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1) Introduction

This scenario follows on from Lord Jagged, The Jaded God.

In the Cosmic Chess Game that decides the fate of the Multiverse, Chaos has made the first move. Now it is
Law's turn to redress the Balance. Fittingly, the Lords of Law have decided to use the PCs as their pawns in
this move.

The story picks up about two months after the Battle of Sorik. The city of Aflitain is in a frenzy of activity
for several reasons. Merchants are contracting for rebuilding work: ships from all nations bring in building
materials and even architects to repair the damage caused by Jaeger's campaign. The Priests of Law are out in
force, preaching in the streets and to swelling congregations of the "cancer of Chaos lurking in fair Shazaar."
As if this wasn't enough, preparations are in full swing for Kromir's Investiture Ceremony as Grand Duke of
Eastern Shazaar.

As heroes of the Battle of Sorik, the PCs are invited to both the Investiture Ceremony and subsequent State

The Investiture Ceremony takes place in the Temple of Donblas. Fast-wind the PCs through several hours of
tedious ceremonial nonsense. Kromir makes his oath that he is free of the influence of Chaos and is suited to
the position of Grand Duke. Depending on how the Battle of Sorik ended, this may or may not be the case.
Kromir is still in league with the Pan Tangian merchant, Parig Arass, and as such is at the mercy of Jagreen

The real story begins at the State Banquet.

2) The State Banquet

The Banquet is a different matter entirely. Held in the Great Hall of Kromir's Palace, the Banquet is an event
which will be talked about in court until the end of the world (about seven years, if Mr St. Andre's timeline in
the SB3 rulebook is accurate). The feast is lavish, the entertainments exotic and spectacular, the guest list
extensive and powerful. Everyone is decked out in their most gorgeous finery. Laughter rings out across the
crowded Hall, mingling with the songs of minstrels and the music of the small orchestra. In fact, only the
absence of the music slaves and ceremonial torture separate this revelry from something seen in Imryrr.

The sort of thing that goes on here could last a while but enjoy the roleplaying and go with the flow. The GM
is, of course, free to elaborate on these points but some special notes are as follows.

• The crowd is largely nobility, lords and ladies of Shazaar's extensive Royal Court.
• The Ambassadors of Jharkor, Argimiliar, Filkhar and Lormyr are present.
• Most of the noble Lords and ceremonial guards are armed.
• A master of Ceremonies announces the PCs as they arrive. These introductions should be tailored to
each character and based on how they performed in the Battle of Sorik.
• Hint at the presence of "others". Jerry Cornelius, for example, loves a good party. Dressed in the
robes of an Indian Rajah, complete with jewelled turban, he will be miserable unless accompanied by
a woman with a CHA of at least 18. Later, the woman's clothes will be found neatly folded at the foot
of a rumpled bed. Jerry will have disappeared.

New player characters can be introduced at this time, either as nobles themselves or
guests/bodyguards/retainers of more prominent NPCs.

3) The Messenger

At some point, a meeting should be contrived between the PCs and a young man called Tellurin Holcar, the
Aide-de-camp to the Argimiliaran Ambassador to Shazaar.


STR [12] CON [10] SIZ [11] INT [13] POW [8] DEX [13] CHA [11]
Skill Group Bonuses
Atta 1% Parr 0% Agil 0% Mani 1% Perc 0% Stea 2% Know 2% Comm 0%
Hit Points = 11 Major Wound Level = 6
Dagger Attack 41% Dagger Parry 40%
Persuade 35% Credit 40% Intimidate 30%
Ride 40% Law 32% Theology 45% Read/Write Common 47%

Tellurin is slimly built, richly dressed and armed with a dagger. He is acting on "higher orders" when he
approaches the PCs and says:

"Gentlemen (and ladies, if present), may I talk with you on a matter which you may find of interest? I am
aware of your talents and my Government has charged me with the task of recruiting fellows such as
yourselves to aid us with a small mystery."

Do whatever is necessary to get the PCs interested. Tellurin is earnest, likeable and friendly. The GM should
play to the strengths and interests of each player character (and the players themselves) to snare the
characters. Hopefully they will take the bait: they are almost destined to.

Tellurin will continue:

"Are you familiar with the so-called Golden Grimoire? It is a tome of magical knowledge reputed to have
been brought to this plane by a dying Chaos God from a far world. Even the power of the Golden Grimoire
could not save the deity who perished on this plane. Centuries after his passing, the Grimoire came into the
possession of a wizard who could use its powers. Thus began a chain of events which culminated in a great
war between two opposing armies of great sorcerous skill. During this war the Grimoire was stolen and the
opposing army also used its power. With the aid of the Golden Grimoire, they destroyed their enemy.

"Now we believe the Grimoire has surfaced again after nearly one thousand years. A group of foresters
discovered a Tower deep in the forests of Southern Argimiliar. On investigating, they were attacked by
forces unknown. Only one managed to flee to civilisation but he was nearly mad. With the scant information
he supplied in his maddened babbling, we sent troops to the Tower and, as before, only one returned. He
spoke however (before lapsing into catatonia) of a room filled with books, dominated by a huge lectern on
which rested a massive, gold-bound tome. The Golden Grimoire!

"Have I piqued your interest, my Lords?"

4) GM Info

Tellurin is not actually lying about the Golden Grimoire. The legend he tells is correct. Some pertinent
details, however, are given below. These notes worked in the original campaign and may go against many
"canon" stories and published supplements. If these notes are not suitable, please feel free to change them.

• Most importantly, the Golden Grimoire is real and still exists on the Young Kingdoms plane, though
hidden in Org and the Forest of Troos. This is another adventure entirely.
• What are foresters doing so far south? Cutting high-quality wood for export, to build the warfleet that
sails on Imryrr at the beginning of Elric of Melnibone.
• The "dying Chaos God" was indeed from a far world. More precisely, the god was Malal, from
WFRP's Old World.
• The Grimoire does indeed contain powerful spells. They are Tzeentchian spells (again WFRP), The
Changer of the Ways, Warhammer's Chaos God of Magic. The spells pertain to the infusion of Chaos
energy into living creatures, thus producing mutations, hybrids and throwbacks to earlier eras.
• The god Malal was fleeing from Tzeentch and his demons taking the Grimoire which represented
some fifth of Tzeentch's power in the Old World when, mortally wounded, Malal gated to the Young
Kingdoms plane.
• The wizard who found the book was Amrus of the Dharzi. He and his followers used the Tzeentchian
spells in the creation of the Hunting Dogs of the Dharzi and other supernatural beasts.
• Thus began the great war between the Dharzi and the Bright Empire. For years the outcome hung in
the Balance until the the Emperor Matik, aided by Arioch of Chaos, stole the Golden Grimoire and
used its powers against the Dharzi. That was 1000 years ago.
• The rest, as they say, is history. The Grimoire was believed lost in a Dharzi counterattack/suicide
mission. But the war was over and the Bright Empire began to contract.

Players may attempt Music Lore rolls, or any other History- or Religion-related Lore skills they may have in
order to get some of these details. Melnibonean characters can claim bonuses to these rolls as the war against
the Dharzi was a pivotal moment of Melnibonean history.

The Shazaarian Royal Library and the Archive of Arkyn in Aflitain may contain fragments of these legends
but gaining access to these places will need some heavy-duty roleplaying as they are under lock and key after
the Battle of Sorik.

Demons of Knowledge might be able to confirm some of these details but the only entity who could truly tell
it like it is would be the Lord of the Seven Darks himself.

5) Behind the Scenes

Of course, not all is as it seems. For PCs who have battled against Arioch, a simple trip to a Library would be
way too easy.

The PCs are being set up. The Gods of Law watched the Battle of Sorik with great interest and were
dismayed at the rise of Chaos in Shazaar. This cannot be allowed to carry on.

The Lords of Law conceived a trap for Chaotic Priests and Agents. Spread rumours of a fabulous Chaos
Treasure recently found in the wilderness. Draw the enemy there and they will destroy each other for
possession of the treasure. Those that survive can be destroyed by the Lawful defences of the Tower.

Darius Bardin - an Agent of Donblas - was visited by his God in a dream in which Donblas explained the
situation behind the Battle of Sorik. If Arioch has been interfering, so must the forces of Law redress the

Bardin contacted sympathisers of Law - such as Tellurin - throughout the Young Kingdoms. Already two or
three small parties of Chaos sympathisers have been destroyed. Now, greater prizes have been ensnared: the
PCs and, Khailek Zandar, a Pan Tangian Chaos sorceror who desires the Grimoire to attempt to overthrow
the Theocrat.

The Priesthood of Law have been very subtle in their plans. Many of the people the PCs will encounter know
nothing of the plot behind the action. The Lords of Law - who will not act directly on the Young Kingdoms
plane - know their plans will take time to come to fruition but they are patient and will wait. Donblas
are exerting their powers very slowly and can even obscure certain information from Demons of Knowledge.
One possibly chilling result of this obfuscation would be to have a Demon of Knowledge driven mad itself
by the Lords of Law!


1) Introduction

We have to assume that the PCs are intrigued by this quest for a most formidable magical artefact. In the first
instance, Tellurin will ask the PCs to travel to Cadsandria, the capital of Argimiliar. There they are to meet
with Baron Priam, an official of Argimiliar's Diplomatic Service. The good Baron has a map which will help
guide the PCs to southern Argimiliar.

The preferred method of getting to Cadsandria will be by ship. Use of sorcery to speed up the journey should
be discouraged. With all the official activity in Aflitain at the moment (Grand Duke Kromir begins his duties
wielding a rod of iron) and the strong presence of Lawful priests, sorcery will be quite difficult to keep
concealed. The Lords of Law can be said to have intervened (indirectly) if necessary.

2) Transport options

There are a few ocean-going vessels in Aflitain harbour. Many of these are taken from the SB3 rulebook and
the White Wolf supplement.

The North Wind, a Tarkeshite longship (full stats should be available). Captain Glaz-Doz-Phut is willing to
take passengers to Argimiliar and perhaps even risk the Dragon Sea and Boiling Sea to save 3 - 4 days on the
journey. This, however, will cost lots of extra money.

The black sailed galley captained by Lank of Pan Tang. This ship is met in the Crystal of Daerdaerdarth
scenario. Given the general distaste with which Pan Tangians are held, the players may wish to avoid this

The Opulence, a Purple Towns brig, described in the White Wolf supplement, The brig is readying to sail to
Menii via Dhakos in Jharkor. From Menii, it will be easy to change ships for Cadsandria.

The Moon Princess, an Argimiliaran trireme. In ten days the Princess is due to set sail directly for
Cadsandria. The ship is in dry dock at the moment, being repaired after a "close encounter with a sea
serpent", about 300 miles from Sorceror's Isle. The captain, Suhalt of Nar, is willing to take passengers,
particularly if they claim to be sorcerors who could help protect his ship. (Again, this vessel is described in
the White Wolf ship sheets.)
The PCs can pay their money and take their choice. It will cost 250 LB to buy passage, per person. Extra
cargo will cost more. Extra risk will also cost more. If attacked, all passengers are expected to help defend
the ships. Use any stopovers in the journey to replenish PC numbers.

3) Ocean Encounters

The voyage to Cadsandria can be as quiet or adventurous as you want. Some points to note are.

Using the Moon Princess is the quietest way. Suhalt's planned route is via Dhakos amd then directly to
Cadsandria. He will not negotiate another route. The journey will be quiet but Khailek Zandar will use
supernatural sources to track the PCs and be able to plan his tactics accordingly.

On any other ship, there will be a pirate attack, either from a Pan Tangian privateer or a pirate vessel of
another nation under Pan Tangian command. In most cases, roll combat accordingly. However, if the PCs
travel on Lank's ship, there will be no fight. Instead, Lank will hoist the Pan Tangian ensign, the pirate
captain will board and have a long discussion with Lank. This conversation will eventually turn to the PCs,
with the result that the Theocrat will hear every word.

If the route runs through the Dragon Sea, make a Luck Roll for each day in that region. Use the Captain's
POW. Failure indicates a run-in with a Sea Serpent. This will serve the PCs right for taking such a risk.

Storms can hit as well. Use the suggestions on Stormbringer p. 186 for this and remember that the waters
may be shark territory.


1) Introduction

If the PCs make it this far, they are doing well! It might be best to stop at this point and roll for skill

Cadsandria is a bustling mercantile and university city. The large harbour is busy with ships from all the
Young Kingdoms nations and trade is always plentiful. Let the PCs relax and re-equip here if necessary.

2) Baron Priam

The PCs should keep their appointment with the Baron. His offices are in the Government district of
Cadsandria (analogous to the Houses of Parliament and Whitehall in London). He has been expecting them
and will welcome them warmly, showing great hospitality and manners. He shows great interest in their

The Baron is a tall man in his mid 40's with dark, greying hair. He is well dressed, friendly and very relaxed.
The PC's reputations precede them. The Baron is anxious to help. "After all," he will say, "a number of my
countrymen have died already and some of our best troops have failed to get to the bottom of this mystery. I
have high hopes that you will be able to help."

The PCs may be concerned about money. Priam promises a substantial monetary reward (say 5000LB each
plus expenses). Any treasure they find is, of course, theirs. As for the Golden Grimoire itself? Priam
explains: "The Government's official position is that they want nothing to do with the thing," (Priam uses the
word "thing" with considerable distaste). "It would be best destroyed. It has already caused much
unnecessary suffering."

The PCs should be left with a favourable impression of Priam. A man who willingly serves his country and
his people. A man with great enthusiasm for life who hates the disruption this whole affair has caused. Priam
observes most of the Elemental holy days and, as a former sailor, venerates Straasha above all.

GM NOTE: The Baron knows nothing of Darius Bardin's plans and is acting in genuinely good faith.


STR [10] CON [11] SIZ [12] INT [12] POW [10] DEX [14] CHA [10]
Skill Group Bonuses
Atta 2% Parr 2% Agil 2% Mani 2% Perc 0% Stea 2% Know 0% Comm 0%
Hit Points = 12 Major Wound Level = 6
Broadsword Attack 42% Broadsword Parry 42%
Sea Axe 22% Sea Axe Parry 22%
Persuade 35% Credit 40% Intimidate 30% Ride 42%
Music Lore 30% Law 34% Navigate 49% Swim 35%

The Baron provides the following for the PCs

• The location of the Mercenaries Guild (for extra muscle)

• Weapons, armour and equipment within reason
• Horses and pack horses
• Lodging, or at least the recommendation of an in called Straasha's Rest. On the waterfront, the inn
provides a spectacular view of Cadsandria's harbour area.
• The map of southern Argimiliar, as hinted by Tellurin
• He wishes the PCs good luck and will pray that Straasha will protect them

It is possible that the PCs will ask to see the survivors of the Tower, in which case, the Baron makes this little

"Alas," says Priam, there is but one survivor now, for the forester took his own life. He broke away from
those who were caring for him and hurled himself into the ocean. I only hope that Lord Straasha finds his
soul first." After a pause, the Baron continues. "The soldier is being cared for in the Temple of Lassa in the
west of the city. I can arrange a meeting for you, should that be desired." Note that the Priestess of Lassa will
be suspicious and bordering on hostility if any known or suspected Chaos servants (Melniboneans, Pan
Tangians) visit the Temple.

3) The Temple of Lassa

See p. 123 of SB3 for a fuller description of the Temples of Air.

Located in the west of the city, at the highest point known as Sanctuary Hill, is like all other temples of the
Lady of Air, made of pure white marble and completely absent of all windows and shutters. Most of the
rooms have no roofs either, though the hospital wing is roofed with light thatch in deference to the needs of
the patients.

The soldier is comatose. He encountered the Virtuous Door guarding the Tower Library and the experience
almost destroyed his soul. Currently he has a POW of 5 and is losing one POW point per day. It may be
possible to revive him temporarily (e.g. Plant or Poison Lore rolls or sorcerous intervention if it can be
carried out clandestinely), in order to extract his only possible clue: "The door!" he screams. "Beware the
Library door. It is cursed!" He lapses into a coma and begins losing two POW points per day.

4) Encounters in Cadsandria

• Berris Guldan. The noble/adventurer/womaniser is using Straasha's Rest for one of his romantic
assignations. Berris would be very interested in this quest. Stats for Berris are in the NPC Encounters
• Bar Room Brawl. Getting the PCs caught up in a brawl between two rival groups of sailors in their
• A street vendor with some rare herbs.
• A random act of senseless violence. Have the PCs set upon by a gang of thieves (Meldin Haak's gang,
as described in the NPC Encounters section) in the pay of Khailek Zandar but hired by intermediaries.
They are cannon fodder to test the PCs physical skills but, as they have been paid in Pan Tangian coin
(Silver Tigers), the connection cannot be understated.


1) Introduction

From Cadsandria to Andlermaign is approximately 600 miles. Under the best of conditions, assuming 60
miles per day (SB3 p.35) this journey would take 10 days. This is not, however, the best of conditions.

Assume that the first week of the journey (approximately 300 miles) will be reasonably easy going. This puts
the PCs travelling through a mixture of rolling hills, forest and good ground. The journey times average out
and the team make 40 to 50 miles per day for the first week.

Thereafter the terrain changes and we come to an area of wooded hills. The modifiers for woods and hills are
1/3 each which should slow the party to approximately 13 miles per day. Again assuming the best, say 20
miles per day on horseback, it would take another 15 days to reach Andlermaign. The Tower is located one
day's ride West of Andlermaign.

Thus we have a total journey time of three weeks, unless the players have other ideas.

A scanned copy of the original, hand-drawn campaign map is shown below:

2) Encounters - Week 1

a) Days 1 and 2

This should be reasonably easy travelling and may pass uneventfully if the GM desires. Two days ride from
Cadsandria is the town of Meru. This can provide a comfortable inn, probably the last the PCs will see for
several weeks.

b) Day 3

A further day out from Meru, the party is ambushed by bandits. Use Meldin Haak's gang for stats but add
extra ruffians if the PCs have recruited mercenaries or other bodyguards.

c) Days 4 to 7

1D4 days after the bandit attack, the party are set upon by D4+1 Demons of Combat, sent by Khailek Zandar.
They attack from ambush (Ambush 40%). Their appearances vary greatly but their stats are the same:


STR [23] CON [20] SIZ [12] INT [14] POW [12] DEX [11] CHA [0]
MOV [10]
Skill Group Bonuses
Atta 9% Parr 10% Agil 10% Mani 9% Perc 10% Stea 1% Know 2% Comm 0%
Hit Points = 16 Major Wound Level = 8
Claw Attack (x2) 64%
Horns Attack (where applicable) 66%
Bite Attack (where applicable) 77%
Grapple 51%, Dodge 44%, Jump 46%, Spot 43%, Language (Summoner's) 57%, Language (Demon-
tongue) 55%

The Demons do not parry and carry no treasure. Some suggestions for appearance are:

• A pig-headed human
• A gorilla with fangs (allowing a bite attack)
• A minotaur with horns (allowing horns attack)
• An amorphous lump of ooze with glowing innards. It moves and attacks by extending pseudopods
• An upright walking crocodile (with bite attack)

After this attack, the remainder of the first week is peaceful.

3) Encounters - Week 2

a) Day 1

The party encounter a group of 20 or so humans who are logging in the area. The wood is to be exported to
build ships. These ships will eventually attack Imryrr at the start of Elric of Melnibone. The workers are
camped in the region and are awaiting the arrival of drays to take their produce away. They may warn the
party about the big winged apes (Clakars) that live in the southern forests.

b) Days 2 and 3

These days pass uneventfully, allowing the PCs to make good progress.

c) Days 4 to 7

During these days there is a 2-in-6 chance of the PCs encountering Clakars. Run only one such encounter
over these days.

STR [8] CON [16] SIZ [13] INT [9] POW [14] DEX [20] CHA [0]
Hit Points = 15 Major Wound Level = 8
Bite 56%
Claw 70%
Wing Buffet 104%
Climb 53%, Fly 57%, Track 32%, Search 34%, Sense 29%, Listen 29%
STR [18] CON [10] SIZ [7] INT [13] POW [12] DEX [25] CHA [0]
Hit Points = 9 Major Wound Level = 5
Damage Bonus = +1D4
Bite 51%,
Claw 72%,
Wing Buffet 101%,
Climb 54%, Fly 46%, Track 30%, Search 33%, Sense 35%, Listen 34%

STR [17] CON [14] SIZ [11] INT [15] POW [9] DEX [11] CHA [0]
Hit Points = 13 Major Wound Level = 7
Damage Bonus = +1D4
Bite 51%,
Claw 72%,
Wing Buffet 101%,
Climb 54%, Fly 46%, Track 30%, Search 33%, Sense 35%, Listen 34%

STR [14] CON [9] SIZ [6] INT [11] POW [13] DEX [22] CHA [0]
Hit Points = 8 Major Wound Level = 4
Damage Bonus = NONE
Bite 58%,
Claw 77%,
Wing Buffet 110%,
Climb 65%, Fly 62%, Track 28%, Search 30%, Sense 29%, Listen 26%

Atta 10% Parr 11% Agil 11% Mani 10% Perc -4% Stea 5% Know -9% Comm -9%
Hit Points = 10 Major Wound Level = 5
Damage Bonus = NONE
Bite 57%,
Claw 74%,
Wing Buffet 103%,
Climb 60%, Fly 59%, Track 20%, Search 20%, Sense 19%, Listen 22%

Atta 12% Parr 16% Agil 16% Mani 12% Perc 3% Stea 5% Know -4% Comm -4%
Hit Points = 11 Major Wound Level = 6
Damage Bonus = NONE
Bite 54%,
Claw 74%,
Wing Buffet 109%,
Climb 62%, Fly 61%, Track 29%, Search 24%, Sense 27%, Listen 27%

Atta 17% Parr 22% Agil 22% Mani 17% Perc 11% Stea 5% Know 3% Comm 3%
Hit Points = 11 Major Wound Level = 6
Damage Bonus = NONE
Bite 63%,
Claw 84%,
Wing Buffet 109%,
Climb 67%, Fly 72%, Track 33%, Search 37%, Sense 35%, Listen 39%
Atta 6% Parr 3% Agil 3% Mani 6% Perc 8% Stea 5% Know 2% Comm 2%
Hit Points = 13 Major Wound Level = 7
Damage Bonus = NONE
Bite 48%,
Claw 69%,
Wing Buffet 101%,
Climb 47%, Fly 51%, Track 37%, Search 35%, Sense 35%, Listen 36%

Also over the course of these four days, there is a 10% chance (or higher if the PCs are getting cocky) that
Khailek Zandar will unleash his secret weapon: a pack of Dharzi Hunting Dogs. Khailek Zandar has enough
Demons of Desire under his control that the Dogs are summonable. There are 1D3+1 Dogs with the
following stats:

STR [17] CON [16] SIZ [10] INT [5] POW [13] DEX [15] CHA [0]
Hit Points = 13 Major Wound Level = 7
Damage Bonus = +1D4
Claw 32%,
Bite 36%,
Track 92%, Search 29%, Climb 58%, Dodge 60%

STR [14] CON [22] SIZ [9] INT [8] POW [9] DEX [18] CHA [0]
Hit Points = 16 Major Wound Level = 8
Damage Bonus = NONE
Claw 37%,
Bite 37%,
Track 99%, Search 35%, Climb 60%, Dodge 57%

DHARZI DOG 3 (The runt of the litter)

STR [7] CON [10] SIZ [11] INT [3] POW [16] DEX [10] CHA [0]
Hit Points = 11 Major Wound Level = 6
Damage Bonus = NONE
Claw 19%,
Bite 26%,
Track 93%, Search 23%, Climb 41%, Dodge 42%

STR [13] CON [14] SIZ [12] INT [4] POW [15] DEX [13] CHA [0]
Hit Points = 13 Major Wound Level = 7
Damage Bonus = +1D6
Claw 27%,
Bite 30%,
Track 91%, Search 23%, Climb 47%, Dodge 49%

After either, both or neither of these encounters (they are all based on chance, so may not happen unless the
GM wants them to) the remaining days pass peacefully.

4) Encounters - Week 3

a) Day 1

The PCs encounter the small village of Amusk, located in a small valley. There is but one low quality inn
here but it us currently full of foresters and loggers. The PCs may have to sleep on the common room floor.

In Amusk there is little to do and little of interest except the information that:

A Pan Tangian has passed through recently in the company of another foreigner (Katerien the assassin; same
stats, different sex). One of the local village girls disappeared recently. Khailek Zandar plans to sacrifice the
girl to summon the Hunting Dogs of the Dharzi to attack the PCs. If the attack has happened, the girl's body
can be found while the PCs are in Amusk (it's always those foreigners). If the attack has not happened, the
girl is missing and the PCs may be asked to join a search party.

b) Day 2

As soon as the PCs leave Amusk, they will be attacked by the Hunting Dogs, assuming this hasn't happened
at this point.

c) Days 3, 4, 5

One one of these days, Khailek Zandar will decide he has had enough of the PCs. He will attack in person,
using Demons of Combat, human bodyguards, Earth and Fire Elementals. This should be a great battle.

Can Khailek Zandar be bargained with?

Alternatively, Khailek Zandar may use sorcerous scouts to spy on the PCs, intent on tracking them to the
Tower and ambushing them ay a later stage. In this case the GM should allow such scouts to be detected by
the PCs.

d) Days 6 and 7

The PCs will reach Andlermaign on one of these days, depending on how slowly they travel after the battles.

Andlermaign will probably be no more than a rest site and stop over for the party. There is a small Temple of
Grome here. The priests will charge highly for healing services but at least there is an option of getting some

5) Khailek Zandar of Pan Tang

Khailek Zandar is a powerful sorceror, whose ambition earned him the enmity of Jagreen Lern. Khailek
Zandar spirited himself away from Pan Tang just before the Theocrat's Demons arrived to tear him to pieces.
He has learned of the Grimoire through Parig Arass and intends to possess the Grimoire himself and use it to
seize power in Pan Tang. Zandar is based on the character of Karyzoon in the SB3 scenario "Karyzoon's
STR [12] CON [14] SIZ [12] INT [24] POW [20] DEX [11] CHA [13]
Atta 20% Parr 8% Agil 8% Mani 20% Perc 20% Stea 12% Know 24% Comm 21%
Hit Points = 14 Major Wound Level = 7
Armour: Demon Robes CON 78
Damage Bonus: None
Dagger Attack 47% Dagger Parry 35%
Falchion Attack 67% Falchion Parry 55%
Read/Write/Speak Common 98%
Read/Write/Speak Mabden 88%
Read/Write/Speak Low Melnibonean 78%
Read/Write/Speak High Melnibonean 58%
Theology 84% Persuade 43% Plant Lore 64% First Aid 64% Poison Lore 56%
Magical Skills
Zandar qualifies as a Rank 4 sorceror and may summon
Gnome 68% Sylph 68% Salamander 68% Undine 68%
Demon of Possession 90% Demon of Knowledge 90% Demon of Desire 90%
Demon of Protection 90% Demon of Combat 90% Demon of Transport 90%
Summon Elemental Rulers Straasha 35% and Kakatal 35%
As a priest, Zandar has 45 Elan points from previous work.
Zandar should have 5 additional skills of the GM's choice, the
starting skill percentages for which are:
28 41 25 17 38
Remember to add appropriate bonuses to these skills.

3 Healing Potions (1D6 in 1D6 hours), 1 Healing Potion (2D6 in 2D6 hours),
1 Paralytic Poison with Antidote, 1 Sleeping Poison and Antidote


STR [20] CON [21] SIZ [1] INT [7] POW [8] DEX [40] CHA [3]
An ornate, gold-hilted falchion. Grants +2D6 damage and +10% To Hit


STR [0] CON [78] SIZ [12] INT [0] POW [0] DEX [0] CHA [0]
Ceremonial robes of a Priest of Chardros. Grants 78 armour points of protection.

Khailek Zandar may have up to five more demons in bound into service and he is willing to summon many
others for one-time uses. Zandar may also employ human guards like Pikaraydian warriors, or Tark's Gang
described in the NPC Encounters section.


1) Introduction

About a day's journey outside Andlermaign, the Tower is located in a densely wooded valley. It is here that
the Lords of Law have laid their trap.

The Tower is guarded by Darius Bardin, Agent of Donblas, and four human guards.

2) The Tower - Ground Floor

A scanned copy of the original hand-drawn map is shown below:

a) Room 1

This is the entrance chamber. If the guards are alerted to the PCs presence there will be one guard hiding at
the entrance to room 4, watching and waiting.

Apart from the exterior door which is locked at night (-20% Pick Locks chance, Armour 4, 60 Hit Points),
there are no doors or curtains covering the exits from Room 1.

b) Room 2

The store room, containing clothing, provisions, weapons and shields. The weapons are of the types used by
the guards and Bardin (assume D6 of each type). The shields are Heaters, Targets and Bucklers (D3 of each

c) Room 3

This is the guards' kitchen. Meals are prepared here for all the guards and Darius Bardin. There are
approximately 4 weeks food supplies here.

d) Room 4

The guards' barracks room. The four guards sleep here. At night, they all sleep (rather than posting a watch),
under the benevolent protection of Lord Donblas, unless they are alerted to Chaotic presence (see Bardin's
stats for details). If on alert they will be waiting in ambush in Room 4. Assume a 50% Ambush skill.
Each guard has a locked chest at the foot of their bed and usually carry the keys with them. The chests
contain clothing, personal effects and D100 LB.

3) The Tower - First Floor

A scanned copy of the original hand-drawn map is shown below:

a) Room 5

This area has been cleared for combat practice. A weapons rack (x) contains more broadswords, axes, maces
and shields. Around the edges of the room are piled heavy boxes, crates and barrels, all filled with sand and
gravel, which are used to create obstacles, high ground and platforms, again for mock combats. At the top of
the stairs (y) is a piled of barrels which can be toppled down the stairs onto pursuers.

If fighting starts downstairs the guards will eventually retreat here to be joined by Bardin.

b) Room 6

This room is empty at the moment. It could have been a library at one time. The door is locked.

c) Room 7

This is Darius Bardin's personal quarters. He can be found here at the start of the scenario and will join his
men if fighting starts. Apart from his bed there is a small locked chest (containing personal effects and 20
SG) and a small shrine dedicated to Donblas. He has keys for Rooms 9 and 10.
Darius will be warned of Chaotic presences by his Amulet of Law and will be alerted to the PCs attack plans
(if they make any) by his Virtue of Knowledge. Darius has a Virtuous Great Sword and is not afraid to use it!

4) The Tower - Second Floor

A scanned copy of the original hand-drawn map is shown below:

a) Room 8

This room is empty. However, a ladder (l) leans against the wall and could be used to reach the Trapdoor (t)
in the ceiling.

The Trapdoor (t) is a Virtue of Defence bound into the door. The Virtue has a POW of 20. It is this which
drove the soldier insane. People attempting to pass through the trapdoor must either

Use the correct password. Known to Bardin, the password is "Hawkmoon". Overcome the door in an INT vs.
POW struggle on the Resistance Table. Failure costs automatic SAN loss of 2D6, while success still costs 1

Notes on the door

• Even if the correct password is used, ALL demons passing through the door are attacked POW vs.
POW and are destroyed if they fail.
• The door is not destroyed if it is beaten in the INT/POW or POW/POW struggles. It remains active
and the rolls are required again when exiting.
• Rules for Virtues are on pp 127-8 of SB3.
b) Room 9

Behind the locked door to this room there is nothing of interest. Bardin has the key to this room.

c) Room 10

The door to this room is heavily locked (-20% Pick Locks skill) and is trapped with a poisoned needle. The
toxin is paralytic and takes effect if the character fails a CON x 3% roll. The room contains several chests,
one of which stands in a Triangle of Law.

The chests are locked with increasingly intricate locks and contain

• Chest 1 (Locked) - 1000LB in five bags of 200

• Chest 2 (Locked) - 1500LB and 100SS scattered loosely
• Chest 3 (Locked) - 20SS, 20LS, 10SG in bags
• Chest 4 (Locked) - Gold Brooch (310LB), Silver Circlet, studded with diamonds and worth 5200LB
• Chest 5 (Locked at -10% Pick Locks) - Ceremonial robes, possibly dedicated to Xiombarg
(appropriate Knowledge or Religion skill to determine this). Worth 4200LB including the gold chains
and decorations sown onto the robe.
• Chest 6 (Locked at -20% Pick Locks) - contains healing and other potions.
• 2 1D6 Healing Potions
• 2 2D6 Healing Potions
• 1 D10 ingested toxin. Labelled in Mabden.
• 1 unfinished healing potion. In effect this is an ingested toxin that causes 1D6 Hit Points
damage in 1D6 hours.
• 1 Acid vial doing D10 damage to whatever it hits
• 1 Acid vial that does 1D20 damage to whatever it hits. Labelled in Mabden.
• Unless otherwise stated, all the bottles are labelled in Common.
• Chest 7 (Locked at -40% to Pick Locks) - This is a chest of goodly size (4' long, 2.4' wide, 2' deep)
and is warded inside a Triangle of Law with a POW of 14. The same rules apply to this Triangle as to
the Virtuous Trapdoor in Room 8. Inside the chest are the following Magic Items


STR [50] CON [24] SIZ [2] INT [1] POW [13] DEX [16] CHA [5]
Grants +5D6 damage and +4% To Hit


STR [51] CON [24] SIZ [2] INT [5] POW [5] DEX [20] CHA [9]
Grants +5D6 damage and +5% To Hit


STR [30] CON [22] SIZ [1] INT [1] POW [12] DEX [40] CHA [5]
Grants +3D6 damage and +10% To Hit

A Gold Ring containing a bound Sylph (500LB)

A Silver Brooch containing a bound Undine (250LB)

These treasures and most of those in the other chests have been taken from previous Chaotic parties and are
destined for Donblas' treasury in Cadsandria.
5) The Tower - Third Floor - The Library

A scanned copy of the original hand-drawn map is shown below:

a) Room 11 - The Library

This room takes up the whole upper floor. It is dominated by a large lectern in a Triangle of Law.
Bookshelves surround the lectern on three sides and a final shelf lines one wall. There must be over 1000
books here. But of the Golden Grimoire ... there is no sign at all! It has been spirited away by Lord Arioch,
who had uncovered the schemes of Law, and was hiding it from the Pan Tangians. The Lord of the Higher
Hell has destroyed the POW of the Triangle of Law which is now inert but may cause PCs to be cautious.

The PCs are free to investigate the Library which contains books drawn from all planes and times. There are
many languages here, not all from the Young Kingdoms, and which may require Demons of Knowledge to
decipher. Randomly generate the subject matter of any given book. Roll 2D6
First Roll

1,2 3,4 5,6

1 Physics Herbalism Languages

2 Chemistry Toxicology Fiction

3 Biology Philosophy Metaphysics

4 Mathematics History Magic

5 Technology Geography Monsters

6 Religion Music Skills

Skills books require INTx5% to assimilate and raise a skill by 1D6 points or 2D6 on a critical roll.

Some non-Young Kingdoms titles include

• Rituel et Dogma de la Haute Magie, French, Eliphas Levi

• Magick in Theory and Practice, English, Aleister Crowley
• De Natura Demonium, WFRP Olde Worlder, various authors
• De Bestis Chaotica, WFRP Olde Worlder, various authors
• De Divis Chaotica, WFRP Olde Worlder, various authors (this contains the early history of the
Golden Grimoire)

6) The Tower - Guards

STR [13] CON [12] SIZ [12] INT [12] POW [13] DEX [13] CHA [9]
Atta 3% Parr 3% Agil 3% Mani 3% Perc 1% Stea 1% Know 0% Comm 1%
Hit Points = 12 Major Wound Level = 6
Armour: Plate + Helm, D10+2
Broadsword Attack 59% Broadsword Parry 53%
Shortsword Attack 49% Shortsword Parry 43%
Disarm 33% Strike to Stun 33% Ride 28%
STR [14] CON [7] SIZ [11] INT [12] POW [11] DEX [9] CHA [13]
Atta 2% Parr 2% Agil 2% Mani 2% Perc 0% Stea 0% Know 0% Comm 1%
Hit Points = 9 Major Wound Level = 5
Armour: Plate + Helm, D10+2
Broadsword Attack 52% Broadsword Parry 52%
Dagger Attack 42% Dagger Parry 42%
Disarm 32% Strike to Stun 32% Ride 67%

STR [13] CON [13] SIZ [12] INT [16] POW [9] DEX [11] CHA [11]
Atta 5% Parr 1% Agil 1% Mani 5% Perc 4% Stea 4% Know 8% Comm 4%
Hit Points = 13 Major Wound Level = 7
Armour: Plate + Helm, D10+2
Battleaxe Attack 55% Battleaxe Parry 51%
Heater Attack 45% Heater Parry 41%
Disarm 35% Strike to Stun 35% Ride 26%

STR [11] CON [15] SIZ [10] INT [15] POW [12] DEX [10] CHA [12]
Atta 3% Parr 0% Agil 0% Mani 3% Perc 3% Stea 3% Know 6% Comm 3%
Hit Points = 13 Major Wound Level = 7
Armour: Plate + Helm, D10+2
Sea Axe Attack 53% Sea Axe Parry 50%
Light Mace Attack 43% Light Mace Parry 40%
Disarm 33% Strike to Stun 33% Ride 65%


STR [15] CON [32] SIZ [13] INT [12] POW [9] DEX [16] CHA [12]
Atta 7% Parr 6% Agil 6% Mani 7% Perc 0% Stea 3% Know 0% Comm 0%
Hit Points = 32 Major Wound Level = 16
Armour: Virtuous Plate + Helm, 12 points
Virtuous Great Sword Attack 66% Virtuous Great Sword Parry 66%
Light Mace Attack 57% Light Mace Parry 46%
Battleaxe Attack 44% Battleaxe Parry 36%
Disarm 37% Strike to Stun 37% Poison Lore 30%
Search 25% Move Quietly 53% Hide 43% Ambush 53%
Listen 40% Ride 71% See 44%

Darius' possessions include

• Virtuous Greatsword POW 18 (Virtue of Attack)

• Virtuous Plate Armour POW 20 (Virtue of Defence)
• Amulet of Visions POW 17 (Virtue of Knowledge)
• Steel Horse POW 17 (Virtue of Travel, summoned to Darius by telepathy)
• Amulet of Donblas (warns of Chaotic presence)
• Keys for all locks except those of the Guards' personal chests
• The password for the Virtuous Trapdoor ("Hawkmoon")
• Rules for Virtues and the Amulet of Donblas are on pp 127-8 of SB3

Items marked in bold should disappear after Bardin's death.


1) Introduction

This is the recovery phase.

The Lords of Law destroy the Tower with a lightning strike 1D6 hours after the defeat of their Agent. Any
PCs in the Library are allowed a POWx1% save. Anyone on lower levels has a POWx5% save. On a
successful save, the PC escapes with his/her life. Any PCs that fail are blown to smithereens. Generous GMs,
however, may inflict temporary deafness and/or blindness on those who fail their saving throws.

During the time available to them, the PCs may offload interesting books from the Library. There is likely to
be a sense of despair, that they have come so far, through so much danger, only to leave without the real
prize. Good. This will teach them not to meddle in the affairs of the Lords of the Higher Worlds. Tanelorn

2) Information Gathering

They may have some time to question Demons of Knowledge about the Golden Grimoire. Now that the
Lords of Law have withdrawn their powers (their move in the Cosmic chess game being over for now), the
Demons may be able to reveal the following:

• The early history of the Golden Grimoire

• The Tower was a trap from start to finish
• That the Lords of Law planned the trap
• That the Grimoire has in fact resurfaced but was spirited away
• On a critical roll, the Demon may reveal that Lord Arioch moved the Grimoire to the Forest of Troos.
A non-critical roll will hint only that the Grimoire is in a huge, dark forest
• That the password for the Virtuous Trapdoor is Hawkmoon (but only on a critical INT roll or
POWx1% roll)

After the Gods of Law destroy the Tower, surviving PCs will have to decide what to do next. Possible
options include:

• Hunt down Khailek Zandar, if he survived the earlier encounter. The GM should try to ensure he does
as Khailek Zandar and Parig Arass would be a powerful team.
• Hunt down the Lawfuls who set up the trap. This would mean a crusade against the Cult of Law in
Argimiliar and probably Lormyr as well. What a campaign that would make!
• Quest for the Golden Grimoire in the Forest of Troos. This is another adventure.

3) Important Campaign Note

One of the characters in the original campaign was a Melnibonean sorceror and priest of Arioch. This led to a
role-playing interlude on the Dragon Isle itself, which was very interesting for all concerned. This session led
to the information that the Grimoire could not be touched by mortal hands and that the Gauntlets of Matik,
hidden on Sorceror's Isle, would be needed before the Grimoire itself could be recovered.

If your PCs do not include a Melnibonean, you may wish to skip the Imrryr scenario and include the
following information, revealed by Demon of Knowledge.

• The Grimoire is protected by a lethal poison and cannot be held in mortal hands. The Gauntlets of
Matik must be worn by the user of the Grimoire or death will result.
• The Gauntlets of Matik are hidden on Sorceror's Isle.

Of course, it would be great if the PCs can go to Imrryr and have a very special adventure.

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