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Jl. PerintisKemerdekaan 1 No. 1 Telp : 021-553918 Fax : 021-5531918 Kota Tangerang

Program Study Ilmu Pemerintahan Date November 09th , 2020

Subject English 1 Lecturer Eka Tri Wulandari, S.Pd., M.Pd
Duration 90 Minutes Name You Don’t Forget Hia
Semester 1 (One) Class IP (1B)

There are some common words that often used in economy, government, and
political. Translate in English.

1. Additional budget
2. Position is elected
3. Elected politicians
4. Environmental impact analysis
5. State revenue budget
6. Changes in the state revenue budget
7. Indonesian health insurance
8. Regional development planning agencies
9. Basic allocation
10. Regional development planning agencies
11. National development planning agency
12. Regional supervisory agency
13. Financial audit agency
14. Financial and development supervisory agency
15. Community empowerment agencies
16. The minister of cabin
17. Cabinet Secretary
18. National debt
19. Capacity building
20. Capital increase program
21. Working capital expenditures
22. Capital policy
23. Career development
24. Capital developments
25. Acquisition of capital
26. Capital acquisition tax
27. Capital goods industry
28. National defense agencies
29. Central statistical agency
30. Head of district level (regent)
31. District leader (camat)
32. General allocation funds
33. Special allocation funds
34. State policy and institutional assessment
35. The consumer price index
36. State procurement assessment report
37. The highest executive officer
38. Chief financial officer
39. Decentralized government
40. Departmental allocation

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