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Mohammad Al Saidi grade:


Chiefity (Alodania: the country of refugees)

All countries around the world are ruled by a type of government weather it’s a monarchy,
democracy, dictatorship, or oligarchy ext… these systems of governments can vary and they
have a certain impact on their citizens, each country has its own way of governing which is
supposed to meet peoples needs, and improve a country, there is no perfect type of
government, each governing systems have their own pros and cons, but when a type of
government fits the people satisfaction, a country can have power. For example if a county
educates there people with the proper education, and really focus on education, the whole
economy of a country changes and impacts the country because if people had clean brains
they would achieve things beyond expectation, people could open businesses , and start
competing against each other, which will lead people to fight harder and improve companies,
and take a step into the future in order to stay in the business game, the more business will
reduce employments, and higher incomes to the citizens, and higher profits for the company
and the country itself, with this we can get closer into achieving zero poverty and stop racism
(by education)(all of that can be achieved if the government systems focused on education). I
decided to create a perfect country that focuses on education that is ruled by a type of
government called chiefity where 4 people rule with a parliament for the citizens. There is one
chief elder from a royal family and three elected elders; all citizens are allowed to vote for the
elected, and people in the parliament (1 representative from each family).

1. The history of ‘’Alodania”

The country came into life when Mohammad Saidi (archeologist) found this piece of
land, it was filled with oils, Mohammad decided to make this place for refugees from all
around the world, over 500,000 thousand immigrants joined the country, where he
provided them with camps, food, and water from his own wealth and aid from around
the world . Mohammad studied the country with his archeologists, and found huge
amounts of oils in it, so he started selling the oil and extracting them from the ground
secretly to other countries, until he made a huge amount of profit, worth of billions,
enough to build highly equipped schools for the country to educate the people there,
with highly paid teachers from around the world, the petrol business started to rise and
people highly demanded it, so he became more rich and he was able to build houses for
families, then he died, and his son (Ahmad) took over, he built hospitals, more school,
and a university ( the largest university in the world), all of this was done from builders
and architects from around the world, by this time citizens were already educated and
took over the business, and opened companies, and more people started migrating,
and the population rose, so after he died his son (adam) decided to make a governing
system for the people, his son made the first chiefity , were people elected 3 people as
elders, Adam (the chief elder), made a passport, a parliament, and a language due to
culture and language difference, the parliament included 1 person form each family
Mohammad Al Saidi grade:

(elected by the family itself), and if a new law was formed the proses will be as
following, people suggest a law to the family’s representative, that has been chosen by
them that is in the parliament, if more than 40 percent of the parliament agrees the law
will be taken to the elders, if at least 2 of the 3 elders agree the law is taken to the chief
elder for a final decision, the elders and the chief elder have the right to correct laws.
This type of government is a combination of monarchy and democracy, monarchy has a
long history as, the origin of monarchy was in Greece, and in 1649, anti-monarchism
started in England, and in 1776-1792 Monarchy impact started reducing because of the
French, and American Revolution 1980: Sweden was the first Monarchy to declare
equal inheritance for both sexes, and in the 20th century UAE became monarchy.
Democracy originated in Athens, and in 1628: Petition of right was passed in England,
and in 1787: Adoption of United States Constitution, in 1965: Voting Rights Act by
United States Congress, then in 2010 democracy day was declared by the un.

2. Laws (6 major laws)

1. Drugs are strongly forbidden and illegal

2. Refugees are always welcomed

3. All crimes are forbidden, if people made crimes like rape, murder, drug
smuggling, and all occurring crimes they will be thrown in jail

4. Marriage is allowed for citizens above 18 from any gender (gay marriage)

5. Religion is according to choice

6. Education is a must

1. Alodania now:

The country is extremely successful as it has great economy because of the peoples
high education and low unemployment, and companies there are very successful due
to the proper governing system as it gives people the freedom of speech, electing, and
the government forcing its citizens on education as it is the key of victory.

2. Pros and cons


1. People have the freedom of speech as they represent themselves in the


2. Ciefity combines between monaechey and democracy, which are the most
used and most successful types of governments in the world
Mohammad Al Saidi grade:

3. Education is a must from the government itself

2. Cons

1. Different p.o.vs may lead into disagreements

2. People who elect themselves may give people money in order to vote for them

3. People may elect the wrong person for a certain duty.

4. Picking one from each family may lead in hatred and disagreements between

In conclusion, the reason why Alodania has rose into power in the first place is the oil that was
found in it, and the rich archeologist Mohammad Saidi, then education took place, and the
county became so rich and successful even though people where pour and refugees,
Mohammad believed in them and educated them until they owned a modern country, good
education was possible due to the oil and money which led people into success, the oil may run
out but their brains will remain. Another possible type of government for alodania would be a
direct monarchy, which will lower the chances of disagreements due to different p.o.v.s , and
there wouldn’t be any false elections and misjudging people, because the monarch rules, but if
the monarch is dangerous those smart people will rebel, having no choice but to.

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