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Habitat for Humanity Article

Headline: UCB helps provide new home to navy veteran

Last week, 18 members of our UCB colleagues came together to support a very worthy cause, giving 12-
year navy veteran Tiffany Evans and her four children a new home. During their day of volunteering, the
UCB team, under the direction of Habitat for Humanity leaders, painted the first coat of paint inside
Tiffany’s new house.

The UCB volunteer team included representatives from Market Access and Planning, Communications
and Finance. Together they volunteered with another team from The Home Depot to complete one of
the final steps. Tiffany and her family expect to receive the keys to their new home at a dedication
ceremony on Sept 9, 2017.

A special thank you to Amanda Tucker for organizing this year’s Habitat build. And thanks to the UCB
team who came out to demonstrate how UCB creates value for people in need.

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