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Teacher-made Learner’s Home Task

School: Carmen National High School - Day Class Date: July 2, 2020

Grade/Section: 11/12 Subject Area/s: Contemporary Philippine Art from

the Regions

Week: Week 1 (Aug. 24-28, 2020)

I. MELC: Describes various contemporary art forms and their practices from the
various regions

II. Objective/s:

Knowledge: Identify the different contemporary art forms and practices or

initiatives from the regions

Skills: Able to present a form of integrated contemporary art based on the region
of his/her choice

Values/Attitudes: Appreciate contemporary art forms and practices

III. Subject Matter: Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from the Regions

IV. References:

 Sandagan & Sayseng (2016) Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. Manila
Philippines: JFS Publishing Services
 Mendez, Mario L. Jr. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. DIWA Learning
Systems, Inc. Philippines

V. Procedure:

A. Readings:

Art- is creation; it is creating something new, something original and something different.

- Is life; it is creating life on a material and making inanimate objects to have life
- “to create art is to give life”

Contemporary Arts:

- Refers to the recent and current practice of art ranging from the 1970s up to the present
- Mirrors the society and culture of the present times
- Combination of different methods, materials and ideas that transcend the traditional way
of art making
Historical Background of Philippine Art:

3 Major Traditions

1. Ethnic Tradition
2. Spanish Colonial Tradition
3. American Colonial and Contemporary Tradition

 Ethnic Art Forms –primarily influenced by the geographical location and the
experiences of the Filipinos


Dances – during the pre-colonial times vary depending on the area where our ancestors thrive

 Living in highlands – dance steps were imitations of the movements of certain animals
like birds
 Living near the sea – mimics the movement of the fishes

Visual arts – pottery, weaving, wood carving, and metal crafting were dominant during the pre-
colonial period making use of available materials surrounding them

Architecture – used local materials like anahaw, bamboo, cogon, cane, rattan and other light
materials in constructing structures

Folk literature – in the form of folk speeches, songs and narratives (verbalizes experiences)

Theater Arts – tribal presentations and rituals (depicting beliefs)

Music – use of indigenous musical instruments like the bamboo flutes and brass gongs

 Spanish Colonial Tradition – Spaniards tend to replace the Philippine indigenous arts
with Western art forms
- religion and secularization center of art
- friars supervising the practice or arts in the country
- agenda is to propagate Christianity and maintaining the power of the colonizers

Literature – religious and secular prose and poetry

Theater arts – secular and religious plays like “komedya”

Choreography – religious dances commonly performed to venerate patrons and saints

Secular dances – valse, fandango, polka and minuet, among others

Music – piano and Western instruments were introduced; bands and orchestra multiplied;
zarzuelas and operas became prevalent

Visual arts – painting and sculpture that depicts religious subject matter

Architecture – stone and bricks were used to build houses, churches and government offices

 American Colonial and Contemporary Tradition – Filipinos who went abroad to

study came back to the country carrying the concept of modern art
o Modern art – refers to the practice of art in the 1860’s-1960’s
o Urbanization, consumerism, rise of the middle class, change in the political
system, secularization, and emergence of new technology affected the way of art
making in that period.
o Due to technological innovations, the experimental approaches in developing art
rose above traditional art practices and methodologies.
o New forms of expression came which were avant-garde in nature
Avant-garde - new and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts, or the people
introducing them

B. Exercises for skills subjects / Analysis questions using HOTS for content subjects

Exercise 1.

Directions: The development of Philippine Arts comes from three major traditions. In the items
below, write E if the statement belongs to Ethnic Tradition, S if it belongs to Spanish Tradition,
and A if it belongs to American Colonial and Contemporary tradition.

_____ 1. Filipinos developed choreographies by mimicking movement of animals.

_____ 2. Technological innovations affected art making resulting to non-conventional artworks.

_____ 3. Zarzuelas and operas become popular in this period.

_____ 4. Religion and secularization influenced all art forms.

_____ 5. Pottery, weaving, wood carving, and metal crafting are the forms of visual art.

_____ 6. Painting and sculpture were the most popular forms of visual art.

_____ 7. Filipinos studied abroad and later on introduced new ideas in art making.

_____ 8. Avant-garde artworks entered the scene.

_____ 9. Bricks and stones were predominantly used in constructing buildings.

_____ 10. The geographical location and experiences of the Filipinos were the main factors in art

_____ 11. Uses light materials accessible in their area for constructing houses.

_____ 12. Folk literature verbalizes their experiences.

_____ 13. Technological innovations pave way to experimental approaches in developing art.

_____ 14. Art that mirrors the society and culture of the present times.

_____ 15. Religion as a great influence in art.

_____ 16. Friars are the ones supervising the practice of art in the country.

_____ 17. Beliefs are portrayed through tribal presentations and rituals.

_____ 18. Literature are in the form of prose and poetry.

_____ 19. Emergence of new technology affected the way of art making in this period.

_____ 20. Art in this period is to promote Christianity.

Exercise 2:

Directions: Read each item carefully and provide answers.

1. What are the three (3) major traditions in the development of Philippine art? Give at least
2 distinctive characteristics of each tradition
2. What happened to the Philippine indigenous art during the Spanish regime? Give your
answer in terms of the following:
a. Literature
b. Theater arts
c. Choreography
d. Dance
e. Music
f. Visual arts
g. Architecture
3. What are the changes in the Philippine art and the area of education during the American
4. How does technology bring about the development of art in the Philippines?
5. If you are to choose, which of the 3 traditions would you prefer? Explain why.
C. Assessment/Application


1. Identify the period shown in the following pictures.

_____________________________ ________________________________

____________________________________ ______________________________________
_____________________________________ _______________________________________

2. From the three major traditions in the development of Philippine Art, which do you think has the
richest form of art? Explain your answer.

3. Name at least 3 Filipino movies (3 for each traditions) that depicts Philippine art form.

Prepared by:

Sharon Pia D. Castil

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