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Mozesh Sabov

Global warming is the most significant

problem facing us today
In my opinion, today is one of the most problems on the Global. We should do
something that we stop Global warming. Because a lot of animals die out for climate
change. A lot of factories pour out many carbon-dioxide, therefore pollute the air. And
these unhealthy for people. I think that these harmful to people healthy.
There are people who believe that is not an important thing because they think not
possible against it. They think haves next to it other important things, for example,
poverty, disease, nuclear war, etc. Therefore they’re not acting anything.
In fact the poverty, disease, etc. also important, but if we not acting, then the Earth
will be ruined. We feel many of the consequences of Global warming. I disagree with
people, who think that we shouldn't act anything. We should hold together if we want
everything better to be.

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