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Nicolás Márquez 9-A

1: Two Viewpoints of the same Events: Lee Surrenders to grant 1885
As we can see in the painting we have a lot people and if we can see in the
account of grant lee, we do not see anyone another difference is that in that
account we could see how they are having a normal conversation but in the
painting as you could see they are judging Lee
2: Character Analysis in the Red Badge of Courage
The characteristic is that he discover that he is a coward sometimes because
before of all this situation of the war started he thought that he will be brave
and he wouldn’t run away from the war as it is thinking to do right now since he
realized that he was not brave enough to face this situation
3: Setting the scene Great Expectations
The 3 examples are:
That he had a weird hair with a lot of decorations
when the girl was all dress white and also because she had a white hair and
she was already dress up
The room didn’t had any light from the outside world

4: Adderall Abuse
1)Adderall is a drug which was developed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy
2)They use it as a study aid, because it keeps them awake and alert
3)It is a DEA Schedule II substance which means it has a high potential for
abuse and it can lead to severe psychological or physical dependence and they
are calling it America favorite amphetamine
4)the dangers are that It can lead to psychological issues such as paranoia,
anxiety, and severe depression if we talk of physically, it can cause nausea,
vomiting, weight loss, headaches and it can end with terrible consequences like
convulsions or fever and maybe heart problems
5: Eleanor Roosevelt on Fear
I think that this quotation has a big relevance because it talks about how
Eleanor Roosevelt was able to overcome her fears and become the great
person that she was. She as the first lady of the United States mentioning her
great work as a writer, activist and politician but she wasn't like that from the
beginning she was a very shy person and all changed when she starts founding
more people who needs help so she started helping people and feeling better
an better
I think that an event which was very important for she was when she saw the
wives of the men’s of the assembly scared because it remembered to her and
her dark past so she help those women’s of not being like her in the past shy
and alone.

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