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ICT: A Move Towards Integration

By John Lester T. Conlas

Information and communication technology has a great impact on the education industry and
has to lead to changes in the delivery mode of education and learning or teaching.

The main objective of education is to develop and provide capable hands to industries. Actually
it is need to have information technology in this field. The impact of ICT in higher education will
grow many changes in educational practices. The term Information refers to any communication or
representation of knowledge such as facts, data or opinions in any medium or for, including textual,
numerical, graphic, cartographic, narrative or audiovisual forms.

One of the most common problems is the study of Information and Communication
Technologies is choice based rather than it is actually education needs. Like the developing
countries, we also faced lots of competitions in international market level. In my own opinion, to
sustain in that level, we have to develop our skills to familiar with ICT. The use of ICT in education
leads itself more student centric and this creates proper communication, bridge the gap between
teacher and students. As what have had Prof. Priya Kale said that, ICT stands for information and
communication technologies and is defined, as a diverse set of technological tools and resources
used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information. ICT implies the
technology which consists of electronic devices and associated human interactive materials that
enable the user to employ them for a wide range of teaching learning processes in addition to
personal use.

We all know that ICT brings a lot of advantages in education. Firstly, independent access for the
students to their education can be improved by the computer. Secondly, ICT enable the student who
needs a special educational to accomplish working task at their own pace. In addition, with the help
of ICT, students can communicate more easily for those who with profound and multiple learning
difficulties. Moreover, using the voice communication by students enable most of them to aid gain
the confidence or credibility of social and in the communities. Furthermore, students can be
motivated to use the internet at home for schoolwork. On the other hand, for those with
communication difficulties or problems, ICT could unblock the hidden potential of students. One of
the benefit that arise from the using of ICT is the students can demonstrate their achievements in
ways which might not be possible with traditional methods. The advantages of using ICT in
education also include the enabling of tasks to be tailored to suit individual skills and abilities.

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