. Their concern with con- ogy of Kohler, Lewin, and Piaget to explore
text and actual behavior means that they the thought processes of judges in a way
are relatively uninterested in "purely intel- that is less fuzzy and more nuanced than
lectual forces - the role of legal thinkers, for- the general realist point of view (Kennedy,
mal doctrine, philosophy and theory of law; 1986). His hypothetical judge is a politi-
the role of abstract ideas" (Friedman, 1986) cal reformist, of course, who is faced with
because such forces are mainly epiphenom- a conflict between what the law seems to
ena, not fundamentally causal. A great deal require and "how I want it to come out":
of important and interesting work has come "imagine that I think the rule that seems to
from this school, but it is not really about apply is bad because it strikes the wrong
legal reasoning in general. In fact Law and balance between two identifiable conflict-
Society scholars would reject the idea that ing groups, and does so as part of a gener-
there is such a thing as legal reasoning in ally unjust overall arrangement that includes
general. many similar rules, all of which ought in the
Critical Legal Studies is the bad boy of name of justice to change" (Kennedy, 1986,
the bunch, and in this regard it is more ob- p. 519). The judge may reinterpret the facts,
viously connected to the Legal Realists in reinterpret the legal precedents, reinterpret
their role as iconoclastic rebels. Like the re- the basic purpose of the law in the light of
alists, they argue that interpretation of the social policy, or make other moves. Judges
law is subjective, and they emphasize the will also consider how the public and other
role of power and political ideology more judges will view their decision, and finally,
strongly than most of the realists. Like there- they really do care about the law and prece-
alists, they have been more effective as crit- dent; thus, the dilemma is a real cognitive
ics than as authors of an alternative vision dilemma, not just a matter of imposing their
(Kennedy, 1997 ), and some of them have personal political motives. The decision will
glorified "trashing" as a sufficient contribu- become part of the law that other judges
tion (Tushnet, 1984). In some ways, they must consider when they decide cases, so
resemble the postmodernists of other disci- the judge also must worry about its future
plines, insisting that there is "no there there," ramifications. "Legal argument is the process
that all legal concepts, like all other social of creating the field of law through restate-
concepts, are socially constructed (except of ment rather than rule application" (Kennedy,
course for power and dominance). 1986, p. 562). The thought process evolves
However, some of their analyses of le- in time, beginning as a conflict and ending
gal reasoning went beyond what the legal as certainty. Once a strategy is chosen, the
realists had produced. In arguing that the judge no longer can imagine any compelling
legal realists' decisions were based on per- counterargument. Simon recently updated
sonal and social values, not law, the legal this analysis in the light of more recent re-
realists didn't quite get at the process by search in social and cognitive psychology and
which a judge's preference is turned into a showed that it has considerable power even
legal justification. Is the judge's reference in cases in which the judge has no particular
to the law or precedent a "noble lie" in political motivation: An incoherent mass of
Dworkin's (1986) terms, resorted to because contradictions develops into a coherent de-
personal preferences or partisan political cision in which no opposing argument carries
preferences could never be publicly stated any weight, but all turn out upon close ex-
as good reasons for justifying a decision? amination to support the decision (Simon,
Are judges simply unquestioningly follow- 1998).

Of course these biases - hindsight, hy- quate, has the same precedential force. It is
pothesis confirmation, motivated informa- final. The scientist's conclusions are never fi-
tion processing, ultimate overconfidence, nal, always tentative.
and others - are not unique to legal rea- The judge must also decide for one side
soners. They are true of us all, including or the other; the scientist's decision that the
scientists. Still, there are several important truth lies somewhere between the extreme
differences between legal reasoning and sci- points of view is typically not available to
entific reasoning. the judge. As I will argue, these role con-
straints in legal reasoning encourage cate-
gorical thinking and a corresponding distrust
of probabilistic reasoning, overconfidence,
Differences Between Scientific and a strong dispositional bias in which
Reasoning and Legal Reasoning situational factors and attributional biases
are overlooked, and the idea of free will is
As Llewellyn said, legal reasoning is not sci- preserved.
entific reasoning, although it shares some an-
alytic strategies, most notably the "method
Lack of Opportunity for Empirical Testing
of comparison and difference" (Llewellyn,
1930, p. 43) or, as we might say, "conver- Scientists and judges must both decide be-
gent and discriminant validity" (Campbell & tween competing explanations. But when
Fiske, 19 59) and the technique of simultane- scientists are trying to decide among rival
ously considering alternative explanations or hypotheses, or even when testing a single hy-
"multiple working hypotheses" (Chamber- pothesis, sooner or later they put the ques-
lin, 1890; Campbell & Stanley, 1966). In fact, tion to nature. They design a study that will
the legal decision maker in an adversarial sys- create new information, information that is
tem is forced to consider at least two com- not already in the system, that will help them
peting hypotheses proposed by the parties. to answer the question and to move forward
In this sense, the judge has some marginal in the way they think about the issues. In
protection against the thoughtless hypothe- legal reasoning, there is no empirical op-
sis confirmation to which scientists occasion- tion. Judges must work with the information
ally fall prey. This is not to say that judges given to them, and that information consists
are immune from hypothesis-confirming bi- entirely of what other people have said and
ases, only that at the beginning of the process the judge's own knowledge. Judges listen to
they are forced to consider at least two rival testimony and arguments and read the law,
hypotheses. scholarly works, and the opinions of other
Nonetheless, the judge and the scientist judges; they arrange and rearrange these el-
have different tools available to them, dif- ements, selecting, interpreting, and looking
ferent constraints, and different goals. Sci- for a rule that "holds good for the matter at
ence demands no final decisions; it is an on- hand" (Llewellyn, 1930, p. 72). The conclu-
going process. If the evidence is murky, sci- sion that the judge finally reaches is not em-
entists can wait, can reserve judgment until pirically tested and cannot be disconfirmed.
they can conduct further research. And they Of course, the judge may consider empir-
can figure out what further research needs to ical data as part of the factual evidence in a
be done to answer the question, and do it. case. Most cases involve experts of one sort
Judges can neither reserve judgment nor go or another- some who present the results of
beyond the data presented in court, how- diagnostic tests (e.g., of bullets, blood, dan-
ever ambiguous those data might be. They gerousness, mental illness, almost anything
cannot carry out further research, nor wait you can think of), some who present there-
until others have done so; they must decide. sults of empirical work specifically related
And the judge's decision, whether the ev- to the case (e.g., contamination of the jury
idence is conclusive or completely inade- pool through pretrial publicity, evidence of

racial discrimination in a company's promo- pirical research, they cannot wait for new
tion policies), some who describe the results information before making a decision.
of general research that is germane to the When the courts use available scientific
issue (e.g., evidence that some substance in- data in reaching a decision, this finality can
creases the risk of cancer, or of factors affect- be a source of frustration to scientific re-
ing the reliability of eyewitness testimony). searchers. In 1970, the Supreme Court held
The legal realists would be pleased about this that the size of a jury (six versus twelve
increasing prevalence of social science evi- members) does not affect its functioning
dence in legal decision making, but the judge (Williams v. Florida, 1970), and in 1972, it
does not collect new evidence. held that deliberation would be just as thor-
The scientist is searching for truth. The ough in juries that were not required to
judge wants to get the facts right, but that reach a unanimous verdict as in those that
is not the whole task. The judge also wants were (Johnson v. Louisiana, 1972; Apodaca
to settle the dispute in a way that is consis- et al. v. Oregon, 1972). In the early 197os,
tent with the law and the decisions in pre- when these decisions were handed down,
vious disputes and that is just. So it could there was almost no research on the ef-
be argued that the whole concept of an em- fects of group size or the unanimity require-
pirical test of the final decision is irrelevant, ment. Social scientists were stunned that
that there is no empirical test of justice. such important decisions could be made on
If two scientists make opposite predictions, the basis of so little information, and a flood
someone will do a study to try to choose of studies and commentaries quickly fol-
between them or otherwise clarify the ques- lowed, many of them suggesting that twelve-
tion. If a judge makes a decision, it is fi- person, unanimous juries deliberate more
nal unless it is appealed. If it is appealed, thoroughly than six-person or nonunani-
the appellate court rarely re-examines the mous juries (Lempert, 197 5; Saks & Ostrum,
facts and certainly does not invite new evi- 1975; Zeisel, 1971, on jury size; Hastie,
dence but decides whether the lower court Penrod, & Pennington, 1983, on unanimity).
made a legal (procedural) error (Mathieson However, the Court had already held that
& Gross, 2004). The final decision is the neither the size of the jury nor the una-
decision of the majority, and a five to four nimity requirement affected deliberations,
decision in the Supreme Court has the same and that six-person and nonunanimous ju-
precedential authority as a unanimous de- ries were constitutional. Although it is cer-
cision. When the Court is split four to four, tainly true that in science bad research can
the views of the ninth, "swing" Justice decide exert a baleful influence on the field for far
the case and can have precedential force - longer than it should (because the finding is
even if those views are quite idiosyncratic exciting, or because it is what people want to
(e.g., Johnson v. Louisiana, 1972; Regents of believe, or because the researcher is very fa-
the University of California v. Bakke, 1978). mous, or for various other reasons), it doesn't
have the same force as legal precedent. It
is more acceptable and less costly for a sci-
Need for an Immediate, Final Decision
entist to reject a theory than for a judge
Unlike the judge, the scientist can reserve to overturn a previous precedent. Authority
judgment and can say that, given the mud- matters in law; in science nothing enhances
dled state of the current evidence, there are a career more than a convincing refutation
many questions that we can't answer yet and of authority.
that further research is necessary. The judge Still, there have been cases in which
has to decide, and usually he has to decide the Supreme Court has expressed a more
one way or the other, without the range of provisional, scientific point of view. In
compromise solutions that are often avail- Witherspoon v. Illinois (1968) the Court
able to the scientist. Just as judges cannot had before it sketchy evidence based on
create new information by conducting em- three unpublished studies suggesting that

excluding opponents of the death penalty Compromise decisions are usually impossi-
from juries in capital cases (the common ble, and in an adversary system, the judge
practice known as "death qualification") bi- is faced with two attorneys, each making
ased the jury toward a guilty verdict, and the strongest possible case for diametrically
so when a defendant's life was at stake he opposed outcomes and thus minimizing any
would face a greater risk of conviction than ambiguities. 6 Experts may agree on most
he would if the prosecutor had not asked for of the data in their field, but those are not
the death penalty. The Court decided that the data that make for effective adversarial
the research was, as yet, "too tentative and persuasion; thus, they are not likely to be
fragmentary" to reject death-qualification as presented in court, and the judge or jury is
unconstitutional but that future data might not likely to get a sense of how much con-
justify such a move. From a scientific point sensus actually exists. The attorneys do their
of view, such a holding is far more accept- best to make every fact and every precedent
able than a holding that said, "We have re- fit their argument, trying to make it look
viewed the evidence and we conclude that as though the field is "impacted" (Kennedy,
death-qualification does not create a bias and 1986), with little room for doubt, and that
therefore is constitutional," which would be everything about this case places it clearly
analogous to the Williams holding on jury on one side of the line. The combination of
size. From a practical point of view, how- adversarial presentation and the need for a
ever, leaving a question open invites more dichotomous decision may eventually make
litigation, and if the practice later is found the legal reasoning of judges resemble that
to be unconstitutional, there is the problem of advocates. The facts and law may begin by
of retroactivity- that is of what to do about seeming to be a mass of contradictions, and
all those people who were convicted by bi- the judge may be plagued by "the doubts
ased, death-qualified juries. and misgivings, the hope and fears" (Car-
dozo, 1921, p. 167) common in significant
enterprises that are fraught with uncertainty
Categorical Thinking, Lack of
and ambiguity; however, judicial opinions
Compromise, and Certainty
almost never suggest that there was ever any
The need to decide the particular case one uncertainty. Once the judge realizes which
way or the other also pushes legal reasoning way he will probably decide the case and
toward categorical thinking: A person is ei- the rudiments of the justifications, "one of
ther sane (guilty) or insane (not guilty); an the effects ... is a kind of tunnel vision: One
unfit parent (someone else gets the child) or is inside the strategy, sensitive to its internal
fit (he or she may get the child); a future economy, its history of trade-offs, attuned
danger to society (execution permitted) or to developing it further but at least tem-
not (execution not permitted, barring other porarily unable to imagine any other way to
aggravating factors). Psychologists consider go" (Kennedy, 1986, p. 543). As in normal
sanity, fitness, and dangerousness to be con- memory processes, strong pressures toward
tinuous variables with no great gulf between consistency and coherence arise, and the ar-
the sane and the insane, the fit and the un- guments and evidence that initially seemed
fit, the safe and the dangerous, and many to favor the other side evaporate. "This sense
intermediate cases. But a legal case has to be of unequivocal support for the one decision
decided for one party or the other, and so generates a sense of inevitability, of singular
variables that are continuous are forced to correctness" (Simon, 1998, p. 84), and judi-
become dichotomous. Sometimes there are cial opinions are generally written as though
more than two categories (first-degree mur- all arguments support the conclusion, and
der, second-degree murder, and manslaugh- there is no uncertainty whatever. Simon
ter), but a line must always be drawn. attributes this movement toward certainty
The fact that the decision must be to basic cognitive processes, and certainly
categorical very likely exercises an influence this form of thinking is not unique to law;
on the process of legal reasoning itself it is however exaggerated, I think, by the

adversarial presentation of evidence (with is no accident that psychiatrists and clinical

little or no attention to the ambiguous, in- psychologists had close ties to the legal sys-
between facts and law) and by the necessity tem long before research psychologists did.
of always having to choose one side. Explaining (or predicting) the behavior of a
The feeling that there must be a cer- specific individual in a specific set of circum-
tain outcome, and that expressions of uncer- stances is not what most scientists do and not
tainty by a judge are a sign of weakness or what statistics are designed for. Experts will-
incompetence (Simon, 1998, p. 12) seem ing to testify to the exact probability that a
quite bizarre in a world in which the basic given defendant will commit a future crime
insights of the legal realists are widely ac- are viewed as charlatans by the scientific
cepted. But it is real. Despite the fact that community. However, statistical probabilis-
majority and dissenting justices are perfectly tic data may be quite useful in illuminating
certain (so presumably either one side is other questions that judges must consider,
dead wrong or there is some uncertainty), such as whether a company is guilty of dis-
and despite the fact that everyone knows crimination in hiring or whether a particular
that as soon as the next case comes along drug causes birth defects. These questions
"the legal materials lose their recently ac- are typically addressed with aggregate data
quired character, and return to their ambigu- in which the results of many different stud-
ous existence within the world of multiple ies involving many different people are pro-
meanings" (Simon, 1998, p. 127), nonethe- vided by an expert. Judges have become far
less certainty is still valued as some sort of ·more receptive to statistical, empirical, ag-
mastery and uncertainty as a sign of indeci- gregate studies over the past fifty years, but
siveness at best and incompetence at worst. there is still a core reluctance. Experts who
The decision must be justified in terms of testify about the factors affecting eyewitness
the law, and it would be dangerous, in law reliability often have to overcome a certain
as in chess or sports, to suggest that the law judicial skepticism about the value of their
itself is ambiguous. testimony because they have not examined
this particular eyewitness but are only talk-
ing about the circumstances that affect most
Mistrust of Probabilistic Thinking
eyewitnesses most of the time. Large-scale
and Aggregate Data
studies of pervasive racial discrimination in
This concern with certainty and the need capital sentencing (Baldus, Woodworth, &
to make dichotomous judgments may help Pulaski, 1990; Gross & Mauro, 1989) were
explain why judges and legal scholars rejected by the Supreme Court in McCleskey
are often uncomfortable with probabilistic vs. Kemp (1987) in part because the ap-
statements and probabilistic data. Scientists pellant had not shown that the particular
regularly make explicit quantified probabil- jury that tried McCleskey was influenced
ity judgments; lawyers and judges do not - by racial bias. The Court held that in order
certainly not about the ultimate issues. For to succeed with a claim of racial discrimi-
example, they strongly resist placing a nu- nation, an appellant must prove either (1)
merical value on the "reasonable doubt" "that the decision makers in his case acted
standard: Is it 95% certainty, 99% certainty? with discriminatory purpose" [emphasis in
Jurors are generally just given the stock original], or (2) "that the Georgia legislature
phrase, sometimes supplemented by other enacted or maintained the death penalty
phrases, such as "to a moral certainty" or statute because of an anticipated racially dis-
"firmly convinced." criminatory effect" [emphasis in original]
This hesitation to consider probabilities is (McCleskey vs. Kemp, 1987, p. 1769).
not unreasonable given that the judge has to
make a yes or no decision about a particular
Free Will and the Dispositional Bias
individual. The judge's task is more analo-
gous to that of a doctor or clinical psycholo- Aggregate data are threatening in another
gist than to that of a research scientist, and it way; they imply that many people in the

same circumstances would behave in the bility. Even when exceptions are made, they
same way and thereby threaten the notion generally are made on the basis of internal,
of autonomy and free will so deeply rooted dispositional factors (e.g., insanity, youth)
in the minds of legal thinkers. The law sees and rarely on the basis of situational forces.
behavior as caused by people's beliefs, de-
sires, and preferences. Ideas of free choice
and free will are still fundamental to legal
thinking and largely unquestioned. This em- Conclusions and Future Directions
phasis creates another source of tension be-
tween law and the social sciences because Legal reasoning is a form of expert reason-
social science takes a much more determin- ing. Einstein argued that expert reasoning -
istic point of view, emphasizing cultural, so- in particular, scientific reasoning - is "noth-
ciological, psychological, biological, and, es- ing but a refinement of our everyday think-
pecially in psychology, situational forces on ing" (1936, in Bargmann [trans.] 1954, p.
behavior (Ross and Nisbett, 1991). The fact 290 ). Like everyday problem solving and sci-
that economics is the social science that has entific reasoning, legal reasoning begins by
been most successful in law schools is not examining a set of facts and figuring out
surprising given this model; of all the social what happened and why. Of course, some
sciences, economics is the one most wedded of the "facts" may be fictions, and the judge
to a free choice theory of behavior. must decide which to believe and which to
The law has developed a highly elaborate reject, but that is true of all natural prob-
set of definitions of various degrees of per- lem solving. Information is selected and re-
sonal responsibility, including deliberation, jected as part of the process of creating a
intention, knowledge, recklessness, and neg- coherent story.
ligence, but has been relatively untouched It is the "refinements" that make one form
by psychological research on attributional of expert reasoning different from another.
biases and particularly by the research on Like other forms of expert reasoning, the
the dispositional bias (fundamental attribu- law has its own terminology, its own uni-
tion error) or by social psychological re- verse of acceptable data, and its own rules.
search demonstrating that situations play a In law, the rules are more flexible than they
far greater role than personal preferences are in some domains and more central than
and dispositions in determining people's be- they are in most. They are more flexible than
havior (Ross & Nisbett, 1991). When situa- the rules of chess, for example, because in
tional forces are considered, such as in the complex cases there are often many possible
concepts of necessity and duress, the situ- rules and precedents from which to choose,
ations are generally so extreme as to be ir- and both the facts and the rules can be inter-
relevant to everyday life - a person breaks preted and reinterpreted in relation to each
into a lonely cabin in a blizzard because other until the judge is satisfied with the to-
he is freezing to death or signs a contract tal combination - satisfied with the fitness
because someone is holding a gun to her or coherence of the overall picture, and sat-
head - and can be taken as the exceptions isfied that the decision is just.
that prove the rule that the pervasive power The rules are more central in that every
of the situation in all aspects of our lives decision must be justified by explicit dis-
is largely ignored by the law (Hanson & cussion of the relevant rules: The rules are
Yosifon, 2003; Ross & Shestowsky, 2003). not just a framework for decision making;
The validity of the concept of free will has they are an essential part of the process.
in fact troubled a sprinkling of legal schol- The sine qua non of empirical scientific re-
ars for a century (Pound, Green, Hanson), search is a clear description of the research
and these doubts have occasionally influ- method. The judge has a mass of materials
enced sentencing practices but have rarely to work with, ranging from the incoherent,
affected the basic attribution of guilt or lia- self-serving blabbering of a witness to the

decisions of other judges to the Constitution 2. This section owes much to the work of Robert
itself, and the sine qua non of legal reason- Gordon (1984), Duncan Kennedy (1973), and,
ing is the explanation of why this decision especially, Thomas C. Grey (1983).
is the right one (Schauer, 1995), an expla- 3. In the era of formalism, judges were men, so I
nation ultimately expressed as argument. refer to them as "he." For the sake of balance,
This explanation "is meant not only to jus- I refer to scientists as she.
tify the judgment in terms of an authorita- 4. By this time, Holmes had been on the Supreme
tive past but to constitute an authority to Court for many years, and Pound had become
be referred to in the future" (White, 1985, more conservative and more prosaic.
p. 240). 5. Of course there are exceptions, and a brief de-
Despite the major developments in le- scription like this one must always be, in some
ways, a caricature.
gal scholars' interpretations oflegal reasoning
over the past century and a half, legal rea- 6. In actuality, compromise is pervasive in the
legal system, because most civil cases are re-
soning itself has not changed substantially,
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